Daily Cosmic Calendar for Friday, January 24th

Following the increase in tensions related to last night’s Last Quarter Sun-Moon Phase, the current state of affairs appears rather pleasant and upbeat. Put on your problem-solving, superhero disguise as Pallas forms a rare trine in earth signs with distant Pluto (12:02AM). A Mercury-Mars trine in air signs (6:58AM) is an additional signal from the cosmos that brain and brawn can mesh with positive results. Energize your exercise regime and get back in the swing of a favorite sport.  A Grand Triangle in water signs suggests that you explore holistic healing treatments and the teachings of great philosophers as the Moon trines Chiron (9:57AM) and Jupiter (1:24PM). This latter aspect doubles as a catalyst for the power of positive thinking — especially as the Moon sextiles Venus (4:07PM) and also parallels Venus (9:00PM). Love vibrations increase in wavelength while you add entries to your upcoming social calendar. Keep in mind that the Moon keeps moving through strong-willed, eagle-eyed Scorpio for this entire day. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Wednesday, Jan. 22nd

If you find yourself huffing and puffing more than usual as you go about your daily work and errands, blame it on lunar square patterns of 90-degrees to Pluto (3:54AM), Jupiter (6:21AM) and Venus (10:07AM). The square aspect can sometimes be empowering, but most of the time, it suggests that an internal obstacle to forward progress must first be faced, understood and eliminated before you can regain positive momentum in your life.  Communications look promising — particularly around 4:01PM when the lunar orb trines Mercury in air signs. The Moon makes its monthly union with the red planet Mars — this month in Libra — at 7:52PM. However, this potent and somewhat volatile conjunction also launches a void lunar cycle that stays influential until tomorrow at 1:45PM when the Moon enters the intense waters of Scorpio. Avoid rash, dare-devil behavior in any form overnight. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for December 11th

Solving problems is a special keynote of the early hours — courtesy of a trine between Pallas and Pluto in earth signs (6:09AM). Research projects and strategy sessions receive a green light under this harmonious sky pattern. However, later on, avoid mental fatigue since Mercury moves into a 90-degree square with Pallas (4:43PM).  Developing your leadership credentials is a central theme of the current transit of Aries Moon — a theme that began yesterday when the lunar orb entered the first sign of the zodiac. The evening vibes appear promising as the Moon trines the Sun in fire signs (6:15PM) while Mercury forms a supportive, 60-degree liaison with Vesta (10:01PM). While any harmonious tie between the solar and lunar orbs can be a vitality booster, the Mercury-Vesta link-up points you in the direction of increasing the value of your assets and investments. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Daily Cosmic Calendar for December 3rd

If you are feeling happy-go-lucky in any sort of way, then play that up to the max. The reason is that a double emphasis of Sagittarius — Sun and Moon together in this potentially ebullient and achievement-oriented, 9th sign of the zodiac — only occurs for approximately two days in any calendar year. Plus, this morning’s supportive, 60-degree rapport from Mercury to Mars (8:36AM) is a clear energizer for literary, educational and athletic hobbies. Improve your tennis backhand, golf swing or volleyball serve. Consider signing up for classes, conferences or workshops that pique your interest.  Later on, the Moon forms a square aspect to the red planet Mars in Virgo (7:46PM). This feisty interaction — always occurring twice a month in either a waxing or waning phase — has the capacity to increase the tensions within the psychic atmosphere.  In addition, today’s 90-degree Moon-Mars encounter begins another void-of-course lunar experience that lasts for 3 hours until 10:50PM. Keep a low profile while the Moon is in its meandering condition and then focus your attention on career aims and professional work when the Moon enters Capricorn — the earthy, tenth sign of the zodiac at 10:50PM. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Daily Cosmic Calendar for November 12th

