Good Day Dear WoTC Family

I hope this finds everyone doing well today!

After a good 11 hours of sleep I am feeling a lot better. It amazes me how much sleep plays into a feeling of general wellbeing for the mind, body, and spirit. Sleep when interrupted by many things like nightmares or a beloved pet/familiar wanting a drink in the middle of the night or by physical pain just to name a few reasons can leave you feeling as if you had not slept at all the following day. My phycologists has given me three questions to ask myself each night before I go to sleep, and I took it a step farther by dumping everything in my mind that might make it hard to fall asleep in a journal. I did it for a couple of days and slept soundly than I skipped a couple of days and either had insomnia or nightmares so now I know this is something that will work to help me sleep well. Let me know these things help you to fall asleep easier or have a more restful nights slumber.

The three questions are:

What 1 to 3 things did you accomplish today, no matter how small? Yes, just getting out of bed counts or taking a shower or making yourself coffee…

Name 3 things you are grateful for happening today…

Name 1 to 3 things you can look forward to tomorrow…

One thought on “Good Day Dear WoTC Family

  1. I am not able to leave a reply in the comments and I’m not sure why. But I’m glad this is working for you and these suggestions are wonderful. Good to hear you’ve gotten some rest. Peace to you sister.

    Sent from my iPhone


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