A Laugh for Today

I hope the rest of your day and evening is relaxing, filled with fun and love.

Blessed be.

All You Need To Know About Peace Lilies And Spirituality

Disclaimer: No flower or plant should be used for medicinal purposes until you have checked with your health care professional to ask if it is safe for you to use it for any reason. The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. WitchesofTheCraft.com and/or any staff member of WitchesofTheCraft.com and/or Lady Carla Beltane are not responsible for any type of negative reaction when using this flower or plant for any reason.

Peace Lilies

If you’re looking for a plant to help balance the energy in your home, bring a calm and soothing effect to your day, and look good while doing it, then you may want to adopt a peace lily or two.

Peace lilies are found in tropical areas around the world. They have come to represent purity, hope, peace, sympathy, and healing in individuals, making them the perfect spiritual plant.

In this article, we will discuss peace lilies and the spirituality behind them. So keep reading! We have everything you need to know about peace lilies and spirituality.

Spiritual Symbolism Of Peace Lillies

Peace lilies symbolize several specific characteristics related to humans; thus, they have become a powerful spiritual symbol. They represent purity, fertility, peace, healing, innocence, prosperity, and hope.

As they hold such significant symbolic value, they are often used as gifts that people pass on as a sign of beauty, innocence, rebirth, sympathy, and virtue.

The peace lily blooms more than once per year. As it lives in a continuous cycle of losing old flowers and blooming new ones, it is a perfect symbolic representation of rebirth. The peace lily helps remind us of the natural circle of life and the continuous growth cycle we go through.

Another symbol associated with the peace lily is patience. It reminds us that even when going through a tough time, we can have hope for the future. Its white flowers symbolize the purity that we each have within us and the sacredness behind human fertility.

Thus, these beautiful plants represent many personal and spiritual qualities in an individual. Whether you are gifted the flower as a present or buy it for yourself, it has become a potent reminder of unique characteristics we all strive for in life.

Peace Lilies Spiritual Meaning

As we are all on our own spiritual journey through life, the peace lily can hold multiple meanings, varying from person to person. Individuals will feel connected to whatever…

Click here to read the rest of this article about Peace Lilies

Spell for Monday – Love The Skin You Are In Spell


Love The Skin You Are In Spell

For this spell you will need:

The Star tarot card

One white candle

Loose tea or lavender herb

Jasmine or rose oil.

Give yourself some quiet time as you allow yourself to relax and clear your mind. Place the tarot card beside where you are casting on a clean, clear surface. Anoint the candle with the oil and sprinkle the herb around it in a clockwise direction.

Meditate for a while on the Star Tarot card, let your gaze soften as you allow the energy of this beautiful card to merge with your subconscious mind. The Star is an optimistic, balanced, calm and healing card. It indicates success and achievement and invokes a feeling of confidence and increased self-esteem. The figure in the card is naked outside, she is at one with her surroundings, the Universe and herself.

When the candle has safely burned down, sprinkle the herbs outside and place the Star card under your pillow overnight to further connect with its energies.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Monday


Monday From FlyingTheHedge.com

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon, in which it gets its name. This is a great day to work with moon energy, especially if it is a full moon. Divination and prophetic dreaming are best performed today. It is also a good time to work magic focusing on mothers, nurturing, fertility, woman issues, and growth.
Color: Silver, white, light blue
Planet: Moon
Deities: Thoth, Selene, Diana, Artemis, Luna
Crystals: Pearl, opal, moonstone
Herbs: Wintergreen, catnip, comfrey, sage, chamomile, mint
Associations: Illusion, glamour, sleep, dreams, fertility, insight, peace, beauty, women’s mysteries

Monday Source: awithintime.weebly.com

Ruled by the Moon. Intuition, dreams, psychic ability, female fertility, and the Goddess.
Planet – MoonSign

Sign – Angel – Gabriel

Color  – Silver, White

Plant – Night Flowers, Willow, Orris Root, Birch, Motherwort, Vervain, White Rose, Iris Stones, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearl, Quartz Crystal, Fluorite, Geodes

Intentions – Psychic Pursuits, Psychology, Dreams, Astral travel, imagination, women’s mysteries, reincarnation

Element – Water

More Qualities – woman, mother figure, creativity, child protection, short trips, the public, domestic concerns, emotions, fluids, magick, Spirituality, nursing, all things pertaining to water and bodies of water, antiques, trip planning, household activities, astrology, new-age pursuits, archetypes, totem animals, shape shifting, religious experiences.

