Witch To Witch – Goofer Dust Questions?


We have had a few questions in regards to Goofer Dust. Mainly, how do you make it and then what do you use it for.  I have attempted to answer some of these concerns below. If you have any further question, drop us a note.

Goofer Dust

Traditionally this powder is put wherever the person has to walk through it. It causes extreme discomfort and is used to drive people away. So, if you want to get your spouse out of the house, put Goofer Dust where he or she must walk through it. So you don’t get into the stuff yourself, carefully sprinkle a small amount in and around his or her shoes. Sprinkle a little under his or her pillow.

This powder can be used in other spells to rid yourself of any unwanted person. An alternative to using it the traditional way is to place some Goofer Dust in a box. Then, place a picture of your victim alone in the box and bury it.

Goofer Dust recipes vary. Here is one of my favorite:

Goofer Dust Recipe

1 part Graveyard dust (taken from the grave of a murderer at midnight)

1 part Sulphur

1 part Ashes from a fire

1 part powdered Bones (Bone Meal)

1 part powdered Snake Skin

1 part Iron filings

In short the ingredients are thing designed to poison and kill the victim by means of magick. When it is blessed and carried in a bag with you, it becomes a protective agent.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for February 14th is 15: Humility

15: Humility

Thursday, Feb 14th, 2013






Humility is often rewarded in human affairs, just as the erosion of a great mountain fills the valley. It is the way of nature to fill the empty cup. Regardless of your position, humility is a positive and deceptively powerful attribute. If you are in a high position but are still humble, people will be drawn to you and the causes you espouse. If your position is lowly, humility will endear you to those of higher status. True humility is a virtue to which all should aspire.

The most successful and happiest people are those who know how to bring each situation into balance by reducing that which is too great, and adding to that which is too little. Such a person craves not power, but balanced and stable relationships. Humility is the virtue that supplies the balancing power, as humble people are not prey to the many illusions that grow out of self-importance. If humility is not natural to your disposition, make a conscious effort to develop a strain of self-effacing humor.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Nov. 18th is 28:Excessive Pressure

28: Excessive Pressure

Sunday, Nov 18th, 2012





Something is out of balance. This hexagram points to some pressure that is threatening stability and needs correcting. But if a dam is about to burst, moving out of the way is the first priority.

When a person in a sagging mine shaft feels the earth begin to tremble, it is time for quick, instinctive action and nimble footwork. At a time like this, only extraordinary measures will work. When the roof is collapsing, run first, choose your destination later.

Extraordinary times bring out the best and worst in people. Natural disasters bring with them stories of great heroism — but also looting and rioting. When the pressure is on, powerful moments present opportunities to make positive gains. Everything is in a state of flux. One can either move towards positive change and improvement or towards stagnation.

This may be the moment you’ve been waiting for. Although a current challenge may seem to be more than you can handle, remember that a flood reaches its high-water mark for only a few brief moments, and then begins to subside. Action must be taken now to ensure opportunities for success later on. You will never discover the true extent of your own abilities until you, at least once in your life, dive into a crisis with complete abandon, dedicating every ounce of your energy, every fiber of your being, to the cause at hand.

Dare to win.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for October 27th is 15: Humility

15: Humility




Humility is often rewarded in human affairs, just as the erosion of a great mountain fills the valley. It is the way of nature to fill the empty cup. Regardless of your position, humility is a positive and deceptively powerful attribute. If you are in a high position but are still humble, people will be drawn to you and the causes you espouse. If your position is lowly, humility will endear you to those of higher status. True humility is a virtue to which all should aspire.

The most successful and happiest people are those who know how to bring each situation into balance by reducing that which is too great, and adding to that which is too little. Such a person craves not power, but balanced and stable relationships. Humility is the virtue that supplies the balancing power, as humble people are not prey to the many illusions that grow out of self-importance. If humility is not natural to your disposition, make a conscious effort to develop a strain of self-effacing humor.

