Divination Journal

Tarot Card

From labyrinthos.co

The Magician – Major Arcana

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
willpower, desire, being resourceful,, skill, ability, concentration, manifestation manipulation, cunning, trickery, wasted talent, illusion, deception
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Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

from thesecretofthetarot.com

Image result for starfish


The starfish spirit guide wants you to know where you need to give, and where you should take. This totem guides you to compromise where you need to.

When the starfish spirit guide comes into your life, it means that you have a need to create emotional stability by controlling people.

The starfish can spell good luck in your life. This works very well especially when you to create lasting partnerships.

The starfish spirit guide wants you to make amends. Reach out to people that you have wronged. Seek to change people’s lives for the better.

The starfish has a close link to the happiness, courage, and confidence you experience in life. When you allow this totem into your life, you’ll enjoy great things that Mother Nature has in store for you.


From psychicguild.com


Pronounced: ‘Anne – suhz’

Literal Meaning: Woden

Esoteric Meaning: Ancestral Sovereign God, or Breath

The rune meaning for ansuz is all about the breath of God, divine inspiration the voice of the universe, intelligence, communication, song, spells, ancestry, etymology, it’s base is in how we listen and communicate, not just to each other but also to our selves.

Witches Rune

From psychic-revelation.com

The Ear Of Corn

Keywords: Good luck, success.

Meanings: This rune represents abundance, success and happiness. This is considered a lucky rune and if leading it is very positive about your query, whether the query is about finance, business, friendship, partnership or spirituality. In conjunction with the Rings it indicates a happy and prosperous marriage. With the Sun it means success in your career, and with Waves, success abroad.


From druidogham.wordpress.com


Teaching, education, mastery, virtuosity, legacy

Tree: Beech (Fagus spp.)

Letter: Ph or F

Phagos is a reminder of the mental discipline it takes in the process of acquiring knowledge. When you get to the point of knowing a subject so well, you can teach it effortlessly, then you have mastered the subject on the mental plane, which reverberates through the other planes. Saturated knowledge is knowing a thing inside and out. Those who believe in reincarnation believe this is the kind of knowledge that does not go away when you shed one mortal body for the next one: for instance, a skilled midwife will stand a good chance of coming back as a competent ob/gyn who stumbles upon their talent in a seemingly random way. Or a lute player may be reborn and pick up the guitar at age twelve and learn it faster than any other kid in their class because of knowledge picked up in past lifetimes.

Teaching and inspiring others to master a subject is the physical manifestation of knowledge, or in old terminology, the Word made flesh. Beech tree bark makes a primitive form of paper. Phagos implies the written word and the transmission of knowledge through our uniquely human invention: writing.

Teachers and teaching are often undervalued in the modern West, with denigrations such as “those who can, do; those who can’t, teach,” being thrown about by the arrogant who have never been able to translate their mental skill in a way that consistently inspires others to learn. Bad teachers abound, and they can be bad for any number or reasons: some choose teaching when they have no passion for it, some want the glory of being labeled a teacher. Everybody knows that a good teacher is worth their weight in gold when it comes to the transmission of knowledge, and that a bad teacher is hardly worth the powder to blow them to hell, and often what a teacher is paid has nothing to do with what they’re worth. If you have a good teacher, let them know. Learn all you can while you are able to do so with the best teachers you can find (we live in the age of the internet, and a huge number of great teachers “live” there). Concentrate on a small number of subjects until you gain complete mastery, because you will take that knowledge with you long after your current flesh body dies. If you know a subject well enough to teach it, this Ogham is encouraging you to spread the wealth of your knowledge with other humans in a direct and potentially physical way such as writing.

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Twenty-Seven/27

Name: I.

Keyphrase: Nourishment.

Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Thunder.

General: Spiritual discrimination is as important as physical discrimination.

Love: Choose your thoughts and words wisely in your relationship and remember to be tolerant.

Business: Use the right words and you will help sustain and nourish your business.

Personal: Now is a good time to clear out all that is not worthy from your life.

Overview: I relates to nourishment. In the same way that food is used to nourish your body, I suggests that words and ideas be used in the same way. It cautions that as with food your words should be chosen carefully. Just as bad food can upset you or those around you, bad words can do the same. When the body and spirit are both well provided for then you will be at your most powerful and effective.


From worldnumerology.com


It is a counselor, a volunteer, and an artist, and is often successful. This number represents inheritance or other “unearned” and sometimes unexpected income. While the 9 is the least prejudiced or judgmental number, the 27 can be rigid and narrow-minded.