The Call of the Elements

The Call of the Elements

by Olwen

ritual poetry


East: Come all spirits of air and mind,
Knowledge gain and memory bind,
Come rookery and eagle in flight,
Fresh spring breeze and dawn’s first light,
Come wind whipping ’round tree and tower,
Please bless our circle with your power!
South: Come all spirits of flame and fire,
Blood of life, heat of pyre,
Come fierce lion and phoenix raise,
Soft candlelight and bright bonfire blaze,
Come summer sun, wild untamed flower,
Please bless our circle with your power!
West: Come all spirits of water and ocean,
Mother’s womb and tide of emotion,
Come playful dolphin and fish, lake deep,
Silvery moon and dreams in sleep,
Come twilight mist and autumn shower,
Please bless our circle with your power!
North: Come all spirits of the growing earth,
Sacred mysteries of death and birth,
Come lumbering bear and antlered stag,
Hidden cavern and mountain crag,
Come furrowed fields and verdant bower,
Please bless our circle with your power!
Spirit: Come all spirits of the turning wheel,
Elements balance and circle seal,
Around and about, through in and though out,
Change within manifest without,
Beyond place and beyond hour,
Please bless our circle with your power!


Spirit: Clear the temple, undo the ward,
The veil closed and reality restored.
Thank you all spirits of balance and light
For blessing our circle and sacred rite!

North: Wild beasts return to rest and feed,
Majestic forests shrink to seed.
Thank you all spirits of earth and night
For blessing our circle and sacred rite!

West: Dreamer awake, turn ocean tide,
Untamed emotions ease and subside.
Thank you all spirits of water and insight
For blessing our circle and sacred rite!

South: Flickering flame fade back to spark,
Blazing bonfire return to dark.
Thank you all spirits of fire and might
For blessing our circle and sacred rite!

East: Wild winds ebb to gentle breeze,
Mysteries revealed become mental tease.
Thank you all spirits of air and flight
For blessing our circle and sacred rite!

A Witch’s Pantry: Foods to Warm Your Samhain and Winter

A Witch’s Pantry: Foods to Warm Your Samhain and Winter

by Catherine Harper

The year has turned towards dark, and the last of the autumn harvest is in. Every year, I grieve a little more for summer — this year all the more as the squash and beets come in, the farmer’s markets roll up for the year and I contemplate the long winter without the abundance of produce that has made the bulk of my diet. The more time I spend outside, the more I regret the fading of the light. Every year, the seasons penetrate a little deeper.

But it is also a good time. The winds come back, making the cedars dance, and I hardly had realized I’d missed them. On the best days, they carry the orange leaves of big leaf maples and just a few drops of rain swirling around. The grass turns green again, and then grows, until the light becomes too scant even for that. The rooms of our house grow, at least in import, and the kitchen is cheery and warm from the oven despite the dark and rain outside.

I wonder, sometimes, if there is an inherited factor in my relationship to my pantry. (I can certainly imagine that it might carry survival advantage.) There is something very satisfying for me about deep shelves full of canisters and gallon jars of rye, split peas, rice and lentils. Some of it makes a kind of sense, even in this world: Most years, for instance, I dry several gallons’ worth of boletes for use during the rest of the year. Home-dried tomatoes from our garden or wild ginger from the woods also has an obvious place, things that cannot simply be purchased as needed. And my (in part environmentally motivated) hatred of excessive packaging, love of durable storage and a bad experience with grain moths in my last apartment has combined to make me prefer jars and canisters to cardboard boxes and plastic bags for those things I can buy in bulk.

But there is also an almost atavistic sense wherein I know that my dry goods and what I could glean from the woods even in this dark time of year could keep a family fed and healthy for many months. (When I was first on my own, I lived this way quite often, though not really by choice. And indeed, in many ways it was healthier than the richer and more varied diet I am blessed with today.) And there is something very honest in the piles of squash, onions and garlic in the downstairs pantry, and the kales and chard that hold so well in the garden.

