Roman Pantheon

Roman Pantheon

ANGERONA Goddess of secrecy. Angerone is portrayed with her mouth bound
and sealed, her finger raised to her mouth in a gesture of warning. The
ancients thought names powerful; the commonly known name of an
individual or a community was often not the real name at all, the real
name being a closely guard secret. Very probably the cult of Angerona
guarded the secret name of the city of Rome. Little else is known of

ATTIS A god of vegetation, similar to Tammuz and Adonis. Imported
together with his mother Cybele from Persia. Driven mad by the deranged
love of his mother, Attis castrated himself under a pine tree. Attis’
priests were eunuchs.

BELLONA War goddess. Bellona’s priests were recruited from the
gladiators, and emissaries were received at her temple

CYBELE An Asian goddess adopted by the Greeks and Romans. A healer,
mistress of fertility and untamed nature, a protector in war. Cybele is
always accompanied by two lions. Cybele granted immortality to those who
worshipped her. Cybele’s priests danced wildly and mutilated themselves.
Her festivals, held at the beginning of spring, were occasions for wild

FAUNA Goddess of fertility. Fauna’s festival, which seems to have been
quite an orgy, was open only to women, being strictly forbidden to men.

FAUNUS God of crops and herds. An oracle. Faunus’ temple, the Lupercal,
was supposed to have been the site where the she-wolf suckled Romulus
and Remus. Goats and dogs were sacrificed at his festival, the
Lupercalia, and priests dressed in newly skinned goat hides whipped
women who wished to become pregnant with whips made of goatskin.

FEBRUUS The Etruscan god of the underworld, later associated with Dis
Pater, the Latin equivalent of Hades. The month of the dead, February,
is named after him.

FIDES God of faithfulness.

FLORA Goddess of flowers and blooming plants. Usually shown with a
wreath of flowers in her hair. A favorite deity of courtesans, Flora’s
festivals were held in April and May.

FORTUNA Goddess of fate and chance. Fortuna’s statue was kept veiled,
because she was ashamed of the capriciousness of her favors. Fortuna is
represented by the sphere, the ship’s rudder, the cornucopia, and the
wheel. To this day, wheels of fortune can be found in casinos, and the
wheel on the tenth card of the Major Arcana is Fortuna.

GENIUS A guardian who protects both individuals and homes.

JANUS Guardian of entrances and exits, the opener of all things who
looks inward as well as outward, custodian of the universe. Janus’
two-faced image was usually displayed over doorways and gates. Janus
signifies both past and future wisdom. Janus is the god of beginnings,
so the first month of each year, the first day of each month, and the
first hour of each day are dedicated to him. Janus was the first god to
be mentioned in prayers, even before Jupiter.

LAR God of the house, a cheerful and beautiful youth.

MARS God of farming, war and springtime. Like the typical Roman citizen,
Mars was first a farmer and then a soldier. The wolf, the oak and the
woodpecker are sacred to Mars. Often identified with the Greek god Ares,
but the differences are more important than the similarities. For one
thing, the Romans liked Mars.

MITHRAS The god who dies and rises again, god of vegetation, the sun
god, the Savior who who redeems mankind from evil. A Roman version of a
Persian god. Especially popular among soldiers, Mithras was widely
worshipped throughout the Roman empire and gave Christianity a run for
its money. Mithras’ cult served a number of purposes and its
organization was highly complex. A temple of Mithras served as a social
club, a place of worship, a dramatic society, a magical society, an
officers’ club, and much more. The worshippers of Mithras conducted
elaborate ceremonies to which no woman was admitted. The worship of
Mithras emphasized correct behavior in this world, which was the only
way to win the favor of the god in the next. There were different
degrees of initiation into the cult, each degree having its own name:
the Crow, the Secret, the Soldier, the Lion, the Fathers and many more
on up to the King of Kings, which was open only to those of royal blood.
Initiates were placed under a grating upon which a bull had been
slaughtered and were drenched in its blood, signifying the emergence
from death to rebirth. Ceremonies generally took place in caverns or
rooms made up to look like caverns, and involved the wild beating of
drums, anointings with honey, the unveiling of hidden statues, and the
use of hallucenogenic drugs.

OPS Goddess of the harvest. Identified with the Greek goddess RHEA.

QUIRINIAS A mystery. Originally a war god of the Sabines, later a state
god of the Romans. One of the highest gods of ancient Rome, every bit as
important as Mars or Jupiter, yet almost nothing is known today of
Quirinias or his worship.

TELLUS MATER An ancient earth goddess. Pregnant cows were sacrificed on
her festival, April 15. Tellus is one of the very oldest gods, dating
back to the time before the Roman religion was formalized.

VESTA “The Shining One.” Goddess of domestic life and the hearth.
Worshipped privately in the home and publicly in Vesta’s temple. In the
home, Vesta lived near the hearth and was offered food and drink at
every meal. The Vestal Virgins served her, and (apart from mothers who
were allowed to bring offerings during festivals) were the only ones
allowed to enter her temple. The Vestal Virgins, chosen only from the
nobility, tended a sacred fire which was the symbol of the hearth of the
nation. A strict vow of chastity was imposed on the Virgins, and a
Virgin caught breaking the vow was walled up alive. In more than a
thousand years, only twenty women were so punished.

Egyptian Pantheon

Egyptian Pantheon

AMMON Also AMON; AMUN; AMEN “Hidden.” King of the gods of Egypt. Patron
of the Pharoahs. Originally a god of fertility, a local deity of
Memphis. Ammon became linked with the sun god Ra through the royal
family, becoming Ammon-Ra.

ANUBIS The jackal-headed god. Anubis can foresee a mortal’s destiny and
is associated with magic and divination. Anubis supervises the weighing
of the soul when the departed are brought to the hall of the dead.

ASTARTE The Assyro-Babylonian goddess Ishtar, inducted into the Egyptian
pantheon and made a daughter of Ammon-Ra. Sometimes identified (or
confused, which is the same thing) with Isis.

ATUM The first of the gods, the self-created. By sheer will, Atum formed
himself out of the stagnant waters of Nun. Atum was bisexual and was
sometimes called “the great He-She.” The Egyptians had two cosmogonies,
one taught by the priests at Heliopolis and the other by the priests at
Memphis. The priests at Memphis taught that Nun and Atum, together with
Atum’s children Shu and Tefnut, were aspects or forms of Ptah.

