Hate to run, but….

Circle Is Open Pictures

I don’t know if you noticed or not but we have been having temporary periods of being off the net today. I called the ISP and lo’ and behold, a technician showed up. He is now standing here giving me nasty looks. Really upsets me because he was suppose to be here this morning. He can wait a bit, he’s getting paid for it. Hopefully, he will get the problem fixed and we will be back and running normally tomorrow. Till then, my sweets….

Love & Hugs,

Lady A

Astronomy Picture of the Day – Julius Caesar and Leap Days

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2016 February 29

Julius Caesar and Leap Days
Image Credit: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., Wikimedia


Explanation: Today, February 29th, is a leap day – a relatively rare occurrence. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar, featured here in a self-decreed minted coin, created a calendar system that added one leap day every four years. Acting on advice byAlexandrian astronomer Sosigenes, Caesar did this to make up for the fact that the Earth’s year is slightly more than 365 days. In modern terms, the time it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun is slightly more than the time it takes for the Earth to rotate 365 times (with respect to the Sun — actually we now know this takes about 365.24219 rotations). So, if calendar years contained 365 days they would drift from the actual year by about 1 day every 4 years. Eventually July (named posthumously for Julius Caesar himself) would occur during the northern hemisphere winter! By adopting a leap year with an extra day every four years, the calendar year would drift much less. This Julian Calendar system was used until the year 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII provided further fine-tuning when he added that leap days should not occur in years ending in “00”, unless divisible by 400. This Gregorian Calendar system is the one in common use today.

Daily Planet Tracker: Sun In Pisces, Now Until March 19th






Sun in Pisces

Now Until Mar 19, 2016


Two Fishes Bound by a Silver Cord

The symbol of Pisces is not one fish, but two. One fish is swimming up to heaven, and the other down to Earth. This represents Pisces’ place between the worlds, its greatest strength and its greatest challenge.

Pisces is a bridge between heaven and Earth, a reminder that the spiritual and material worlds are fully connected. The upward swimming fish is trying to leave behind the limitations of the physical plane. Feeling the gap between these worlds can be painful, and so escape becomes necessary.

We are all both physical and spiritual, regardless of our signs. Pisces is here to remind us that heaven and Earth are connected. It is time to experience the divine on this planet.

Signs are Seasons

Pisces, the last sign of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, is also the last sign of the zodiac. It is the time when the past is summed up to make way for the new year ahead. Pisces is the end of a cycle when we have the benefit of experience and, perhaps, even wisdom to guide our actions.

Yet, the end of winter can be a difficult time for those fatigued by the long struggle against the cold and dark. The fearful can remain stuck in despair. The hopeful, however, know that spring is just around the corner. This is a time to plant the seeds of imagination that will manifest and grow to fruition in the months ahead.

An Ocean of Feelings

Pisces is a water sign, as are Cancer and Scorpio. In the world of water, instincts and emotions are stronger than reason and planning. This is not to say that Pisces can’t be practical. Many of them are. Nor is this a time when we’re all going to drown in the waters of our own emotions. Water reminds us that we are all connected. That�s why Pisces is psychic.

Compassion also comes from this sense of contact with everything. It’s hard not to care about someone else’s pain when you feel it as your own. For balance, find a quiet place to get away from it all so that you can feel your feelings, rather than everyone elses.

Pisces Dreams

Pisces has a reputation as a dreamer, even an escape artist of sorts. Some are considered spacey, with their heads in the clouds. In fact, most Pisces can be very skillful at dealing with the demands of the real world. The key is that they need to find life inspiring. Pisces flourishes with hope and vision. Without it, life can feel overwhelming.

Sources of inspiration are, fortunately, endless. Music, art, dance, movies and theater are all domains in which Pisces can flourish. The creative gifts of this sign even do well in business and technical fields. Pisces are often found in the ranks of healers, where their intuitive senses and compassionate hearts help relieve the suffering of others.

Among the ranks of the famous born with the Sun in Pisces are artists Michelangelo and Pierre Auguste Renoir, and musicians George Harrison, James Taylor, Lou Reed, Brian Jones, Kurt Cobain, Nat King Cole and Nina Simone. Liz Taylor, Glenn Close, Sharon Stone, Drew Barrymore, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Thora Birch are Pisces actresses.