Much of this borders on ritual use. I may grow most of our green onions and kale and stock up on local squash near the end of the season, but almost all of the storage squash from our own garden is eaten either at Samhain (pumpkin soup with chili anchos, a touch of bitter chocolate, and a dollop of cream, some years) or Thanksgiving (traditions are easily established, and I will make stuffed squash each year until my dying day, I fear). In many things, our garden doesn’t meet our needs, but the things we’ve grown and saved ourselves are special and usually hold places of significance in the meal.

Tomato vines that still bear unripe tomatoes when the cold comes can be cut and hung upside down in the garage or basement. Squash, kept somewhere cool, dry and well-ventilated, can last through the next spring (some varieties better than others, of course). It will sweeten in storage, and the flesh will become drier. The first new squash of the year is always a shock to me because in comparison to the older squash it has so little sugar. Potatoes (which I don’t grow, though I know people who do in strange wire mesh and straw contraptions that keep the tubers out of our heavy clay soil) keep well if they are dry, well-ventilated and out of the light. Onions, too, prefer the dry and dark, but one must check them frequently for rot, or a single rotted onion will taint its neighbors.

And of course the dried grains and legumes will keep almost indefinitely. Whole-grain flour will often go rancid, but the whole grain will not if you have a hand mill to grind it at need. (It is my understanding that fresh ground flour, wherein the nutrients have not had a chance to oxidize, is also more nutritious. But mostly, I like the taste and texture.) Dried beans, which must be soaked in water at least overnight and then simmered for a good portion of the day, have fallen a bit in popular favor, but the slow-cooked soups that simmer and warm your kitchen are worth remembering. Oats, whole, rolled or steel cut, can be mixed with liquid, nuts and dried fruit and left to sit in a still-warm brick oven overnight. And many whole grains can be cooked with meat, broth and sturdy vegetables rather in the manner of a risotto. There is much good food in winter that relies neither on refrigeration or transport from sunnier climes.

Barlotto-Stuffed Pumpkins

Barley is a grain too seldom used. Mild and creamy in texture, it is a good foil for many hearty winter foods. The pumpkins described here are small pie pumpkins, measuring about four inches across — pumpkins are not the best storage squash, but these little pumpkins are available each year from our local organic farmer’s stand, and make for particularly attractive presentation. If they are not available near you, halved and seeded delicata or acorn squash also works well. These should be baked at 350 degrees, cut side down, for at least half an hour or until just tender before being stuffed, for their thicker walls will not quickly bake through after stuffing.


1 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon oil
2-4 cloves garlic
4-6 dried shiitake mushrooms
1&fraq12; cup hulled barley
2 cups water

A note on the mushrooms: Fresh shiitake or other strongly flavored fresh or dried mushroom can be substituted. If anything, increase the amount. Or add grocery-store button mushrooms to the shiitake.

Soak the shiitake mushrooms in a couple of cups of warm water for 20 minutes. In a medium-sized (and thick-bottomed) sauce pan, caramelize the onion in a little oil over medium heat. As the onion begins to turn a nice brown, slice the shiitake mushrooms and add them to the pot, continuing to stir gently. Add next the garlic, crushed or pressed. Let everything get a chance to brown — better browning will improve the flavor, but if you’re in a rush you can cut this down to a token browning. Then add the dry-hulled barley, stirring it to absorb the oil and letting it, too, brown lightly.

Add to this the two cups of water, and salt to taste. (The water you soaked the mushrooms in is particularly good for this, if you are careful not to pour in any sediment.) Bring to a simmer, reduce to low heat, and cover. The barley will need to simmer for at least 40 minutes. Check every 10 minutes or so, and add more water if needed. Simmer until the barley is tender.

Stuffing Your Pumpkins

To stuff the pumpkins, use a small knife or pumpkin saw to cut a large circle out around the stem of the pumpkin, as you would to make a jack-o-lantern. Remove seeds, and fill with the hot barley mixture (the heat will speed the cooking time). A little grated cheese can be added if desired. Replace the lids, and cook at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes, or until the pumpkins are tender.