BAST Also BASTET. The cat-headed goddess, a local deity of the delta.
The kindly goddess of joy, music and dancing. Cats were sacred to Bast
as a symbol of animal passion. Bast’s devotees celebrated their lady
with processions of flower-laden barges and orgiastic ceremonies. Her
festivals were licentious and quite popular.

HATHOR A sky goddess, sometimes represented as a woman with cow’s horns
between which hangs a solar disc, sometimes portrayed as a cow. Hathor
concerns herself with beauty, love and marriage, and watches over women
giving birth. Mother and wife of Ra. Hathor is also a goddess of death
and offers comfort to the newly dead as they pass into the afterworld.

HORUS The falcon-headed god. A complex deity with many aspects. Some of
them are: Horus the Elder, a sky god whose eyes are the sun and the
moon, continually at war with Set, the god of evil; Horus of the
Horizon, symbolized by the rising and setting sun; Horus the Child,
whose frequent depictions as a baby at the breast of his mother Isis
influenced Christian images of the Madonna and the Christ child; Horus,
son of Isis, avenger of Osiris. There were many others.

ISIS Wife and sister of Osiris (the ancients had nothing against a
little divine incest). The ideal wife and mother. Generally a goddess of
the home and person rather than of the temple and the priest. After the
twenty sixth dynasty, Isis is increasingly portrayed as a nursing
mother, and her cult eventually spread throughout the Roman empire.

MAAT Goddess of truth and justice. Her symbol is the feather.

MIN A god of fertility and sexual potency. An ancient god of
pre-dynastic origins. His symbol is the thunderbolt. As orgiastic
festivials were held in his honor, Min was quite a popular god.

NUN God of the primal waters. Nun was a mass of stagnant water which
filled all the universe.

OSIRIS At first the god of corn; later the god of the dead. Osiris
brought civilization to the Egyptians, teaching them the uses of corn
and wine, weaving, sculpture, religion, music and law. Set slew Osiris
and dismembered th body; but Osiris’ consort, Isis, reassembled the body
and brought Osiris back to life. Osiris then retired to the underworld.
Osiris is the god of the Nile which rises and falls every year; the god
of corn and the vine, which flourish, die, and flourish once more; and
the god of the rising and setting sun.

PTAH The artificer. The creator god. According to the priests of
Memphis, the fount of all creation. God of artisans and artists,
designers, builders, architects, masons, metal workers. Ptah’s consort
is Sekhmut, goddess of war.

RA God of the sun; sometimes identified or considered synonomous with
Atum. Ra created man from his tears. At one time Ra became so digusted
with men that he orderd Hathor to kill them all. This Hathor did with
such zeal that Ra took pity on men and ordered Hathor to stop. Crazed
with blood, Hathor ignored the order, and Ra resorted to chicanery to
save humankind. Ra mixed beer with pomegranate juice and left pots of
the concoction about the battlefield. Thinking the mixture was blood,
Hathor drank it greedily and got too swacked to carry out her mission.

SEKHMUT Goddess of war and battles, consort of Ptah. Hathor took
Sekhmut’s shape when she made war on men. Sekhmut is usually portrayed
as a woman with the head of a lionness, sometimes brandishing a knife in
an upraised hand.

SET Red of hair and eyes, pale of skin, Set is the god of evil, of
drought, of destruction, thunder and storm. Set tore himself from his
mother’s womb in his hurry to be born. Every month Set attacks and
devours the moon, the sanctuary of Osiris and the gathering place of the
souls of the recently dead.

THOTH “Thrice Greatest.” God of wisdom, music, magic, medicine,
astronomy, geometry, surveying, art and and writing. Historian, scribe
and judge. Thoth’s priests claimed Thoth was the Demi-Urge who created
everything from sound. It was said that Thoth wrote books in which he
set forth a fabulous knowldege of magic and incantation, and then
concealed them in a crypt.

Norse Pantheon

Norse Pantheon

AEGIR “Alebrewer.” So called because Aegir loves to give feasts for the
gods. God of the sea. Saxon pirates gave to Aegir a tenth of their
captives, who were thrown into the sea.

ANGRBODA The giantess who mated with Loki to create Hel, Fenrir and the
Midgard Serpent.

BALDER A hero god, the god who dies and rises again. Fair skinned, fair
haired, wise and merciful, beloved of all. Loke tricked Hoder into
killing Balder, who had to be rescued from the underworld. According to
the epic poem VOLUSKA, Balder will come to rule again after Ragnarok.

BRAGI God of poetry and eloquence, husband of Iduun. It is Bragi’s duty
to prepare Valhalla for new arrivals.

DONAR German god of thunder, forerunner of Thor. His symbol is the
swastika. Oak trees are sacred to Donar, as they are to Jove.

FENRIR Also FENRIS WOLF A monstrous wolf conceived by Loki. Fenrir was
raised in Asgard, the home of the gods, until he became so immense and
feroucious that only the god Tyr was brave enough to feed him. Tyr bound
Fenrir until the day of Ragnarok, when Fenrir will break loose to slay

FORSETI God of justice, the great arbiter, the god who “stills all
strife.” Forseti dwells in a hall of gold and silver called Giltnir.

FREYR “The god of the world,” son of Njord, husband of Freyja. God of
fertility, sunlight and rain, peace, joy and contentment. Freyr was
worshipped with human sacrifices and a kind of religious play in which
men dressed as women mimed and danced to the sound of chimes and bells.
Freyr had some association with the horse cult as well, and horses
sacred to his service were kpet near his shrines. Freyr and his
sister/wife FREYJA were of the Vanir, a family or race of gods which
originally competed with the Aesir and later became allies. The Vanir
may have been the gods of an earlier Scandinavian race who were adopted
into the pantheon of later conquerors.

FREYJA Goddess of magic and death, goddess of sex, daughter of Njord, a
shape-shifter who often took the form of a falcon. When her husband Od
disappeared, Freyja wept golden tears. Donning a magical garment, Freyja
could fly long distances. Patroness of seithr, a practice in which a
sorceress would enter a trance to foretell the future. The women who
practiced siethr, who were know as Volva, wandered freely about the
country casting spells and foretelling the future. Freyja’s worshippers
involved orgiastic rites which horrified and outraged the Christians.
Half of all those slain in battle belonged to Freyja, the other half
belonging to Odin.