Moon Phase for Monday Jun 10th and Tuesday Jun 11th, 2024

I am trying a new website for the current moon phase. Please let me know in the comments if you like it or not. Thank you for your time in letting me know your preface. A) nineplanets.org or B) moongiant.com (which is down for some reason today) C) Both

Source: nineplanets.org

Northern Hemisphere

June 10, 2024

The current moon phase for today is the Waxing Crescent phase.

On this day, the moon is 4.06 days old and 16.68% illuminated with a tilt of 144.399°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 394,294.18 km and the moon sign is Leo.

The Moon phase for today is a Waxing Crescent phase. This is the phase where the moon started to become visible again after the New Moon.

In this part of the moon cycle, the Moon is moving away from the Sun and is becoming more and more illuminated by sunlight. In this phase, the moon will go from 0.1% to 49.9% illuminated before reaching the First Quarter phase.

In the Waxing Crescent phase the moon rises before noon in the east, transits the meridian before sunset, before setting in the west before midnight.

The Waxing Crescent phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. The moon is close to the Sun in the sky and the right edge will become brighter as it approaches 50% illumination and the First Quarter phase

Fun fact: although only a small part of the Moon is illuminated in the Waxing Crescent phase, you can still sometimes see the rest of moon as faintly visible. This is known as “earthshine” or Da Vinci glow and is a result of sunlight being reflected off the Earth and back to the Moon.

Moon Phase Details:

Phase: Waxing Crescent

Moon age: 4.06 days

Moon illumination: 16.68%

Moon tilt: 144.399°

Moon angle: 0.51

Moon distance: 394,294.18 km

Moon sign: Leo

Southern Hemisphere

11 June 2024

The current moon phase for June 11th, 2024 is the Waxing Crescent phase.

On this day, the moon is 5.09 days old and 25.05% illuminated with a tilt of 149.729°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 398,362.98 km and the moon sign is Leo.

The Moon phase for June 11th, 2024 is a Waxing Crescent phase. This is the phase where the moon started to become visible again after the New Moon.

In this part of the moon cycle, the Moon is moving away from the Sun and is becoming more and more illuminated by sunlight. In this phase, the moon will go from 0.1% to 49.9% illuminated before reaching the First Quarter phase.

In the Waxing Crescent phase the moon rises before noon in the east, transits the meridian before sunset, before setting in the west before midnight.

The Waxing Crescent phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. The moon is close to the Sun in the sky and the right edge will become brighter as it approaches 50% illumination and the First Quarter phase

Fun fact: although only a small part of the Moon is illuminated in the Waxing Crescent phase, you can still sometimes see the rest of moon as faintly visible. This is known as “earthshine” or Da Vinci glow and is a result of sunlight being reflected off the Earth and back to the Moon.

Moon Phase Details:

Phase: Waxing Crescent

Moon age: 5.09 days

Moon illumination: 25.05%

Moon tilt: 149.729°

Moon angle: 0.5

Moon distance: 398,362.98 km

Moon sign: Leo

June 10, 2024 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Monthly Horoscopes Source: thehoroscope.co

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope Source: tarot.com

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more Source: sunsigns.org

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Leo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a fun-loving day! Find ways to socialize with others because you’ll enjoy interactions with someone. Sports events, activities with children plus, anything to do with the arts and the entertainment world will appeal. Musical performances will also delight.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today you’ll be happy to hunker at home and relax among familiar surroundings. You might have a heart-to-heart talk with a female family member. Possibly, this will deal with financial matters because your finances are looking very good right now. Be gentle – not too aggressive.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It’s small wonder that you feel you have a lot to say today because after all, four planets are in your sign! You definitely need to be heard. Your challenge will be finding someone who genuinely wants to hear what you have to say. But you will do this.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Financial issues are on your mind today. Perhaps you’re shopping or keeping track of your funds? Right now, it’s a low-key time for you, which means you’re happy to take a backseat and work alone or from behind the scenes. Your birthday will arrive soon. What are your goals for next year?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today the Moon is in your sign, which means things will tend to go your way, even though you might be a bit more emotional than usual. Certainly, you’re ambitious and want to achieve specific goals. This is also a popular time for you, especially with younger, creative people.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You’re high viz. right now because four planets are at the top of your chart. People notice you! You’re also aware of this, which is why today you might look for ways to “hide” or keep a low profile. Meanwhile, travel plans will appeal – if you can swing this. (You need to get outta Dodge.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