Honoring Yourself – Adjusting to the Dark Time of Year

Honoring Yourself – Adjusting to the Dark Time of Year
Did you know that you can maximize your energy levels by adjusting your food and exercise to match the season? Now Autumn is in full swing, and it’s chilly! It’s a lot more work for your body to stay warm, but you can ease the process by focusing your diet on warm dishes using seasonal foods to give yourself that extra nutritional boost and exercising regularly to heat your body up! Adding pungent and spicy herbs can warm you up too: garlic, oregano, thyme, onions, cayenne, chili, curry, rosemary, basil etc…
Colds, congestion and constipation are pretty typical this time of year. We’re too busy to rest and exercise as much as we need or we indulge on sweets during the holidays or all of the above! These conditions are simply signals from the body that you need to simplify and cleanse a bit. To balance out: rest, hydrate, exercise and eat plenty of seasonal produce, especially in soup our stew form. Even the seasonal fruit is cleansing for your system. Check your local farmer’s market, but it’s likely you’ll find these seasonal foods available: cranberries, apples, pears, pomegranite, oranges, pumpkins, squashs, turnips, parsnips, beets, brussel sprouts, peppers, and sweet potatoes, garlic, and onions.
One way to lower your chances of coming down with a cold or the flu this season is to practice deep relaxation on a daily basis. Often relaxing deeply will give you an energy boost because the energy your muscles were using to stay tense is now directed back into the body system and available for you to repair damage, neutralize a “bug”, or simply to recharge. The most simple at home technique for deep relaxation is to sit comfortably and breath slowly. Inhale for a count of four, pause briefly, and then exhale for a count of 8. Repeat for 5 or 10 minutes until you feel peaceful and calm. You can do this simple breathing exercise anytime and anyplace – while sitting in traffic, in a meeting, waiting in line, while on hold on the phone, when you first wake up, in bed to help you fall asleep, etc…

For many this time of year also means going to and leaving work happens in the dark. You might not be getting enough sunlight to regulate your body’s rhythms so that you feel your best. If you can, expose your hands and face to the sun outside daily in the morning for 5-15 minutes to let your body know it’s time to be alert, awake and energized. If you can’t get outside, consider investing in a natural spectrum lap and give yourself a light treat every morning during breakfast for 5-15 minutes. The resulting alertness and focus is quite amazing!

Whether your schedule is busting at the seams, you don’t want to leave the house, or the usual holiday stressors are looming on the horizon – the best thing you can do for yourself to float through the holidays with peace and bliss this fall is to make self-care a priority.
Schedule an appointment with yourself to relax and rejuvenate every day, or at the very least every week. And, keep this appointment with yourself like it’s a date with someone important to you. (I hope you are important to you.) Taking this time out on a regular basis is the key to being energized, staying calm, and feeling good about all the decisions you have to make during the busy time of year – about what you eat, what you buy, how you spend your time, etc…

I recommend you pull out your calendar right now and set aside your self-care appointments before the holiday invitations start coming in. The trick is to honor these appointments with yourself by saying no to invitations that conflict, or if you can’t or don’t want to say no to an important event, rescheduling your self-care appointment to another time that day or day that week. The key is making self-care a priority and sticking with your commitment to relax and rejuvenate.

By Artemisia
About the Author– Artemisia is a High Priestess of the Order of the White Moon. She is one of the co-founders of the branch sisterhood of the Order – Sisters in Celebration. She can be reached at artemisia333@…. She lives and works in the Boston area as a Reiki & Wellness practitioner.

Samhain Solitary Ritual

Samhain Solitary Ritual
By Eden

Decorative Suggestions:
pumpkins, apples, masks, candles, black, red, orange,cauldron, besom

Photos of relatives or friends who have passed
White candle for each relative ( tea lights )
36 inches of yarn ( continuous piece) bright color such as red or orange
13 hazelnuts for tradition Druid method * or candy corn for a modern twist
1 apple (traditional)** or pomegranate, either cut in half
jack o lantern
4 mini pumpkins
4 votive candles for quarters
dried leaves (enough for circle size)
two candles one black one white
long piece of yarn ( this is a separate pc from above pc.)

