July 8, 2022 Daily Horoscopes Digest

Click here for Georgia Nicols daily horoscopes

Moon Alert

After 1:30 AM EDT today, there are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Scorpio.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Be careful that you don’t go out on a limb today, especially regarding something to do with your home, a family member, or even a parent. Something to do with cash flow, earnings and possessions will create problems. Money is an issue. Stay chill.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Keep your temper in check today because the Moon is opposite fiery Mars in your sign, which is the classic combination for arguments and explosive disputes. Keep your shirt on. Instead, seek ways to have a shrewd discussion with somebody that will benefit you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Although you might have difficulty with a coworker or work-related issue, nevertheless, you can still drive an excellent bargain related to finances, salary or something that you own. Make sure you don’t say something in haste that you later regret. Avoid disputes about pets.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today you might be distracted by an argument with kids, a social outing, sports or a romantic partner, which in turn causes you to lose your judgment about something financially speaking. For example, you might impulsively buy something that you later regret. You might spend too much money. Caution!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Don’t lose it dealing with family members today, especially parents. The fact is that it will be easy to do this today because energy is explosive! However, if you take your time, take a deep breath, and renegotiate something behind the scenes, you can win!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Demonstrate grace under pressure today and don’t blow your cool. You will be tempted to speak your mind with someone and then end up in an argument, especially with a sibling, relatives or neighbour. Why end up with egg on your face? (Ketchup helps.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Do not overreact today if you are angry about financial matters or something that you own. What is more likely is that you don’t feel you’re getting your fair share of something. Instead, make your appeal to an authority figure. Look to where your bread is buttered.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today the Moon is in your sign at odds with fiery Mars, which leads to explosive outbursts and arguments. (“Who me?”) You will be ahead of the game if you keep your temper in check. Instead, get involved in exciting travel plans or something to do with higher education and the law. Switch your focus.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Something going on behind the scenes might irk you today. You sense what’s taking place and you’re not happy. Instead, swivel your focus to shared property, banking issues and the wealth of someone else because if you are clever, you can get richer today.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Avoid arguments with friends and groups today because you will gain nothing. In fact, you might lose. “Confucius said, “He who flings dirt only loses ground.” Instead, seek support from a friend or partner because they will benefit your home and family.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is an explosive day for family relations. Arguments might break out. Relatives and parents will be at odds with you or each other. But who wins? Everyone loses when there is disharmony at home. Instead, focus on your work because here you can make great strides.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is the accident-prone day for you because arguments and anger can create distractions for you. Therefore, do what you can to keep your cool. Meanwhile, enjoy social outings, fun times with kids, sports events and any occasion that promises a good time for you. You deserve this.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Kevin Bacon (1958) shares your birthday today. You are caring, sensitive and nurturing person. Family members and friends will turn to you for advice and comfort. You are intuitive and intelligent; and you sense what is going on with others. This year you want to enjoy life. You want to socialize with others and find opportunities to express your creativity!

July 8, 2022 Current Moon Phase Digest

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.

From MoonGiant.com

Tomorrow the Moon will be in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts about 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon rises in the east in mid-afternoon and is high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible through most of the night sky setting a few hours before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.

Visit the July 2022 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Tomorrow’s Waxing Gibbous Phase

The Waxing Gibbous on July 8 has an illumination of 65%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On July 8 the Moon is 8.82 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Phase Details

Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Illumination: 65%
Moon Age: 8.82 days
Moon Angle: 0.53
Moon Distance: 374,598.86 km
Sun Angle: 0.52
Sun Distance: 152,094,075.53 km

Useful Moon Resources

8 July 2022 Southern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions Digest

If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link


To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link

 For Your Local Time and Date 

Southeastern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America

8 July 2022
03:00 pm GMT 12:00 PM BRT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Cancer 27
Moon:05 Scorpio 33
Mercury:06 Cancer 47
Venus:18 Gemini 39
Mars:02 Taurus 21
Jupiter:08 Aries 03
Saturn:24 Aquarius 22 Rx
Uranus:18 Taurus 02
Neptune:25 Pisces 25 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 38 Rx

True Lunar Node:20 Taurus 57
Mean Lunar Node:19 Taurus 33 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):09 Cancer 26

