The Witches Magick for January 12, Two Spells for the Price Of One, LOL! – A Protection Spell for your Cat and A Protection Spell for Your Dog


A Protection Spell For Your Cat

Pour a circle of salt and take you cat inside of it. Take some olive oil and draw a circle on the cat’s head then speak these words:

“All powers that be, I ask
That you keep (say the name
of your cat) at home
And safe from his/ her
And all desire to roam
Give him/ her complete
Known to his breed
And see that he/ she is happy
where they will be.


Dog Protection Spell

Draw a circle of salt on the ground and bring your dog into it.

Speak these words in a chant:

Guardians of mine
protect this home
In your place as is right
Stands one of your own
Please defend this house
And all creatures within
Mine and your sacred beast
Is our true loyal friend.
Keep him/ her from harm
As he/ she guards all
And watch over him/her
From below and above.



—Douglas Hensley, (A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes)

WOTC (d) Three Time-Tested and Proven Defense Tactics to Combat the Evil Eye


Three Time-Tested and Proven Defense Tactics to Combat the Evil Eye

1. Daily prayer at sunrise and sunset, or upon waking and before bed.

2. A new and personally chosen amulet purchased from a healer and charged with the energy of a sacred place, which is worn as needed or daily until death; by British custom only to be burried by a loyal friend, family member, or coven member.

3. Eyeball symbols and protective charms hidden in seams and sewn into clothing, drapes, and bedding and drawn on windows, doors, and beds to protect the mind, body, and spirit.

Esthamarelda McNevin
Llewellyn’s 2016 Witches’ Companion: An Almanac for Contemporary Living (Llewellyns Witches Companion)

WOTC (c) Six Ways the Evil Eye Is Cast


Six Ways the Evil Eye Is Cast

1. Gifting cursed or hexed nazar beads or luck charms.

2. Spitting over the palm or between fingers in the direction of an enemy or directly upon their shadow, evoking a dark cloud over them.

3. A prolonged glance or moment of forced eye contact in which a look of deep hate or harmful intent is expressed.

4. Windows of one’s car or home being vandalized.

5. Judgments, faults, or failures whispered beneath the breath while the victim is present (this affects the unconscious mind).

6. Crossing out the eyes of an enemy from all images or photos encountered.

Esthamarelda McNevin
Llewellyn’s 2016 Witches’ Companion: An Almanac for Contemporary Living (Llewellyns Witches Companion)

WOTC (b) Six Signs You Might Be Under the Gaze of the Evil Eye


Six Signs You Might Be Under the Gaze of the Evil Eye

1. A sudden and unexplainable fear of activities that once gave you great joy.

2. Nausea, lightheadedness, or weakened endurance when engaged in magic.

3. An overwhelming sense of anger or doom without reason or origin.

4. Hairs frequently standing on end (a sort of astral defense).

5. Feeling drawn into passive-aggressive or subtextual modes of communication.

6. Observing protracted looks or forced eye contact from overly responsive acquaintances.

Esthamarelda McNevin
Llewellyn’s 2016 Witches’ Companion: An Almanac for Contemporary Living (Llewellyns Witches Companion)

WOTC Extra (a) Amulets That Will Rid You of the Evil Eye


Amulets That Will Rid You of the Evil Eye

Ruby jewelry, blue and green nazar beads, hand of Fatima charms, hemsa (or hamsa) charms, hand of Miriam charms, jutti shoe charms, Brigid’s cross charms, pentacle charms, blue jewelry, braided sweetgrass jewelry, Uli nana pono beads, Cabalistic Cross charms, Christian Cross charms, Seven African Powers charms, needle or sword charms.

