The Witches Magick for the 8th Day of January – Burning Paper Binding

Witchy Comments & Graphics

Burning Paper Binding

Only do this spell on the waning moon. Write the name of the person that you wish to bind on a sheet of parchment paper, then write down all of the bad things about the person that you wish to change.

Now roll the paper up and tie it tightly with a black ribbon the set the paper on fire but place it into a bowl that will not catch on fire.

“As this paper burns, all these behaviors soon will turn”

Now pour the paper ashes into a bowl of water. Visualize what you want to happen.

Take the bowl of water and ashes to a tree on the north end of your home and pour it around the base of the tree while speaking this:

“I sink this into the earth and give love and understanding new birth”

Concentrate on what you want to be different, then whisper:

“So mote it be”

Douglas Hensley, A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes


Helpful Hints: Married to the Mundane

Witchy Comments & Graphics

Helpful Hints: Married to the Mundane

Many Witches are married to or involved with non-Witches. This can be tough when we want to share a piece of our magickal lives with them, but they are not comfortable attending rituals. (Can you believe it? Some of those lovely folks actually think we’re kind of … uh, weird.) An easy compromise is to have the ritual first, with Witches only, and then include all the mundanes in the feasting afterwards. This way everyone is happy.

Deborah Blake, Everyday Witch A to Z: An Amusing, Inspiring & Informative Guide to the Wonderful  World of Witchcraft


Let’s Talk Witch – The Mundanes

Witchy Comments & Graphics


Witches often use the word mundane to mean any person who is not a Pagan. That is to say, “them” as opposed to “us.” It is not meant as an insult (at least not most of the time) but rather as an explanatory label, as in the case of “Oh, yes, my husband Joe is a mundane, but he’s pretty flexible about me going to rituals.” (Apparently the “official” word is cowan, but I’ve never heard anyone use it. In fact, since Harry Potter came out, you’re much more likely to hear the term muggle.)

But what does the word mean, and why do we use that word and not something else?
Interestingly, if you look up mundane in the dictionary (as I knew you were all going to do if I didn’t do it for you), you will find the following definition: “of, relating to or characteristic of the world or characterized by the practical, transitory and ordinary-commonplace.”

You can easily see why we apply this label to them and not to us, since Witches tend to be anything but ordinary and commonplace. But it is also an indication that there are a lot more of them than there are of us; the world is made up of mundanes, not (alas) Pagans. In fact, the word comes from the Latin for “world.”

The word also implies the notion that while mundanes are “of the world,” we Pagans tend to be more involved in the otherworldly, or at least more aware of and in touch with those things that are not so much practical, transitory, and ordinary.

So in a way, by defining those who are not us, we are defining ourselves. We are all at least in part mundane-we are connected to the everyday world by our jobs, our relationships with non-Pagan others, and by the ordinary necessities of survival. But we are also Witches and live in a world that the mundanes who surround us cannot even imagine.

Deborah Blake, Everyday Witch A to Z: An Amusing, Inspiring & Informative Guide to the Wonderful  World of Witchcraft

Magickal Goody of the Day for Jan. 8th – Non-Toxic Flying Ointment

Magickal Goody of the Day

witch potion 001

Non-Toxic Flying Ointment


Flying ointment I

1⁄4 cup of lard
1⁄2 tsp of Clover
1 tsp of chimney soot
1⁄4 tsp of Mugwort
1⁄4 tsp of Vervain
1⁄2 tsp of benzoin tincture

Use your mortar to crush the dried herbs into a fine powder. Melt the lard on a low heat in a pot or in your cauldron. Add the herbs and mix it well. Add the tincture and stir deosil for about 10 minutes. Put it in jars and let it cool.

After the mixture is cooled and ready to use, you can anoint it on a few places of your body but avoid the Chakra areas.


Gemstone of the Day for January 8th is Topaz

Gemstone of the Day



(Clear, blue, brown, orange, gray, yellow, green, pink and reddish pink)

The name “Topaz” isfrom the Greek “Topazion”, an island in the Red Sea.

