March 24 Divination Journal

Tarot Cards


The Hermit – Major Arcana

The Hermit is number nine in the Major Arcana and it represents a man standing on top of a mountain with a lantern in his hand.

He symbolizes the man who achieved his spiritual peak and is now ready to share that wisdom.

The Hermit Tarot Card is all about introspection. You have come to a time in your life where you have to just quiet yourself and look for answers within.


When The Hermit appears in a Tarot reading, he often suggests a time for being alone.

You might be seeking greater understanding of the values, motivations and personal principles of your life.

The Hermit indicates that retreat or withdrawal is advised for now because the truth you are looking for is not found in the outside world, but in yourself.

This is the time for soul-searching and challenging the status quo and the best way to do that is by meditation and contemplation.

As a result, you might want to do some changes in your life, modify some priorities or even your lifestyle.


The Hermit in reversed position can indicate that you are either taking too much time for personal reflection, or none at all.

If the time spent with soul searching and introspection is making you a literal hermit, you should try to reconsider. Being alone and isolated might have a terrible effect on you and your family and friends.

The Hermit’s reversal may also suggest you are intentionally avoiding focusing inward for fear of what you might discover or the changes you might have to make.

When The Hermit appears reversed in a relationship reading, it might suggest that one of you has a need for isolation. Be careful at that degree of isolation for it might ruin everything.

If you are single, the Hermit reversed can indicate that you are tired of being alone and are now beginning to search for a partner.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


White Butterfly

(Side Note from Lady Beltane: Since my mom crossed the veil in 2015 her and my dad, who crossed in 1970, come to check on me a various time always as white butterflies. One slightly bigger than the other.)

What does it mean when a white butterfly flutters in front of you or lands nearby? In this post, we’ll explore all aspects of white butterfly meaning, from spiritual meanings to love and relationships, money, health, and more.

Table of Contents

Types of White Butterflies

White Butterfly Spiritual Meanings

White Butterfly Meaning in Love and Relationships

White Butterfly Meaning in Money and Career Matters

Seeing a White Butterfly and Health and Wellness

Summary: Your angels are on your side.





Keywords: Conflict, defence, challenge, danger, competition, quarrel

The third rune, Thurisaz, shows either Thor’s hammer, or a giant. In Norse mythology, Thor, Odin’s son and the good of war and thunder, is constantly defending the divine realm from the malicious giants. In other words, there is a sense of two powerful, opposing forces clashing, and the meaning is clear: Conflict is brewing and you are going to have to stand your ground, stand up for yourself, and defend that which you cherish and believe in.

While Thurisaz can be a call to arms, it can also simply be a sign of friendly competition, an indication of competitive spirit.

When Thurisaz appears reversed in a reading, its connotations are also turned on their head. Hear, instead of indicating a defensive stance and hinting at your great ability when it comes to stand up for yourself, there is a sense of helplessness, of failing to set boundaries and getting trampled on as a result.

Witches Rune



This is a very positive rune. It tells that it is time to move ahead to achieve the objectives. It can be called the green light which gives assurance that you are going the right way. The star also represents money, jewelries, bonuses, personal glory and even love affair. It means spiritual gifts. If you are in a tight situation at the moment or in difficult times – this rune means that all your trials are off. You will be out of the wood pretty soon! Key words: joy, fulfillment of desires, achievement of objectives, right way, blessing beyond, material benefits, glory, success, freedom, encouraging.

Moon phase: full Moon

Saturday: Ostara

Element: Air




Grace, death, letting go, endings, rest, the beauty of decay

Tree: Yew (Taxus spp.)

Letter: Y

Ioho symbolizes the acceptance of enduring realities and legacies of the past. If you draw Ioho, look for the end of a phase or cycle. Ioho suggests you are handling or will handle the matter at hand with dignity and grace.

Modern culture has spent a great deal of time running away from the ideas of death and decay as natural, welcome processes. As a result, we have a society obsessed with launching our species into space for fear of extinction, a medical industry bent on extending life long after it has ceased to have any quality, and a fixation on youth that motivates the middle aged to undergo brutal, grisly procedures in order to look twenty. When we frame aging (not just of human beings) in a sensible way, we understand that getting old isn’t so terrible. People age and die. Technologies change. Weeks become years. Eras fade away. Letting go is for the best.

Ioho is about accepting limits gracefully. We cannot control much of what is around us or what happens to us in life, but we can control a great deal of how we perceive it and what we decide to do about it.