Pisces actors include Ron Howard and Rob Reiner, who have morphed into directors, Michael Caine, Bruce Willis and Billy Crystal. Politics attracts Pisces like Joe Lieberman, Ralph Nader and Ted Kennedy. Alan Greenspan is a Pisces (who likes to work in his bathtub), as are tycoons Steve Jobs and David Geffen and athletes Shaquille O’Neal and Kirby Puckett.

Other Pisces range from geniuses Albert Einstein and Bobby Fischer to George Washington to writer John Irving and the indescribable Tammy Faye Bakker.


Tarot.com is a Daily Insight Group Site

Your Daily Influences for February 29th

Your Daily Influences
February 29, 2016 


Five of Swords Reversed
Victories may be empty. False pride must be avoided. Sorrow is possible.











Ingwaz signifies completion, success and fertility. Your present ambitions are about to be met. You are fecund in both mind and body.




The Ankh
The aspect is well out of balance. Those involved here with you may already be seeking assistance through a mediator or legal venue.








Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Charm for February 29th is The Tusk

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:
There is a good vibration surrounding this aspect. It feels better than it has in quite some time. Maintain your faith in your diety of choice and this good vibration will remain. Waiver from your faith and this good vibration will dissapate.

General Description:
This Estruscan talisman – a tusk carved in basalt, and elaborately mounted in gold filigree work – was worn as a protector from danger and evil influences. The charm was supposed to attract good fortune and success. The Tusk represented one of the horns of the Crescent Moon, which was a symbol of the Egyptian goddess Isis, who, in the course of time, became the most universal nad powerful of all the goddesses. The Estrucans, Greeks and romans had great faith in the reputed virtues of amulets, a belief which was greatly influenced by the Egyptians.

Your Animal Spirit for February 29th is The Opossum

Your Animal Spirit for Today
February 29, 2016 


You’ve heard the expression “playing possum”? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum’s ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it’s practical to play dead, so be it; if it’s to Opossum’s advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor today—and play the role that will serve you best.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for February 29th is The Ancestors

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


Ancestors represents the ongoing influence and remarkable contributions those who came before us have made to our state of being. Ancestors also reminds us that sometimes old wisdom is the best wisdom–especially when events are moving in ways we do not understand. Ancestors can bring comfort to a shaken spirit. It is a card of warmth in the sense that it reminds us that the spirit of past generations remains with us and can be called upon for guidance at any time.

As a daily card, Ancestors suggests that you may be well served to by exploring your family tree to find solutions to current dilemmas. When searching for solutions to conflicts in your life, you might do well by asking yourself what a grandparent or great grandparent would do in your current situation.

Today’s Witches Rune for February 29th is Woman

Today’s Witches Rune


Meaning: The first meaning of this rune is quite obvious: it represents women. Any woman that is important in the question, whether you know her or not, will be represented by this rune. Mother, sister, aunt, grandma, a female boss, friend, lover or even enemy… all can be symbolized by the appearance of this rune.

In a more general sense, this rune is related to traditional female abilities and characteristics, such as giving birth, nurturing, comforting and healing. When this rune appears, you can count on the sympathy of others towards you or your situation. In its most negative aspects, the Woman rune can show over-protectiveness, a patronizing attitude or co-dependency. It often strives to maintain the status quo, refusing to change even if the situation is bad.

The Woman rune is connected to nurturing – nurturing a relationship, a person or a project. Like the Moon rune, it can be related to finding a safe place to rest and heal, but while the Moon implies a solitary retreat, the Woman often shows that you need to go back to the people you trust, the people you feel safe with.

Healing is another strong aspect of this symbol, as well as teaching. You can be both the patient/student or the healer/teacher when this rune appears. This rune is also connected to creativity, but in a way that is different from the Romance rune. While the latter is about the conception of a project – the initial stages of creation – the Woman is about the birth of this project. When your creation is brought out into the world, fully manifested.