break off stems of mini pumpkins, hollow out big enough place for votive candles in top, cut doesn’t have to be deep,
just enough to keep candles form falling, set at quarters (use care when cutting!)
Outline circle with leaves
Visualize jack o lantern as a protective ward (it’s traditional use) and have lit in circle from set up through ritual
Decorate according to taste
Have black and white candles on altar have black candle lit on altar, do not have white candle lit
Have photos with unlit candle in front of each, on altar if there is room or in other designated space


(Cleanse, Cast, Invoke)

” Blessed be the season of Samhain!
The time of the wise Crone!
The time of the last fall harvest
The time of the birth of winter
Night that we remember our loved ones who have passed from this life.
Night when we look on to the new year.
Night that reminds us that death holds the seeds of new life!”

(Prepare to light candles for departed)

” My dear loved ones, tonight as the wheel turns the veil which separates us is thin. On this night hear my words of love and honor”

(Light candles in front of photos one at a time, while lighting candle speak name of loved one and say what
you wish in honor or love, do this for each)

(Prepare to welcome the new year)

(Focus on black candle, while making banishing pentagram towards black candle)

” Farewell old year, take with you the season of summer”

(put out flame of black candle)

(Focus on unlit white candle, while making invoking pentagram)

“Welcome new year, bring with you the season of winter”

(light white candle)

“The wheel has turned yet again. Now at the time of ending that is yet also the time of beginning.
What is to come is, what was will come again, circling on and on throughout the ages.”

(prepare for meditation)

” And what of the past”

(close eyes with the intent to remember aspects of a past life, look at things in this life that you
believe could be related to a past life, focus on these things, see if this focus turns into scenes or
feelings about a past life)

( Prepare for resolutions)

” And what of the year to come”

(Take fruit, hold both halves in hands and visualize the habits you would like to rid yourself of over the next year being poured into it,when done place halves back together and tie halves together with one of the pieces of yarn, put aside to bury later)**

(Prepare for divination)

(Take bright colored yarn and make a circle on ground or altar if room, hold hazelnuts or candy corns in hands,focus on question, toss them into the circle and look for patterns of answer, such as y or n or if they make a shape or initial)*

(Offering, libation, feast)

(prayer for upcoming year)

“The wheel of the year turns on and on, from season to season, age to age. I remember and recognize that all time is here and now. I have paused to watch the wheel turn on this blessed eve, and, I praise the Wise Crone, in this time of Her glory. Blessed be Wise Crone.”

(Close Circle)

* according to Edain McCoy in ‘Sabbats’ pg. 42
** traditional Wittan Samhain practice per Edain
McCoy, ‘Witta’ pg 170 (adapted)

About The Author: Eden, is a recent level one graduate of the White Moon School of the Feminine Divine. She lives in the North
Georgia mountains with her husband and three young children, where she practices eclectic paganism both as a member of a coven and as a solitary.

Honoring Ancestors

Honoring Ancestors
By Arteal
Swirling and twirling
On the pavement
Dancing and prancing
On the ground
Could it be
What did I see
Was it leaves
Or faeries
Tricking me

Many of my loved ones have passed over the years. Some of the dearest people to me found it time to cross over and process what it is they learned in this life. I think of them often. Memories of them often bring a smile to my face. Any time of year I can see them or feel them, but it is the month of October that their presence is strongest.

This time of the thinning veil almost makes them so solid I can touch them. So it is this time that I honor them. Sometimes it is solitary and other times I invited close friends and family to be with me and we collectively honor all of our ancestors.

We begin the evening by creating an altar with symbols, pictures and mementos of our ancestors. The altar is usually kept simple with photos and small items connected to those that have gone before. Once the altar is complete we have our feast. The meal takes place in complete silence and there is always one seat kept empty with a full plate to honor our ancestors. Often a cat finds his way to the empty chair while we eat our meal in silence.

Once our meal is complete we retire to our ritual space, usually the living room. We clear the coffee table and begin clockwise. Each person takes a turn to light a tea light and share a story of an ancestor. We continue going around the circle telling stories until the table top is full. We then sit quietly watching the flames and remembering. The evening is ended with placing the full plate of food outside in our of our ancestors.