You may want to emulate the early bird catching the worm this morning since a fairly long void lunar cycle is about to interfere with main activities of the afternoon and evening. There is a burst of excitement and mental-emotional stimulation coming from a flowing trine of 120-degrees from the Moon in Pisces to the Sun in Scorpio (6:25AM) followed quickly by the Moon making a similar trine to Jupiter in Cancer (6:35AM).  Like the Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune Grand Triangle that was very active yesterday — due to the stations of these three celestial bodies — now it is the Moon that is hooking up with the Sun and Jupiter creating a Grand Triangle that can offer sensitive individuals precognitive dreams and visions of future, worldly opportunities. However, the Moon-Jupiter harmonious trine at 6:35AM also starts a 17+ hour void lunar uncertainty zone that lasts until 11:40PM (when the Moon enters fiery, pioneering Aries). It is much better to complete old business on a high note during any void lunar cycle than to try initiating bold, new ventures.  What is intriguing is that just two hours after the void-of-course Moon takes effect, the Sun and Jupiter form a trine in water signs (8:40AM). This is one of the best sky patterns that can occur (as it provides a great boost for optimistic thinking and expanding your horizons across the board) and yet it always happens — due to the structure of the solar system — when Jupiter is retrograde. In this case, the Sun-Jupiter favorable aspect is also occurring during a void Moon.  You may still be able to utilize some of the Sun-Jupiter euphoric vibrations when the Moon enters Aries (11:40PM). Nevertheless, by that time and as Wednesday November 13 begins to materialize, Neptune will be getting ready for its spotlight on center stage when it makes a station at 3 degrees of Pisces (10:43AM tomorrow). [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Daily Cosmic Calendar for October 16th

The early trine of the Moon in Pisces to Jupiter in Cancer (12:16AM) sounds delightful and has an exuberant nature built into it. In addition, it creates a Grand Triangle in water signs since the Moon is coming from a similar trine to Mercury in Scorpio several hours earlier.  However, this unique geometric formation in the sky may not easily materialize into magnificence due to the start of a void-of-course lunar cycle as the Moon-Jupiter contact becomes exact (12:16AM). This lunar uncertainty time-period lasts for 18 hours until 6:19PM when the Moon darts into fiery Aries. Completing odd jobs and old projects is the right thing to do during an extensive void lunar cycle — especially when the Moon is transiting through the last sign of the zodiac.  During the void time-span, Venus becomes the active planetary player in our solar system by forming a square to Chiron (7:30AM) and a trine to Uranus (3:05PM). The Venus square to Chiron is a reminder to keep studying matters related to holistic healing while the trine to Uranus opens the gates of genius in arts and crafts.  Once the Moon enters Aries (6:19PM), it is an opportune time of the month to strengthen your leadership skills and tap into your assertive demeanor. Start tuning into the potent Full Moon that occurs on Friday. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Daily Cosmic Calendar for August 13th

[All times are calculated for the Pacific Daylight Zone. If you are living in a different time zone, add or subtract the necessary hours so that any timed alignment will be exact where you live.]  Can you feel the difference between a day when the Moon is in Scorpio — as it is today — and when the Moon is in the other eleven zodiacal signs? There is a fierce intensity to Scorpio that is deep, subliminal and — often — palpable, if you are rather tuned in and psychic.  Avoid using inflammatory rhetoric in any discussion as Mercury forms an off-kilter, 150-degree to mysterious and willful Pluto (7:59AM) while Mercury also makes an opposition to Juno (10:02AM). Pushing the envelope — without considering the feelings and sensitivities of dear ones and colleagues — is taboo.  Opportunities for advancement in educational and literary pursuits are still available — courtesy of a flowing trine in water signs between the Moon and Jupiter (8:12AM).  This harmonious configuration of 120-degrees broadens into a Grand Trine as the Moon trines Chiron (11:27AM) — giving a boost for explorations in the healing arts. Therefore, all three water signs — Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces — are geometrically in synch (a very intuitive association) via Jupiter, the Moon and Chiron. Immerse yourself in film classics or a bestseller tonight.

See What The Week Ahead Holds for You, General Horoscopes for the Week of Aug. 12 – 18

Weekly Astrology: August 12-18, 2013

This week it’s all about “me, me, me”

Maria DeSimone   Maria DeSimone on the topics of venus, mercury, libra, leo, astrology

It might be a short week in terms of planetary aspects, but that certainly doesn’t mean its short on depth. In fact, we all know that most of the time it’s not about quantity, but all about quality.  This week we’ve got superb quality in the cosmic sky!