Living Life As The Witch – Fixing The Mother Of All Screw Ups

Witchy Comments=

Fixing The Mother Of All Screw Ups


No Matter how well we research our facts nor how careful we try to be, we’re eventually going to screw up. It’s just a part of the human condition. And there’s no place our screw-ups shine more brightly than in the hexes and curses arena.

That’s because standing up for ourselves doesn’t always come easily. Most of us really do take an awful lot of crap before finally deciding to do something about it. And even then, we don’t get in a hurry. We go about our business, gathering the facts and exploring our options. We peruse the details with the same sort of attention we might exhaust on a multi-million dollar business venture. And then, when we’re sure that everything’s in order, we start the magickal process, feeling absolutely safe in the fact that we’re completely justified in our actions and that our target (damn his rotten bananas!) deserves every shred we’re doling out, and then some. If we weren’t and he didn’t, things would never have gotten to this point. So, we do our thing and go on along our merry ways, never giving it a second thought.

But then one day, it happens. An ugly head breaks through the muck, stares us right in the face, and blinks. And we—those same folks who felt completely justified in damning that target’s rotten bananas—can barely catch our collective breath as we gasp in horror. For there, right in the eyes of the beast, we see our mistake:  The target was undeniably innocent. He was never even involved in the fiasco that damned near ruined our lives. Instead, he was just another innocent bystander; just some good old Joe who was in the wrong place at the right time. A good, old Joe who we forced to pay for someone else’s infractions with a close encounter of the very worst kind. And there we sit, shivering and shaking and wracking our brains, in a desperate search of some way to fix things, wondering how in the hell we could’ve been so wrong.

To start with, today’s world is an interesting place. With its high-flung technology and far-flung virtual realities, some might even say that it’s nothing short of amazing. But living in such a world also has complications, the most problematical being that because things are seldom as they appear, it become increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. Now take that problem and factor in a fact-finding mission, a little logic, and a few rounds of he-said-she-said and add them all together. I can nearly guarantee that the sum of those components isn’t going to be at all within the scope of reason. Reasonable or not though, it appears to be truth. And because it appears as such, we on it as such–only to discover later that  it was the most wretched mistake we ever made.

While that takes care of how easy it is to screw up—and hopefully, has illustrated just how important it is to factor in gut instinct as well as the facts—we still have a problem on our hands: How in the hell do we fix the mess we made? More to the point, though, it is even possible?

Fortunately, it is. Please understand though, that it won’t be easy, regardless of how simple the instructions appear. There’s absolutely no way to convey the degree of difficulty involved in rectifying something line this. So, just be prepared to work long and hard, and as some effects can never be truly erased, be willing to repeat some steps you’ve already taken over and over to ease the problem is the need arises.


“Utterly Wicked
Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions”
Dorothy Morrison

~Magickal Graphics~

A Little Humor – “Tools”

I absolutely love this joke. I read it and started laughing out loud. My husband wanted to know what was so funny. I read him the joke and he sayd, “Sounds like us, that for sure, lol!”


You need only two tools: WD-40 and duct tape.

If it doesn’t  move and it should, use WD-40.

If it moves and shouldn’t, use the duct  tape.

Daily Motivator for July 12 – In motion

In motion

When you’re on a roll, keep going. When you’re in a slump, get going.

Get in motion and stay in motion. The possibilities are far more powerful and  more numerous when you’re taking action.

If you’re just sitting around doing nothing, you won’t be too thrilled with  whatever happens to come your way, if anything. When you get up and get moving,  you can go any place and experience anything you choose.

Being patient is admirable but being lazy is not. Be eager and persistent  about taking action, while being patient about letting the results come.

The way to have it done is to get up and get it done. The way to live the  life of your dreams is to bring it about with focused action.

Get the power of momentum on your side and keep it there. Get in motion, stay  in motion, and live life on your own very best terms.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

Tools Necessary for Herbalism

Tools Necessary for Herbalism

The first step in herbalism is to gather the tools you will need, and that is the main point of this first message. I have found the following useful and in many cases vital to learn and practice the use of herbs.