Esthamarelda McNevin
Llewellyn’s 2016 Witches’ Companion: An Almanac for Contemporary Living (Llewellyns Witches Companion)

Let’s Talk Witch – Recognizing and Combating the Evil Eye: Putting It On and Poking It Out


Recognizing and Combating the Evil Eye: Putting It On and Poking It Out

Have you ever unknowingly had an enemy who intended to do you actual personal harm? Do you know someone who is bitter and magickal enough to twist the tides of fate into a tsunami of circumstances set abruptly against you? Has your self-esteem ever been obliterated under an unrelenting downpour of public scrutiny, while all those little hairs on the back of your neck stood witness like so many Druids on a beach? Perhaps you, too, have come under the deadly gaze of the evil eye.

This curse is employed when someone aspires to erode another person’s confidence or sense of worth intentionally, by projecting emotions such as jealousy, envy, and greed. This hex gives our own fear and paranoia the opportunity to dig in deep and take hold of our psyche through passive-aggressive manipulation and sympathetic magic. If left helpless against the evil eye, we begin to believe in our worst fate, unintentionally empowering and manifesting the curse with our own judgments.

Dispel from your mind that image of an embittered Sicilian Mafioso launching a spittle of condemnation from beneath a floral taffeta halo of hate. After all, it’s the ones we trust implicitly who most favor curses like the evil eye. These are people we often don’t suspect, or those we think are incapable of subversive betrayal. Those who cast the evil eye are not the ones we see coming, but the people who get close, learn our weaknesses, and use this knowledge to exploit us for their personal gain.

Such use of this “covetous gaze” indicates that the hexer not only wants what you have— be it physical wealth, emotional happiness, or esoteric gifts— but also wants you not to have it. If you have been victim to this phenomenon, which numerous cultures recognize and combat, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Predatory sympathetic magic like the evil eye is one of the oldest and most primal curses on the books. The Greek Magical Papyri is evidence enough of how favored this hex truly was in the ancient world. Our surviving recipes from the Greek Hellenistic period document a primordial penchant for sacrificial spells and rare animal talismans, evocative proof of Paganism’s deep-rooted models of mystical survivalism, which drove countless devotees to extreme Gnostic acts for the sake of self-protection.

Long before the Wiccan Rede gave us the “An it harm none…” mandate, our ancient Pagan ancestors were prone to hexing the piss ’n’ vinegar out of each other, because they saw magic as just another aspect of daily social survival. In fact, the evil eye has such a long history of use that it’s credited with inspiring protective artwork, amulets, tonics, ethereal cures, and alchemical remedies, a great many of which have survived since antiquity. Counter and reverse techniques have crossed cultures and continents under the guise of liberal folk bohemia or simply as gypsy luck, and are still very much in use today. If nothing else, the antidotes for the evil eye act as a form of psychological relief. While problem-solving such a magical battle of wills, the victim often chooses to withdraw into solitary meditation or pursue the hexer’s own weak surrender, as a countermeasure against the curse. The evil eye exists, and it is viewed across the world as a vehicle of prejudice and hate. Many esoteric traditions believe that we must guard ourselves daily against attack or we risk falling prey to the energies afoot.

Primal sympathetic magic makes sense in a lot of biological ways, especially when we consider that mating and professional competition among our social groups often expose our instinctually reactive emotions. The sociological studies of academics like Carl Jung relate these emotional outbursts to our deeply rooted psychological struggle between acceptance and intolerance as social mammals. Our darker, more primal and survivalistic emotions constantly challenge our rational civic goodness, tempting our impulse to respond to situations of public distress with fight-or-flight instincts of survivalism. Like all curses, the evil eye is a social and psychological weapon employed by an aggressor to trigger a fear response in the target.

When acquaintances plot our failure, a deep loss of hope and an increase in personal shame are constant stepping stones on the descending path of spiritual deprivation. This is because curses like the evil eye will sustain the hexer’s subtle predatory advantage as they sabotage happiness, innocence, and good luck from the lives of others. Those who have cast the curse find the results addictive, and those who have endured this type of hex know all too well that atrracting the primal disdain of another human is no laughable superstition. Eyeballs involved or not, we are a territorial and superstitious species of instinctively driven emotional beings, sometimes willing to trust or hate others irrationally and to our own disadvantage.