Hardness: 8         
Specific Gravity: 3. 49 – 3.57                
Chemistry: Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
Class: Nesosilicate Insular SiO4 Groups                  
Crystallography: Orthorhombic                   
Cleavage: perfect                     
Fracture: conchoidal                               
Streak: white                        
Luster: glassy

Healing:  Topaz stimulates the endocrine system and is used to treat isues related to disorders of the liver and gall bladder . It assists in general tissue regeneration and is valuable in the treatment of hemorrhages. It also allays poor appetite and helps to treat blood disorders.

Magical Workings: In ancient times, a figure of a falcon carved on a Topaz was thought to help earn the goodwill of kings, princes and magnates. Topaz was seen as a Stone of Strength by the ancient Greeks. Topaz was also said to change color in the presence of poisoned food or drink. 
Topaz balances emotions and calms passions. It releases tension and gives feelings of joy. Topaz is known as a spiritual rejuvenation gemstone. It is a stone of trust and protection; it draws out negativity, exhaustion, and tension. 
It is also used to stimulate the intellect; it aids abstract thinking and creativity from the mental level to the physical form.
Topaz is said to be greatly empowered when combined with amethyst.
Topaz is associated with the astrological sign of Sagittarius and vibrates to the number of 6.

Chakra Applications: Topaz is used to stimulate the Throat chakra.

Foot Notes: Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine.  It typically crystallizes in granitic pegmatites or in vapor cavities in rhyolite lava flows. Topaz crystals with more water are yellow to brown, while those with more fluorine are typically blue or colorless. Many of the faceted gemstones one see’s on the market are enhanced through heat or irradiation.
Author: Crick

Herb of the Day for January 8th is Ginger

Herb of the Day


Ginger was recorded as a subject of a Roman tax in the second century after being imported via the Red Sea to Alexandria.                                      

Medicinal Uses: The root is warming to the body, is slightly antiseptic, and promotes internal secretions. Chop about two inches of the fresh root, cover with one cup of water, and simmer for about twenty minutes, or one-half teaspoon of the powdered root can be simmered in one cup of water. Add lemon juice, honey, and a slight pinch of cayenne. A few teaspoons of brandy will make an even more effective remedy for colds. This preparation treats fevers, chest colds, and flu.  
A bath or a foot soak in hot ginger tea is also beneficial. The tea without additives helps indigestion, colic, diarrhea, and alcoholic gastritis. Dried ginger in capsules or in juice is taken to avoid carsickness and seasickness. Use about one-half teaspoon of the powder. It works well for dogs and children. Dry ginger is a stimulant and expectorant; fresh ginger is a diaphoretic, better for colds, cough, and vomiting.

Magickal uses: When ginger is eaten before performing spells it will increase your power. Since ginger is a spicy and “hot” herb, it is most effective in love spells. Plant the root to attract money or sprinkle powdered root into pockets or on money for prosperity. Ginger also ensures success. The Dobu tribe of the Pacific Islanders use ginger in much of their magick. By first chewing it, they then spit it at the “seat” of an illness, or at an oncoming storm to stop it while still at sea.

Properties: Antispasmodic, anti-emetic, analgesic, antiseptic, appetizer, aromatic, carminative, condiment, diaphoretic, expectorant, febrifuge, pungent, sialagogue, stimulant Topically: increases blood flow to an area.            Contains bisabolene, borneal, borneol, camphene, choline, cineole, citral, ginerol, inositol, volatile oils, PABA, phellandrene, phenols, alkaloids, mucilage, acrid resin, sequiterpene, vitamins B3, B5, zingerone, and zingiberene.

Growth: The ginger plant is an erect herb with scaly underground stems that branch in a finger-like fashion and is known as “hands.” The stem reaches a height of about of 3-4 feet, the leaves growing 6-12 inches long. The sterile flowers are white with purple streaks and grow in spikes. The stem is surrounded by the sheathing bases of the leaves. The flowers are yellowish with purple lips. It is indigenous to tropical Asia and cultivated in other tropical areas, especially Jamaica.
Author: Crick

Deity of the Day for Friday, January 8th is Eirene, The Greek Peace Goddess

Deity of the Day



The Greek Peace Goddess


Areas of Influence: Eirene was the Greek peace Goddess. She is also the patroness of wealth and prosperity, this is because in times of peace people have the opportunity to plough the fields and make and sell, goods and services. War only breeds famine and destruction.