Chiron:16 Aries 23
Ceres:23 Cancer 17
Pallas:01 Gemini 39
Juno:20 Pisces 36
Vesta:06 Pisces 54 Rx

Eris:25 Aries 01


Southern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Cape Town, South Africa

8 July 2022
10:00 am GMT 12:00 PM SAST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Cancer 15
Moon:02 Scorpio 42
Mercury:06 Cancer 21
Venus:18 Gemini 24
Mars:02 Taurus 13
Jupiter:08 Aries 03
Saturn:24 Aquarius 23 Rx
Uranus:18 Taurus 02
Neptune:25 Pisces 25 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 38 Rx

True Lunar Node:20 Taurus 57
Mean Lunar Node:19 Taurus 33 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):09 Cancer 25

Chiron:16 Aries 23
Ceres:23 Cancer 12
Pallas:01 Gemini 33
Juno:20 Pisces 35
Vesta:06 Pisces 54 Rx

Eris:25 Aries 01


Southwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 

8 July 2022
02:00 am GMT 12:00 PM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:15 Cancer 56
Moon:28 Libra 10
Mercury:05 Cancer 39
Venus:18 Gemini 00
Mars:01 Taurus 59
Jupiter:08 Aries 01
Saturn:24 Aquarius 24 Rx
Uranus:18 Taurus 01
Neptune:25 Pisces 25 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 38 Rx

True Lunar Node:20 Taurus 57
Mean Lunar Node:19 Taurus 34 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):09 Cancer 22

Chiron:16 Aries 23
Ceres:23 Cancer 03
Pallas:01 Gemini 24
Juno:20 Pisces 32
Vesta:06 Pisces 54 Rx

Eris:25 Aries 01


July 8, 2022 Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions Digest

If you want to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link


To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) for your local time use this link

For Your Local Time and Date

Northwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Los Angeles, California, USA

July 08, 2022
07:00 pm GMT 12:00 PM PDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Cancer 36
Moon:07 Scorpio 51
Mercury:07 Cancer 07
Venus:18 Gemini 51
Mars:02 Taurus 28
Jupiter:08 Aries 04
Saturn:24 Aquarius 21 Rx
Uranus:18 Taurus 03
Neptune:25 Pisces 25 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 37 Rx

True Lunar Node:20 Taurus 57
Mean Lunar Node:19 Taurus 32 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):09 Cancer 27

Chiron:16 Aries 23
Ceres:23 Cancer 22
Pallas:01 Gemini 44
Juno:20 Pisces 37
Vesta:06 Pisces 54 Rx

Eris:25 Aries 01


Northern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, USA

July 08, 2022
05:00 pm GMT 12:00 PM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Cancer 31
Moon:06 Scorpio 42
Mercury:06 Cancer 57
Venus:18 Gemini 45
Mars:02 Taurus 25
Jupiter:08 Aries 04
Saturn:24 Aquarius 22 Rx
Uranus:18 Taurus 02
Neptune:25 Pisces 25 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 38 Rx

True Lunar Node:20 Taurus 57
Mean Lunar Node:19 Taurus 32 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):09 Cancer 26

Chiron:16 Aries 23
Ceres:23 Cancer 19
Pallas:01 Gemini 42
Juno:20 Pisces 36
Vesta:06 Pisces 54 Rx

Eris:25 Aries 01


Northeastern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Frankfurt, Germany, Europe

8 July 2022
10:00 am GMT 12:00 PM CEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Cancer 15
Moon:02 Scorpio 42
Mercury:06 Cancer 21
Venus:18 Gemini 24
Mars:02 Taurus 13
Jupiter:08 Aries 03
Saturn:24 Aquarius 23 Rx
Uranus:18 Taurus 02
Neptune:25 Pisces 25 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 38 Rx

True Lunar Node:20 Taurus 57
Mean Lunar Node:19 Taurus 33 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):09 Cancer 25

Chiron:16 Aries 23
Ceres:23 Cancer 12
Pallas:01 Gemini 33
Juno:20 Pisces 35
Vesta:06 Pisces 54 Rx

Eris:25 Aries 01


July 8 Tarot Card, Rune, Witch’s Rune, Ogham Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Click on the hyperlinks for information about the Death card from the Linestrider card deck on tarotx.net

Death – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. Keyword by the Death Linestrider

II. Meaning of the Death Linestrider

III. The Death Linestrider in a Tarot spread

IV. Message of The Death Linestrider

V. Corresponding Associations of Death Linestrider

More The Death Cards from Famous Tarot Decks


From TheRuneSite.com – Armanen Runes


Sound: “b”
Stands for: Birth
Casting meaning: This rune represents birth, but in a sense of the birth of the future life that is preordained for us. Modern versions of this rune say it stands for the power of becoming as well as the power of creativity found in song.