Though this Ogham has profound similarities to the Death card of the Tarot, like that card, 99.9 percent of the time it is not to be taken literally. Drawing Ioho does not mean you or someone in your circle is fated for immediate death. Instead, it signifies the necessary end and inevitability of all things decaying and dying. More often than not, the death process is much slower than we impatient humans are able to bear. Look for a lesson that comes from the acceptance of endings rather than literal death.

Ill-dignified excess: Poisonous nostalgia:
Glorifying the past can be as toxic as dismissing it. Either way is a refusal to learn from one’s mistakes. The past can be seductive. Living there, whether the purpose is to beat yourself up for past mistakes or to romanticize an era that most likely isn’t as great as you think it was, is a way of avoiding necessary work on yourself. Nobody can force the present to be the past. Consider the old trope of the bereaved parent who preserves the room of their dead child exactly as they left it: their weird, superstitious actions that do nothing to preserve what was actually good about the past or the actual child themselves. The old man who affects exaggerated old-fashioned mannerisms, smoking, a bad toupee, and a full leisure suit with bell-bottom pants does not bring back the disco era in which he felt happiest. He only builds a flimsy bulwark against the modern era instead of making necessary adaptations in the long learning process of life. Hiding from the world in a comfortable, familiar shell can make you brittle.

Ill-dignified dearth: Refusal to rest:
SLOW DOWN. Running away from the need to slow down is pure self-destruct mode. Learn how to rest before Nature takes the choice out of your hands. Overwork and frenetic activity need to be balanced out with relaxation and reconnection with your quieter inner self. You desperately have a need to be alone with your own thoughts to sort out what needs to be done. Don’t feel guilty about cancelling appointments and not fulfilling every obligation you agreed to when you thought you’d have more energy. Take a break.

“When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.” -Tecumseh

“The purpose of a vacation is to have the time to rest. But many of us, even when we go on vacation, don’t know how to rest. We may even come back more tired than before we left.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” -William Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice)

I Ching


Hexagram Thirty-Eight/38

Name: K’uei.

Keyphrase: Opposition.

Formed By The Trigrams: Fire over Lake.

General: Reconciliation must be a key priority if there is disunity.

Love: Be as tactful as necessary to overcome a potentially divisive issue.

Business: You may find that lack of communication, or refusal to communicate, is causing a period of stagnation. You will need to remedy this before further progress is possible.

Personal: It will be necessary to learn to respect your enemy to resolve any crisis you are currently in.

Overview: K’uei is about communication. Or the lack of it. Being stubborn or indifferent to a situation and not talking it out will lead to progress being brought to a standstill. K’uei tells you that the only way forward is through effective communication and reconciliation. Extreme tact may be required and if so, this is the course you must take. You must learn to ignore emotion at this time no matter how badly others may be behaving. Do not allow yourself to be provoked and then respond with anger. It will be a mistake and you will lose credibility. Your behavior needs to be exemplary.




See 11c It is more realistic. It is very intuitive, but will not easily admit that. It often earns in the sale of art or antiques. It has phobias.

Angel Number



Meaning of angel number 38

Angel number 38 has not only the meaning of 38 number, which is a symbol of richness, but also the meaning of angel number 3, angel number 8, and angel number 38. Know the meaning of Angel Number 38

Richness is brought

The biggest implication is that angel number 38 has the big meaning of “giving richness”. Especially, the meaning of economic richness is many, and the economic side is supported by angels. Anyone who feels this angel number 38 will indicate that the environment will change and financially good things will happen in the future and that fortune will rise.

Spell For Wednesday – Ra: Devotional Prayer for the Sun


Ra: Devotional Prayer for the Sun

Light a yellow or golden candle during this devotional.

Incense for Ra:

Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lemongrass.

Offerings to Ra:

Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Honey, Beer, Dates, Sunflowers.

Ra is the Sun god in Egyptian mythology.

The symbol of sunlight, giver of life, as well as responsible for the cycle of death and resurrection. He is the god who represents the midday sun, at its maximum splendor.

At the beginning of the Old Kingdom, Ra was just one of several existing solar deities, but around BCE he had become the official god of the pharaohs, who considered themselves his children, and even his incarnations. During Dynasty V his status was elevated to national deity and later linked to the Theban god Amun to become Amun-Ra, the main deity of the Egyptian pantheon.

His most usual representation was that of a man with a hawk’s head, on which he carried the solar disk. Another form of worship given to this deity was as Ra-Horajti, a solar god with a hawk’s head, crowned by the solar disk and a halo, with a Was-sceptre and an ankh.

This prayer can be used as part of you daily Wiccan devotional routine, or in a spell where you want to add attributes related to the Sun, such as Fire, heat, growth, or success.