In relationship readings, this rune isn’t bad, but rather weak. While it can indicate subtle ties between people, these are usually so, so subtle that the partners can easily drift away from each other. It can show that one of the partners sees the other as someone who needs to be protected and healed, rather than an equal. Usually, the romance is a bit stagnated when this rune appears, or very close to becoming a friendship.




Your Spiritual Journey Australia

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Feb. 29th is The Lovers

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Lovers

The Lovers indicates both the most powerful of unions and the most of challenging conflicts humans must face. On one side The Lover’s embodies love and union on a cosmic scale—a love so strong, so inherently good that it actually makes the lovers better, more than they really are. All of the elements are there for the perfect union. The Lovers represent all powerful unions in general, and the elements that create/sustain them. The problem The Lovers face is temptation and the decision to act morally or abandon their ethics to take advantage of other opportunities that would be defined as transgressions.

Your Daily Rune for February 29th is Fehu


bw-fehuYour Rune For Today

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.


Additional information about the Rune, Fehu

FEHU – The Rune of Wealth and Fulfilment

Alternative Names
Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: Fehu
Norse (Viking): Fe
Old English: Feoh

Other Names/Spellings: Faihu, Fé, Feh, Feo

English Letter Equivalent
F as in fat

Money, Cattle, Wealth

Reward, Wealth, Nourishment

Realized ambition. Good health. Wealth. Love fulfilled. Good fortune. But remember – be charitable and show compassion.

Fehu means cattle, a measure of wealth to the ancients. Today Fehu means movable wealth, such as money and possessions. It also implies the energy and hard work that leads to wealth. Fehu can mean emotional and spiritual riches, as well as money.

Pronunciation: Fay-who

Personal Interpretation
Fehu is Frey’s rune, and he is the god of fertility, itself a form of wealth. It is a rune of unselfish abundance. Let it shine forth to lighten your path and the paths of others. You will never run out of your spiritual richness, but don’t waste it on those who will abuse it. Discernment is important.

Failed ambition. Health problems. Poverty. Love unrequited. Bad luck.

Hidden reward. Undiscovered wealth. Nourishment withheld

Runic Number: 1

Color: Light Red

Element: Fire and Earth

Polarity: Female

Associated gods: Frey, Freyja

Astrological Correspondence: Aries

Oswald the Runemaker

Your Daily Tarot Card for February 29th is The Chariot

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card

The Chariot

The Chariot is the representation of Victory and the personality traits required to attain victory. The Chariot indicates self-awareness and control. Courage—the ability to overcome fear and confront the unknown head on–is a primary ingredient of any victorious campaign and is denoted by the Chariot. So too is force of will. Often success is as much the product of will power and a refusal to surrender as it is anything else. The Chariot also represents the healthy personality of someone who believes in themselves; someone who can take control of the situation and bring events to a positive end. His successes come in competition with others.

Get a Jump on Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Tuesday, March 1






Get a Jump on Tomorrow…..

Your Horoscopes for Tuesday, March 1



Aries Horoscope

You are learning a lot by observing rather than jumping into action with the Sun in your solar twelfth these days, dear Aries. Today’s energy can be slightly on the challenging side as you can have a sense that someone is quietly working against you, or you can wrestle with some guilt about a matter that you didn’t handle well in the past. Generally speaking, this is a time for settling your debts and obligations, and for letting go so that you can move forward with less guilt and more freedom. Aim to rid yourself of unnecessary baggage and regrets. The Moon in your adventure sector is encouraging you to move forward and on.



Your mood is one part playful and two parts serious today, dear Taurus, which can baffle the people around you and perhaps even confuse yourself! A tendency to stress over little things is with you now. As such, you might want to approach the day with as impartial an attitude that can be mustered up. There can be a feeling of urgency about getting things done, but rushing will not cover the flaws. Slowing down and making refinements will do the trick, and luckily, this is exactly what suits you best. Take things easy, be gentle on yourself, and sort out conflicting feelings today.



One-on-one interactions can be a little more emotional than usual today, dear Gemini. While you may be communicating with acquaintances with an easygoing attitude, relations with loved ones can involve some defensiveness or guilt-ridden overtones. Confusion or conflict about where you are headed may be an issue now. Wait for tomorrow if you have to bring up something important to discuss, when energy is smoother. In fact, you may have moved on by then!