An interaction with a female colleague will be important today. It could be an encouragement to travel or study further? It might deal with medical or legal matters or something to do with publishing? (You never know where you’ll get the next piece of good advice.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

People notice you today. (Some seem to know personal details about your private life.) Meanwhile, you’re dealing with taxes, shared property, debt and inheritances, which is why you might be in a contentious relationship with someone close to you. Oops.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Do something to change your routine today because you need a change of scenery, or a bit of adventure and a chance to learn something new or broaden your universe. Nevertheless, you’re working hard now; plus, relations with partners and close friends are warm and friendly.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might feel passionate today, as if something really matters. Perhaps it does. Meanwhile, this is a work hard/party hard day for you because you’re keen to accomplish a lot; and yet, you’re in a playful mood, especially with some kind of competition. Go team go!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today you’ll have to go more than halfway when dealing with others because the Moon is opposite your sign. (That’s just the way it works.) You don’t have to be a martyr. Simply be agreeable, accommodating and willing to help. No biggie.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Very likely, you will have to put someone else’s needs or wants before your own today by performing a useful service. This is not surprising because you have a strong focus on home and family now, including a parent. You might also be involved in redecorating projects and repairs.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Jean Tripplehorn (1963) shares your birthday today. You have boundless energy. You’re talented and full of ideas. You have strong opinions and don’t hesitate to express them. Family and service are your theme this year. Take care of yourself so you can be of support to others. Perhaps a personal makeover will rejuvenate you?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

There are some interesting results to appear today, of course connected to something you have done in the past few days.

And pay attention cause by interesting I don’t necessarily mean positive so if I were you I would rather think whether I have something to celebrate or something to repair in regard to the last few days.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You need to put a lot more effort into your career and even into the most mundane activities at work because these are the ones that will give you the most headaches.

You will see that even small details can derail a whole day’s worth of work and they will also give you some deadlines you won’t be able to keep.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Money are an issue but only if you don’t keep your feet on the ground. You prefer to do a lot of things and apparently engage in a lot of activities but you don’t really seem to account for the fact that some of these belong to a lifestyle that is much higher than what you can afford.

Fake it till you make it does work but you still need boundaries.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

People are starting to praise you for something you have done and of course, chances are this is going straight to your head.

Try to keep yourself on the ground, not only for the benefits to your mind but also for the impression you are giving others. Don’t be the one who is doing stuff for attention but rather be the one who attract attention by what they do.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It seems that you will benefit from some sort of promotion of your ideas today and you will have an exposure that you haven’t even dreamt of in one of your projects.

This will not only give you a great sense of accomplishment but it will also help you network and engage with people you didn’t even know were interested.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You need to be very careful to the signs that are showing to you because those will have a great impact on you later on.

Maybe you shouldn’t be so trustful of some people and maybe you should engage with others more often. There are things you dream of and that could come true if you stay in the company of the right people.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It seems that there is a lot of need and longing for harmony in your family but everyone seems to run different places and have all sorts of activities that don’t keep them for long at home.

Try to leave some aside, postpone if possible and spend an agreeable evening at least in the company of those dearest to you because it will make a difference.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You seem to be more trained into observing social signals and it will probably be very easy for you today to read even the intentions of the sneakiest person.

At the same time, there are still people who will try to induce other things and who won’t be content with your diplomacy so don’t be afraid to be all straight forward with them if that happens.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You seem to be trying to stay away from any surprises but unfortunately this will probably offer you just a boring beginning of the week.

So don’t avoid the unknown, regardless of how unready you are feeling for it or how tense you feel the situation might be if you say or do something wrong as the risk might be worth it.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You will have to add some more things on that list of compulsory shopping so I wouldn’t be surprised if it will get longer and longer as the day goes by.

Plus you won’t probably be able to delay the running errands moment for longer so do prepare yourself emotionally for a very long and exhausting day running around.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You might be able to get even with some debt this Monday and this will surely offer you this great sensation that you are finally on top of things.

Unfortunately I am not very sure how on top of things you are, given that this debt repayment will probably leave you with a bit of a significant gap in your pockets.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You seem to invest a lot of soul and effort in what you are doing, even at work and even in regard to activities in which you are not constrained in any way or which have nothing to do with you.

This is a very professional attitude and by keeping with it you will probably be able to make your day a lot more pleasant than usual.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being a Gemini born on June 10th, you are observing and creative. You pay attention to details because you feel that they can bring a lot more information than the whole picture.

You live off human interaction and it is very rarely that you decide to take some sort of isolation break. You seem to be a role-model for some of the people in your life. Prepare to read an exceptional personality report below.

