Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Sunday


Sunday from

Sunday is the first day of the week in honor of the Sun.  Constantine the Great ruled, in 321 BC, that ‘the venerable day of the sun’, should be a day of rest, although it had previously been a day of action.  The ancient Germans honored their sun goddess, known as Sunna, Sol (to the Norwegians), and Glory-of-Elves (to the Scandinavians).  In later traditions, Sol was adopted as a masculine deity.  In Greek traditions, Sunday was connected with the sun god, Helios.
Latin: Dies Solis, “sun’s day”: a pagan Roman holiday. Also: Dominica, “the Day of God”.
French: dimanche
Italian: domenica
Spanish: domingo
German: Sonntag
Dutch: zondag

Rules: Healing, illumination, magical power, success, ambition, power, physical energy, strength and protection
Colors: Gold, Orange
Planet: Sun
Metal: Gold
Stones: Amber, Calcite (orange), Carnelian, Crystal (quartz), Diamond, Pipestone, Sulfur, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Zircon
Herbs: Acacia, Arabic Gum, Bay, Benzoin, Carnation, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Citron, Copal, Frankincense, Juniper, Mastic Gum, Oak, Orange, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Wood Aloe, and Mistletoe which is highly poisonous
Zodiac: Leo

Sunday from

Planet – Sun

Spells/Magic – me time, masculine issues, ambition, career, goals, health, success, energy, healing, spirituality, strength, protection.

Magical aspects: protection, healing, spirituality, strength

Oils – saffron, bergamot , cinnamon , rosemary , orange ,and frankincense, clove, lotus, myrrh, sandalwood

Plants and trees – witch hazel , coreopsis , tickseed , sunflower , St johns wort , saffron crocus , rue , rowan tree , rosemary , poinsettia , peony , orange , oak tree , mistletoe , juniper , hazel tree , french marigold , cinnamon , chamomile , cedar , carnation , angelica , ash tree , bay , calendula .

Stones – yellow diamond ,topaz,tigers eye,

Colour – yellow, gold, orange, amber

Metal – Gold

Energy Type – Male

Dieties – it personified as Helios, Apollo, Lugh, and Beli or Bel. In some traditions, the sun is seen as feminine, personified as Phoebe (East Anglia), and Saule (eastern Europe). The Sun rules the conscious element of the human mind, the ego, the “real” self.” Sunday is the day on which this power is most effective.

Sunday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Health, Success, Careers Goals, Ambition, Personnel Finances, Advancement, Drama, Fun, Authority, Figures, Law, Fairs, Crops, Totem Animals, Volunteer and Civic Services, Promotion, Men’s Mysteries, Children, Buying, Selling and Speculation. Also used for Physical Strength, Achievement, Healing Energy and Divination.

Bay Leaves Manifestation Spell and more information about Bay Leaves Use in Magick

The Bay Leaf Manifestation Spell for Money is a powerful ritual that can help you attract abundance and prosperity into your life. This spell is based on the ancient practice of using bay leaves in manifestation and wish magic. Bay leaves are believed to be a powerful tool for bringing positive energy and intention into reality.

The use of this bay leaf manifestation ritual can bring money in through business ventures, side hustles, investments, and other sources.

This Bay Leaf Manifestation Spell for Money is a simple yet effective ritual that can help you turn your financial goals into a reality.


Bay leaves (fresh or dried)

Green candle

Fireproof dish

Matches or lighter

Small bowl of rice

Penny or small coin

Small piece of paper


Piece of green ribbon or string

A safe place to perform the spell


Write down your financial goal on the piece of paper.

Light the green candle and place it in the fireproof dish.

Place the bay leaves, penny or coin, and piece of paper in front of the candle.

Sprinkle a small amount of rice on top of the bay leaves.

Tie the green ribbon or string around the bay leaves and penny or coin.

Take three deep breaths and focus on your financial goal.

Express gratitude for the abundance you are about to receive.

Light the bay leaves on fire with the candle.

As the bay leaves burn, focus on your financial goal and express gratitude.

Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place.