Devotional text

O solar disk, lord of radiance, rising on the horizon every day,

may you shine on the face of your servant.

I have come before you; may I be with you to see your Disk every day.

I praise you when you shine,

And I speak to you when you rise.

You bring morning to exalt your forms,

and you ascend to magnify your beauties.

Advancing, you fashion your limbs in gold;

You turn your face to the west,

and my arms are raised in acclamation of your setting in life;

indeed, it is you who who is eternally praised when you set in the Celestial Waters.

I place you in my heart without weakness, more divine than the gods.

Praise to you, rising as gold,

bringing dawn to the Two Lands on the day of your birth.

You have brightened the circuit of the solar disk with great brightness,

rising from the Celestial Waters.

Causing every land, every town, and every house to celebrate,

protected by your beauties,

holding up your soul with food and drink offerings.

You will sail over the substance of heaven;

you will join with the stars.

Hymns will be made for you in the boat;

you will be called in the Morning Boat.

I will see you in your shrine,

As you make your disk to set every day,

drawing on the Evening Boat to its arrival.

May you have a fair wind, as the boat sets out on its journey,

and sails on till it comes into port.

The gods of the South, the gods of the North,

the gods of the West, and the gods of the East praise you,

Make my spirit-soul to be glorious,

make my Heart-soul to be divine.

You are worshipped as you set, Lord of the gods,

you are exalted by reason of your wondrous works.

Shine you with the rays of light on my body day by day, on me.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Wednesday


Wednesday Source:

This day of the week gets its name from Woden’s Day, an Old English name. It is a direct translation of the Latin term mercurri dies, “day of Mercury.” When they translated the day, they changed to god Mercury to a local god, Woden, so people would understand. This is a great day to work on communications, thought, wisdom, self-expression, and the arts. Also a good day for divination.
Color: Purple, orange
Planet: Mercury
Deities: Odin, Woden, Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Lugh
Crystals: Adventuine, agate
Herbs: Aspen, lilies, lavender, fern
Associations: Business, communication, debt, the arts, transportation, fortune, chance, creativity

Wednesday Source:

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Deities: Athena, Hermes, Lugh, Mercury, Odin, Woden

Colors: Yellow, Silver, Gray, Purple, Orange, Mixed Colors

Crystals: Agates, Amber, Aventurine, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Mercury/Quicksilver, Pumice, Sodalite, Zinc

Herbs & Plants: Aspen Trees, Ferns, Lavender, Lilies, Periwinkle

Incenses: Eucalyptus, Mercury Oil, Jasmine, Lavender, Sweetpea

Energies & Associations: Answers, Arts, Business Transaction, Chance, Charisma, Communication, Creativity, Debt, Divination, Education, Fear, Flexibility, Fortune, Gambling, Luck, Mental Health, Psychic Work, Quickness, Study, Summoning Spirits, Swiftness, Teaching, Travel, Work, Writing

Moon Phase for Wednesday Jun 12th and Thursday Jun 13th, 2024


Northern Hemisphere

June 12, 2024

The current moon phase for June 12th, 2024 is the Waxing Crescent phase.

On this day, the moon is 6.12 days old and 34.24% illuminated with a tilt of 153.314°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 401,488.97 km and the moon sign is Virgo.

The Moon phase for June 12th, 2024 is a Waxing Crescent phase. This is the phase where the moon started to become visible again after the New Moon.

In this part of the moon cycle, the Moon is moving away from the Sun and is becoming more and more illuminated by sunlight. In this phase, the moon will go from 0.1% to 49.9% illuminated before reaching the First Quarter phase.

In the Waxing Crescent phase the moon rises before noon in the east, transits the meridian before sunset, before setting in the west before midnight.

The Waxing Crescent phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. The moon is close to the Sun in the sky and the right edge will become brighter as it approaches 50% illumination and the First Quarter phase

Fun fact: although only a small part of the Moon is illuminated in the Waxing Crescent phase, you can still sometimes see the rest of moon as faintly visible. This is known as “earthshine” or Da Vinci glow and is a result of sunlight being reflected off the Earth and back to the Moon.

Moon Phase Details

Phase: Waxing Crescent

Moon age: 6.12 days

Moon illumination: 34.24%

Moon tilt: 153.314°

Moon angle: 0.5

Moon distance: 401,488.97 km

Moon sign: Virgo

Southern Hemisphere

13 June 2024

The current moon phase for June 13th, 2024 is the Waxing Crescent phase.

On this day, the moon is 7.15 days old and 43.9% illuminated with a tilt of 155.272°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 403,436.60 km and the moon sign is Virgo.