If you are able to tune out distractions, which admittedly can be difficult to do today, you can accomplish a great deal, dear Cancer. This is a day when your eye for detail can be both a pro and a con, depending on how you handle your discoveries. Your ability to spot flaws increases, and this way you can hone in on exactly the things that need improvement and work on fixing them. Try to avoid seeing the world around you for its flaws and then stressing about it. A good part of you simply wants to enjoy life and avoid the problems, but it can be hard to get to that state of mind right now!



Find ways to truly unwind on your breaks today, dear Leo, as you’re in need of emotional refreshment. Try to let go of some of the intensity, even if you feel that it helps drive and motivate you, in order to take a load off. Feelings can be conflicting today, but being on a fence can stimulate you to make changes and improvements. While you may want to avoid new financial decisions or initiatives today, your thinking on these levels improve as soon as tomorrow.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

You could be looking for extra reassurance today, dear Virgo. While relationships are stronger than usual, making executive decisions is not your forte for the moment. Some uncertainty is likely, and you would be wise to use today and tomorrow to get into better touch with your deeper needs. Center yourself, for in the coming weeks, it can be very difficult to discern which desires are truly your own, as you tend to absorb the desires of others as your own. Look within for answers. Surround yourself with familiar people, objects, and situations, as this will help.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

This can be a hectic day, particularly as you may sense that others (or circumstances) are getting in the way of projects, dear Libra. Juggling your own personal interests with your obligations can be difficult as both are compelling. Your daily routine may be more difficult to get through than you’d like. You are especially curious today, but your enthusiasm might be misinterpreted as intrusive, particularly if it doesn’t take place face-to-face, so take a little extra care to get your written message right. Any tension felt today can point you in the right direction for making improvements. Look for ways to simplify your life.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

You’re more interested in building on what you have than taking on new things today, dear Scorpio. These days are strong for personal recognition – for your personality, not necessarily your worldly accomplishments. The inner entertainer is to the fore. However, today, you take more comfort in sticking with familiar things and people. Any activity that grounds you and reminds you of your connection to the earth is appropriate now, even if others are encouraging you to do a little more.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

The Moon is in your sign all day today and tomorrow, dear Sagittarius, and this brings buried or shelved emotions to the surface, perhaps even in an urgent fashion. You are more sensitive to the atmosphere around you, and your desires might seem like immediate needs. Before rushing to fulfill them too quickly, try to process your feelings. While it seems as if you know exactly what you need, with a deeper look, you might discover that these sudden desires are about something else altogether. Feelings may seem to block or conflict with your recent plans, which should prompt you to adjust your course rather than abandon ship.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

With the Moon in the sign behind yours today and tomorrow, dear Capricorn, this can be a time for tucking yourself away in some manner. Find some quiet time to absorb recent events, even if you are called upon frequently today. Emotionally, you’re not as equipped to deal with pressures and demands, and decision making requires more time than usual. You may be bringing some level of closure to a project or a situation, and possibly even an attitude that has kept you from succeeding. This a time for making assessments and recognizing what should stay and what should go.



There has been a stronger focus on practical matters and the material world these days, dear Aquarius, and today, you’re likely to consider how your larger dreams and visions fit into recently made plans. You might attract people to you who share or enjoy your unique perspective, but it can be hard to know where to put your energy. Any roadblocks encountered now can in fact assist you in the long run, as long as you don’t give up too easily. Make refinements and adjustments that take into account your ideals, as you’re unlikely to be satisfied with any endeavor that you can’t proudly stand behind.



Conflicting feelings and desires are likely today with a quarter Moon occurring this evening, dear Pisces, which seem to pit professional and personal interests against one another. You might feel a little lost or off-track today, but this is a temporary feeling, and in fact can help motivate you to make the necessary adjustments to put your plans back into motion. Professional matters are a big concern and interest today, and so are responsibilities. You may feel a little swamped, but if you slow yourself down enough to prioritize, you’ll be able to tackle what really matters first and let the rest fall into place as you go along.