FRIGG Wife of Odin, mother of Balder, queen of Asgard. A fertility

HEIMDALL The god who guards the Bifrost Bridge which is the entrance to
Asgard. Heimdall can see for immense distances, and his ear is so
sensitive that he can hear the grass grow. On the day of Ragnarok,
Heimdall will blow the great horn Gjallarhorn, and in the ensuing battle
he will slay Loki.

HEL Goddess of death. Daughter of Loki. Ruler of Niflheim, the land of
mists. Heroic souls go to Valhalla. Those who die of disease or old age
come to Niflheim. Surrounded by high walls and strong gates, Niflheim is
impregnable; not even Balder could return from there without Hel’s

HERMOD A hero god. Hermod rode through the gates of Niflheim to rescue
Balder and found Balder seated on the right hand of Hel. Hel agreed to
release Balder on condition that all living things weep for him.

HODER Little is known about Hoder, other than that he is blind. Loki
tricked Hoder into killing Balder with a sprig of mistletoe. Hoder will
join Balder in the new world which will come into being when the present
one is destroyed.

IDUNN Wife of Bragi, keeper of the golden apples of eternal youth. The
giant Thiazzi kidnapped her with the aid of Loki.

LOKI A trickster. Sly, deceitful, a master thief, not to be trusted.
Nevertheless, Loki is charming, witty, quite capable, and possessed of a
sardonic sense of humor which he aims at himself no less often than at
others. A shape shifter who can change into almost any animal form. Loki
was involved in many of the gods’ adventures, usually because one of his
tricks had made some kind of a mess.

MIDGARD SERPENT The great snake which lies in the ocean and encircles
the world, its tail in its mouth. On the day of Ragnarok, the world will
disappear under the ocean’s waters when the Midgard Serpent rises from
the sea. Thor will kill the Midgard Serpent but will be killed by the
Serpent’s poision.

MIMIR The guardian of a spring of wisdom at the root of Yggdrasill, the
world tree which connects the lower and higher worlds and is the source
of all life. Odin gave an eye to drink from that spring.

NERTHUS An earth mother worshipped by the German tribe of the Suebi. Her
sacred grove stood on an island in the North Sea.

NJORD The chief of the Vanir, who warred with the Aesir. Lord of the
winds and of the sea, giver of wealth. Particularly revered on the west
coast of Sweden. In pagan days, oaths in law courts were sworn in his
name. Njord may be a masculine form of Nerthus

ODIN Also OTHINN; WODEN; WOTAN A god of strife and war, magic and death.
The chief of the Aesir who lives in his hall Valaskjal in Sagard from
which he can look out over all the worlds. In his hall Valhalla,
valkyries (female war spirits) serve heros who have fallen in battle and
will aid the god in the great battle of Ragnarok. On Odin’s shoulders
perch two ravens, Hugin (“Thought”) and Munin (“Memory”) who can fly
about all the worlds to bring Odin knowledge. Odin often aids great
heros but is quite fickle and can turn against a man for any reason or
none. Tales of Odin’s treachery are not merely Christian propaganda.
Odin’s worshippers themselves could be quite sharp-tongued about Odin’s
unfaithfulness. Odin’s worship involved human sacrifices, who were
generally hung from trees or gallows.

RAGNAROK “Destruction of the powerful ones.” The Twilight of the Gods.
The time of fire and ice. The great battle at the end of time between
the gods and the Frost Giants in which the world will be destroyed and
made anew. Ragnarok will be preceded by three winters of bitter wars
followed by the Fimbulvetr, a winter so cold that the usn will give no
heat. Then the forces of evil will gather and make war on the gods.

THOR God of thunder. Huge, red-bearded, red-eyed, powerful. His weapon
is the magic hammer Mjollnir, which is augmented by a magic belt which
doubles Thor’s strength, and iron gloves with which Thor grips Mjollnir.
In some ways Odin’s rival, Thor is the god of law and order, the
champion of the people. Unlike Odin, Thor will keep faith. Oaths were
sworn in Thor’s name, which no sane man would ever do with Odin. When
Christianity came to Iceland, the other gods surrendered meekly, but
Thor fought to the bitter end. The Hammer is Thor’s sacred sign and is
the most common image in Nordic art. The worship of Thor survived well
into the Christian age; little silver hammers were often made in the
smith’s shop along with crosses and crucifixes.

TIWAZ The one-handed sky god and war god of the early Germanic peoples.
Tiwaz was worshipped with human sacrifices conducted in the deep forest.
Tiwaz is god of law and justice, and oaths were sworn in his name. His
functions were later taken over by Odin and Thor, though unlike Odin
Tiwaz is completely without deceit and guile. Tiwaz is also known as
Irmin, and his sacred pillar Irminsul symbollically held the universe

TYR God of battle, the only god with the strength and courage to bind
Fenris. Warriors marked their swords with a T to gain the god’s
protection. Tyr was originally was Tiwaz, retained in a later pantheon
but overshadowed by Odin and Thor.

WELAND Also VOLUNDR; WIELAND; WAYLAND God of smiths and metal workers.
Son of the giant Wade. Weland has much in common with smith gods such as
Govannon and Hephaistos, which comes as no surprise. Technology and
metalworking spread slowly in the ancient world, usually on a person to
person basis, and highly skilled metalsmiths and other technical workers
formed a virtual international brotherhood similar to the Masons.

Celtic Pantheon

Celtic Pantheon


ANGUS OF THE BRUGH Also OENGUS OF THE BRUIG God of youth, son of the
Dagda. In Ireland, Angus is the counterpart of Cupid. Angus’ kisses turn into singing birds, and the music he plays irresistibly draws all who hear.

ARIANRHOD “Silver Wheel,” “High Fruitful Mother.” One of the Three Virgins of Britain, her palace is Caer Arianrhod, the Celtic name for the Aurora Borealis.