Here’s the lowdown on the key cosmic events the week of August 12-18, 2013.

Wednesday, August 14: Mercury in Leo trine Uranus in Aries

What you can surely expect early in the week and peaking on Wednesday is fantastic mental stamina. High spirited, innovative thinking will be a hallmark for everyone, thanks to a gorgeous trine between Mercury in Leo and Uranus in Aries.

Mercury in Leo likes to communicate theatrically. His words need to have flair and this placement is known for being exceptionally talented in the story telling department. When Mercury in Leo is at a friendly angle to Uranus in Aries, there’s an added spark of innovation to whatever is communicated. Expect original ideas to fly and Eureka moments dramatically declared in conversation.

The other side of this trine is the fact that it’s decidedly ego centered. Everyone will have a grand old time talking about themselves — or to themselves. It’s a “me, me, me” dialogue, for sure. However, the funny part is that because it’s a trine, no one will fault you for it. So go ahead, self-promote — especially when it comes to your most unusual talents and ideas!

Friday, August 16: Venus in Libra

Hearts will open up once again by Friday, thanks to Venus moving into relationship-oriented Libra. It’s not that Venus in Virgo is close-hearted — it’s just more tight-lipped when it comes to the expression of relationship needs. The shift in energy will be felt in a major way because now Venus will be in her home sign and much more comfortable to express herself naturally.

What does that entail? Well, Venus in Libra is certainly more social, graceful and charming. From Friday until September 11 you’ll have an extraordinary edge when it comes to nurturing the harmony potential in any partnership. The gentle dance of give and take in a relationship will become more of a focus, and in general everyone will be more willing to give.

The exception to this rule will be when Venus squares Pluto and opposes Uranus, but that won’t happen this week, so for now just trust that Venus in Libra is certainly in a happy place.

Because this is a short week when it comes to planetary aspects, it’s also a good week to focus on your New Moon intentions from last week. Although the New Moon in Leo occurred on August 6, for this entire week you will still have that energy to use to your advantage.

Don’t forget to plant seeds of intention that revolve around a new creative project, romance or situation with a child in your life. Use the extraordinary mental energy this Wednesday to flesh out an idea related to your New Moon intentions.

And for this weekend? Expect a lot less “I” and a lot more “we” in your conversations.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, August 29th

Our senses rule our feelings today once the Moon slides into earthy Taurus at 12:42 am EDT. We’re less likely to react impulsively when the laid-back Taurus Moon opposes restrictive Saturn this morning. It may even feel as if our forward progress has stalled. Thankfully, love is in the air because the Moon forms a harmonious Grand Trine with romantic Venus and passionate Pluto. Even with the stress of the day, we can still find time for pleasure.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Let your love light shine since your current strength is not your ability to overpower an adversary, but rather your willingness to respect him or her in spite of your differences. Even if you feel combative, it makes no sense to fight fire with fire. Meet your opposition with sincere appreciation and charm, not angry words or threatening actions. Love more; fear less.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

It’s no fun to encounter obstacles in your path, but the Moon’s return to your determined sign gives you an extra dose of courage today. Recognizing that you’re the source of the resistance you now face empowers you to improve your fortune. Instead of worrying about why you can’t find satisfaction, take a chance by showing others how much you care. A small heartfelt gesture may be all that’s needed to tilt someone’s affections your way.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You might have overbooked your day with too many things to do. It sounded like a great idea when you first committed to such a busy schedule, but you may feel like slowing down as the day progresses. Ultimately, the amount of items you cross off your checklist today won’t impact your life in the long run. Instead of worrying about what you didn’t do, concentrate on being present in the here and now. Others will understand if you need to shuffle your priorities as long as you keep them informed of the changes.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Sometimes it’s difficult to stand in the spotlight and be seen for what you bring to the party. Since you don’t often toot your own horn, it may feel extremely empowering to do it now. Don’t be afraid of letting everyone know about your skillful expertise. However, the best way to inform them is not with words; it’s through direct action. It’s time to proudly walk your talk and receive the recognition you deserve.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You may want to take the day off even if you didn’t exert yourself that much over the weekend. You might feel like you’ve overextended your limits, leading you to think you have to clean up an interpersonal mess that you inadvertently created. Just remember that your intentions are most powerful when you aren’t in denial. There’s no need to create a convoluted story to justify your recent behavior. Being honest with others starts with first acknowledging the facts.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

