A Little Humor for Your Day – The Top 10 Reasons Why Witches Don’t Worship Satan

The Top 10 Reasons Why
Witches Don’t Worship Satan

10. Scorch marks on the furniture whenever Satan manifests.
9. Not even Lysol can mask the smell of brimstone.
8. Hard to keep flaming goat’s skulls lit.
7. Decreased availability of blonde virgins.
6. Blood stains from the sacrifices are impossible to get out of the carpet.
5. Wailing of the damned souls in hell keeps the neighbors awake.
4. The cats keep attacking Satan’s tail, which annoys him.
3. Repeated stooping motions for administering the Kiss of Shame is difficult on the older coven members.
2. Demons smell even worse than brimstone
And The #1 Reason Why Witches Don’t Worship Satan …
1. It’s impossible to worship something that doesn’t exist!

Turok’s Cabana

Astronomy Picture of the Day – Stars and Globules in the Running Chicken Nebula

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2016 January 20

Stars and Globules in the Running Chicken Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh

Explanation: The eggs from this gigantic chicken may form into stars. The featured emission nebula, shown in scientifically assigned colors, is cataloged as IC 2944 but known as the Running Chicken Nebula for the shape of its greater appearance. Seen toward the top of the image are small, dark molecular clouds rich in obscuring cosmic dust. Called Thackeray’s Globules for their discoverer, these “eggs” are potential sites for the gravitational condensation of new stars, although their fates are uncertain as they are also being rapidly eroded away by the intense radiation from nearby young stars. Together with patchy glowing gas and complex regions of reflecting dust, these massive and energetic stars form theopen cluster Collinder 249. This gorgeous skyscape spans about 60 light-years at the nebula’s estimated 6,000 light-year distance.

Scanning the Planets for Jan. 20: Sun in Aquarius





Sun in Aquarius

Hearing the beat of your own drum

It’s not quite time to emerge from hibernation entirely, but the Sun’s move into airy Aquarius from January 20 to February 18 does signal a much-needed mid-winter break from the coldest and most dreary season of the year.

When the Sun moves into the mentally active and social sign of Aquarius, it’s time to come back out and reconnect with the world. We’ve been buckling down to work the past month with the Sun in antisocial Capricorn, but now is the time for making new friends and sharing bright ideas.

Those born from about January 17-23 were born on the Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp, and those born from about February 15-21 were born on the Aquarius-Pisces Cusp. Being born on the cusp simply means that you were born during the transition time between two zodiac signs, so you retain some qualities from each sign.

Aquarius is more intellectual than emotional, so prepare to put sentiment aside for the next month. Focus instead on embracing your originality and independence, and participating in stimulating conversations with anyone who will listen.

High-minded Aquarius marches to the quirky pace of its own offbeat drummer, so the Sun in Aquarius period is perfect for pursuing your most outrageous dreams.

Embrace this brilliant and wonderfully eccentric Aquarian energy while it lasts!

Here’s how to make the most of life during Sun in Aquarius:

What to do: Fight for the underdog! Humanitarian Aquarius is ruled by rebel planet Uranus, so when the Sun is in Aquarius we are encouraged to rebel against social injustices and help fight for the rights of those less fortunate. Use your great big heart, problem-solving ideas and effective communication skills to help someone now!

What to say: The question is what NOT to say. Aquarius loves to think and talk, and quite often you can’t get them to shut up once they start. Enjoy all the stimulating conversations you’ll have during this time, but be aware of talking to the point of exhausting your audience.

Where to go: Space! OK, well, if you can’t hop a rocket to the cosmos while the Sun is in Aquarius, you can at least go somewhere else high-tech — even if it’s just that futuristic gadget store at the mall. Whatever you do, keep it quirky — is there a Stars Wars convention in town?

What to wear: Aquarius is all about expressing their originality, so use this time to do the same. Put streaks in your hair or wear something wild — it’ll be just another conversation starter.

What to buy: Books and gadgets. Aquarians are knowledge seekers, inventors and intellectual explorers. If you’ve been wanting to study up on something complex —  like the space-time continuum or the meaning of life — do it now by the light of the inquisitive Aquarian Sun.

What to watch out for: Being a smarty pants! Over time, intellectual Aquarians acquire a very large knowledge base, but it can also result in an unattractive know-it-all-attitude. We’re all full of brilliant ideas while the Sun is in Aquarius, so be sure to listen to others’ ideas, too!

What to look forward to: Making new friends and having a good time. Aquarians are very social and tend to belong on teams and in groups where they can enjoy spending time with friends. Take advantage of this Aquarian energy to enlarge your social circle now!