Too many people suffer the emotional effects of common antisocial behaviors like bullying, taunting, and public displays of rejection. Let’s face it: the evil eye is everywhere, and we all instinctively know how to use it. One does not have to sit down and cast a spell in order to cast the evil eye. Moreover, we are all sitting ducks; as social mammals, we really just want to be liked and accepted for who we are. As a global society, public opinion matters more to us now than it ever has, which is why getting “the evils” from someone can be so off-putting.

Why is this primordial hex so powerful? Whether we like it or not, our feeling of social acceptance is a determinate factor in the vast majority of our lifestyle decisions; this is especially the case with choices concerning appearance, marriage, and career, as well as drug or alcohol use. We may feel socially valued and praised when we look and act like our colleagues, friends, or families. We may feel a sense of comfort in following long-held models of human social conformity. This means that when we are truly hexed with dark, antisocial magic like the evil eye, it is often accompanied by unethical slander, hidden jokes at our expense, or various other forms of social humiliation. This type of black magic is a pressing social issue in our modern communities because, like so many of us, the evil eye has gone digital.

No app, trash bin, or delete button can erase harsh social judgments once we have received them; it’s up to us to problem-solve, take an objective perspective, and process social disagreements. We must defend ourselves mentally and spiritually against negative action directed at us, especially when it becomes clear that no resolution is feasible. Even blocking the individual from our contact information may not stop truly malicious social behaviors. The people who use negative psychological magic rely on the emotional responses we experience when we feel targeted, embarrassed, or shamed by others in public: this is what the original evil-eye hex accomplishes best.

Esthamarelda McNevin
Llewellyn’s 2016 Witches’ Companion: An Almanac for Contemporary Living (Llewellyns Witches Companion)


A Little Humor for Your Day – Praise to Caffeina

Praise to Caffeina

Hail to Thee, Great Lady of the Morning!
Thy sweet aroma fills my soul with wakefulness!
Lo though the multitudes lie abed in sloth
Thou hast mercy on the sleeping!
Thou desirest the productivity of the masses!
Thou callest me to drink of the Elixer of Life,
I am refreshed!
The employer rejoiceth for the employees arrive in a timely manner!
The drivers praise Thy name!
Thy drink is better than wine,
Bring the best cream and fine breadstuffs.
Worship Her mill with gladness,
For She waketh the world with warmth.

WOTC Quiz: Are You An Introvert?

Are You An Introvert?

The first step toward self-acceptance is understanding ourselves better, so that we can have compassion for the people we truly are inside. The word “introvert” is often misunderstood to mean painfully shy or socially inept, but this isn’t so. Many of us are introverted.

Are you? Take this classic personality quiz to find out if you are an introvert or an extrovert–and to see what that really means–here.

Choose the answer to each question which most accurately reflects how you actually see yourself, not how you would like to be.

When you meet new people, do you
A. talk as much as you listen?
B. listen more than you talk?

Do you prefer a social life that includes
A. many friends and acquaintances?
B. a few people that you feel close to?

If a heavy snowfall keeps you from going to school or work, do you
A. wonder what you’re missing?
B. enjoy the unexpected time alone?

Which of these most accurately reflect you:

A. I usually think on my feet, as I’m talking.
B. I usually reflect on what I’m going to say before I say it.

A. People who know me are generally aware of what’s important to me.
B. I don’t talk about what’s really important to me unless I feel close to someone.

A. I get restless when I’m alone too long.
B. I get restless when I don’t have enough time to myself.

A. When I’m having a good time with others, I get energized and keep going.
B. When I’m having a good time with others, my energy runs out and I need space.

When you’re on vacation, are you more likely to:

A. spend time doing things with others?
B. take time to read or walk or daydream alone?

A. see famous landmarks?
B. spend time in museums and quiet places?

Which word best describes the way you see yourself?