There’s magic in the air, filling your day with spiritual creativity. However, you may run into a wall today that requires you to stop and reassess your direction. Reaching your destination isn’t as simple as it might seem. You must be a co-creator in your own magic. Block out some time to meditate, listen to music or take a walk. But keep in mind that your mental process is what’s most important while you are doing these activities. Luckily, if you can visualize it now, then you can make it happen.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You are feeling more practical now that the Moon is back in pragmatic Capricorn. You’ve had your fling — real or imagined; now it’s time to get back to work and move your career objectives ahead again. But this isn’t about giving up your heart’s desire because your needs are too strong to deny. You could end up being self-indulgent if you only feed your senses. However, converting your passions into acts of artistic and romantic creation is a better way to use the energy. Don’t be satisfied with anything less than awesome today.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

It’s all about relationships now, but your interests aren’t limited to romantic involvements. There is a desire on your part to spend time with a companion who is willing to help untangle the threads of your sometimes all-too-complex life. Your current need for simplification reveals how far away you are from living the uncomplicated life you desire. Nevertheless, with a little help from a loyal friend you can create a workable plan to get back to basics. Confiding in someone you trust makes all the difference in the world.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

It may seem like the party’s over today, but you’re not done having your blast of summertime fun. It’s just that your previous path has come to an end as the energy is playing itself out. Everything feels as if it’s winding down now. But maybe this is more of a necessary intermission than the end of the show. Catch up on your responsibilities so you’re ready for the next act when it begins.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Very real steps can be taken toward relaxation and romance today, but you must keep your wits about you if you want to be successful. Don’t worry; you’re not about to be swept off your feet by love. There’s very little chance that you will forget your earthly commitments even if you go chasing rainbows now. Consider what you need to be happy and then move with determination toward making your dreams come true.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You may attempt to dance your way around an important issue today, but, ultimately, you must face the question of timing, sooner or later. Sooner is better. Even though you prefer relying on cool logic over irrational emotions, trust your gut instincts instead. Don’t waste valuable energy justifying what you want to do. You know what you need. Turn off the words and open up your heart.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Keep the entire forest within your vision now, even if you’re overly attached to one particular tree. Try not to make a fuss over the circumstances that are attracting you to the most special thing in your world. The woods are full of all kinds, shapes and sizes of trees, shrubs and grasses. Naturally, you can’t touch every one of them, but you can employ your imagination to explore the incredible variety. Your life is a spectrum of possibilities waiting to be discovered.


Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of July 29th

Look out for turbulence on the relationship front early in the week with an evolutionary Venus-Pluto trine occurring on Tuesday and a revolutionary Mars-Uranus square happening on Wednesday. Friday’s cosmic atmosphere is friendly and flirtatious with the chatty Gemini Moon and a charming Venus-Mars connection running the show. This favorable alignment of astrology’s planetary lovers invites lighthearted and romantic behavior that makes it easy to meet someone new. Yet emotions are likely to go deeper on Saturday after the Moon swims into the sensitive waters of Cancer, reminding us not to play with the hearts of others unless we are prepared to play for keeps.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A volatile Mars-Uranus square may provoke impulsive behavior on Wednesday. You’re not in the mood to compromise or adhere to anyone else’s schedule. But bailing out might be better than waiting until the weekend when even the slightest shift in plans can add chaos to your personal life. If you’re caught up in intense feelings, finishing business from the past is wiser than rushing into something new. Embrace the unexpected on Sunday when surprises are likely to pop up unannounced.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Your ability to evaluate relationships is very astute on Monday and Tuesday with the reflective Moon’s presence in your realistic sign. Knowing what people to trust and which habits to change allows you to let go of what you don’t need or to invest more effort in going after what you want. Friday’s cosmic playground provides a place to play with the flirty Gemini Moon hanging out in your 2nd House of Self-Esteem while a Venus-Mars sextile encourages romance. But it’s back to more serious matters once the Moon slips into needy Cancer and your 3rd House of Information early Saturday morning. Prepare for a bumpy ride throughout much of the rest of the weekend. Bring your sense of humor and a willingness to communicate if you want to win someone’s heart.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