 The zodiac sign for June 10 is Gemini.

 Astrological symbol: Twins. This relates to cooperation and sympathy. This is the symbol for people born between May 21 and June 20 when the Sun is considered to be in Gemini.

 The Gemini Constellation is placed between Taurus to the West and Cancer to the East on an area of 514 sq degrees. It is visible at the following latitudes: +90° to -60° and its brightest star is Pollux.

 The name Gemini is the Latin name for Twins. In Greece, Dioscuri is the name of the sign for June 10 zodiac sign, while in Spain is Geminis and in France Gémeaux.

 Opposite sign: Sagittarius. This suggests generosity and optimism but also means that this sign and Gemini can create an opposition aspect at some point, not to mention that opposites attract.

 Modality: Mobile. The modality shows the idealistic nature of those born on June 10 and their power and diligence about most life aspects.

 Ruling house: The third house. This house rules over human interactions, communication and travel. This is suggestive for the interests of Geminis and for their behavior in life.

 Ruling body: Mercury. This celestial body is said to influence conceptualization and power. Mercury is also recognized as the messenger god. Mercury also suggests the support in the lives of these natives.

 Element: Air. This element reveals an orderly individual with high expectations and desires but also a great sense of idealism, who seeks to bring people together. This is considered eloquent for those born on June 10.

 Lucky day: Wednesday. Gemini best identifies with the flow of the raw Wednesday while this is doubled by the connection between Wednesday and its ruling by Mercury.

 Lucky numbers: 2, 7, 10, 18, 22.

 Motto: “I think!”

 People born on June 10 are inquisitive and discerning so little can escape their ardent eye. They are in love with adventure, this being translated in their temper to travel and spend time outsides. Nothing sooths them better as being surrounded by many people and having the occasion to socialize with each and everyone and show them how captivating they are. They need for everything to be highly active around them and appreciate most when they are let to express their beliefs freely.

 Positive traits: These natives are youthful and usually in the center of scrutiny wherever they go. They are bright and flexible but also empathic to others. They are rapid to adapt and can begin a conversation with almost anyone. They are easy going and you often find them trying new things and engaging in all kinds of enterprises as to widen their horizon.

 Negative traits: Having more confidence in their knowledge and skills and knowing exactly what they can achieve is one thing Gemini needs to learn. Those born on this day are indecisive and easily distracted. They are known to be highly unstable and fickle. They are manipulative and try to make everyone take their opinions and beliefs. They are quite shallow and not very loyal or caring with those around them.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on June 10 are extremely attractive and versatile. They like to discover new persons and they seem to center all their life on a person but then suddenly they get bored and slip away. They are attracted to lively and imaginative persons who can keep up with their lifestyle. You can conquer the heart of Gemini if you know how to reveal your personality step by step so you always keep them guessing and wanting more. You also need to come to an understanding with their love of freedom and eccentricities.

 A passionate lover prone to jealousy fits when madly in love. They offer everything they have to offer to their loved one and ask for the same. They are used to living intense every aspect of their life and their relationships are no exception. They are likely to fall in love at a young age as they are attractive and positive persons. Regarding their family life they will marry when they are completely ready and they will probably be a cool parent if they choose to have a one big family. They are most compatible with those born on 4th, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, and 31st.

 June 10 Zodiac people are most attached to the other two air signs: Libra and Aquarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Gemini is in a constant search for someone who can truly listen to their ideas and help them grow to their potential and the best to offer this occasion to them is the native in Sagittarius. The least compatible with people born on June 10 are those born under Taurus. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Gemini, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: Yellow is the lucky color for Gemini zodiac.

This hue symbolizes brightness, joy and warmth. The communicative native in Gemini is lively and humorous and sometimes a bit jealous, just like the projection of yellow in the social sub consciousness.

Other colors preferred by people born on June 10 are green and purple.

Representative Birthstone: The birthstone for Gemini zodiac is the fascinating Agate.

This birthstone sooths and calms the energetic Gemini and helps them find clarity of mind and orient their energy in making themselves and their ideas understood by other people.

Other gemstones that are considered beneficial for people born on June 10 are Pearl and Emerald.

Characteristic Flower: The lucky flower for Gemini zodiac is Lavender.

This aromatic plant symbolizes creativity and aesthetics and suggests an insightful personality with an open mind. Its flowers spread quickly and add scent and color just as ideas enrich all perspectives. Lavender also has a soothing and calming influence.

Other flowers suggestive for Gemini are Lily of the Valley and Poppy.