BADB A goddess of war. One of a triad of war goddesses known collectively as the Morrigan. Bird shaped and crimson mouthed, Badb uses her magic to decide battles. Badb lusts after men and is often seen at fords washing the armor and weapons of men about to die in combat.

BRIGHID also BRIGIT. Goddess of healing and craftsmanship, especially metalwork. Also a patron of learning and poetry. In Wales she is Cerridwen, who possesses the cauldron of knowledge and inspiration. The Celts so loved Brighid that they could not abandon her even when they became Christians, and so made Brighid a Christian saint.

CERRIDWEN also HEN WEN; in Wales, BRIGHID “White Grain,” “Old White One.”
Corn goddess. Mother of Taliesen, greatest and wisest of all the bards, and therefore a patron of poets. The “white goddess” of Robert Graves. Cerridwen lives among the stars in the land of Caer Sidi. Caridwen is connected with wolves, and some claim her cult dates to the Neolithic era.

CERNUNNOS Horned god of virility. Cernunnos wears the torc (neck-ring)
and is ever in the company of a ram-headed serpent and a stag. Extremely
popular among the Celts, the Druids encouraged the worship of Cernunnos,
attempting to replace the plethora of local deities and spirits with a
national religion. The Celts were so enamored of Cernunnos that his cult
was a serious obstacle to the spread of Christianity.

DAGDA Earth and father god. Dagda possesses a bottomless cauldron of
plenty and rules the seasons with the music of his harp. With his mighty
club Dagda can slay nine men with a single blow, and with its small end
he can bring them back to life. On the day of the New Year, Dagda mates
with the raven goddess of the Morrigan who while making love straddles a
river with one foot on each bank. A slightly comical figure.

DANU Mother goddess, an aspect of the Great Mother. Another of a triad
of war goddesses known collectively as the Morrigan. Connected with the
moon goddess Aine of Knockaine, who protects crops and cattle. Most
importantly, the mother of the Tuatha de’ Danann, the tribe of the gods.

DIAN CECHT A healer. At the second battle of Moytura, Dian Cecht
murdered his own son whose skill in healing endangered his father’s
reputation. The Judgments of Dian Cecht, an ancient Irish legal tract,
lays down the obligations to the ill and injured. An agressor must pay
for curing anyone he has injured, and the severity of any wound, even
the smallest, is measured in grains of corn.

DIS PATER Originally a god of death and the underworld, later the cheif
god of the Gauls. The Gauls believed, as their Druids taught, that Dis
Pater is the ancestor of all the Gauls.

DONN Irish counterpart to Dis Pater. Donn sends storms and wrecks ships,
but he protects crops and cattle as well. Donn’s descendents come to his
island after death.

EPONA Horse goddess. Usually portrayed as riding a mare, sometimes with
a foal. Roman legionaires, deeply impressed with Celtic horsemanship,
took up the worship of Epona themselves and eventually imported her cult
to Rome itself.

ESUS A god of the Gauls “whose shrines make men shudder,” according to a
Roman poet. Human sacrifices to Esus were hanged and run through with a
sword. For unknown reasons, Esus is usually portrayed as a woodcutter.

GOVANNON The smith god. The weapons Govannon makes are unfailing in
their aim and deadliness, the armor unfailing in its protection. Also a
healer. Those who attend the feast of Govannon and drink of the god’s
sacred cup need no longer fear old age and infirmity.

LUG also LUGH, LLEU A sun god and a hero god, young, strong, radiant
with hair of gold, master of all arts, skills and crafts. One day Lug
arrived at the court of the Dagda and demanded to be admitted to the
company of the gods. The gatekeeper asked him what he could do. For
every skill or art Lug named, the gatekeeper replied that there was
already one among the company who had mastered it. Lug at last pointed
out that they had no one who had mastered them all, and so gained a
place among the deities, eventually leading them to victory in the
second battle of Moytura against the Formorian invaders. (The Formorians
were a race of monsters who challenged the gods for supremacy in the
first and second battles of Moytura.) The Romans identified Lug with
Mercury. The most popular and widely worshipped of the Celtic gods,
Lug’s name in its various forms was taken by the cities of Lyons,
Loudun, Laon, Leon, Lieden, Leignitz, Carlisle and Vienna.

MACHA “Crow.” The third of the triad of war goddesses known as the
Morrigan, Macha feeds on the heads of slain enemies. Macha often
dominates her male lovers through cunning or simple brute strength.

MEDB “Drunk Woman.” A goddess of war, not one of the Morrigan. Where the
Morrigan use magic, Medb wields a weapon herself. The sight of Medb
blinds enemies, and she runs faster than the fastest horse. A bawdy
girl, Medb needs thirty men a day to satisfy her sexual appetite.

MORRIGAN, THE also MORRIGU MORRIGAN A war goddess, forerunner of the
Arthurian Morgan La Fey. Like Odin, fickle and unfaithful, not to be
trusted. A hag with a demonic laugh, the Morrigan appears as a grotesque
apparition to men about to die in battle. Her name is also used for a
triad of war goddesses, who are often thought of as different aspects of
the Morrigan.

NEMAIN “Panic.” A war goddess.

NUADHU also NUD, NODENS, LUD. “Nuadhu of the silver arm.” God of healing
and water; his name suggests “wealth-bringer” and “cloud-maker.” At the
first battle of Moytura, Nuadhu lost an arm, and Dian Cecht replaced it
with a new one made out of silver. Because of this, Nuadhu was obliged
to turn leadership of the Tuatha de’ Dannan over to Lug. People came to
be healed at Nuadhu’s temple at Lydney, and small votive limbs made of
silver have been found there.

OGMIOS also OGMA “Sun Face.” A hero god like Hercules, a god of
eloquence, language, genius. Generally portrayed as an old man dressed
in a lion skin. From his tongue hang fine gold chains attached to the
ears of his eager followers.

SUCELLUS Guardian of forests, patron of agriculture. His consort is
Nantosvelta, whose name suggests brooks and streams. Sometimes
considered synonymous with Cernunnos or Daghda.

TUATHA DE’ DANANN The divine tribes and people descended from the
goddess Danu. Skilled in druidry and magic, the Tuatha de’ Danann
possess four talismans of great power: the stone of Fal which shrieked
under the true heir to the throne; the spear of Lug which made victory
certain; the sword of Nuadhu which slays all enemies; and the ever full
cauldron of Daghda from which no man ever goes away hungry.