If You Were Born Today, February 29


If You Were Born Today, February 29

You are a highly creative and sensitive person with a special, quiet magnetic appeal. You are loyal in partnership and often give more than you receive. You can be somewhat crisis-oriented, as you instinctively move towards new learning experiences. Your main challenge in life is to put the past behind you and to avoid letting worries and fear rule your life. While you are an eternal student of human nature and of life itself, you have much to teach others.

Famous people born today: Dinah Shore, Tony Robbins, Antonio Sabato Jr., Joss Ackland, Dennis Farina, Ja Rule.


Courtesy of Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, February 29th






Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, February 29th



Aries Horoscope

This a strong day for doing catch-up work and for efforts made to produce or put towards favorite projects, dear Aries. You have not only the necessary energy, but the foresight and patience as well, to make significant headway in whatever you throw yourself into today. Relationships with friends can settle down and you can feel that others are more reliable than they have been lately. You might offer important advice; alternatively, a good business idea could come to you today. Your vision is practical and you are especially concerned with what is likely to work in the long-term.



This can be a good time to discuss practical matters and future plans, dear Taurus. You’re in a practical frame of mind and you are interested in making investments in worthwhile projects. This can be a time to look for help or support if you need it. Sometimes it pays off to allow others “in” on your problems, and today can be one of those times. If you need to handle or manage a tricky financial or relationship matter, today is strong for doing so, and you’re likely to have few regrets. It’s also good for taking care of business. You have a stronger feeling of stability and clarity today, and you are a sign who especially appreciates this kind of constancy.



While there may be some reserve in your relationships and connections today, dear Gemini, there can be a nice feeling of constancy. You tend to enjoy variety and excitement, but from time to time, you need to know you can depend on others. Conversations with a partner can be especially constructive. Old wisdom can come through now. Attention to strengthening projects and relationships in the present can do much for them down the road. It’s a good day for dedicating yourself to a project or activity that requires your full attention. It’s not the best day for situations that overstimulate the senses.



This is a good time for realistic assessments, dear Cancer, particularly when it comes to home, family, work, financial, and health matters. You have the ability to take a look at what needs to be improved or changed and to make adjustments with few if any regrets. It’s a day for meeting responsibilities and feeling good for doing so. Your mood may be on the subdued side, and you can be particularly interested in taking care of details. Any kind of work that requires analysis or research is likely to go especially well. Old wisdom, or simply good advice from someone you trust, can be applied with success now. It’s also a fine time for making relationship “repairs” without much in the way of fanfare – showing affection through actions is well-supported right now.



This is a good day for making solid progress on a pet project, for help and support between friends, and for making realistic judgments of quality and worth, dear Leo. This can be a fine time to make important purchases, plans, and designs. You are interested in the practical elements of a creative project and could be considering how to monetize (or better monetize) a hobby or talent. You meet your obligations gracefully and good feedback from others motivates you further. You’re showing your affection in practical ways, and while relating may not be as spontaneous or demonstrative as you usually like them to be, you appreciate people who are steady and reliable.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

This can be a strong day for practical improvements around the home, in the family dynamic, in work, and/or with your health, dear Virgo. You might pick up a new skill or make progress on a home or work project. Security now and down the road is something that you’re becoming more and more invested in, and today, you are especially interested in securing your future. You appreciate familiar people and places, and see the value of traditions and routine more than usual. This can be a good day for making an important purchase. Today is also strong for closing a project and for editing activities.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

This can be a good day for feeling appreciated, dear Libra. Appreciation is unlikely to be shown through dramatic gestures, but rather through actions, presence, and practical support. Constructive and possibly instructive conversations can be had with or about children, lovers, or creative projects with your communications sector linking up positively with your sector of romance, fun, children, and creative expression. Alternatively, you may be attending to practical details that help improve or secure relationships and projects along these lines. There can be more to do than usual, but a certain enjoyment of filling your responsibilities and a sense of being “on track” today.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