You can be the life of the party on Thursday and Friday with the Moon dancing in your clever sign. Attracting people comes easily with your friendly and flirty attitude, so just be careful not to make any promises you can’t keep. The Moon enters moody Cancer in the wee hours of Saturday morning and runs a gauntlet of challenging planetary connections, leading you through an emotional maze. Explosions are possible, so avoid provocative words to keep things peaceful. On the other hand, if the status quo needs shaking, Sunday is your day to create positive change.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

Buckle your seat belt this weekend because you’re in for a wild ride through every aspect of relationships before it’s over. The Moon’s shift into your intuitive sign in the first hour of Saturday morning sets the stage for some powerful experiences. Challenging lunar connections with unpredictable Uranus and provocative Pluto intensifies emotions during the evening. Yet if you learn to adjust to surprises with an open heart on Sunday, you will be rewarded with feelings of freedom and freshness in ways you didn’t expect.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

The week starts on solid ground regarding relationships. You can see yourself more objectively, which helps you to appreciate your assets and also recognize where you have some more work to do. The weekend turns weird on Saturday when you might want to get out of the line of fire. There’s electricity in the air and it’s not necessarily the kind that leads to clarity, so bide your time instead of impatiently pushing ahead. Sunday’s cosmic configurations may leave you little choice but to follow your bliss.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your common sense in regards to relationships is particularly incisive on Tuesday due to a Venus-Pluto Trine influencing your 1st House of Self. If you’ve been trying to come to a decision about someone, this cosmic setting should provide you with the insight you need to make the correct choice. The weekend, though, may be overtaken by friends who are going through crises, real or imagined. While it’s sweet of you to offer your assistance, there are some strong emotions running amok that might not be easily managed by anyone. The best thing you can do is let your love-light shine as an example for others to follow.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Tuesday is the day for digging deep to discover what your heart truly wants while you have a Venus-Pluto trine working on your behalf. You’re feeling confident and sexy on Friday, making it a great time to explore unfamiliar social territory. The inquisitive Gemini Moon is traveling through your adventurous 9th House while your alluring ruling planet Venus is cuddling up with passionate Mars. The rest of the weekend, though, may find you unsuccessfully attempting to maintain order and stick to a schedule. Keep on your toes since circumstances and moods can change too quickly to gather the cooperation that you seek.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

If you’re sitting on the fence regarding relationships, you’re likely to jump off of it this weekend. The Moon in sister water sign Cancer sets an emotional tone starting in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Lunar connections with enthusiastic Jupiter, exotic Pluto and erratic Uranus fill Saturday with surprises of all sorts. Going to extremes, both positive and negative, can lead to some interesting places, but not the kind of comfy ones where you can settle down. There’s no time for rest on Sunday when the Sun trines spontaneous Uranus; embrace the unknown and enjoy the ride.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Pure play and pleasure are on the agenda for Thursday and Friday with the flirtatious Gemini Moon visiting your 7th House of Partners. Striking up conversations with new people or seeking more mental stimulation in your current relationship is high on your agenda. Yet early on Saturday morning, a lunar shift into nurturing Cancer and your 8th House of Intimacy raises the stakes in romance as emotions overflow and flood the bounds of reason. Give your love without any expectations; you may be pleasantly surprised by what you receive in return.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

This weekend could mark a significant turning point in your relationship life. The loyal Cancer Moon enters your 7th House of Partners on Saturday morning and then runs into a buzz of planetary activity throughout the day. Encountering difficult lunar alignments with boisterous Jupiter, suspicious Pluto and rebellious Uranus can bring intimate issues to a head. Yet a breakthrough connection is a potential positive outcome of these wild times if you can keep your wits about you and your heart wide open.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