1) A Good mortar and Pestile, one of stone or metal is
prefered. If wood is used you will need two, one for
inedibles and one for edibles – make sure they do not
look identical, as you do not want to accidentally
poison anyone!!!
2) Containers. Although you can buy dried herbs over the
counter in many places these days, do not store them
in the plastic bags they come in, as these are usually
neither reuseable nor perfectly airtight. Rubbermaid
style plastic containers are good, but expensive. I
have used glass coffee and spice jars/bottles to good
effect, as well as some medicine bottles. The more you
recycle the better ecologically, just make sure they
have been thoroughly washed and dried before placing
anything inside them.
3) Labels. This is vital! None of us in this day and age
can possibly recognize each herb in its various forms
simply by sight. Always label your containers as you
fill them, and if possible date them when they were
filled so you don’t keep spoiled stock on the shelf.
4) Tea Ball. A good metal teaball of the single cup
size can be very useful in the longrun when your are
experimenting, and when you are making single person
doses of teas and tonics.
5) CheeseCloth : Useful for straining a partially liquid
mixture and occasionnally for the making of sachets.
6) A Good sized teakettle. Preferably one that will hold
at least a quart of water.
7) A Good teapot for simmering mixtures. I use one from
a chinese import store that has done me well.
8) A good cutting board and a SHARP cutting knife for just
herbal work.
9) A notebook of some sort to record the information in
as you go, both successes and failures. Always record
anything new you try that may or may not work, and
also and research information you get from various
sources (like this echo!)
10) An eyedropper.
11) White linen-style bandages. Some ace bandages are also
useful in the long run.
12) A metal brazier of some sort, or a metal container
that can withstand heavy useage and heat from within
or without, useful for several things including the
making of your own incenses.
13) Reference sources. Shortly you should see a list of
books that I have read from in the past that I
consider useful, build from this as a starting point
to others and to your teachers help.

Thats it to start, you’ll pick the rest up as you go. Take your time studying, take lots of notes, compare your sources and your own personal results on each herb and on herbal mixtures of any kind.

Money Doubling-Spell

This spell is representational and helps double any denomination of paper money that you have. You are asking that the money be increased so you may also use a herb which has this effect. You are also appealing to the highest authority in asking the Angels to help you

Items you will need

  • Paper money (preferably new and as much as you
  • can spare)
  • White envelope
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Wax to seal the envelope
  • Place the money in the envelope, along with the cinnamon powder, and seal it with the wax.
  • Fold the envelope, leave it in your sacred -space and say once, every day, for seven days:

Hear me, angels in your glory, Hear me now Zacharael. I see the need for the common good And ask for this to be increased.

  • Hold the envelope up, and perceive that it -feels heavier than it was.
  • Keep the envelope in your bedroom for -safety.
  • After you receive more money, open the -envelope, and share what was in the envelope -with others.

Zacharael means remembrance of God and is the-angel who reminds us not to be bound by material-concerns. For this reason, when we have truly-shown that we understand both the value and the-illusions associated with money we should never-go short.

Floor Washes

A floor wash is made by adding specific herbs, oils, crystals and other ingredients to water and then using the solution to wash a surface. The reasoning behind this practice is to infuse the surface with the vibrations of the wash, so that it will then attract or dispel the corresponding energies. For example, if you were owed payment for services and the check was late, you might want to wash your mailbox with a money-drawing wash.

Traditional methods call for you to scrub the floor on your hands and knees. The repetitive motion and low concentration level needed allow for a shift in consciousness to take place. Incorporating a chant as you wash will boost the powers of the wash and help your goal to manifest even faster. Remember to be as specific as possible in the wording of your chant.

Break Through Blockage Bath (1) Devil’s Shoestring

  1. Boil devil’s shoestring roots in water until the liquid is reduced by half.
  2. Strain, cool, and pour over your body
  3. Allow yourself to air dry.
  4. Dust with Fiery Wall of Protection Powder or rub the protection oil onto your body.
  5. Do this daily for seven days, the once a week, and finally once a month as maintenance.