March 31 Divination Journal – Parts 1 and 2

Shortened divination journal today has I have been up about 23 hours. PTSD is wonderful thing when nightmares refuse to let you get some sleep.

Tarot Card



THE EMPEROR – Major Arcana

Key interpretations : Leadership, strength, power, victory, success, high responsibility, stability.
As a whole picture this card will appear when you are in a situation that needs leadership and reason to make decision to solve problems. You may feel tired under pressure. Generally, you are having overload work, more responsibilities and may have conflicts with your heads at work. Thus, please be careful and do not be over self-confidence. Besides the meaning of this card associate with foreigners, travelling abroad and working with foreigners. As for love, you may fall in love with someone older than you, either a Thai or a foreigner. The emperor card is under the Aries which is the origin of the fire element. Thus, you may be hot tempered very much. The good point is that you will not be inactive but mostly you will be active with some creative ideas.




Sound: “o” as in “old”
Stands for: Home (or Odla – sacred ancestral land)
Color: Copper (Brown)
Casting meaning: Much like Fehu this is a rune of wealth. But unlike Fehu, Othala represents a wealth that cannot be sold. This is wealth like family, friendships or our culture and heritage that is passed down to us. It represents an enclosure and maintains the existing state of things as they presently are.

Witches’ Rune



To select the Woman Rune foretells a period of healing and rejuvenation. It suggest finding a place where you can be yourself, where all things can flourish and grow.

When this rune is drawn, you can expect gentle action rather than shattering changes.

When picking this rune you can expect something of value in a sentimental nature.

The Woman Rune symbolizes your life’s path in accordance with the powers of nature.

It implies embracing the new and untried with a nurturing center of support to fall back on.




Io (sometimes Ph) is Ifin or Iphin, the Pine tree. This evergreen was once known as the “sweetest of wood,” and its needles can be brewed into tea which provides a good source of Vitamin C. Pine is associated with clarity of vision, and alleviation of guilt. When Ifin appears, it may indicate feelings of guilt that need to be put aside, or unresolved conflicts that need closure.

In Scotland, the Pine was a symbol of the warrior, and in some stories it was planted over the graves of those fallen in battle. More often than not, the Pine was used as a building material, and it continues to be used as such today.

Ifin Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means you need to stop beating yourself up over feelings of guilt. Did you say something hurtful, and damage a relationship? Now’s the time to mend it. Make amends for mistreating others, whether it was deliberate or accidental.

Magical Aspects: Use any residual bits of guilt to bring about change. To do this, you’ll need to focus on the root cause of your feelings. Once you find the source of your discomfort or anxiety, channel that negative energy, turn it around, and use it as a tool of transformation. When this symbol appears, it may also be a hint that you’re not seeing things as clearly as you should be. Put aside emotions and look at things from an intellectual standpoint–in other words, don’t let the heart rule over the brain.

I Ching


Hexagram Twenty-Two/22

Name: Pi.

Keyphrase: Grace.

Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Fire.

General: Valuing beauty will enable you to cultivate your taste for harmony in all aspects of your life.

Love: Beauty is only skin deep – do not be taken in by superficial appearances. Look beneath the surface to see a person’s true character.

Business: If a business proposition looks too good to be true then it probably is. Make sure it’s exactly what it appears to be.

Personal: Enhance your inner beauty.

Overview: Pi is about observing natural grace and allowing that observation to inspire you to emulate it in life. Pi also is a warning not to be taken in by superficial beauty or appearance. Instead, make sure that what lies underneath the surface is more enduring. To neglect to do so may well lead to errors of judgment. Remember, the more enduring beauty is seen with the heart. Not with the eye.




See “The Master numbers.” The Master Builder; this Master number is demanding and obsessive, it can push you to the edge. Much progress is possible. A need to devote yourself to something larger than life.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper