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Your Daily Influences for January 20th


Your Daily Influences
January 20th, 2016


Nine of Wands Reversed
There are obstacles before you. Health problems, discontent and adversity may need to be overcome.











Othala reversed represents chaos and homelessness—a general lack of roots. Now is a time for you to take care of that which you have, so as not to lose it.





The Utchat
You must take steps to make this aspect safe. There are issues you may not be aware of that may cause harm or injury.




Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Charm for January 20th is The Heart

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:
A course of events that cannot be altered has been set in motion within this aspect. Accept whatever happens in the near future and do not waste your time fretting about it–you can do nothing.

General Description:
This was a favorite charm in Egypt, worn in order to frustrate magiciains, sorcerers and evil wishers from bewitching the wearer and stealing the soul from the heart; for it was the general belief that if the soul left the heart, the body would soon fade away and perish. The ancient Egyptians also believed that, after death, the heart was taken, in the underworld, and weighed against the symbols of the law; if found perfect, it was restored to the body, which at once came to life again and enjoyed everlasting felicity

Your Animal Spirit for January 20th is The Black Swan

Your Animal Spirit for Today
January 20, 2016 

Black Swan

Wherever the Black Swan appears in your reading you can expect unexpected and unpredictable events to majorly impact your life in that aspect. Beyond noting that the influences Black Swan indicates will be extraordinarily large in scope, it may be difficult to tell if the fortune it foretells will be good or bad. Black Swan affected events may begin so subtly that they are very difficult to identify. When trying to discover what the Black Swan portends for you, look for events that do not occur in your life regularly or at all.

Shuffling The Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Jan. 20th

Shuffling The Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


Past Influence whose impact on your life is waning

The Green Man

Where the Green Man appears the mystery and untamed energy of nature abounds. The Green Man indicates the presence of choices and powers that have not been muted by civilization. The Green Man represents the antithesis of technology and industrialization. He offers primal energies veiled in mystery and derived from the spirit of nature in its purest form.





Present Influence whose impact on your life is very strong.

The Dove

Throughout history the Dove has symbolized peace and innocence in nearly all cultures. Dove’s soft cooing and gentle nature bring a calmness to any situation. The Dove appears where peace has been attained or there is a need to bring events to a peaceful ending. It denotes a time to let lose of grievances and settle conflicts in a way that benefits all parties equally.





Future influence whose impact on your life is growing and will be very strong in the future.


Altruism denotes the noble act of giving to those in need without the expectation of a return. The act of giving has been seen as one of humankind’s greatest attributes throughout history. It is honored in nearly every culture. To give is a gift to both those who receive and those who give. Giving is usually associated with addressing the material needs of others, but the gift given can take many forms such as wisdom or protection or simply a shoulder to cry on.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for January 20th is Chance

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


The Chance card denotes a period in which taking risks may produce positive results. This doesn’t mean head off to a casino with your life’s savings! What is suggested is that you should make gains by taking a well calculated risk. For the power of Chance to be fully realized it is essential that you pick your risk carefully, move forward with conviction, and above all else don’t get greedy!

As a daily card, Chance implies you are currently in a place where taking a chance is likely to produce substantial rewards. In other words, take a few calculated steps out on the proverbial limb, but remember if you take it too far you are likely to lose all that you gain and possibly more.



Your Daily Witches Rune for January 20th is The Scythe

Your Daily Witches Rune

The Scythe

Sudden changes and endings. Making a final decision. Completing something. Walking away from something or someone. Danger.

Additional information about Today’s Witches Rune, The Scythe….

The Scythe

This symbol is very familiar to most of people, often associated with harvest and death. In the runes, it is no different. The Scythe is related to endings, sudden separations, final decisions, important changes and danger.

The appearance of this symbol show that there’s something in you life you need to bring to end now, before it snowballs into something worse. Usually, the decision that the Scythe forces you to make is one you’d rather escape from… it’s a painful and difficult choice. Even though you know (or feel) it’s for the best, you’ll mourn the fact that it has to happen.

Also, the Scythe is connected to sudden, swift changes that force you to alter completely your plans, strategies and sometimes the very way you see the world. The situation is no longer what it was, your modus operandi no longer works here. Your ideas no longer correspond to the reality. The information you have is no longer accurate, or useful. You need to strain those adaptation muscles and find a way to keep standing while the rug is pulled from under your feet.

Although this rune can represent physical danger, such as accidents or surgeries, many time it refers to sense of foreboding. Something just isn’t right… the fear of loss looms large. Trust these feeling and proceed with caution. This rune can also relate to actual death and all related to it: burials, graveyards, inheritances, heirlooms, legacies and things connected to your ancestry.