The people and spirits I share this night with seem to leave as quietly as they came. I wish you and all your ancestors a blessed Samhain.

About The Author: Arteal is an Ordained Minister and High Priestess of The Order of the White Moon. She is founder of Moonlit River, where you will find the Feminine Divine, healing and guidance. Arteal is a Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Master.

Astronomy Picture of the Day for October 27th

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2011 October 27
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

Young Suns of NGC 7129
Image Credit & Copyright: Johannes Schedler (Panther Observatory)Explanation: Young suns still lie within dusty NGC 7129, some 3,000 light-years away toward the royal constellation Cepheus. While these stars are at a relatively tender age, only a few million years old, it is likely that our own Sun formed in a similar stellar nursery some five billion years ago. Most noticeable in the sharp image are the lovely bluish dust clouds that reflect the youthful starlight. But the compact, deep red crescent shapes are also markers of energetic, young stellar objects. Known as Herbig-Haro objects, their shape and color is characteristic of glowing hydrogen gas shocked by jets streaming away from newborn stars. Paler, extended filaments of redish emission mingling with the bluish clouds are caused by dust grains effectively converting the invisible ultraviolet starlight to visible red light through photoluminesence. Ultimately the natal gas and dust in the region will be dispersed, the stars drifting apart as the loose cluster orbits the center of the Galaxy. At the estimated distance of NGC 7129, this telescopic view spans about 40 light-years.

Feng Shui Tip of the Day for October 27th

Today’s ‘Cranky Co-workers Day’ could put a crimp in anyone’s office etiquette. After all, it’s hard to stay positive when your work colleagues are all kinds of negative. If you want to steer clear of drama then perhaps you need to know about a little co-worker cock-a-doodle do! Feng Shui says that placing an image or a statue of a rooster in the Fame area of your office space or on your desk will overcome office politics and bring backbiting to a halt. Taoist Feng Shui masters consider the red comb on the rooster’s head to be all-powerful. They also believe that the claws symbolize the ability to wipe out colleague crankiness and partisan politicking in favor of a more favorable work environment. An image of a rooster will work equally as well, but I like the idea of the rooster giving crankiness a little wake-up call.

By Ellen Whitehurst for

Your Daily Number for October 27th: 6

A financial opportunity may surface today. It’s a great day to fearlessly exercise your negotiation skills. On the personal front, a relationship may become more serious as commitment issues are placed on the table

Fast Facts

About the Number 6

Theme: Family and Social Responsibility, Service, Healing
Astro Association: Gemini
Tarot Association: Lovers

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for October 27th is 48: The Well

48: The Well

Hexagram 48

General Meaning: Throughout various cultures and political systems of the world, the well has served as a universal symbol for that which sustains life and provides a constant, inexhaustible source of life-giving nourishment for mankind.

Like the well, human nature is the same around the world. The passage of time does not change its essential dimensions, nor take anything away. Still, just as a well can be deepened to produce clearer, cleaner water, so can we enrich our lives by delving deeply within — into our natural selves, or souls.

Beware of shallow thinking. Like a little learning, it can be dangerous. The image of the well suggests that along with depth comes clarity. Be patient, and penetrate both your problems and your own nature to the core. If you do not lower your bucket to the depths, you’re very likely to come up empty. When greater depth is desired, a lessening of speed is often required.

Today’s Runes for Thursday, Oct. 27th is Berkana

Today’s Runes

Ice Runes are most commonly used for questions about struggle, conflict, and achievement. Berkana represents the birch tree. The birch is frequently symbolic of renewal, rebirth, birth, growth and fertility. This rune is a joyous one, representing good outcomes from ventures undertaken. It is the rune of the family and of a good household.