A. open
B. reflective

A. expansive
B. intense

A. well-rounded
B. deep

A. straightforward
B. reserved

Would you rather
A. be admired for your work, even though you’re not satisfied with it yourself?
B. create something of lasting worth, but remain unknown?

If you answered with more B answers, you are an introvert.

Introverts consider their own viewpoint the arbiter of reality and define externals in terms of it.

They are more aware of purely mental phenomena–the impressions, facts, ideas, and reactions that constitute an inner world.

Introverts reflect before acting.

They may defend themselves against the expectations and attention of others.

Introverts are reserved, complicated, and private.

They are self-aware, sometimes passionately intense, but may not realize their effect on others.

Adapted from Personality Type, by Lenore Thomson (Shambhala, 1998). Copyright (c) 1998 by Lenore Thomson. Reprinted by permission of Shambhala.
Adapted from Personality Type, by Lenore Thomson (Shambhala, 1998).

Astronomy Picture of the Day – The California Nebula

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2016 January 12

The California Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright: Farmakopoulos Antonis


Explanation: What’s California doing in space? Drifting through the Orion Arm of the spiral Milky Way Galaxy, this cosmic cloud by chance echoes the outline of California on the west coast of the United States. Our own Sun also lies within the Milky Way’s Orion Arm, only about 1,500 light-years from the California Nebula. Also known as NGC 1499, the classic emission nebula is around 100 light-years long. On the featured image, the most prominent glow of the California Nebula is the red light characteristic of hydrogen atoms recombining with long lost electrons, stripped away (ionized) by energetic starlight. The star most likely providing the energetic starlight that ionizes much of the nebular gas is the bright, hot, bluish Xi Persei just to the right of the nebula. A regular target for astrophotographers, the California Nebula can be spotted with a wide-field telescope under a dark sky toward the constellation of Perseus, not far from the Pleiades.

Earth Sky News for Jan. 12: Winding river of stars called Eridanus

Winding river of stars called Eridanus

Tonight, if you have access to a very dark sky, look for Eridanus the River. You won’t see this one from the city, or even the suburbs. Eridanus the River begins near the star Rigel in the constellation Orion the Hunter – and wells up in a great loop before ambling back down toward the southern horizon. The waxing crescent moon shouldn’t intrude too greatly on the view of Eridanus the River this evening (January 13).

Eridanus is one of the longest and faintest constellations. It’s variously said to represent the Nile in Egypt, Euphrates in western Asia, or the River Po in Italy. Eridanus is also sometimes called the River of Orion, or River of Ocean. In Homer’s day in ancient Greece, it was thought that the River of Ocean encircled a flat Earth.

Why search for such a faint constellation? Only because it’s very beautiful. And seeing Eridanus – understanding its association with a river in the minds of the early stargazers – can give you a kinship with those stargazers from centuries ago.

From most of the U.S., the River disappears below the southern horizon. But if you live at a very southerly latitude in the U.S., you can see a special sight: the star that represents the end of the River. This star is named Achernar.

Bottom line: Can you find the long, meandering river of stars called Eridanus in your sky? Be sure to look from a dark location.


2016 Numerology Predictions





2016 Numerology Predictions

What will the new year bring to your life?

Glynis McCants is a Daily Insight Group Site

Your Daily Influences for January 12

Your Daily Influences
January 12, 2016


Ace of Pentacles
Prosperity, pleasure and beauty can be realized.











Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.





Scorpio the Scorpion
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.







Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.


Your Charm for January 12 is The Greek Vowels

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:
This aspect will be influenced by a sudden strong stroke of good fortune. This good fortune will be unpredictable and will last only a short time. It will bring with it good health, happiness and success.

General Description:
This talisman was a great favorite in olden times, and was composed of the Seven Vowels of the Greek Alphabet. The desired favours were supposed to be granted upon the correct utterance of the forty-nine different sounds of the Seven Vowels, each vowel having seven distinct methods of expression. Of the many benefits supposed to be conferred were – good health, happiness, wisdom, fortune, foresight, success in all undertakings, complete protection from moral, as well as physical ills, and control over the powers of darkness. The ancients thought that there was an affinity between the seven vowels and the seven planets which they believed kept this earth in existence.