Well, well, well…..

I probably don’t have to tell most of you how I feel about our ISP. But for those new, I absolutely HATE IT! I know, why not change ISP? Well, we are located in the sticks for starters and it is hard as heck to get an ISP out here. We have a little Co-Op (and I have never heard of this but another ISP confirmed it for me) and this Co-Op owns the lines coming into our county. So they regulated who we can get and who we can’t. And you guessed it, the only ones we can get right now is them. We are lucky dogs, I tell you.


Anyway, we weren’t on the net yesterday because the new poles they just installed are falling out of the ground. We had a bad ice storms a few years back, we were without power for 12 days. Damn, that was rough! Trees fell, telephone poles broke, lines snapped and we were up a creek without a paddle. That Spring and Summer, they hired a bunch of idiots for contractors to replace everything. They put up new poles, busted water lines, strung new electrical wires, dug up all the wires in the ground and we were without power for a day or two. You get the idea, the more they fixed, the more they tore up. Now all these years later, the poles are actually coming out of the ground. They didn’t dig the holes deep enough, the ground is super wet and up come the poles.


We have underground lines at this location also. But those lines have to eventually connect to one of those poles down the road. And that pole fell out of the ground yesterday. I called them and they told me they were walking hard to get that pole back in the ground. Also today, we might experience a brief outage while they reconnected us. Ok, supposedly the pole is in the ground, we have had the outage, now maybe, just maybe we can stay on the damn internet for more than a minute or two.


I am sorry for complaining but it does make me feel better. I know everyone around here is tired of hearing me yell at the internet provider but seriously I have never seen anything like this bunch.


Hopefully, tomorrow we will be back to normal but I don’t know what that is any more, lol! For now, I am going to put some Gods and Goddesses on the site and cool off for a bit.

Sorry for all the inconveniences this may have caused you,

Love ya,

Lady A



Your Ancient Symbol Card for January 14th is The Beacon

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Beacon

The Beacon symbolizes both guidance to safe harbors and a warning of dangerous waters. The Beacon is represented by a lighthouse atop jagged rocks with its powerful light cutting a path that leads to an adjacent entrance to a calm harbor on a stormy night. The Beacon suggest that if you look for it, there is a general path for you to follow to reach a place of peace and harmony. However, The Beacon itself sets upon rough ground, so you must still step carefully as you follow it to quiet waters.

As a daily card, The Beacon provides guidance away from conflict. It implies that the path to resolving differences is marked and visible to any who look for it. The Beacon also warns that while there is a way to quell strife, you still must move carefully towards a solution.

Your Daily Witches Rune for January 14th is Woman

Today’s Witches Rune


Meaning: The first meaning of this rune is quite obvious: it represents women. Any woman that is important in the question, whether you know her or not, will be represented by this rune. Mother, sister, aunt, grandma, a female boss, friend, lover or even enemy… all can be symbolized by the appearance of this rune.

In a more general sense, this rune is related to traditional female abilities and characteristics, such as giving birth, nurturing, comforting and healing. When this rune appears, you can count on the sympathy of others towards you or your situation. In its most negative aspects, the Woman rune can show over-protectiveness, a patronizing attitude or co-dependency. It often strives to maintain the status quo, refusing to change even if the situation is bad.

The Woman rune is connected to nurturing – nurturing a relationship, a person or a project. Like the Moon rune, it can be related to finding a safe place to rest and heal, but while the Moon implies a solitary retreat, the Woman often shows that you need to go back to the people you trust, the people you feel safe with.

Healing is another strong aspect of this symbol, as well as teaching. You can be both the patient/student or the healer/teacher when this rune appears. This rune is also connected to creativity, but in a way that is different from the Romance rune. While the latter is about the conception of a project – the initial stages of creation – the Woman is about the birth of this project. When your creation is brought out into the world, fully manifested.

In relationship readings, this rune isn’t bad, but rather weak. While it can indicate subtle ties between people, these are usually so, so subtle that the partners can easily drift away from each other. It can show that one of the partners sees the other as someone who needs to be protected and healed, rather than an equal. Usually, the romance is a bit stagnated when this rune appears, or very close to becoming a friendship.




Your Spiritual Journey Australia

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for January 24th is Aeon

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today


Aeon deals with our journey and constant transformation through time. It denotes both endings and beginnings, our ability to redeem ourselves through action, and hope for the future. Aeon teaches us to accept our past–embrace it as an essential component of our being–but not to allow it to keep our spirits from moving towards the future and finding our personal utopia.

Your I Ching Hexagram for January 14th is 24: Returning




Hexagram of the Day

24: Returning

January 14th, 2016






There is a turning point that recharges you and eventually brings success. This hexagram is associated with a turning back of long nights towards more light, the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the seasonal change when our hours of daily light begin to increase again. This is the beginning of a turnaround; a time of letting go of the old and making way for the new; a time of new beginnings. Ironically, it all starts with rest.

Don’t move too fast. The new momentum is just beginning; the turn-around demands that your energy be recharged by adequate rest, so that your life force will not be spent prematurely. This principle of hibernation, of allowing energy to renew itself and be strengthened by rest applies to many situations — recuperation after an illness, the slow return of trust after period of estrangement, the careful development of new relationships after a splitting apart of old ones. is a Daily Insight Group Site

Your Secret Tarot Desire Card for January 14th

Your Secret Desire Cards

This reading focuses on your ambitions and dreams.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is the most enigmatic card of the Tarot. Even Tarot giants like Waite, Crowley and Levi had trouble deciphering The Hanged Man’s true meaning. Generally The Hanged Man is thought to represent the value of surrender and selfless acts. The Hanged Man embodies the notion that sometimes to lose is to win. Unlike the aggressive Chariot, The Hanged Man creates his fate through inaction and accepts his fortune passively, without resistance. He does not struggle to control the path his life takes, but rather allows events to sweep him where they will, even if he is called upon to sacrifice himself. He is so at ease with the Fate the Universe chose for him that even hanging upside down from a tree does not ruffle his inner peace.