Symbolic Metal: Mercury is the metal considered lucky for Gemini zodiac.

Mercury is a symbol for mysterious and secretive affairs. This fickle and toxic metal is very dangerous to manipulate, its permanent movement and reactivity also refers to matters concerning traveling and change.

Another metal thought to be lucky for people born on June 10 is Gold.

Characteristics: June 10 Zodiac belongs to the second decan of GEMINI (June 1-June 10). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Venus. This is representative for people who are creative and optimistic just like Gemini and attractive and passionate just like Venus. This period is said to temper the characteristics of the Gemini zodiac sign.

 Being born on the 10th day of the month shows great will power, eloquence and self confidence. The numerology for June 10 is 1. This number reveals revels leadership qualities, great will power and an original approach to life, all wrapped in a charming personality. Those Gemini can only be proud of this association as this is the number of achievers, of those who see the bigger picture and are set to follow their goals no matter what.

 June is the sixth month of the year, bringing light and joviality. Those born in June are active and talkative. June 10 Zodiac people are kind and considerate. June symbols that resonate with these people are Ruby, Alexandrite and Moonstone as gemstones, Oak and Rose as plants and the goddess of family.

What Statistics Say: In the Gregorian Calendar, June 10 is placed as the 161st day of the year or the 162nd day in leap years and there are 204 days left until the end of the year. The tenth day of summer, this is also the this is also the Portugal Day.

 Gemini is said to be the third most commonly met zodiac sign in the birth occurrence. Odd numbered sign, it is of positive meaning attached to a preponderant masculine symbolism. This represents extrovert natives who are accessible and hospitable. The archetype used to describe this sign is the Comedian. Nine per cent less active than their peers, people with spring birthdays are not so into sports.

 Famous people born on June 10 under the Gemini zodiac sign: Violet Oakley, Judy Garland, Prince Phillip and Elizabeth Hurley, my middle son’s father Sonny C.

If you were born on June 10, you might feel like you’re strapped to an emotional rollercoaster for most of your life. When you’re at a high, you have a wonderful sense of humor and drive for success, but it’s easy for you to go through low spells. You have to work harder than most to keep your mood balanced and a smile on your face. You carry yourself well despite any adversity, and others are drawn to your strength and depth. You might shed a lot of tears, but you’ll also genuinely enjoy the amount of laughs you share.

June 10 Gemini at Their Best: Strong, poised, magnetic

June 10 Gemini at Their Worst: Emotional, manic, depressed

What to Wear: Business casual clothes. Gemini doesn’t like anything stuffy or buttoned-up, but gets annoyed when guests don’t make the effort to look good.

What to Eat: Anything that packs a crunch — start with crudité and move on to finger foods and cute surprises like fried zucchini or egg rolls.

Who to Invite: Gemini knows everybody. So that’s who you’ll have to invite.

Where to Go: If the local football stadium isn’t available, consider a rather large restaurant or outside space.

Happy Summerland’s birthday Sonny (my middle son’s dad)

JUNE 10 birthday horoscope shows that you are sharp minded and creative especially when it comes to business. However, you are likely to want the approval of someone you look upto. Your talents are tested, and usually, you are successful in attaining your goals. You know clearly what you want out of life.

If today June 10th is your birthday, you are a person who is disciplined and perhaps makes sacrifices in the name of love. However, you like to mingle with everyone. Those born on this day can’t bear being bored. If you are different, you are of interest to this Gemini.

According to this birthday astrology, Gemini born on this day are usually lively and resourceful people. You possess a natural ability to express yourself, as you are a friendly and practical person.

This is only complementary to your knowledge and intellect. You like to learn and to be mentally ready for a controversial challenge. The June 10 horoscope profile shows you have the potential to be successful. Gemini, you are uncompromising individuals. You will not bend down before anyone.

As a Gemini sun sign, you tend to be vulnerable and often select friends who are troubled and in need of help. Normally, those born on this day find value in family and family traditions.

It is suggested that Gemini born on June 10 may be a concerned and participating parent who is trusted by their offspring. You can sympathize with your children as you recall your childhood and are an understanding parent. You know when to be their friend and when they need a parent.

According to the June 10 zodiac analysis, you are classically confident and daring. Your cheerful attitude contributes to your childlike idealist view on love and romance. According to your birthday characteristics report, you should be a little more practical when seeking a romantic interest.

You can be a spontaneous person especially when it comes to choosing a soul mate. You are likely to be more attracted to what is on the outside of a person rather than their attitudes, goals, and aspirations.