The Moon phase for June 13th, 2024 is a Waxing Crescent phase. This is the phase where the moon started to become visible again after the New Moon.

In this part of the moon cycle, the Moon is moving away from the Sun and is becoming more and more illuminated by sunlight. In this phase, the moon will go from 0.1% to 49.9% illuminated before reaching the First Quarter phase.

In the Waxing Crescent phase the moon rises before noon in the east, transits the meridian before sunset, before setting in the west before midnight.

The Waxing Crescent phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. The moon is close to the Sun in the sky and the right edge will become brighter as it approaches 50% illumination and the First Quarter phase

Fun fact: although only a small part of the Moon is illuminated in the Waxing Crescent phase, you can still sometimes see the rest of moon as faintly visible. This is known as “earthshine” or Da Vinci glow and is a result of sunlight being reflected off the Earth and back to the Moon.

Phase Details

Phase: Waxing Crescent

Moon age: 7.15 days

Moon illumination: 43.9%

Moon tilt: 155.272°

Moon angle: 0.49

Moon distance: 403,436.60 km

Moon sign: Virgo

June 12, 2024 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Monthly Horoscopes Source:

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope Source:

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more Source:

Moon Alert

After 2 AM EDT today, there are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The Moon is in Virgo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today you might be worried about issues, which will reduce your energy. (In the same way that a frown uses more muscles and a smile; worry can take up a lot of energy.) Nevertheless, watch your step today and pay attention to everything you say and do.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Financial concerns might be on your mind today. (“Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?”) Nevertheless, your mental faculties are sharp, which means you can figure out what you own and what you owe. Do this because information is powerful.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today Mercury is in your sign at odds with stern Saturn, which means it’s a good day for mental work or tasks that require critical thinking. However, in negotiation with others, you might create a negative impression. Don’t be concerned with criticisms. It’s all okay. (This is just one of those days.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today you might have second thoughts about something or feelings of self-doubt. (We all have these days.) This means that you are dwelling on the negative side of things and taking a dim view. The fact is that things look worse than they actually are. Trust me.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

A conversation with someone, perhaps a friend or a member of a group, might discourage you. You have that feeling that someone is raining on your parade. Perhaps this is the case because people are quick to see flaws today because pessimism is rampant. Go for coffee.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your dealings with parents and authority figures will not be successful today because in all likelihood, they won’t give you the permission or approval that you seek. In fact, their response might be, “Talk to the hand.” The thing is – timing is everything. Wait for another day to talk to the boss.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This might be a good day to take a news fast because the problems of the world can be depressing. However, because your powers of concentration are first rate, this is actually a good day to study something because you will learn a lot, plus you’ll have excellent retention.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

If you have to deal with red-tape issues about taxes, debt, estates, inheritances and shared property, your mind will be sharp today and you won’t overlook details. You can do this. You might find it a bit worrisome or depressing; nevertheless, you will do everything correctly.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Conversations with those who are close to you might be challenging today because someone is critical. You feel discouraged. The thing is today the vibes in the air are negative. Many people feel discouraged today because negative thinking is everywhere. Fortunately, this too, shall pass.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your relations with coworkers might be challenging today because someone is critical of your efforts or how you do things. Perhaps how they speak to you is rude or unfeeling. Whatever happens might make you feel cut off and lonely. Relax — this is a temporary dark cloud on your horizon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You might have increased responsibilities with children today that are onerous. Even social occasions might require effort in terms of organization, expense and travel. Everything seems to be too much effort or more trouble than it’s worth. (This is temporary.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

In all the years we’re involved with family, naturally, there are moments when people say things that hurt. It’s human nature. Be forgiving and patient with family members today if the vibes get negative. It’s one of those days.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Georgina Campbell (1992) shares your birthday today. You have a cheerful, positive approach to life and are generous and supportive of others. You support what you value and know what you want. This year you will reap the benefits of your past efforts. You might attain power, leadership, praise, an award – certainly recognition. Bravo!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It seems that this Wednesday you are going to be offered a chance to reinvent yourself or to try something new.

If you are reluctant about such things, just ask someone close, maybe a friend to support you into this road to discovery as you’ll be surprised of the results. Your friends will happily accept this, chances are.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You might want to tend to the entire debit you have accumulated and make sure you are even with everything, as soon as possible.

At the same time you will have some explaining to do at home because you were either to dictatorial about something or on the contrary you let things slide in some important manner that just required a bit of diplomacy.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You are trying to follow your own path and do only what you wish to do but instead of feeling accomplished and being all productive, you just end up behaving like a spoiled child.