When The High Priestess or Strength is among your personal cards, the influence of The Hanged Man may be increased. Having The Magus or Chariot in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Hanged Man.

The Empress

The Empress is “The Earth Mother” of the Tarot. She embodies all that is nurturing, clean and wholesome. Her powers resonate from her drive to create and care for life on a grand scale. She is in tune with Nature’s rhythm and realizes that life’s most pleasurable moments often stem from the simplest things. She is not afraid to enjoy herself–to let loose—to the point of being lavish. Abundance and luxury are important to her. The Empress is completely comfortable with her femininity and her sexuality. She is sensual, earthy, generous, and likes the good life. Still, her driving force is a need to create and nurture, and fulfilling this need overrides everything else.

When The Lover or The Star are among your personal cards, the influence of The Empress may be increased. Having the Emperor or Death in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Empress.

Your Daily Tarot Card for January 14th is Judgment

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card



Judgment embodies those forces which require us to be accountable for our actions. With Judgment truths are revealed, mysteries are unraveled and responsibility is assigned. Judgment unveils outcomes and marks the ends of things. While it is a time to properly place guilt, it is also a time for atonement and forgiveness. Ultimately the process of Judgment should lead to freedom from errors made in the past and a fresh start with a clean slate. To that end Judgment actually promises the start of a new journey on which we can apply what we have learned from our past.

Your Tarot Card for January 14th is Temperance




Tarot Card of the Day


January 14th, 2016
What is traditionally known as the Temperance card is a reference to the Soul. Classically female, she is mixing up a blend of subtle energies for the evolution of the personality. One key to interpreting this card can be found in its title, a play on the process of tempering metals in a forge.

Metals must undergo extremes of temperature, folding and pounding, but the end product is infinitely superior to impure ore mined from the earth. In this image, the soul volunteers the ego for a cleansing and healing experience which may turn the personality inside-out, but which brings out the gold hidden within the heart. (This card is entitled “Art” in the Crowley deck.)

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, January 15th





Get A Jump On Tomorrow….

Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, January 15th



Aries Horoscope

While the morning can find your thinking a little fuzzy and perhaps in need of a rest or a creative distraction, dear Aries, as the day progresses, your concentration and focus increases. You can in fact do quite a bit today, finding it rather natural to hone in on flaws, prioritize, and organize. You are especially invested in your current projects, and it’s important that you have the freedom to do your work in your own way. You’ll get a whole lot more done independently now, but the Moon in your sign all day does incline you to want some acknowledgement or a feeling of reinforcement.



The Moon pulled into your privacy and soul sector last night, dear Taurus. This is a monthly brief transit that lasts about two and a half days, reminding you of your need for emotional regeneration and renewal. This can be a time of working under the radar, less visibility, and of focus on review and processing recent events and feelings. You may be closing a chapter on something in your life, or simply feeling the need for extra rest. The Moon’s easy connection with Saturn today can help you to better see what attitudes and situations that you are better off leaving behind you. It’s not always that practicality and emotions combine so easily, so take advantage of this clearer grip on reality.



There can be a bit of mental fog in the early hours today, dear Gemini, with your ruler, Mercury, in challenging aspect to Neptune, the planet of illusion. However, as the day moves forward, you’re likely to get a stronger grip on your priorities, and you may very well enjoy filling your responsibilities, as you feel especially capable of doing so. You may be dealing with issues of assertion and accommodation with friends today, and have a better chance of finding a nice balance. It’s easier than usual to put some emotions aside in order to accomplish something important to you right now. You may be seeing the more reliable side of others, and fully appreciating it.



There is an inclination for you to want to go your own way today, dear Cancer, but also a stronger sense of your duties as well as others’ expectations. You may be in the position of leader or manager now, and can adopt this role quite naturally at the moment. Try not to carry more than your fair share of the load, unless you’re totally happy doing so. The expression “be careful what you’re good at” might apply now, as there is a tendency for others to expect you to take over. Don’t overload yourself. There can be interesting insight into a partnership or close friendship now.



The day may get off to a bit of a murky start, dear Leo, but rather quickly begins to stimulate your ambitions, desire to produce, and urge to take care of priorities. If you have a hobby, pet project, or studies that could use some attention and focus, this is a strong time for directing your energies into them. When it comes to learning, you are taking a hands-on and self-directed approach, needing to see results for yourself in order to remain engaged. The practical side of your mind is in strong focus now. It’s easier to put emotions aside and block out distractions in order to get something done.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

The day can begin with some misunderstandings or confusion, dear Virgo, but as it advances, you’re more inclined to want to roll up your sleeves and get things done, particularly when it comes to domestic chores. It’s a day for taking measured steps towards a goal rather than attempting to push forward quickly. You can be feeling a stronger drive to feel more secure and orderly in your home or base of operations. While responsibilities in your personal life are increasing these days, you feel more equipped than usual to take care of them.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

You can feel strongly motivated to understand a close relationship or to know where you stand with someone today, dear Libra. You are showing your affection in practical ways these days, and others may not be especially forthcoming with their appreciation, but their actions are likely to speak volumes now. You’re especially skilled at bringing others together or encouraging people to get along today. You may find yourself in the role of mediator or go-between, and you’re quite competent in this position! The Moon spends the day and all of tomorrow in your partnership sector, putting your emotional focus quite squarely on your relationships. While you should probably watch for over-investing in them, it’s generally a good time to bond and improve your connections.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

You can experience a stronger drive to seek security and to see tangible results for your efforts today, dear Scorpio, although you might begin the day feeling less than focused. You’re inclined to want to work on your own or at your own pace, and you might find it easier to block out the usual distractions. This is a time for developing a better balance between supporting or assisting others, and asserting your authority. It’s a good time in general for handling the details that will further your long-term goals or career, and this is highlighted today.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

In the early hours of the day, you might find it difficult to concentrate, dear Sagittarius, and we should watch for a tendency to misunderstand others or skip instructions. However, as the day moves forward, you can be feeling increasingly more focused and interested in seeing some results. Ambitions are gently nurtured, and you can be especially realistic, but you’re also inclined to want to focus on some fun or creative pursuits, making it a good time to work on hobbies or pet projects. People may be recognizing your competence or natural talents, which further motivates you to do your best.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

Your brain may need a little break early today, dear Capricorn, with Mercury in your sign in challenging aspect to Neptune. You might want to feed your mind something imaginative or creative. As the day advances, there is a growing desire to get things done, and you’re most interested in tackling problems at their root. Home and family matters tend to fare well now, but possibly at the expense of other life “departments” today. Still, you seem to need to get your domestic life running smoothly before taking on the world, and this is a good time to do so.