Today’s Tarot Card for October 27th is The World

The World

This Tarot Deck: Oswald Wirth

General Meaning: What has traditionally been known as the World card points to the presiding intelligence, called “Sophia,” or Wisdom, which upholds life on this and all worlds. A more precise title for this card might be “the Soul of the World,” also applicable as a symbol of personal empowerment and freedom. In most Tarot decks it is a female figure that has become our standard World image. She originates in Hebrew, Gnostic and Alchemical lore, and stands between heaven and earth as the Cosmic Mother of Souls, the Wife of God and our protector from the karmic forces we have set loose upon the Earth in our immaturity and ignorance.

Where the Empress energy secures and fertilizes our terrestrial lives, the goddess of The World invites us into cosmic citizenship — once we come to realize our soul’s potential for it. Just as the Chariot stands for success in achieving a separate Self, and Temperance represents achievement of mental and moral health, the World card announces the awakening of the soul’s Immortal Being, accomplished without the necessity of dying.

This card, like the Sun, is reputed to have no negative meaning no matter where or how it appears. If the Hermetic axiom is “Know Thyself”, this image represents what becomes known when the true nature of Self is followed to creative freedom and its ultimate realization

Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, October 27th

It will take a few days to process the intensity of yesterday’s New Moon, but we may not have enough perspective yet to clearly see what’s happening. Although there are still four planets in transformative Scorpio, the heavy energy is giving way to the inspirational calls from visionary Jupiter. Metamorphosis may appear like death to the caterpillar, but it’s also the birth of the butterfly. Fear is unnecessary now and resistance is futile.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You could worry about an issue today that ultimately isn’t all that important. Thinking about the consequences of your words is wise because your fears might provoke you to say something that is hurtful. Luckily, your actions will speak louder than words now with your key planet Mars on display in your 5th House of Self-Expression. It may be challenging to keep your rapid-fire repartee under control, but it is surely worth the effort.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

You may not be able to find a pace that works for you at first today, but your persistence should pay off. You could initiate action too quickly, only to realize that you must do it again if it isn’t exactly right. Don’t be stubborn if you discover that you’re wrong. Your relationships will improve if you are flexible enough to listen to reason instead of fearfully holding on to a perspective that doesn’t stand up to the truth.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

You may feel agitated today as Mercury and Venus are challenged by combative Mars. Your legendary wit can grow sarcastic, turning clever words into acerbic verbal jabs. Unfortunately, your coworkers probably won’t stand for your misplaced aggression. Even the most casual conversation can quickly escalate into open conflict unless you stay aware of what’s really happening. If it isn’t a matter of highest concern, keep the peace by backing down as gracefully as possible.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

It may be very difficult to dramatically alter your behavior today, even if you know how much it would help to make some basic changes. But knowing the truth alone obviously isn’t enough because your actions don’t automatically conform to your rational thinking. Nevertheless, you’re still ultimately responsible for whatever you do, so don’t just take the course of least resistance.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You could convince yourself that you’re on such an urgent mission today that nothing can get in your way. Unfortunately, your self-doubt could turn out to be the most significant source of resistance. It’s wise to dig deeper in search of the truth, but questioning your own abilities is a waste of time and energy. Although you may not be able to make your fears disappear overnight, you don’t have to let them have power over you.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You want to follow the schedule that you created for today, but unseen forces prevent you from executing your plan. You might work yourself up into a state of anxiety if you are too unyielding. You could even lose your temper and say something to a loved one without realizing the negative impact of your words until it’s too late. If tension is growing, remind yourself to remain flexible. Going along with the flow is smarter now than resisting it.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your heart and your head aren’t reading from the same script today, challenging you to observe how your behavior affects others. You could be very stubborn if anyone suggests that you are being a non-conformist and a contrarian now because you don’t believe that you’re the one who is stirring up the trouble. Nevertheless, your day takes a turn for the better when you relax the reins of control.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your thoughts are quite intense today, making you feel like everyone can actually hear what you’re thinking. Venus and Mercury in passionate Scorpio form tense squares with assertive Mars, coercing you to speak your mind without worrying about the consequences. Thankfully, you have the power to transmute fear into love, allowing you to choose the most creative path in each of your interactions.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You may have a very clear idea of exactly where you’re going now, but your action plan could be flawed with irrational logic or incorrect assumptions. Thankfully, you are able to overcome poor reasoning if you can trust your intuition. Don’t fret about the details; just be flexible and play it by ear as you move through your day. Even if you cannot justify your unusual strategy, it should work for you today, anyhow.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You are a tough opponent in a public debate today, but stop and consider the price you may need to pay for your victory. Ruthless intentions can be unleashed now if you take a position contrary to your family or friends. You’re the only one who can decide whether or not it’s worth it. There’s no right or wrong choice here as long as you think about the consequences in advance, and not after creating needless emotional pain.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You may feel insecure about a relationship with a good friend or partner today or about your success at work, but you should be able to transcend your fears through spiritual practice. For some, prayer may be the best way to handle the current stress, but your personal journey might also contain meditation, dance or a relaxing nature walk. As long as you can step outside of your interpersonal concerns now, it doesn’t really matter what tools you use to awaken your cosmic connection.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You may feel blocked at work today, yet the more you think about the obstacles, the larger they become. Although you might be justified in some of your concerns, it will take longer than just one single day to fix your current predicament. Nevertheless, it’s still a smart idea to examine your plans and adjust them as necessary before forging ahead.