Out of fear, you might do things you didn’t even know you were capable of, especially if you are trying to conceal a secret with them.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You need not be too critical of those around you or else they will turn their attention on you and you will surely not enjoy that. Have your limits and be polite.

If it is something that is really bothering you, don’t go gossiping around or overreact, just address the situation in a polite manner with the person you need to speak to.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You tend to let your heart outrun your head and this will surely create a bit of drama in your life today.

Don’t imagine anything too flashy or too complex, but a bit of misunderstanding, gaffe, difficult conversation or even a heated argument are surely to occur if you do risky things. So think twice before you speak.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You are trying to please those around you and you are kind of forgetting about yourself and about the things that make you happy.

Don’t expect others to be as considerate as you so try to gain that respect and attention through what you do. Other than that, quite a peaceful Wednesday, a lucrative middle of the week.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It seems that this Wednesday will bring some changes in your love life, something that will probably transfigure your relationship and everything will take a different dimension from now on.

Don’t imagine anything too dramatic, unless you want it this way. Chances are you will have to start something all over again.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Although you might be very stressed at work and feel like everyone should acknowledge that and although they do, there are still some limits you shouldn’t really cross.

Maybe be more careful when it comes to free time and the way you spend it. Avoid going too much out during this period cause otherwise this will be another argument.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Maybe this Wednesday it’s time for some sort of love declaration or a bit of romance. Who knows, natives who aren’t yet committed might have an interesting surprise.

Other than that, quite a peaceful afternoon in the end, with very little to complain and the most exciting things to come out of personal efforts.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You seem to find the courage to put your ideas in practice this Wednesday but this doesn’t mean all the hard work is done.

You are still in charge with a lot of things so I wouldn’t be surprised if you will need help. Unfortunately you are this stubborn that you don’t accept to let anyone take charge from you and this will only get you into further trouble.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is going to be quite a delicate day for you in terms of health but I wouldn’t worry unless you can discern properly between malaise and maybe a bit of lack of motivation.

So try to find the activities that brighten up your mood and just stick with them. Also some sort of old problem might resurface, whether it is health related or not.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The current disposition is sending some interesting vibes towards you, making you a bit more ambitious and even quicker to catch onto what is going on.

At the same time, there still might be some troubles ahead as not all people can keep up with you and the differences will be quick to show up. If I were you I would try to do a lot of the things on my own just to avoid that.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being a Gemini born on June 12th, communication and maintaining good relationships with those around you is key for you. Gentle and elegant, you often surprise those around you when you slow things down and pay attention to every detail.

You are generally dynamic and get easily distracted, a great occasion to discover new things, though. Prepare to read an exceptional horoscope profile below.

 The zodiac sign for June 12 is Gemini.

 Astrological symbol: Twins. This relates to simplicity, wealth, strong nature and tension coupled with peace. This is the symbol for people born between May 21 and June 20 when the Sun is considered to be in Gemini.

 The Gemini Constellation, one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac is placed between Taurus to the West and Cancer to the East and its visible latitudes are +90° to -60°. The brightest star is Pollux while the whole formation is spread on 514 sq degrees.

 The name Gemini comes from the Latin name for Twins, in Spanish this sign is called Geminis and in French Gémeaux, while in Greece the sign for June 12 zodiac sign is called Dioscuri.

 Opposite sign: Sagittarius. This sign as the opposite or complementary of Gemini reveals strength and simplicity and shows how these two sun signs have similar goals in life but they reach to them differently.

 Modality: Mobile. This can show much certain sweetness and pleasure how much certain sweetness and pleasure exists in the lives of those born on June 12 and how secretive they are in general.

 Ruling house: The third house. This placement suggests social interaction, communication and travel and reveals why these have always played an important part in the lives of Geminis.

 Ruling body: Mercury. This planetary ruler symbolizes agility and direct sense and also reflects on ambition. Mercury has the fastest orbit of any planet, circling the Sun in 88 days.

 Element: Air. This element makes things heat up in association with fire, dissipates water and smothers in combination with earth. Air signs born on June 12 are gifted and accomplished individuals.

 Lucky day: Wednesday. As many consider Wednesdays as the most revealing day of the week, it identifies with the amicable nature of Gemini and the fact this day is ruled by Mercury only strengthens this connection.

 Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 13, 17, 24.

 Motto: “I think!”

 People born on June 12 have many unseen abilities and usually accumulate a lot of awareness in their lives because they are very inquisitive and develop sudden passions for contrasting things. They feel the need to be surrounded by people with similar beliefs to them and can be quite enduring in making others agree with them. They are afraid of desolation and many of the things they do stem from their fear of ennui and of not realizing anything in their lives.