You may be taking on a nurturing or supportive role today, dear Aquarius, and while the early hours of the day may find you and people around you a little foggy-minded, as the day moves forward, you are more and more productive. You are radiating a real air of competence now, so don’t be surprised if others turn to you for help or to take the lead in some practical way. There can be a pioneering streak that emerges, as you’re interested in getting a jump on things. Friendships and making connections can be in focus, but you’re also inclined to thrive in self-directed activities at the moment.



The early hours of the day can stimulate misunderstandings, missed directions, or some form of confusion, dear Pisces, but once these are sorted, you become clearer and more focused. In fact, this is a day of increased responsibility, so take advantage. Your sense of practical priorities is strong. The desire to have a little more control of your life is a motivating factor now, and the need for tangible results improves your self-discipline. Responsibilities to loved ones are in focus, and instead of feeling burdened, you’re more inclined to want to roll up your sleeves and get down to business today.

If You Were Born Today, January 14


If You Were Born Today, January 14

You are success-oriented and generally good with money. Your character is strong and you are especially noticeable. You are aware that you can’t please everyone, and this is something you accept. In fact, there will always be some people who are intimidated by your strong personality and one-track focus, but this doesn’t concern you as much as it might others. You are organized and somewhat conservative. Highly attractive, in love, however, you can be a little contradictory and challenging to understand!


Famous people born today: Faye Dunaway, Emily Watson, LL Cool J, Andy Rooney, Jason Bateman


Courtesy of Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, January 14th





Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, January 14th



Aries Horoscope

You have a good head for practical and work matters today, dear Aries. You are examining past patterns in new ways particularly with issues surrounding your reputation, work, health, parents, and career. There can be interesting insights or new understandings of a past problem. Thoughts of past relationships, connections, and even projects can be intense now, and people or information can surface that jumpstart all of this thinking. The important thing is that you are looking at these things with new eyes, and conclusions you draw now can be significant. Problem solving skills improve. Make a special effort to be cooperative and cheerful with others, as these are easier to access and are sure to be returned. Giving others a pat on the back can help everything roll along smoothly.



This is another day for enjoying good humor and easier self-expression, dear Taurus. If you throw yourself into something that truly pleases you, you will feel stronger and happier for it. Particularly with matters related to education, travel, or publishing, you have the chance to see things in new ways. You can find it especially easy to relax and find ways to enjoy yourself now. The things you read and hear about today can be helpful for future projects. This can be a time of drawing upon past experience and creating something new from it. Wonderful energy is with you for sharing your happiness with others, for resolving conflicts, and for solving problems. A partner or love interest could be amorous. Communication defines your friendships right now, so make sure that you’re keeping in touch.



Self-improvement endeavors are highly favored today, dear Gemini, as your ruler, Mercury, harmonizes with forward-looking Jupiter. You’re also very likely to come to an agreement with someone and to enjoy some boosted popularity.  Relating cooperatively with an important “other” in your life figures strongly now. You’re seeing others and various projects in your life as a whole rather than all the parts, which can be a little flawed! It’s another good day for discussing private or personal matters. It’s also strong for looking back at an old problem in a new way. Important connections can be made now. Make time to chat with a colleague or special friend, as you might learn something to your benefit.



This is a day for improved spirits and positive attitudes, dear Cancer. We are not caught up in petty matters now, and more interested in cooperating and sharing common goals. It’s a good time to express your affections, feelings, and ideas, and for looking at a relationship in a new way. Illumination or insight may come. Even if you don’t have all the answers yet, it’s nevertheless a powerful time for seeing problems and people in a new light. Counseling, negotiating, and revisiting an old friendship can be in focus.



This is another positive day in which you’re ready to make changes and to consider new approaches or perspectives, dear Leo. It can be an important day for looking at a health or work issue in a new light. An important idea on these fronts may be developing now. You may be in helping or serving mode, and fully enjoying it. It’s also a strong day for analyzing and negotiating money matters. It’s better to think about what you can do to improve and tweak current projects and ideas than for starting all-new ones, but your thinking in this regard is sharp.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

Your ideas, thoughts, and creative process all flow quite spontaneously now, dear Virgo, and you can find it’s an excellent time for expressing yourself through creative mediums. Your thoughts may turn to travel or higher learning today, as you crave a little more from life than you typically do. This does not mean you are feeling discontented, because you are actually quite centered and peaceful today. It simply means you are recognizing a need for more creative and expressive outlets. Thinking in bigger terms than the usual is beneficial now. You have winning ways when it comes to matters of the heart. You easily put others at ease, and you might meet someone quite charming.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

This is a good day for seeing things in a new, positive light, dear Libra. While there is strong energy for home and family matters today, socializing and connecting can lead to important discoveries and easy answers. You may go out of your way to help someone out today, and it can be very gratifying. In general these days you are more willing to give of yourself and make others happy. You may be trying to make sense of family matters and past patterns, and you can arrive at important conclusions that help you to move forward. There can also be new ideas born out of old ones. Take notes! You are learning a lot today, from your own intuition and insight, and from those around you, perhaps indirectly.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

This can be a great time for sharing positive thoughts, help, and optimism, dear Scorpio. Be supportive and open for best results, and welcome the support of others. This is an excellent time for writing, particularly about your professional aims or for business, such as promotion or publicity work. You are not caught up in petty matters now, and more interested in cooperating and sharing common goals. Self-study can be beneficial now as well. You can be looking at things in a new light, particularly related to  learning, communications, siblings, and mental interests and projects. New energy can be brought to old issues.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

This is a strong day for problem solving, dear Sagittarius. You might gain a new understanding of an old problem, particularly related to money, finances, business, work, and personal possessions or valuables. With a new, bigger perspective, the details of any plan seem to fall into place. You have a little more faith in your natural talents and your capabilities, and this tends to boost others’ perception of your value, especially in the business world or with those in authority. Sharing ideas with co-workers might be rewarding now. You might decide to give someone the benefit of the doubt and this makes you feel good about yourself.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

This is a strong day for looking at problems in a new way, dear Capricorn. Your point of view is wide angle lens, and this helps you to see things differently, leading you to different conclusions and insights. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your sign, it’s a time for taking stock of recent events, and for drawing upon the past for ideas and insights, which can be significant in the formation of new or improved ideas down the road. You are especially “heard” today, and generally received well, but with more impact and Mercury still retrograde, you may want to take special care when communicating. Your ideas, thoughts, and creative process all flow quite spontaneously. Make room in your mind for positive thoughts and new ideas.