When it comes to having fun, a June 10 birthday Gemini wins the award. This sets you apart from the other twins. Also, your sex drive has a little more amps. You love making your fantasies a reality. As a negative quality, people born on this day can be jealous and irrational.

The June 10 zodiac birthday analysis predicts that you look at a job as an opportunity. You like to show off your talents as you have expert math skills and are good at balancing the budget. You seek job satisfaction rather than a large benefits package. You need to feel a sense of accomplishment.

The June 10 birthday personality trait most visible in you is that you have the patience and ambition to put your all your efforts into your work. If you are born today, you enjoy performing and often thought you could make a career out of it. The answer is “yes, you can.”

Nevertheless, you, Gemini are not able to handle your own money. Getting a trusted family member to help you with that is a smart idea.

According to the astrology by birthday report, you are rarely ill but could be afflicted with depression or moodiness. This is not the time to be alone, Gemini. You should call a friend.

It is essential that you maintain your health and remain positive. You are sensible, and your approach has been excellent in response to eating natural foods and sticking to your diet. You have a natural zeal for life and can bounce back from any disturbances.

The June 10 horoscope meanings report that you are a Gemini who is constantly up and down which can tear down your energy level. Since you are intuitive, you need to build on that strength.

People depend on you to be vital and energized. Those born on this day have this natural ability to get high on life. You are healthy individuals and eat what you please as long as it is natural and wholesome.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On June 10

Faith Evans, Frankie Faison, Judy GarlandHattie McDaniel, Danielle Peazer, Ken Singleton, Kate Snow, my middle son’s father Sonny C.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On June 10

This Day That Year – June 10 In History

1652 – John Hull, established the first mint in America and it opens in Boston
1760 – Laws effective about the practice of medicine in NY
1793 – Paris opens zoo to the public
1846 – First rights to rubber tire belong to Robert Thomson
1880 – Record set by Charlie Jones; two HRs in the 1st inning

June 10 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 10 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 10 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury that symbolizes the ability to think logically and to be able to communicate what is on your mind.

June 10 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Are The Symbol For The Gemini Zodiac Sign

June 10 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Wheel of Fortune. This card stands for the cycles of life, past and current births and periods of good luck and bad luck. The Minor Arcana cards are Nine of Swords and King of Swords.

June 10 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility:

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign SagittariusThis will be a fun-loving and happy relationship.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Gemini: This relationship could be right but will be more fickle.

See Also:

June 10 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number stands for leadership and authoritative qualities.
Number 7 – This is some analytical introspection and aloofness.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 10 Birthday

Orange: This is a bright color that symbolizes optimism, activity, success, and socialization.
White: This is a pure color that symbolizes innocence, humbleness, simplicity, and calmness.

Lucky Days For June 10 Birthday

Wednesday – This day ruled by Mercury and stands for refining of ideas and working on minute details.
Sunday – This day ruled by Sun and stands for renewal of faith, ideas, and affirmations.

June 10 Birthstone Agate

Agate gemstone makes you stronger and protects you from fear and bad luck.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 10th

A scientific journal for the man and handmade chocolates for the woman. The June 10 birthday horoscope predicts that you like gifts that are given with love.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: labyrinthos.co

Temperance – Major Arcana

Temperance Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
balance, peace, patience, moderation, calm, tranquillity, harmony, serenity imbalance, excess, extremes, discord, recklessness, hastiness
Skip to Upright Meaning Skip to Reversed Meaning

Temperance Tarot Card Description

On the Temperance card, there is an angel with wings, whose gender is not immediately obvious, which suggests that there is a balance between the sexes. One foot of the angel is in water, to represent the subconscious, while the other foot is on dry land, a representation of the material world. On her robe, there is a square, which has a triangle inscribed inside, another echo of the tangible earth in union with the holy trinity. She holds two cups in a manner where she can mix the waters, which represent the super and subconscious minds. The water flows between them, suggesting union and infinity.

Everything about this card represents balance, the perfect harmony that comes from the union of dualities. Her advice is to test any new waters, before jumping into the deep end.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Source: uniguide.com


Seal meaning and symbolism include care, protection, curiosity, efficiency, opportunity, psychic abilities, and other special qualities.

There are 33 species of seals around the world, and they can be found in every ocean, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, as well as places like the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas. So, many people around the world are familiar with these adorable, doe-eyed marine mammals. As a result, many cultures have myths and folklore about seals and they have important symbolic meanings to many people.