 Positive traits: These natives are caring with other people and passionate about all kinds of endeavors that involve other people. They crave to be liked and accepted but at the same time they can be brutally honest and say exactly how they feel without fearing the reactions they’d get. They are eloquent, courageous and posses a lot of creativity although they don’t always use it with the best intentions.

 Negative traits: These natives need to learn how to make proper responsible decisions and how to way risks versus benefits. They can be quite superficial and self absorbed at times and this leads others to believe that there is no consistency in their actions. They can be quite hasty when they feel something is pressuring them and can also be irritated by such moments and enter in a self shut down mode.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on June 12 are extremely attractive and charming. They always have their words, but imagine when this eloquence is combined with passion. They are attracted to people who can accept their eccentricities and keep up with them. You can conquer the heart of Gemini if you master the art of revealing who you are step by step so they never get bored. When they are single they act just about the same as when they are in a relationship, they seem to have no restrictions and just live their life at its fullest.

 They are either trying to win their lover’s heart while complaining about their unrequited love or they play hard to get. However they are an attractive and full of energy lover although they are prone to falling in and out of love quickly. A creative, freedom lover, once decided to settle will invest all their attention in their family and they will probably have brilliant children. Some struggle, trial and error will govern parts of their love life but in the end everything will be worth it. They are most compatible with those born on the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th and 27th.

 June 12 Zodiac people are very attracted to the other air signs: Libra and Aquarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Gemini is constantly seeking for someone that can truly understand their way of expressing their feelings and the best to do this is the native from Sagittarius. Gemini is thought to be least compatible with Taurus. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Gemini, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The color for Gemini natives born with the June 12 is yellow.

This hue denotes happiness and energy. This is a color of sheer joy and communication. The zodiac color should be used in items of clothing or objects in the house.

Those with yellow as sign color are the ones making the right choice no matter what, they are the one taking the decision that needs to be made. Yellow is favored by logical minds that inspire, innovate and strive to attain success through intellectual effort.

Other colors that suit Gemini natives are green and purple.

Representative Birthstone: The captivating Agate is the birthstone that is considered lucky for those Gemini natives with June 12.

Agate suggests tolerance, comfort and reliability. This zodiac birthstone should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

This precious material is said to have empowering influence on revealing the true nature of things. This gemstone comes in red, earth tones and white shades.

Another gemstone considered beneficial for Gemini natives is Pearl. It represents sensitivity and preciousness.

Characteristic Flower: The flower considered to be representative for Gemini natives with June 12 is Lavender.

Lavender suggests beauty, creativity and liveliness. This zodiac flower should be used in decorations and other accessories.

Suggests an insightful personality with an open mind. Its flowers spread quickly and add scent and color just as ideas enrich all perspectives. This plant can be found during spring and summer time.

Other flowers representative for Gemini are Poppy and Lily of the Valley.

Symbolic Metal: Bronze is the metal that is considered lucky for those Gemini natives with June 12.

Bronze is one of those metals that denote great wealth coupled with wisdom. The zodiac metal could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

Bronze relates to monetary wealth, artistic creations and warfare as it is the metal or artist and of warriors. It was thought to influence human civilization and progress.

Another metal considered influential for Gemini natives is Gold.

Characteristics: June 12 Zodiac belongs to the third decan of GEMINI (June 11-June 20). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Uranus. This is representative for people who are creative and optimistic just like Gemini and inquisitive just like Uranus. This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of the Gemini zodiac sign, slightly enhancing the negative ones.

 Being born on the 12th day of the month shows energy, friendliness, affection but also logic and realism. The numerology for June 12 is 3. This number reveals great human interactions and all kinds of communication. People ruled by number three sure know their way around words. The association between Gemini and this number will surface eloquence and great people skills in the first.

 June is the sixth month of the year, bringing joviality and wholehearted action. Those born in June are talkative and courageous. June 12 Zodiac people are creative and determined. June has as representative symbols the Rose and Oak as plants, Alexandrite and Moonstone as gemstones and the goddess of family.

What Statistics Say: In the Gregorian Calendar, June 12 is the 163rd day of the year or the 164th day in leap years, while until the end of the year there are 202 days left. The twelfth day of summer, this is also the World Day Against Child Labour.

 Gemini is said to be the third zodiac sign on the list of most commonly met to least common signs in the horoscope. Under a definite masculine symbolism, this odd number sign is considered to have a positive meaning with dynamic energy. This represents extrovert people who are attention-seeking and harmonious. The archetype used when talking about this sign is the Teacher. Those with birthdays in spring are rated as nine per cent less physically active or interested in sports.