A lunar transit of your 5th House of Romance adds extra pleasure to your personal life from Wednesday through Friday night. Easygoing people and a playful attitude keep encounters light and breezy. But the same teasing comments that get laughs then could trigger less desirable responses on Saturday after the Moon moves into overprotective Cancer. It’s an edgy weekend when even the most innocent jokes are capable of provoking extreme emotional reactions. Tread lightly when exploring unknown territory on Sunday or surprises are bound to catch you off guard.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The Moon ambles into caring Cancer and your 5th House of Romance early on Saturday morning, putting you in the mood for a cozy weekend hanging out in the company of those you love. However, this normally favorable transit is rocked by some intense planetary activity, including some lunar connections with unruly Uranus and defiant Pluto which can alter plans and rattle moods. Still, you can grab attention in surprising ways if you’re willing to take chances with your appearance and your attitude.

Daily Cosmic Calendar for July 19

Remember how Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune had forged a Grand Trine or Triangle on July 17 — offering great insights in the religious, philosophical and psychological realms of consciousness? That geometric sky pattern remained forceful yesterday and it is still giving us spiritual goose-bumps today as Saturn in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (6:21AM PDT). See this part of the triangular alignment as an opportunity to bring your ideals (Neptune) into the real world (Saturn).  Your ability to see into the future is also enhanced — thanks to a trine of 120-degrees from the Moon in Sagittarius to Uranus in Aries (7:32AM PDT). Continue to let the good times roll under the ebullient aegis of Sagittarius Moon.  Believe it or not, the red planet Mars is about to create another Grand Trine in the zodiac as it replaces Jupiter in the trio tomorrow by forming 120-degree, harmonious ties with Neptune and Saturn. This will all be happening on the day that Mercury pivots to make its station in Cancer and turn forward. Wisdom dictates that you get plenty of shut-eye overnight in preparation for another great adventure on Spaceship Earth.

Your Horoscopes for Wednesday, July 17th

Wishing upon a star can actually make our dreams come true now that lucky Jupiter forms an emotionally stable Grand Trine with visionary Neptune and ambitious Saturn. This rare planetary pattern sheds its grace upon us for the next few days, empowering us to reach our goals as long as we’re willing to work hard. Meanwhile, the magnetic Scorpio Moon polarizes our feelings and urges us to take an extreme position on a delicate emotional matter.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Your mental sharpness is strong today, but you may grow impatient if everything doesn’t go your way. You might expect others to respond quickly to your requests, but you’re probably moving too fast. Your overconfidence can land you in trouble if you don’t give someone plenty of time to catch up to you. A more mature approach will pay off now, making it smarter to let the waves of anticipation settle down prior to initiating action. Another day or two of fine-tuning your plans can’t hurt.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Naturally, you want to say yes rather than no with overindulgent Jupiter in the spotlight today. One scoop of ice cream isn’t enough now; if something tastes good, you want more. Unfortunately, your responsibilities will come second if you’re distracted by the pursuit of happiness. Remember, true joy comes from appreciating what you have and not from experiencing sensory overload. However, keeping things in perspective allows you to have your cake and eat it too.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You might talk yourself into the craziest things today because your vivid imagination is speeding around, running on overdrive. You could underestimate the complexity of a job while convincing yourself that it will be a piece of cake. However, it’s better to be realistic than to commit to a deadline you won’t be able to keep. Being a bit more cautious in your assessment enables you to reach your goals on schedule and keep your integrity intact.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You seem more outgoing to others today than you actually feel, but perhaps your friendliness distracts people from asking probing questions. Although you may be quite content these days, it’s not easy to share the real reason for your enthusiasm because you’re afraid of being misunderstood. Fortunately, it’s not necessary to push yourself outside of your comfort zone now. Enjoy your daydreams and mental meandering without explaining yourself until you’re good and ready.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You may be certain that pleasure is just around the corner, but you could have a slightly distorted perspective of the future now. On the upside, your innate self-confidence improves your life through the power of positive thinking. Having faith in the impact of your actions can be an important key to your current happiness, assuming that you don’t lose touch with reality. Visualizing your ideal outcome is more effective if you apply some common sense along the way.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You’re tempted to throw all caution to the wind today, risking your current security in the hopes of creating a memorable experience. Unfortunately, your eagerness can lead to an awkward moment when you realize that the immediate fulfillment of your desires probably won’t bring you long-term satisfaction. Rather than taking a chance on a fleeting taste of pleasure, concentrate on doing something special that will last.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You might lose track of your responsibilities today if you get caught up in a social whirlwind. Although there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy your friends and partake in pleasurable activities, don’t forget about your previous promises. If you avoid your obligations, it will certainly be more difficult to reach your goals. However, if you finish your work quickly, you can relax and enjoy floating off into a fantasy-land of fun and games.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