In this post, we’ll explore all aspects of seal symbolism and meanings, including seal spiritual meaning and the seal spirit animal, plus seal mythology and folklore.


Source: white-magic-help.net


Growth, Rebirth, Birch

Berkana, the rune of the life process, another cycle rune, which stands for fertility, which leads both symbolically and actually to growth. Berkana is about the power to influence development and the nature in which it flows into your body. Its action is gentle and penetrating. Scatter the resistance first, then accomplish your work. To make this possible, your wish must be clear and controlled. Conversely, events, or, more likely character aspects distract the growth of new life.

Witches Rune

Source: wizardforest.com


The fallen rune Flight means sudden changes, movement, travellings. It also carries information events, communication, important news in social nets and mass media, which can become significant for you. You may go on vacation. Maybe, you will have to leave to avoid some difficult situation. Or something will suddenly change in your life.

Key words: movement, trip, travellings, information, news, glory, mass media, run ahead, avoid situation, changes.

Sabbat: Imbolc

Element: Air

Chakra No.5: throat


Source: druidogham.wordpress.com


Gifts, doorways, standing on the shoulders of giants, luck

Tree: Oak (Quercus spp.)

Letter: D

There isn’t a bad side to Duir, even when ill-dignified. Maybe it is because the mighty Oak is king of all trees and therefore king of the Ogham. Drawing Duir means that you will receive, are receiving, or have received a gift. The gift can come in unexpected forms — it could be as simple as a thought or it may be, in rarest of cases, an actual physical gift. Understanding Duir does take the prerequisite ability to appreciate gifts. The modern world is cursed with entire classes of people who take luxuries for granted and for whom gratitude is an untenable concept. Those people cannot be helped by any force other than glacial procession of time and the unimaginable powers that shape it.

Duir’s influence is like a good father or wise old grandpa: generous, kind, wise, full of knowledge and happy to share it, protective, and nurturing. He is a living library. He acts as a guide, creator, and ruler.

I Ching

Source: psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Thirty – Two/32

Name: Heng.

Keyphrase: Constancy.

Formed By The Trigrams: Thunder over Wind.

General: True persistence is a process of constant renewal.

Love: To deepen your relationship you should adapt to changes around you.

Business: You will be rewarded for the effort you have put into your business ventures.

Personal: Focus on self-renewal and make sure you avoid inertia.

Overview: Heng is telling you that the only sure constant in life is change. When mistakes are made in a particular strategy the same mistake is often repeated. It does not show strength of character to formulate the same strategy (even if it has worked in the past). Rather it shows a weakness in your refusal to adapt and change. There will always be obstacles in life. Some may be often repeated. If a strategy that has worked several times in the past does not work now then change your strategy. It is also about inertia and complacency. You should always be focusing on self-renewal and not becoming complacent. Avoid stagnation.


Source: worldnumerology.com


The most vibrant, freedom-loving of all numbers in numerology

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 5: A DYNAMIC FORCE

The 5 is unpredictable, always in motion, and constantly in search of change.

Although it is molded from an almost equal mix of freedom-loving and loyal characteristics, the 5 is slightly more daring, and there is nothing submissive about it.

The 5 is extremely independent in mind and soul.

For an adventurer and risk-taker who has a hard time staying in one place, one job, or one relationship, the 5 is surprisingly loyal when the right partner comes along.

The 2 and the 6 are known as the most harmonious relationship numbers. Still, both will cheat on a partner when temptation is strong enough. The 5 will not. The 5 may break off a relationship due to their restless nature, but they will rarely deceive a partner. Although, when they are not in a committed relationship, they have no problem dating a different person every day of the week

The 5 generally doesn’t find a suitable career until they’ve tried several different jobs, some barely lasting long enough to warrant a full paycheck. This is especially true if there is monotonous routine involved; boredom sets in quickly for the 5 who simply cannot stand predictable, repetitive work.

But again, the 5 will surprise friends and family once they find their niche. This usually happens after age 30 when their focus, energy, and quick mind help them scramble up the ladder (faster, and with less apparent effort, than those around them).

Many 5s choose careers that require travel or otherwise offer a regular change of environment. People working in the travel industry, small business owners, independent consultants, lawyers, and those in sales often have the 5 in their core numbers.

The 5 can adjust quickly to pretty much anything coming their way.

The 5 is versatile, adaptable, intelligent, progressive, and tolerant. Convention bores them, and they are easily drawn to the eccentrics and misfits of society.