 Famous people born on June 12 under the Gemini zodiac sign: George Herbert Walker Bush, Anne Frank, Adriana Lima and Chris Young. My oldest son Carl

If you were born on June 12, you are an energetic go-getter that can usually be found with a smile on your face! It takes a lot to intimidate you or bring you down, even in the face of adversity. You have a lot of faith that good will prevail and things will work out the way they’re supposed to. Your optimism can seem like aloofness to others, but you know the truth. You do have a firm foot in reality, but you also know what you’re capable of!

June 12 Gemini at Their Best: Strong, positive, determined

June 12 Gemini at Their Worst: Unrealistic, obnoxious, distracted

What to Wear: Business casual clothes. Gemini doesn’t like anything stuffy or buttoned-up, but gets annoyed when guests don’t make the effort to look good.

What to Eat: Anything that packs a crunch — start with crudité and move on to finger foods and cute surprises like fried zucchini or egg rolls.

Who to Invite: Gemini knows everybody. So that’s who you’ll have to invite.

Where to Go: If the local football stadium isn’t available, consider a rather large restaurant or outside space.

June 12 birthday horoscope predicts that you are hard workers who generally get your way. You are patient, optimistic, and likable people. Those born on this day are free-spirited giving individuals. You enjoy life to its full extent.

With a realistic view of the world, you are held accountable for your mood swings and restless behavior. However, creative and quick to learn new things, June 12 birthday people are youthful individuals who get bored easily.

Your enthusiasm makes it easy for you to take on multiple tasks. Your birthday meanings say you like having a variety of chores or goals to attend to and have the ability to be resourceful and you adapt well to change.

The Gemini astrology analysis for those born on June 12 is that you enjoy other people and all the different cultures that belong to society. You find it intriguing to have a melting pot in one room. Although you take pleasure in these friendships, family ties can be someone distant.

Oh, you do your best to live up to your parent’s expectations, you don‘t exactly fit the image. Because of this, it is suggested that Gemini will be lenient with their offspring, which typically will be a large tree of brothers and sisters.

According to the June 12 horoscope, in ideal conditions, you may marry while still very young. Wanting a large family, you are likely to be with your soul mate forever or something close to it.

The love astrology by birthday also predicts that these individuals will typically leave their mind at home when it comes to some relationships and dealing with emotional situations. Therefore, more so than other twins, you can be critical of partnerships not based on spiritual connections.

Your soul mate will be forgiving and understanding especially of your flirtatious ways however harmless. You have a need to be stimulated, and such supply could come from various sources. When you graduate into adulthood, you will realize that this is perhaps one of the June 12th birthday personality flaws.

If today June 12 is your birthday, you had known all of your life what you wanted to be when you grew up. You are lucky in that aspect of your life, as most do not have a clue until mid-life. You have prepared for this day. You were resilient and business minded.

Those of you born this day reach higher than most do. You need more and money is a motivating factor in choosing a career path and field. You will do best in a job that is fast paced allowing you to be active. Any activity after work can be costly, as you like to do it up. Be careful, watch your spending, and balance your account balance.

According to the Gemini birthdays predictions, you are generally in good health. You do not have much to worry about even as you stay busy, but you do. Get some sleep, so you have the strength to carry out your daily agenda.

Gemini zodiac sign natives typically tend to put more on the body than you should. You know too much of anything is not good for you to relax.

When you take on too much, you can be thrown off balance, and it will show in your work performance. Pamper yourself more by treating yourself to an exotic meal or perhaps get a facial as stress can show up in the skin along with other areas of the body.

The zodiac characteristics for Gemini with birthday June 12th show that you have big dreams and possess the energy and optimism to achieve big things. You are the go-getter who never lets an obstacle get the best of them.

You will do well in any career field but would make an exceptional therapist or professor. Your enterprising ideas can be costly so you will need to watch your budget. Those born on this day need to relax more and take your vitamins.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On June 12

George HW Bush, Chick Corea, Anne Frank, Ella Joyce, Mark Henry, Adriana Lima, Kendra Leigh Wilkinson, my oldest son Carl

See: Famous Celebrities Born On June 12

This Day That Year – June 12 In History

1714 – a Secret treaty between Russia and Prussia
1787 – At the age of 30, a person could be a senator
1839 – America host first baseball game
1903 – Niagara Falls officially a city
1931 – On 5,000 counts of perjury and prohibition, Al Capone is indicted

June 12 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 12 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 12 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury that symbolizes communication in all forms and the need to get answers one way or the other.