It’s complicated to know exactly what is acceptable and what isn’t when asking for something that you want today. Although your requests aren’t really off the wall, your friends may not share the same intensity for your passions. Nevertheless, staying connected with your feelings is empowering, even if you think you need to keep your desires hidden. Ultimately, toning down your style just a bit gives others enough emotional distance to support you without feeling overwhelmed.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You may think that indulgent behavior should bring you more joy, but following this strategy now only leads to frustration down the road. Unrestrained partying and other kinds of escapist activities can be a great deal of fun in moderation for a short amount of time. Meanwhile, getting serious about seeking your own personal vision requires a real commitment to hard work with the potential rewards to follow sometime in the future. Ultimately, the choice is yours

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You have been performing your job duties under pressure recently, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise if you’re anxious to escape your heavy work responsibilities. Luckily, taking a long lunch or socializing on the clock may not be a problem as long as you don’t stretch the limits too far. A reasonable approach enables you to easily fit in some fun today without negatively impacting your reputation or your productivity. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, even if it doesn’t contribute to your progress.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You might be more interested in encouraging your coworkers today than you are in reaching your own goals. Thankfully, your magnanimity may prove to be lots of fun for you, even if you don’t get much done. Instead of putting all your eggs in someone else’s basket, reserve a few for yourself. Fortunately, balancing your dreams with other people’s agendas creates a situation where everyone can be a winner.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You have the gift of being able to touch others profoundly today, healing past hurts and mending old wounds. Paradoxically, your current magic cannot be bottled or saved, however hard you try. Although acting with compassion is your specialty, you still may end up feeling like a victim if you go to extreme measures. Luckily, you don’t need to make major sacrifices to do your best work. Instead of holding back, open your heart and let your love light shine.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, December 14th

Our nervous systems are highly stimulated today as we stretch our minds to new horizons. Sudden inspiration is likely as Mercury the Messenger creates a superconductive trine with Uranus the Awakener. Meanwhile, the steady Capricorn Moon reminds us to be practical. But even a difficult solar aspect to responsible Saturn isn’t powerful enough to stop the lightning from striking as intellectual sparks fly and original thoughts run free.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You’re ready for nearly anything today and if something really exciting doesn’t happen, you might be willing to stir up a bit of trouble just for the fun of it. Paradoxically, the closer you get to taking action, the more you feel that you should be careful. Listen to both voices because acting on a brilliant thought may be just what you need. However, if you’re taking a risk, at least start out slowly to see how it’s going to work out before you jump in full force.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