Financial matters can be faced with realism today, dear Scorpio, and possibly quite happily at that! A conservative and moderate approach wins the day, and this applies to practical matters as well as relationship and emotional affairs. There are times for bold moves and times for a slower, steadier approach, and today favors the latter. Keep things simple, and discover how simplicity enriches your life. The Moon continues to transit your sign until evening, however, which inclines you to a more spontaneous approach to the world, after which emotions tend to settle in. A partner may not be especially demonstrative, but showing their reliability or affection in their actions.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Your practical frame of mind today can be appreciated by others and can be put to good use, dear Sagittarius. You may even feel good about filling responsibilities or putting in some hard work. It’s also a strong time for expressing your views or taking care of communications that are your duty or obligation. You might receive news that reminds you of important responsibilities today, or there can be a serious discussion that helps you move forward. This can help you with a greater sense of clarity and purpose, and you can thoroughly enjoy a sense of being organized and prepared today. Friends, siblings, neighbors, or classmates can come through for you.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

There can be enjoyment of duties and responsibilities today, dear Capricorn, and something could emerge that gives you a solid feeling that you’re on the right track. You also feel better equipped to make important decisions, particularly about money matters or the care of personal possessions. This is a time for appreciating simple pleasures and comforts rather than for pushing too far or giving in to the feeling that you need more in order to be happy. You feel better today if you take a conservative approach. Love matters and relationships in general are also strongly influenced by practical considerations right now. You’re framed very well today – people appreciate you for the traits you most naturally project.



You are especially appealing to others today, dear Aquarius, in a quiet way. You are radiating appealing energy, even if you are keeping your emotional distance. This is a promising day for your social life. A commitment of sorts to a friend, group, or common goal can make you feel good. It may not be an especially spontaneous day, but it’s one in which you can accomplish quite a bit. Clarity and a sense of purpose are driving forces now. Advice can be useful, whether you’re giving or receiving it. Relationship advances may not be obvious or showy, but bonds can be strengthened through actions and practical support.



There is an increased love of order, organization, and clarity today, dear Pisces, and you could find it’s a fine time to take care of business and connect with others in practical ways. You may be attending to a responsibility towards an important person in your life and finding it quite easy and even pleasurable to make a personal sacrifice in order to help someone out. The day favors steady progress, shows or reliability, and small efforts to secure future endeavors. Your judgment on a business level is in great form now. The Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart this evening stimulates a desire to make plans.

Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of February 29th





Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of February 29th

General Horoscope

Love planet Venus is in a happy place this week as she’ll connect beautifully to both stabilizing Saturn and exciting Uranus. The end result? A happy balance in your love life. It’ll be one that allows you to enjoy something new with your partner without feeling a loss of security in the relationship. Then, Mars enters fiery Sagittarius by Sunday, which will give everyone more of a drive to pursue adventurous experiences in matters of the heart.

Aries Horoscope MAR 21 – APR 19

You’re willing to experiment more this week in your social life in order to get what you want out of your love life. This might mean joining a new group on a topic that fascinates you. As you attend an orientation meeting it’s possible that you’ll meet someone who captures your interest. Another possibility is that you’ll ask a friend to set you up with someone you’d normally not consider your type. Be bold and audacious!

Taurus Horoscope APR 20 – MAY 20

After Saturday, you’ll feel driven to pursue intimacy with your partner without worrying about the consequences your more insecure side tends to preoccupy itself with. What if you lived in a world where you loved deeply and with wild abandon? What if you learned to ask for what you want in bed without feeling embarrassed? Courageously pursuing the love you know you deserve is a birthright. Now, it’s your time to realize this.

Gemini Horoscope MAY 21 – JUN 20

The dynamic between you and your partner is about to become much more interesting. On Monday, you’ll feel as if your shared philosophy or morals define much more of your relationship than ever before. It’ll be a stabilizing and comforting situation. Then, after Saturday, you might decide it’s time to spice things up with your mate. Consider exploring uncharted territory together. Whether you travel abroad or decide to expand your horizons in bed is up to you!

Cancer Horoscope JUN 21 – JUL 22

If your partner has anything to do with your career progress this week, it’ll surely amp up your desire for him or her. It is possible that there is a connection, and it might be as simple as your mate cheering you on as you strive to achieve a remarkable career goal. Or, there might be an extra challenging project you’re working on. If your partner has any ability to help, he or she will likely jump right in.