In relationship readings, the Scythe suggest caution too. It can represent sudden and irresistible attractions, the kind that inspire people to do crazy things. . Obviously, this rune also represent separations, divorce and conflicts, always leaving a sour aftertaste. The strong passion can quickly transform into strong resentment. In its most positive note, this rune can symbolize relationship that completely transform the people involved.

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Jan. 20th is Art

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today


Art denotes balance and harmony. The forces behind Art are those that keep us from succumbing to temptation or over-indulgence; steer us away from developing unhealthy addictions or behaviors. The Art driven Spirit avoids extremes, spreads harmony and brings opposing sides together. They find a happy, healthy median between what they want and what they need. Art provides an environment in which most will thrive, and a haven where the injured may heal, reenergize. Through Art success and contentment are found by practicing self-restraint, and using balance to create your own “shelter from the storm.”.


Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for Jan. 20th is 48: The Well





Hexagram of the Day

48: The Well

January 20th, 2016
Throughout various cultures and political systems of the world, the well has served as a universal symbol for that which sustains life and provides a constant, inexhaustible source of life-giving nourishment for mankind.

Like the well, human nature is the same around the world. The passage of time does not change its essential dimensions, nor take anything away. Still, just as a well can be deepened to produce clearer, cleaner water, so can we enrich our lives by delving deeply within — into our natural selves, or souls.

Beware of shallow thinking. Like a little learning, it can be dangerous. The image of the well suggests that along with depth comes clarity. Be patient, and penetrate both your problems and your own nature to the core. If you do not lower your bucket to the depths, you’re very likely to come up empty. When greater depth is desired, a lessening of speed is often required.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Jan. 20th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-kenazThe Past

Kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. It is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. Opportunities are upon you.


bw-uruzThe Present

Uruz is the Rune of harmony, order and inner strength. Often it marks endings and beginnings of periods in our lives. Uruz also symbolizes your ability to tackle new challenges by confronting them with the powers that lie within you. Opportunities probably abound for you right now.


bw-perthroThe Future

This may be a period of loneliness and stagnation you must fight through. This may not be a good time for you to take chances or indulge in any form of gambling.

Your Daily Rune for January 20th is Kenaz


bw-kenazYour Rune For Today

Kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. It is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. Opportunities are upon you.


Additional information about Today’s Rune, Kenaz

kenaz : torch


Phonetic equivalent: k (can also be used as a hard ‘c’)


wisdom, insight, solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, enlightenment


for creative inspiration, aid in study, fertility, dispelling anxiety and fear


Mimir, the Dwarfs, Muspellheim


In modern usage, the Scottish ‘ken’ means to know or understand, and this is the sense in which the rune should interpreted. Today, light, inspiration and knowledge are often associated, as in ‘gaining enlightenment’ and ‘shedding light on the problem’, and even in the image of a lightbulb going on over someone’s head when they get an idea. To bring light is to make the invisible visible.Unlike the wisdom gained at þurisaz, kenaz only allows us to take bits and pieces of this knowledge away with us as we need it, usually at the discretion of the Gods. This knowledge will generally come in the form of a sudden inspiration, and we will be able to see clearly the answer that was once hidden from us. This form of wisdom is more closely associated with the right half of the brain than the left, since it does not come through conscious effort but rather through passively opening one’s self to it. Thus, a more feminine element is added to our journeyer’s experience.

The act of bringing light into the darkness is also a creative one. Again consider the image of the person carrying a torch , representing the masculine elements of fire and air, entering the cave and penetrating the feminine realm of earth and water. This joining of masculine and feminine elements results in the creation of new ideas. In physical terms, this can be correlated to the application of fire to mold and shape matter – the art of the smith.


Your Daily Tarot Card for January 20th is The World





Tarot Card of the Day

The World

January 20th, 2016
What has traditionally been known as the World card points to the presiding intelligence, called “Sophia,” or Wisdom, which upholds life on this and all worlds. A more precise title for this card might be “the Soul of the World,” also applicable as a symbol of personal empowerment and freedom. In most Tarot decks it is a female figure that has become our standard World image. She originates in Hebrew, Gnostic and Alchemical lore, and stands between heaven and earth as the Cosmic Mother of Souls, the Wife of God and our protector from the karmic forces we have set loose upon the Earth in our immaturity and ignorance.

Where the Empress energy secures and fertilizes our terrestrial lives, the goddess of The World invites us into cosmic citizenship — once we come to realize our soul’s potential for it. Just as the Chariot stands for success in achieving a separate Self, and Temperance represents achievement of mental and moral health, the World card announces the awakening of the soul’s Immortal Being, accomplished without the necessity of dying.