There can be important new insight into the past, as well as your innermost feelings and subconscious mind today, dear Aquarius. You have the unusual ability to look behind and ahead of you. Your ability to support or advise others can be strong now as well. Private time is helpful now, although you are likely to feel quite connected with others. Even your dreams, night and day ones, may be telling you something important. There could be a conversation about a personal matter, a secret revealed, or simply some extra thinking about the past. For some, a surprise meeting or venue, smell, or situation can bring back memories. You are coming to a new understanding of a past matter through new information, or looking at something with new eyes.



This can be a fine day for communicating with friends and exchanging ideas, dear Pisces, and you may be making sense out of a past experience or problem with a friend. A rewarding conversation can be part of the picture now, and the inclination is to think ahead and plan around new goals. Gaining new perspective on matters helps you to rise above the small things. You might also come to the realization that a person means more to you than you had previously thought. It’s also an important day for taking in and processing recent events, particularly related to friendships and allegiances. Ideally, a new understanding of an old problem will be reached.


The Balance of the Signs & the Elements for Thursday, January 14th






The Balance of the Signs & the Elements for Thursday, January 14th


Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.
Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.
Compassionate, sensitive, self-sacrificing, gentle, intuitive. Can be escapist, impractical, hyper- sensitive, gullible.


We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.


We may be open to change but may not have much follow-through.

Astrology of Today – January 14, 2016






Astrology of Today – January 14, 2016


  • The Moon is in Pisces until 9:48 PM.
  • The Moon is void from 11:31 AM to 9:48 PM.
  • The Moon is Aries from 9:48 PM forward (until Sunday, January 17th at 12:48 AM)
  • The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
  • A New Moon occurred on the 9th; a First Quarter Moon will occur on the 16th.
  • Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from January 5-25).

Mercury Retrograde with Dates for 2016

Mercury Retrograde with Dates for 2016

What are the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2016?:
⦁ January 5 – January 25, 2016 First in ⦁ air Aquarius, then in earth sign Capricorn
⦁ April 28 – May 22, 2016 in earth sign Taurus
⦁ August 30 – September 22, 2016 in ⦁ earth sign Virgo
⦁ December 19 2016 – January 8, 2017 in earth Capricorn, back into ⦁ fire sign Sagittarius

What is Mercury Retrograde?:

This happens three to four times per year, when the planet Mercury slows down, and appears to stop (station) and move backward (retrograde). It’s an optical illusion, since there is forward movement, like speeding by a slow-moving train — as it recedes, it appears to go backward.

I saw this on a road trip, driving alongside a moving train going slower than my little white Subaru — it really does play tricks with your mind!

While delays and misunderstandings do seem to happen, I’ve noticed a magical trend — that people and ideas return, for integration, resolution and more.

Mercury Madness?:

Mercury is the messenger, and in this time, the delivery is warped or the message gets lost en route. Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. If you’re at all jittery about it, go ahead and back up your important files.

There can be delays, so give yourself plenty of time to get places. What happens in those down times? Mercury retro is known to be a time of ‘fated’ events — who will you meet?

What will be revealed?

A Time-Out:

Mercury retrograde gives us time to catch up with ourselves, and reflect. Something from the past returns in a different form. People, ideas or buried insights that are keys to moving forward, float to the surface.

Often it’s felt as a slowed down, contemplative time, and depending on the sign, a chance to go over old ground again, to claim what you missed the first time.

Err on Side of Caution:

There’s a long-held belief that it’s best to avoid making set plans during the Mercury Retrograde. This means holding off on signing contracts, and forming partnerships and alliances.

What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious revising after Mercury goes direct. But since tying up loose ends is the domain of retrograde, this type of finalization might fly.

Can you repeat that?:

In our relationships, sometimes we gloss over things that pushed buttons at the time, but which we let slide. What seemed not worth the trouble may reveal itself as a major issue in need of our attention. The Mercury retrograde is a time for review, when the underlying patterns come to light.

Back to the Drawing Board:

Some dreams and goals get lost in the hectic rushing around of daily life. The Mercury Retrograde period can be a rich time of reflection on those longings.
This makes it a time for the soul to ponder its destiny. You might look over old journals, review your creative work, muse on serendipities of the past that have pointed you toward your spirit’s calling. It can make the retrograde period a time of solidifying a sense of your personal story and where you’re headed.

What does it mean in each different sign?:

The Mercury retrograde is shaped by the sign through which it is cast. For example, a Mercury retrograde in Cancer turns the mind toward things like family, home and the invisible emotional bonds that connect us.

On the other hand, a Mercury retrograde in Aquarius gives it a different spin, with a review of group dynamics, the larger human community, all from a detached perspective.

Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde:

A major cause of stress at Mercury retrograde is frustration from mishaps, things breaking down, computers going black. But if we know it’s cycle, this makes it feel less terminal. If things go pear-shaped, see what’s there to see. Take a break from the usual routine.

Just observe and see what happens, and be open to the past returning for review. If it’s coming back, there’s likely something more to learn or release from it. This can be a good (and productive) time, in its own way.<

Author: Molly Hall
Article published on & owned by

Energy Update for Mid-January 2016

Energy Update for Mid-January 2016

The Witches Moon Phase for January 14th is Waxing Crescent

January 14
Waxing Crescent
Illumination: 23%

The Moon today is in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the western sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination.

Phase Details for – Thursday, January 14, 2016

Phase: Waxing Crescent
Illumination: 23%
Moon Age: 4.72 days
Moon Angle: 0.55
Moon Distance: 365,091.92 km

Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,143,365.67 km