Witches Rune

From OtherWorldlyOracle.com – Witches Runes


Growth, new beginnings, fertility, prosperity, solar magic, god

When this witches rune pops up in a reading, I typically smile. The sun means different things to different people; however, the fact that it sustains the planet also means it sustains our lives and brings an abundance of good things.


From thepeculiarbrunette.com – Ogham


Pronunciation – Chin-yuh

Tree Association – holly

Meaning – Expertise, analysis, protection, transformation, and talent or skill. It may feel as if you are secretly being sabotaged, or there is an underhanded plot against you. Either in your relationships, at work, spiritually, or all of them combined, and you may feel a lot of anger. Now is not the time for revenge; instead, choose harmony, wit, and bravery to find solutions to the current contention. Also symbolic of your creative talents and skills, this can be spiritually, personally, or at work. Either an indicator you need to push through any creative barriers you’re struggling with or encouragement to continue along this artistic path.

If reversed – Attack, hardship, or aggression. Choose your battles wisely; now may be a time to retreat and regroup. Do not be embarrassed and trust your instinct; you may need time to adjust to new situations or spiritual transformations. Alternatively, you may be avoiding a creative skill you would ultimately flourish in; this is a sign to pursue and learn more!

Inscription and Magical Uses – Place beneath your doormat to protect your home. Use when trying to adapt to new conditions or circumstances or when you need a new outlook. Helpful when needed creative inspiration.

Folklore – Wood from a Holly tree was highly regarded by warriors and protectors and frequently used to make weapons. Holly was often planted around a home to keep out evil spirits. Representative of the Holly King, who marks the beginning and climax of the Winter Solstice.

Spell for Today – Banish Procrastination – Printable

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Friday

From AncientPathway.com

Magickal Intentions:
Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart
Pink Rose
Water Lilly
Rose Quartz
Pink Tourmaline

Pagan and Magickal Terms and Definitions

Today’s Word is


From moonlitpriestess.com

Removing, pushing away, or expelling something or someone magickally; generally for removing negativity or unwanted spirits.

July 8 Today in History

Today’s Important Historical Events

1099 First Crusade: 15,000 starving Christian soldiers march in religious procession around Jerusalem as its Muslim defenders look on

1497 Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama departs on his first voyage, will become the 1st European to reach India by sea

1777 Independent Vermont introduces a new constitution, prohibiting slavery

1800 Dr Benjamin Waterhouse gives 1st cowpox vaccination in the US to his son to prevent smallpox

1853 Commodore Matthew C. Perry sails his frigate Susquehanna into Tokyo Bay, opening Japan to Western influence and trade

1948 500th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated in Moscow

1949 South Africa’s Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act commences, prohibiting marriage or a sexual relationship between White people and people of other races [1]

Today’s Historical Events

939 The Major Occultation, or Ghaybat el-Kubra of Muhammad al-Mahdi

1099 First Crusade: 15,000 starving Christian soldiers march in religious procession around Jerusalem as its Muslim defenders look on

1283 War of the Sicilian Vespers: Battle of Malta

1497 Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama departs on his first voyage, will become the 1st European to reach India by sea

1579 Our Lady of Kazan, a holy icon of the Russian Orthodox Church, was discovered underground in the city of Kazan, Tatarstan

1663 King Charles II of England grants a charter to Rhode Island

1672 William III is appointed stadholder by the States General in the Netherlands

1680 The first confirmed tornado in America kills a servant at Cambridge, Massachusetts

Today’s Historical Events in Film and TV

1954 KMOX (now KMOV) TV channel 4 in Saint Louis, MO (CBS) 1st broadcast

1982 15th San Diego Comic-Con International opens at Hotel San Diego

2005 Marvel superhero film “The Fantastic Four” starring Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica AlbaChris Evans and Michael Chiklis premieres