This card, like the Sun, is reputed to have no negative meaning no matter where or how it appears. If the Hermetic axiom is “Know Thyself”, this image represents what becomes known when the true nature of Self is followed to creative freedom and its ultimate realization.

Get a Jump On Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Thursday, January 21st






Get a Jump On Tomorrow….

Your Horoscopes for Thursday, January 21st



Aries Horoscope

The Sun enters your solar eleventh house today, dear Aries, where it will transit until February 19th. This is a period for prioritizing the connections in your life. You have stronger influence on friends and groups during this period, and this by extension boosts your own self-esteem. Being a team player will bring the best rewards now. More emphasis on socializing and formulating personal goals is in order now for you. Others might be vying for your attention, and you can be especially busy socially. This is also a time for trying on new styles and ideas. There can be surprises and possibly upsets or abrupt elements to the day with Mercury in hard aspect to Uranus today, and a project that you may have thought was complete could require further attention. For some, schedules can be broken. It can be especially difficult getting your message across clearly right now, so be especially mindful of what you’re saying, particularly on public and professional levels.



The Sun moves into the sector of your chart that rules professional matters, responsibilities, and reputation. This is a time for mentally preparing for new beginnings in these areas. It’s a time for taking charge and shaping matters in the ways you want them to take form. The Sun will be here until February 19th, and in the coming weeks, your ego and identity are tied to your professional or social standing, what others think of you, and your ability to meet your responsibilities. Letting these things slide will make you fret. Tend to your needs for approval – they’re real and not a sign of weakness as long as they’re balanced and moderate. You also stand out more than usual – others notice what you have or haven’t done, when at other times these things may not be as strongly recognized. Today, changes of schedules or differences in opinions can lead to new activities and perspectives, making it worth the bumpy ride!



This can be a time when you’re itching to do or learn something new, dear Gemini, with the Sun moving into your solar ninth house today, where it will stay until February 19th. While this may be a period when you feel dissatisfied with the daily routine, you’ll find it far more tolerable if you add more spice to the spare hours of the days. Nurture your mind, body, and spirit with different activities, books, courses, cultural activities, and connections with people who have different ideas and perspectives. This can be a time for striving more passionately towards your ideals and beliefs, or for considering new ideas. Today, your own ruler, Mercury, in difficult aspect with Uranus can point to some difficulty following directions and moving from one step to the next. The inclination is to jump ahead. Avoid communicating and forming solid conclusions too quickly now.



With the Moon in your release sector today, dear Cancer, and the Sun beginning a new cycle, you can feel good about letting something go and moving forward. The Sun enters your solar eighth house today, where it will continue to transit until February 19th. During this cycle, you have a stronger drive to understand the meaning of your relationships and to get to the bottom of complex matters. It’s a good period for learning about your own motivations and for working on making important changes. Develop self-mastery skills now. Some form of self-transformation is likely at this time of year. Don’t be afraid of exploring your “dark” side with the goal of self-honesty. Today’s energies are a little erratic, particularly having to do with communications and schedules. There can be moodiness with a partner now. Avoid quick reactions.



The Sun enters your partnership sector today, dear Leo, where it will transit until February 19th. This cycle brings your need for others to the fore, and particularly a partner in some shape or form. Relationships with others provide a mirror for your relationship with yourself. You’re more willing than usual to adjust and adapt to the needs of others, and your listening skills are in good form. Personal goals and agendas may need to be put aside temporarily as you allow others to take the spotlight. You are challenged to find a balance between independence and accommodation, and this will be especially pronounced around the time of the Full Moon on the 23rd. Today, ideas can come in flashes, and they’re likely to be quite inspired, but not yet mature. There can be a lot of “noise” at the moment. Take note of them rather than jumping to conclusions.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

You are transitioning from a creative focus to a more work-centered period, dear Virgo, when routines and practical matters receive more attention with the Sun entering your work and health sector today where it will transit until February 19th. During this period, your ego and identity are wrapped up in the work or services you provide, as well as the success of any self-care programs. It’s a good time for working on new health and fitness regimes, for tending to important daily details and tasks, and for organizing your life in small but important ways. While you’ll be improving your daily routines during this period, today’s energies require some flexibility, as it may not be easy to work through tasks step by step. Even so, detours from the norm can open your eyes to something very important today, particularly about a love relationship. Alternatively, you can find creative inspiration.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Aim to go forward with as little emotional baggage as possible now, dear Libra, as you begin a new cycle in which you are inclined to celebrate and share your feelings, creative works, and affections. The Sun enters your creativity and romance sector today, where it will transit until February 19th. During this self-expressive period, you thrive on others’ feedback and good vibes, and you are more openly affectionate and playful. The need to express yourself creatively and uniquely is primary. You might pay more attention to personal hobbies or recreation and entertainment. Today, it can be a little difficult to unwind with Mercury and Uranus in conflict. Consider ways of updating traditions rather than trying to cling to old ones if they’re causing problems.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