Your Animal Spirit for January 12 is The Otter

Your Animal Spirit for Today
January 12, 2016 


Otter represents one of the most playful feminine energies on earth—and she has swum over into your reading to bring a message of joyful play. If life has been difficult or challenges overwhelming, relax a little—Otter is here to remind you that play is just as important as work—and NOT competitive play, but rather the kind you loved as a child. Hopscotch anyone?

Your Ancient Symbol Card for January 12 is The Western Dragon

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Western Dragon

Unlike the beneficent Easter Dragon, The Western Dragon is a symbol of totally unleashed destructive power that is set upon anyone who crosses the Dragon’s path. The Western Dragon also hordes treasures that should rightfully be ours, and whose absence deprives us from being complete. The challenges set before us by the Western Dragon are truly prodigious, because they denote a force whose sole intent is not simply to keep us from moving forward in our lives, but to usurp all that we have previously gained as well. What is even more disturbing about the force behind the Western Dragon is that it may well indicate primal forces in ourselves so powerful that they do in fact turn us into our own worst enemy.

As a daily card, The Western Dragon is a powerful negative force intent upon thwarting your progress. In such a short time frame it is most likely you’re being undermined by an external force–someone who wants what you have gained or gains your are near realizing. While formidable, this bellicose entity does have vulnerabilities. First, there is nothing subtle about the forces represented by The Western Dragon, so the source will be easy for you to identify. Secondly, The Western Dragon represents undisciplined, primal energies that aren’t easy to control, so they are susceptible to logical responses steeped in self control. In short, don’t panic, act deliberately and decisively, and you will weather this storm.

Your Daily Witches Rune for January 12 is The Man

manToday’s Witches Rune


Meaning: The Man rune demands action. It’s not longer time to quietly sit and think, or to hide yourself and heal. No, it’s time to get up and fight for what you want. If things are slow or stagnated, change them. Begin something new. It’s not a moment to let things flow as they will, but to grab the reigns and gain control over the situation. Be the leader and defend your stand.

While the Woman rune is about healing, this one can be about defending yourself, and, sometimes, hurting or getting hurt in the process. You may have to defend your opinions, your actions or choices against some aggressive people. This rune offers you a challenge, but is also shows that you have the resources needed to face it. Naturally, this rune has very aggressive potentials in it, and they need a good deal of discipline in order to not become sorely destructive.

The Man rune also accelerates everything… nothing stays still when its around. The outcome of your question may happen sooner than you expected, but the result will probably be unexpected. It does not mean that all will go wrong, no – things will simply develop in unseen ways.

In relationship readings, the Man rune promises a period of instability, so it’s important to not have high expectations. Under the influence of this rune, the relationship can be a stairway to Heaven or a ticket to Hell… and sometimes both, in a short period of time. It promises a bumpy journey for the heart, but with a great level of intensity. The Man rune can stand for love/hate relationship, cat and rat games and obsessions… the kind of things that turns one nuts (for good and for bad). This rune is good in questions concerning sexuality.


Additional information about Today’s Witches courtesy of Your Spiritual Journey Australia

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for January 12 is The Tower

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Tower

The Tower is perfect card for the revolutionary or iconoclast or anyone who flourishes in rapidly changing environments. What The Tower brings to the mix is sudden, usually unexpected change. With that change there will be a period of disorder, and there may be loss. However, the loss is probably not yours, since you may well be the agent that created the change to begin with. Many positive things can occur from the change The Tower indicates: Truths will be laid bare, revelations and breakthroughs are not just possible but likely, and nothing spurs creativity like a good dose of chaos and confusion. In the end it is likely that what replaces what was lost in the fall of The Tower will be worth the loss.