the daily humorscopes for thursday, october 27th

the daily humorscope

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You will find an alien artifact behind the cushion in the sofa. Point the pointy end away from you, if you push the little bumpy thing. Personally, I’d just leave it alone.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Today you will be suddenly struck by what a genius Norman Rockwell was, and how unappreciated (in the major art circles) he remains. You will vow to do something about it.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Don’t go out today, without a spatula. I can’t say more.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
You will rest peacefully, and sink into a strange dream. In the dream, you will be playing an odd version of soccer with huge clear balloons, and people will be cheering you on from the sidelines, who are dressed in white formal attire. Don’t go into the light. The extra point isn’t worth it.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Your main problem? You’re not eating NEARLY enough strudel.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Bide your time, and don’t do anything rash or in anger. Remember: Revenge is a dish best served cold, with a light bearnaise sauce.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Today you will suddenly realise how sensuous pudding can be. This will mark a turning point in your life.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Today you will meet someone with a really “cute” sneeze.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Remember today: two wrongs don’t make a right. But three do.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
Due to minor lymph-node infection, several dangerous toxins will shortly be released into your bloodstream. Not to worry. You’ll survive, and the only permanent brain damage will involve an enthusiasm for polka music.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Excellent day to just walk down the street, going “Doo wah ditty, ditty dum ditty doo”. I’d stop short of taking a walk on the wild side, though.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Things haven’t been going well for you lately, and you’re sinking into a fairly ugly bit of self-pity. You merely need to count your blessings! (1) You’ve got a tremendous talent, which some day may be in demand, (2) You’re almost normal — LOTS of people have extra appendages, (3)…

Meditation 101: An Overview

By Patti Wigington, Guide

What is meditation?:

For folks in the Western hemisphere, meditation is often seen as some sort of “new-age hippie” fad, something that you do right before you eat granola and hug a spotted owl. However, Eastern civilizations have known about the power of meditation and used it to control the mind and expand the consciousness.

Today, Western thinking is finally catching up, and there is an increasing awareness of what meditation is and what it can be used for. The benefits of meditation are mentioned not only by Wiccans and Pagans but by health practitioners and other everyday people.

How does meditation work?:

The mind is made up of many facets, many of which we have not even begun to tap into. The conscious mind consists of all the things you’re aware of on a daily basis: can I pay my bills? Does my lover still love me? Will my parents get sick? Did I forget to clean the cat box? There is also the subconscious mind – all the things you know, but don’t know that you know. This is where things like memory and involuntary body functions come from. Finally, there is the part called the super consciousness, which is the higher self, the center of spiritual growth and well-being.

What happens in a meditation session?:

Meditation allows you to focus on the subconscious and the super conscious minds. During a meditative session, you may find yourself meeting various archetypes, or encountering things that seem symbolic. This is your mind’s way of telling you what’s going on, and all you have to do is figure out how to interpret the message.