A social creature, the 5 is funny and uplifting, good at making others feel comfortable around them. They are generally well-liked and often surrounded by friends and acquaintances. However, they can also be polarizing, so people that are typically uptight, self-righteous, or judgmental are quickly aggravated by them.

Perhaps the most dominating trait of the 5 is the uncompromising demand for freedom in thought and action.

People with a prominent 5 in their core numbers make up their own mind, rebel against dogma and ideology, and recoil from clubs, cults, and religious sects. Their adventurous, daredevil nature may include riding motorcycles, but they will not typically ride with a large group. Chances are a 5 will be opinionated and passionate about political issues, but will remain independent of formal political parties.

A 5 may change their mind (regularly) but not without good reason. They won’t be controlled but are flexible and can be converted if the argument makes sense. The 5 has a healthy sense of humor and doesn’t sweat the small things. They carry their heart on their sleeve, and it’s not uncommon to give that heart to the wrong person – they are not always the best judge of character.

On the negative side, the 5 can be selfish, thoughtless, and irresponsible.

Rarely considering the future beyond next week, worrying is not in their nature. The 5 tends to procrastinate and can be unreliable. However, their most common downfall is a tendency to experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol, and other addictions. A desire for instant gratification, lack of restraint, and their feeling of invulnerability can be a recipe for disaster.

The shape of numbers reflect their nature, and just as the 4 is square and grounded, the 5 is a symbol of dynamic energy, elastic and constantly in motion.

Angel Number

Source: angelnumber.org

Three Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty-Three

It is the famous Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen who wins the prize for the best sentence which sums up the content of number 3223.

Ibsen says: “The community is a boat. Everyone must be ready to take control.”

Concretely, Grade 3223 will remind you that survival is our most primitive instinct, no matter how sophisticated we are.

When we feel threatened, we are able to make the most drastic arrangements with astounding strength.

Number 3223 – What Does It Mean?

There are three avenues open to you during this number that closes the second third of your 9-number cycle.

Left and right, you have what are called unstable bangs, opposite extremes. In the middle stands the central path of balance.

And it’s the latter that you’ll need to focus on. Number 3223 will be the number of awareness of your duties and responsibilities.

In the numerology of angel numbers, 3223 is the number of “adulthood”.

During the 3223 angel number, you will gradually feel a strong need for autonomy. You now want to establish your place in the world.

This number is likely to be the number in which you bond with another person, or at least the number in which you become aware that you are responsible for the well-being of another person.

So you’ll have to find a way to strike a balance between your situation and yours, even if it means making concessions.

In fact, the 3223 number is that of adjustments and sacrifices. This goes hand in hand with your new responsibilities.

You will need to show an unusual degree of patience, compassion, empathy and understanding.

Remember that love is harmless. It’s the lack of love that hurts. Some insecurities and complexes will no doubt rise to the surface.

You will have no particular difficulty in assuming them, or even in making them a force. You have evolved, you have grown.

As we have specified about the angel number 3223 this number closes a cycle of 4 numbers.

It is therefore a period during which the being who is in personal angel number 3223 must make a kind of assessment in his life.

Without turning around, because there is no point in living with the past, he has to look back 9 numbers and try to remember the projects he had developed, the initiatives he had taken, the choices he had made.

the actions he had taken, when he turned in number, to see if they had kept their promises and borne fruit and if, flow, showed up to his tasks, and finally to see what his successes and failures were.

This balance is mainly during the first three quarters of its angel number 3223 that he will have the opportunity to establish it.

Indeed, it will be time for him not only to learn from past events and his actions, but also to consider a probable renewal.

For of course the following number will be an angel number 3223, and a new beginning will be possible for him.

But he will be all the more apt to take this new start as he has stripped himself, got rid of it, detached himself from all that no longer has a reason to be in his life, which clutters or hinders him.

Merry meet dear Sisters, Brothers, and Honored Guests, Welcome to WOTC! A Thought for Today

I am healing slowly but at least I can use the fingers on my left hand to type a little bit now. I am not ready to do tomorrow posts yet. I will return to doing the tomorrow posts as soon as I feel comfortable doing so. Found out after going to Urgent Care that I managed to hurt my next fairly bad also. Which explains why I cannot sit at my computer or anywhere else for that matter without quite a bit of pain and a pounding headache. As my dearest friend, Lady Rhiannon, keeps telling me for over 20 years I have to slow down and be more aware of what is a round me before I start walking.

If you want to see some information on any tradition of witchcraft, please put it in the comment section. I will try to find some information to post about it.

May your and your family’s lives be filled with all things positive!

Merry part until we merry meet again!