June 12 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Are The Symbol For The Gemini Zodiac Sign

June 12 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Hanged Man. This card symbolizes a period of reflection, time to let go of things and start life afresh. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups.

June 12 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility:

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aries: This love match will be good fun with a lot of excitement.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign VirgoThis relationship is very erratic and has no guarantee of success.

See Also:

June 12 Lucky Numbers

Number 3 – This number stands for enthusiasm, happiness, creativity, and expansion.
Number 9 – This is the number of a genius and an idealist who believes in helping the whole humanity.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 12 Birthday

Lilac: This is a color of innocence, purity, love, and charity.
Orange: This is an appealing color that signifies contentment, stimulation, and positive vibration.

Lucky Days For June 12 Birthday

Wednesday – This day ruled by Mercury and symbolizes logic, clarity in thinking and looking into details.
Thursday – This is the day ruled by Jupiter and symbolizes joy, happiness, and willpower to complete projects.

June 12 Birthstone Agate

Agate is a gemstone that helps improve your sexuality, balance your mind and help you be courageous.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 12th

Tickets for a rock show for the man and a gift basket of chocolates, snacks, and sweets for the woman. June 12 birthday horoscope predicts that you love gifts that are fun and happening.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


High Priestess – Major Arcana

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper




Sound: “io” as in “helios”
Stands for: The World Serpent
Casting meaning: Ior symbolizes dual natures, evident in the amphibious habits of many water beasts (like the World Serpent). It also signifies the unavoidable hardships in life that we can do nothing about, but should still not worry about.

Witch’s Rune



Triple goddess, life/death/rebirth, trinity, love – romance

Some people read this witches rune as a flower – new life, birth, fertility, love. I tend to read it more like the triquetra – life/death/rebirth cycles, triple goddess, etc. It’s completely up to you how YOU interpret these!




Regret, pride, shame, embarrassment, learning from experience, resolution

Tree: Elder (Sambucus spp.)

Letter: R

Shame isn’t all bad and does not deserve a uniformly awful reputation. Without shame and the fear of being shamed, every human child would be demonically bratty. Shame is a limit that informs us to keep our own ego in check. It is often about considering others. Having shame about one’s own past behavior is motivation to avoid shameful behaviors such as cheating and stealing.

Shame is an emotion that demands confrontation. All too often, people run away from what shames them, attempt to excuse themselves from wrongful or immoral behavior because they’re too cowardly to face what they have done or to admit their responsibility in causing their own misfortunes or the misfortune of others. Ruis indicates a willingness to face one’s own shame and to do with shame what it was meant for, and that is to use shame of the past to build oneself into a better person for the present and future. Ashamed of something you did? How can you make yourself into the type of person who would never even think of doing something like that? Overcome being the type of person who would engage in the shameful behavior and you become the master of it; you won’t have the remotest chance of repeating such a mistake. Did you become embarrassed because you did something you now understand to be greedy? Then learn to balance thriftiness with generosity. Adjust to the circumstance rather than overreacting to it. Are you ashamed about cheating on a boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse? Become a person who would never cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse regardless of conditions, which could mean an assortment of outcomes: sticking to a resolution of no cheating and staying together, admitting one’s sexual preferences and going with the flow, changing the person you are with, or being single for a long time.

Because humans tend to remember negative experiences more easily than positive ones, it’s important when you draw Ruis to acknowledge the things you are not ashamed of about yourself. For every bad or shameful thing you’ve done, remember there are a thousand shameful things you avoided. Maybe it is time to appreciate the places you could have gone horribly wrong and did not.

I Ching

Hexagram Thirty – Three/33

Tun / Retreat

The tranquil Mountain towers overhead, yet remains this side of Heaven:
The Superior Person avoids the petty and superficial by keeping shallow men at a distance, not in anger but with dignity.

Such a retreat sweeps the path clear to Success.
Occupy yourself with minute detail.


Retreat in this instance is not a desperate flight in disarray, but a conscious choice to distance yourself from forces that would rob you of your peace.
It is not a surrender, but a regrouping.
Retreat from this conflict is actually an advance toward your own center.
You move toward balance, and thus a much stronger position.



Thirty – Three

See “The Master number 33.” Capable of reaching a high level of consciousness and wisdom, its ultimate potential is in teaching teachers. It comforts others, represents self-sacrifice, and is an idealist. When not living up to its potential, it’s co-dependent, tends to bend the truth, and is arrogant.

Angel Number


Thirty – Three

Higher Powers are around you, they do their best to help you at all times. Their presence is an answer to your prayers. Try to align with them in your thoughts and ask them whatever you want.