Guided meditations:

There are different meditation techniques, one of which is called guided meditation. In this technique, a guide – either in person or via a recording – leads the meditation, telling you where to go and what you see. They may include things such as, “You are walking down a path in the woods,” or “There is a person coming towards you who holds something in her hand.” For beginners, a guided meditation is excellent, because it provides a good idea of what meditation actually is, and allows you to center your focus. You can buy commercially produced guided meditation CDs, or you can create your own with a tape recorder.

Freeform meditation:

Freeform meditation is one where there is no guide, and you simply let your mind wander. To do this, sit comfortably and allow yourself to relax as much as possible. Some people like to lie down when meditating, but others find that they fall asleep when they do so. Choose whichever method is best for you.

Where should I meditate?:

Find a place where you can be relatively undisturbed. Turn off the phone and the television, put the kids to bed, and close the windows if there’s traffic outside. In some traditions, meditation is only performed inside a sacred space, so feel free to cleanse and consecrate the area as you see fit. Remove any possible distractions, and wear clothing that’s comfortable. In fact, you can meditate skyclad (nude) if you choose.

When is a good time to meditate?:

As to when you meditate, the best time is whenever you can get some quiet time. If that’s in the morning before everyone else gets up, great. If it’s at night when your family has gone to bed, that’s fine too. Many people like to meditate at night so they can go outside and meditate under the moon and stars. Whatever time you decide to practice, try to do it at the same time every day. This will allow you for more consistency, and get you into good meditation habits.

Meditation of the Day for Thursday, October 27th

Witchy Comments

Claiming Your Birthright

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Think about who you are, and what you are made of, and know that everything within you is the sum of all your ancestors. From thousands of years ago, generations of people have come together over the centuries to create the person you are now. Think about your own strengths — and weaknesses — and remember that they came from somewhere. This is a time to honor the ancestors who formed you.

Recite your genealogy — aloud if you like — as far back as you can go. As you say each name, describe the person and their life. An example might go something like this:

I am the daughter of James, who fought in Vietnam
and returned to tell the tale.
James was the son of Eldon and Maggie,
who met on the battlefields of France,
as she nursed him back to health.
Eldon was the son of Alice, who sailed
aboard Titanic and survived.
Alice was the daughter of Patrick and Molly,
who farmed the soil of Ireland, who
raised horses and tatted lace to feed the children…

and so forth. Go back as far as you like, elaborating in as much detail as you choose. Once you can go back no further, end with “those whose blood runs in me, whose names I do not yet know”.

If you happened to meet a certain ancestor, or their archetype, during your meditation, take a moment to thank them for stopping by. Take note of any information they may have given you — even if it doesn’t make sense just now, it may later on when you give it some more thought. Think about all the people you come from, whose genes are part of you. Some were great people — some, not so much, but the point is, they all belong to you. They all have helped shape and create you. Appreciate them for what they were, with no expecations or apologies, and know that they are watching over you.

~Magickal Graphics~

Happy Thursday To All My Dear Friends!

Days Of The Week Comments Jupiter/Thursday

  • Element:  Air
  • Colours:  Blue, purple
  • Crystals:  Azurite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, turquoise
  • Incense:  Agrimony, cedar, sandalwood, sage
  • Trees:  Beech, oak
  • Herbs:  Borage, cinquefoil, coltsfoot, hyssop, mistletoe
  • Metal:  Tin
  • Astrological rulership:  Sagittarius (co-ruler Pisces)

Thursday, the day of Jupiter, is good for all forms of increase and expansion, be it in the realm of money, career, power or joy. Jupiter rules over fulfillment of objective, most usually those that are socially orientated. He is also potent for leadership, conscious wisdom, creativity, extending one’s influence in the wider world, idealism, justice and the law, authority and altruism. Jupiter’s influence extends over marriage, permanent relationship (business and personal), fidelity, loyalty and male potency (in both the  human and the animal kingdom). Jupiter can lead to excesses, such as greed and gluttony, but can also paradoxically be used for banishing these.

Magickal Graphics