Leo Horoscope JUL 23 – AUG 22

Are you ready for a major boost in your sex drive and overall satisfaction? This Saturday, Mars will move into your romance sector for the first time in two years. As a result, you’ll enjoy an extended opportunity to pursue pleasure and ensure that your needs are met. In addition, if you’re already partnered up it’s likely that you’ll feel more passion for your lover than ever before. Wonderful!

Virgo Horoscope AUG 23 – SEPT 22

You might get busy with your partner this week — but not in the way you expect. After Saturday, it’s possible that you’ll begin a major home renovation project. This can be anything from ripping apart your kitchen to painting the house. If you and your partner are physically involved in this home repair, it’s likely that you’ll have an easier time getting through it. Otherwise, expect a few domestic quarrels.

Libra Horoscope SEPT 23 – OCT 22

Love planet Venus is still moving through your true love sector, which is the main ingredient for all of the current romantic sweetness you’re enjoying. This week, she’ll be at a favorable angle to both Saturn and Uranus. As a result, expect to feel secure in your relationship, but not at all bored. In fact, your lover may encourage you to try something new that you’ve always wanted to but was afraid to in the past. You’re bold and beautiful!

Scorpio Horoscope OCT 23 – NOV 21

Your family’s opinion of your current partner matters to you more than you’d like to admit. Fortunately, this week you’ll realize that your clan not only embraces him or her, but that they genuinely adore the very same quirky qualities that you fell in love with. Encourage your mate to be their most authentic self. It’s the only way he or she will feel most at home with you — and everyone connected to you.

Sagittarius Horoscope NOV 22 – DEC 21

This will be a 5-star week for you romantically. First, on Wednesday, you and your lover may enjoy a conversation that leads to the two of you daring to try something new together. This can be anything from a recreational activity to something more passionate in the bedroom! In fact, after Saturday your sex drive will amp up in a major way thanks to Mars moving into your sign. Go after what you want with wild abandon!

Capricorn Horoscope DEC 22 – JAN 19

If you feel yourself retreating more, don’t fight it. Instead, recognize that it might be time to give yourself a time-out from life’s chaos. This includes any potential romantic drama. If the relationship department has made many demands on you recently, you might feel exhausted from it and need a break. Don’t rob yourself of the opportunity to recharge. Life isn’t always about going full throttle. Reflect for a bit and decide if this relationship deserves all the energy you’ve been putting into it.

Aquarius Horoscope JAN 20 – FEB 18

Make the most of Venus as she moves through your sign, since it’s a great time for personal and relationship improvements. In fact, this week will be extra dynamic and offer you some major romantic potential. On Monday you might decide that one of your friends has everything you really want in a long-term lover. Don’t be afraid to go after this potential. If you’re already in a relationship, you and your mate will enjoy extra domestic harmony on Wednesday.

Pisces Horoscope FEB 19 – MAR 20

Your love life might feel more “in the closet” these days, but most likely this is by choice. Perhaps you have felt a stronger need to keep your romantic life private. This might be more about ditching social media for a while or avoiding parties and other social events in favor of connecting alone in your own little world together. Or, it’s possible that you and your partner are working through a rough patch in your relationship. If so, expect healing this week.

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Your Weekly Astrology Report for February 29 – March 6






Weekly Astrology: February 29 – March 6, 2016

Who’s up for an adventure?

Venus is a happy camper this week so you’ll want to do everything possible to make the most of her stellar romantic and financial support!

Monday, February 29: Venus sextile Saturn

On Monday, Venus will be at a friendly sextile to Saturn, adding security and longevity to what you love. Whether this is a relationship or an investment, you can rest easy that it’s solid and has the potential to stand the test of time. Just make sure that nothing gets boring or stale.

Wednesday, March 2: Venus sextile Uranus

On Wednesday, Venus will sextile Uranus. This adds just enough spice to keep you interested. Financially speaking, this is the ideal week to take a calculated risk thanks, to the unusual balance between Saturn and Uranus to Venus. You’re sure to come out ahead.

Saturday, March 5: Mercury square Mars; Mercury enters Pisces; Mars enters Sagittarius

On Saturday communication gets tricky, so you might want to listen more and talk less. Mercury will square Mars, igniting everyone’s argumentative side. Then he’ll slide into dreamy Pisces, fogging up logic for a bit.