2010 “Inception”, directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, premieres in London

Today’s Historical Events in Music

1946 “Tidbits of 1946” opens at Plymouth Theater NYC for 8 performances

1949 Monte Irvin & Hank Thompson, 1st black players for New York Giants, 4-3 loss to Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field

1982 “7 Brides for 7 Brothers” opens at Alvin Theater NYC for 5 performances

1988 Rockers Jonathan “Chico” & Robert DeBarge indicted on drug trafficking

1988 Stevie Wonder announces he will run for mayor of Detroit in 1992; he does not follow through

1996 British girls group the Spice Girls release their debut single “Wannabe” in the UK

Today’s Historical Events in Sports

1889 John L. Sullivan successfully defends last officially sanctioned, bare-knuckle world heavyweight prizefighting championship; Jake Kilrain’s trainer throws in towel after 75 x 1-minute rounds near Hattiesburg, Mississippi

1889 Wimbledon Men’s Tennis: William Renshaw wins his 7th Wimbledon singles title; beats twin brother Ernest Renshaw 6-4, 6-1, 3-6, 6-0

1898 Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Red Donahue no-hits Boston Beaneaters, 5-0 at the Baker Bowl

1902 Baltimore manager John McGraw is accused by AL President Ban Johnson of trying to wreck the Orioles & Washington Senators; negotiates his release from the Orioles, having already signed with NY Giants

1905 Wimbledon Women’s Tennis: May Sutton becomes first American player to win the singles title at Wimbledon; beats Dorothea Chambers 6-3, 6-4

1905 Wimbledon Men’s Tennis: Home town favourite Laurence Doherty wins his 4th consecutive Wimbledon singles title; beats Norman Brookes of Australia 8-6 6-2 6-4

1909 1st pro baseball game (minor league) played under lights

1911 Wimbledon Men’s Tennis: Anthony Wilding of New Zealand wins 2nd of 4 consecutive Wimbledon singles titles beating Herbert Roper-Barrett 6-4, 4-6, 2-6, 6-2 ret

Charming Something to Use for Personal Protection Workshop

I have had more requests than usual on how to make a personal protection talisman. So, I decided to do a witchy workshop on the topic. It will cover why everyone should always carry personal protection talisman along with a discussion about the topic. We will also make a personal protection talisman during the workshop. The workshop should last about 90 minutes depending on the Q & A part. The circle to make your personal protection talisman will take no longer than 30 minutes. 

Email High Priestess Lady Beltane at ladybeltane@aol.com to reserve your place for this workshop. Workshop will be held on Saturday, July 9 at 11:00 AM CDT. Workshop limited to 10 people. The donation for this workshop will be $20.00 USD.

You can use this link to find out what YOUR local time will be.


An object you will wear or carry with you daily

Bowl of water large enough to dip your object in

A red candle to run the object through the flame

Small amount of table salt or dirt to lightly sprinkle on the object


Lady Beltane will cast a sacred circle and call the quarters

First, we will cleanse the object with the objects that represent the elements

Second, we will charm the object

Lastly Lady Beltane will open the circle and dismiss the quarters

July 7 Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2022 July 7

The NGC 6914 Complex

Image Credit & CopyrightGiorgio Ferrari

Explanation: A study in contrasts, this colorful skyscape features stars, dust, and glowing gas in the vicinity of NGC 6914. The interstellar complex of nebulae lies some 6,000 light-years away, toward the high-flying northern constellation Cygnus and the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. Obscuring interstellar dust clouds appear in silhouette while reddish hydrogen emission nebulae, along with the dusty blue reflection nebulae, fill the cosmic canvas. Ultraviolet radiation from the massive, hot, young stars of the extensive Cygnus OB2 association ionize the region’s atomic hydrogen gas, producing the characteristic red glow as protons and electrons recombine. Embedded Cygnus OB2 stars also provide the blue starlight strongly reflected by the dust clouds. The over 1 degree wide telescopic field of view spans about 100 light-years at the estimated distance of NGC 6914.