Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, December 14th

Our nervous systems are highly stimulated today as we stretch our minds to new horizons. Sudden inspiration is likely as Mercury the Messenger creates a superconductive trine with Uranus the Awakener. Meanwhile, the steady Capricorn Moon reminds us to be practical. But even a difficult solar aspect to responsible Saturn isn’t powerful enough to stop the lightning from striking as intellectual sparks fly and original thoughts run free.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You’re ready for nearly anything today and if something really exciting doesn’t happen, you might be willing to stir up a bit of trouble just for the fun of it. Paradoxically, the closer you get to taking action, the more you feel that you should be careful. Listen to both voices because acting on a brilliant thought may be just what you need. However, if you’re taking a risk, at least start out slowly to see how it’s going to work out before you jump in full force.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

It may be difficult to settle down now, for your thoughts are running amok and leading you on wild goose chases all over the place. Instead of trying to solve the mysteries of the universe today, it might be smarter to concentrate on what’s directly in front of you. The long-term dilemmas are not going to disappear, but you’ll be better equipped to handle them in a less frenzied atmosphere. In the meantime, finishing your work before the weekend gives you a sense of satisfaction.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Your key planet Mercury is receiving unexpected instructions from electric Uranus today, enticing you to engage in edgy conversations that you might otherwise avoid. However, you may believe that you have nothing to lose if you tell others exactly what you think. Nevertheless, it’s wiser to act with a bit of caution and compassion. Don’t say anything hurtful that could make you wish you said nothing at all.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The Moon in your 7th House of Others highlights intense interactions, but you might bring more passion to the situation than someone else can handle. However, avoiding discussions is not a viable option. It’s better now to engage intellectually rather than emotionally, so you don’t scare others away with your unrestrained disclosure of too much information. Focus on the most practical issues and talk about your feelings another day.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It can be challenging to follow through on your obligations because you have so many jobs you must do today. Mischievous Mercury trines irrepressible Uranus in your 9th House of Faraway Places, tempting you to daydream, instead. However, you also have enough enthusiasm to initiate action on a strategic plan that you keep postponing. There’s nothing wrong with grandiose thinking as long as you don’t mix up your fantasies with what’s actually possible in the real world.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A fiery trine between interactive Mercury and radical Uranus today can prompt you to react before looking at a situation through your reliable analytical filter. You could be flooded with a wide array of wild and crazy ideas that actually appear viable at first. There’s no need to block out any thought that pops into your mind now, but only take action on the ideas that are the most realistic.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Clever Mercury trines innovative Uranus in your 7th House of Partners, indicating that working with others doesn’t have to impede your progress. The encouragement you now receive from an exciting relationship also reminds you that reaching your goal is not enough. You need acknowledgment from your friends and associates, too. However, it’s not wise to let your desire to be recognized stand in the way of your productivity today. Express your brilliant ideas without worrying about what others might think.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Be bold and take a chance by demonstrating your willingness to do a job differently today, even if your unconventional approach makes you less efficient. The potential for a significant breakthrough is great, yet your most brilliant plans won’t conform to comfortable routines. Nevertheless, you don’t need to act on every brilliant idea. Pick the best one and then work to make it real.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

A new project may have recently grabbed your attention, and now you’re tempted to jump ahead before building a strong foundation. Your plans might be quite sound, but you still need to slow down or you will get too far ahead of everyone else. Just a touch of extra patience is enough to help you be more effective today, especially if you want to be the leader of the pack.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You may feel deeply connected to your own needs, and this could make you difficult to get along with today. On the surface you demonstrate your readiness to work closely with others, yet your dissatisfaction is more transparent than you think. Your actions and your words might not be in step with each other now. Don’t talk about what you’re going to do; instead, just do it.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your key planet Uranus normally encourages you to behave unconventionally, but today it’s logical Mercury that fills you with more ideas than you can express. You’re inclined to tell everyone everything that you are thinking now, but doing so could scatter your efforts. Keep some thoughts to yourself or you’ll dissipate your energy in each passing moment without leaving anything to show for your brilliance. A little self-restraint goes a long way toward saving the day.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your eagerness to share an original idea is the greatest gift you can give someone today. Your self-confidence could appear contrived at first, but others will realize that you have plenty of practical logic to back up your point of view. It’s unnecessary to play down your eccentricities now; you don’t have to conform to anyone else’s expectations. Just tell it as you see it and let the chips fall as they may.