It may be difficult to settle down now, for your thoughts are running amok and leading you on wild goose chases all over the place. Instead of trying to solve the mysteries of the universe today, it might be smarter to concentrate on what’s directly in front of you. The long-term dilemmas are not going to disappear, but you’ll be better equipped to handle them in a less frenzied atmosphere. In the meantime, finishing your work before the weekend gives you a sense of satisfaction.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Your key planet Mercury is receiving unexpected instructions from electric Uranus today, enticing you to engage in edgy conversations that you might otherwise avoid. However, you may believe that you have nothing to lose if you tell others exactly what you think. Nevertheless, it’s wiser to act with a bit of caution and compassion. Don’t say anything hurtful that could make you wish you said nothing at all.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The Moon in your 7th House of Others highlights intense interactions, but you might bring more passion to the situation than someone else can handle. However, avoiding discussions is not a viable option. It’s better now to engage intellectually rather than emotionally, so you don’t scare others away with your unrestrained disclosure of too much information. Focus on the most practical issues and talk about your feelings another day.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It can be challenging to follow through on your obligations because you have so many jobs you must do today. Mischievous Mercury trines irrepressible Uranus in your 9th House of Faraway Places, tempting you to daydream, instead. However, you also have enough enthusiasm to initiate action on a strategic plan that you keep postponing. There’s nothing wrong with grandiose thinking as long as you don’t mix up your fantasies with what’s actually possible in the real world.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A fiery trine between interactive Mercury and radical Uranus today can prompt you to react before looking at a situation through your reliable analytical filter. You could be flooded with a wide array of wild and crazy ideas that actually appear viable at first. There’s no need to block out any thought that pops into your mind now, but only take action on the ideas that are the most realistic.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Clever Mercury trines innovative Uranus in your 7th House of Partners, indicating that working with others doesn’t have to impede your progress. The encouragement you now receive from an exciting relationship also reminds you that reaching your goal is not enough. You need acknowledgment from your friends and associates, too. However, it’s not wise to let your desire to be recognized stand in the way of your productivity today. Express your brilliant ideas without worrying about what others might think.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Be bold and take a chance by demonstrating your willingness to do a job differently today, even if your unconventional approach makes you less efficient. The potential for a significant breakthrough is great, yet your most brilliant plans won’t conform to comfortable routines. Nevertheless, you don’t need to act on every brilliant idea. Pick the best one and then work to make it real.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

A new project may have recently grabbed your attention, and now you’re tempted to jump ahead before building a strong foundation. Your plans might be quite sound, but you still need to slow down or you will get too far ahead of everyone else. Just a touch of extra patience is enough to help you be more effective today, especially if you want to be the leader of the pack.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You may feel deeply connected to your own needs, and this could make you difficult to get along with today. On the surface you demonstrate your readiness to work closely with others, yet your dissatisfaction is more transparent than you think. Your actions and your words might not be in step with each other now. Don’t talk about what you’re going to do; instead, just do it.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your key planet Uranus normally encourages you to behave unconventionally, but today it’s logical Mercury that fills you with more ideas than you can express. You’re inclined to tell everyone everything that you are thinking now, but doing so could scatter your efforts. Keep some thoughts to yourself or you’ll dissipate your energy in each passing moment without leaving anything to show for your brilliance. A little self-restraint goes a long way toward saving the day.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your eagerness to share an original idea is the greatest gift you can give someone today. Your self-confidence could appear contrived at first, but others will realize that you have plenty of practical logic to back up your point of view. It’s unnecessary to play down your eccentricities now; you don’t have to conform to anyone else’s expectations. Just tell it as you see it and let the chips fall as they may.

Daily Cosmic Calendar for October 10

If you are in the mood to conduct important research, you should utilize this morning’s supportive, 60-degree alliance between Mercury and Pluto (12:33AM PDT) to get the job done right. Your productivity could be a little shaky due to a Mars-Ceres off-kilter, 150-degree tie happening at 2:27AM PDT.  Some of the best hours today for accomplishing everything on your to-do list arrive as the Moon forms supportive, 60-degree links with giant Jupiter (11:37AM PDT) and just prior to a similar, 60-degree connection with the Sun (2:41PM PDT). The problem at this point is that the Sun-Moon liaison starts a void lunar twilight zone that lasts until 12:25PM PDT tomorrow. It is wise to finish old business during this nearly 22-hour time-span.  As often happens during these strange lunar interludes, a major planetary aspect occurs when Saturn in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (7:40PM PDT). Although this rapport between the planets that rule the material and astral/emotional realms will reappear in June and July of 2013, it is helpful at this juncture to coordinate your approaches to success in business and professional matters with your creative imagination and soulful ideals. Meditating for clarity and working with uplifting affirmations are recommended.