Life has been busier than usual lately, dear Scorpio, but now you are transitioning into a more comfortable phase when familiarity tends to win over variety as the Sun moves into your solar sector of home and family. The Sun will transit this area of your chart until February 19th. During this cycle, your identity and ego are more heavily invested in your home life and family relations. Worldly ambitions tend to take a backseat now. You are tending to the hearth and deriving security from the familiar. Your focus now should be on making yourself feel secure and content. While it’s a cycle for putting a little more faith in traditions, today’s energies challenge tradition and order. A Mercury-Uranus square can excite the mind and the senses, and you’re likely to find it difficult concentrating on any one system or project. This is not a day for following through with well-constructed plans – they’re likely to be interrupted.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

You’re transitioning into a busier, more engaging period, dear Sagittarius, as the Sun moves into your communications sector where it will stay for about a month, until February 19th. Reaching out, learning, and connecting become priorities. Your daily life tends to pick up pace, partly due to a search for more mental stimulation in your life. It’s not the best of cycles for concentration and focus, but it’s strong for making connections and keeping or catching up with others. You’ll be running more errands than usual, and decisions tend to need to be quicker than usual, as changes in scenery are frequent. Today can be a little scattered and unpredictable in energy, particularly on a mental level. Communications may be abrupt, and so can changes to schedules or other detours. Watch for impulsive or poorly considered purchases, but pay attention to new ideas regarding business and money matters.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

The Sun leaves your sign and enters your solar second house today, dear Capricorn. This transit that lasts until April 19th stimulates a focus on your resources. During this cycle, your self-worth is more heavily invested in practical matters, stability, and money-making capacity. Your ability to provide for yourself is highlighted now, and you can be more motivated to build your resources and develop your natural talents. Security is a driving force for you right now, and you might find that you are especially interested in accumulating possessions. What you have and what you don’t have come into focus – what makes you feel comfortable, your sense of security, and what you value. This is a good time to take charge and give form to some of your recent ideas. While this is a generally stable and patient cycle, today’s energies can be a little abrupt. Changes of mind can be quick. Resolving to stay flexible helps you to see opportunities that emerge from interruptions in your plans or in your schedule.



The Sun enters your sign today, dear Aquarius, and this begins a month-long cycle that puts you, your goals, and your needs up front and center. Generally speaking, it’s a time for seizing the day, for shaping your life as you’d like it to be, as well as for being heard, noticed, and counted. You may feel as if you are coming out of the shadows in some ways now. Today, there can be difficulties with continuity of thought and it may be a real challenge staying organized. Watch for speaking too soon about a matter or even about a spontaneous observation, just for now. Make plans for a busy few weeks ahead, and mentally prepare for the New Moon in your sign, which will occur on February 8th. This is about making personal changes that start you on a fresh, new, and empowered path.



The Sun enters your privacy sector today, dear Pisces, where it shines a light on the past, the hidden elements of your life, and mental health matters. This begins a month-long cycle in which you are likely to tie up loose ends, put an end to projects and attitudes that no longer serve your purpose, and get into better touch with your inner world. You are more aware of the psychic undercurrents around you. It’s a good time for forgiving others and for letting go of those things you no longer need, if necessary. You may have a difficult time seeing yourself as others see you, and decisions may require more time than usual. More than likely, they can wait. You quite naturally withdraw a little from more worldly endeavors, and you require more time for introspection, rest, and perhaps meditation. Today, there can be some abrupt elements to our communications, thoughts, discoveries, and schedules, and in your case, particularly with friends and networks.

If You Were Born Today, January 20



If You Were Born Today, January 20

You are a responsible and reliable person who values security but doesn’t always offer it! You have an unusual sense of humor, your own distinct style, and a real flair for handling money as well as for money-making ideas. In your life time, one of  your biggest lessons is to develop faith in yourself and to trust in your intuition, which is strong and rarely steers you in the wrong direction. While it can take some time for your heart to be captured by another, once it is, you give a lot to the people you trust and love, and sometimes  a little too much until you learn to ask that others meet you halfway.


Famous people born today: George Burns, Bill Maher, Skeet Ulrich, David Lynch, Evan Peters.


Courtesy of Cafe Astrology