The headline news on Saturday, however, is all about Mars. He’ll burst into fiery Sagittarius and leave everyone all fueled up for life’s next great adventure. What will yours be?

Sunday, March 6: Sun square Saturn; Sun sextile Pluto

On Sunday, the Sun squares Saturn and sextiles Pluto. Hard work WILL pay off — so bite the bullet and get to it.


Tarot.com is a Daily Insight Group Site

Your Weekly Karmic Forecast for Feb. 28 – March 5

Weekly Forecast: Feb 28 – March 5, 2016

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning into the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path.  It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTEThere are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.  

Weekly Forecast: Feb 28 – March 5, 2016

2/28 ~ Sun (essential Self) ~conjunct~ Neptune (delusions & illusions):

This transit tends to make you very sensitive (rational or not) to others. If you are one of those people who tends to put everyone else’s needs before your own, watch out, because this makes that urge even stronger. Be aware of two things: (1) most times people who focus so much on others, to the exclusion of their own needs, is because there is something about their own life they do not want to face; and (2) you could get lost in your so-called altruism to the point where you lose touch with reality. This energy is best used alone to meditate and contemplate your own world unless you can be completely detached in your charity work. I use this little motivation to decide – is your life so perfect and abundant that you can afford to spend so much time and energy on another’s life? If so, GREAT!  Go for it! If not, however, then “charity begins at home” – work on YOU!

2/29 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):

This energy has to do with your obligations within the context of relationships. They are not difficult obligations (in this case) but more emphasis is placed on enjoying serving those you love. This is also what I would call the “keep it real” energy, regarding relationships. This energy makes you want to really sit down and define your terms within your relationships (which I am a total advocate of). It’s really hard to grow to the next level when each person is not clear on what the other expects. Of course, this starts with you knowing what you want/don’t want and what you are willing to compromise about so you can articulate that clearly.

3/2 ~ Venus (relationships, love & money) ~sextile~ Uranus (clarity & inspiration):

This energy, thanks to Uranus, activates a certain spark of electricity in the air. New relationships will have an unusual aspect to them and old ones can break-to-realign in a positive, even fun way with this energy. No monotonous routine, humdrum people or boring collaborations with this one. Use it to access your unique genius and deep well of creativity and then share if you can, with other like-hearted Souls. Take advantage of this energy to tap into areas you may not have realized were available to you before. Keep it light and upbeat; socialize and enjoy the experience of different people or new activities. Keep in mind, however, any relationships begun this week may not be based on qualities needed for long term survival. It is more a time to enjoy the people and experiences that pass through at this time and accept this gift!

3/5 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Mars (desire & actions):

This activation can be a tough one for some. If your beliefs are out of alignment with your actions, if you are not self-aware or act-out unconsciously, being selfish or childish, than watch out, because squares test you to grow and change in some way. Often, this also means that you are suppressing your nature in some way, which is never really a good idea. When you suppress your Soul, it can make your human more sensitive or defensive, taking things personally as a threat or challenge. If you catch your Self feeling irritable for no apparent reason, try to step back and gain some perspective before responding to your own thoughts or another’s words. Mercury & Mars getting together, in this challenging way, can provoke debates and, in some people, actual fights, so be careful. The deeper aspect of this activation is that some part of you wants to express, perhaps in a new way, and your monkey-mind has got you all off track. Mars demands that you know who you are and what you want, and is the Divine Masculine part of you, which is supposed to hold good boundaries, protect you and negotiate on your behalf in the world. If you know something that you are not acting on, this can be frustrating. If you are acting in ways that are not allowing you to think things through, this too can cause accidents, problems and delays. It is best to pull in until you are clear. And also keep in mind, you may not be out of alignment in the above ways, but those around you may be and will likely have no context for what they are feeling and therefore, become indiscriminate with their choices & actions.

Current Moon Phase for Feb. 29th is Waning Gibbous

February 29
Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 64%

The Moon today is in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with a illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9am and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can also be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon.

Phase Details for – Monday, February 29, 2016

Phase: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 64%
Moon Age: 20.82 days
Moon Angle: 0.50
Moon Distance: 401,884.77 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 148,234,477.43 km