Her name can also be spelt Irene and Irini

She was one of the three Horae who are the maintainers of law and order that a stable society depends upon. They were also the Goddesses of the seasons and the natural divisions of time. In the lliad the Horae are also described as the guardians of the gates to Olympus.

Origins and Genealogy: She was the daughter of Zeus and Themis. She had two sisters Eunomia (order) and Dike (Justice) who were other two members of the Horae.

Strengths: A peacemaker.

Weaknesses: As a personification of peace and wealth she has no other distinctive personality traits.

Symbolism: Often shown as a young woman holding an olive branch or Hermes’s staff. She wore ears of corn that represented wealth and prosperity. In one statue by Kephisodotos she is shown holding the infant Ploutus (Wealth).

Sacred Animal/Bird/Plant: Corn and the olive tree.

Roman Equivalent: Pax.

Eirene’s Archetype

The Diplomat/Peacemaker

The Diplomat Archetype is able to mediate between different groups, as they are able to quickly assess the situation, understanding both sides point of view. Helping them to find a middle ground upon which they can both agree.

The Shadow Diplomat manipulates both sides to achieve their own personal agenda.

This is the most fitting Archetype for the Greek Peace Goddess as it is through successful diplomacy that conflicts can be resolved and wars averted.

How To Work With This Archetype

The Diplomat/Peacemaker

To have the Diplomat as one of you main archetypes you do not have to be a diplomat by profession. However you must have a life-long commitment to resolving disputes and bringing people together. This can often occur within families where one member of the family is constantly trying to keep the peace and the family together.

Check you are not stepping into this Archetype’s shadow by asking yourself if it is you who will benefit most from the outcome you are steering the different sides towards?



A Little Humor for Your Day – “Signs Your Child Might Be A Witch”

Signs That Your Child Might Be a Witch

  1. Your child asks to use the broom to cleanse, I mean clean, their room.
  2. There is always a steak knife missing.
  3. Your smallest pan keeps disappearing and reappearing, and always smells like ashes and potpourri.
  4. All your candle holders are missing.
  5. They now enjoy going to the fabric store with you and they want thread, ribbon and cloth of every color of the rainbow.
  6. Their Christmas and Birthday wish lists consist of: a white or black full length bathrobe, blank journal books, window box herb gardens and a box of candles in assorted colors.
  7. You just figured out that every full or new moon your child asks to have 3 friends spend the night; and strangely they are very quiet all night.
  8. Your child now says “Merry Meet Again” every morning to you and whenever they leave they say “Merry Part”.
  9. Your recipe cards are disappearing and when you do find them you can’t make since of the recipe since it doesn’t require any actual cooking.
  10. Your child has a new ID bracelet that reads something like “RavenMoon” “StarWolf” or “SunDragon”
  11. Your child asks you one day for a compass, four pails of paint; blue, green, red, and yellow, so that they can paint their room correctly.
  12. They insist that their first car be the color brown and have a license plate that says BROOM.
  13. Their pillows are now filled with all your potpourri.
  14. You ask your child to rake up the autumn leaves in the yard, and they come back with a small stick and a large stick; which you later find to have shiny objects on them and unidentifiable etchings.
  15. Once a jar gets emptied in your house it ends up in your child’s room filled with various objects like pins, needles, hair, honey, paper, and soil
  16. Your child buys trinkets like silver cups, small tablecloths, statues of mythological figures, and the like, and it seems to go missing, as if it was hidden somewhere.
  17. You look in the attic, their closet, or some other concealed place and find all of that stuff they bought is arranged neatly on a small table.
  18. They made you a doll that looks eerily like you, and every time it falls off the table, you take a sudden tumble yourself.
  19. A stone circle in the sandbox.

View more funny Pagan jokes at Turok Cabana

Astronomy Picture of the Day – Prometheus and the F Ring

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2016 January 8

Prometheus and the F Ring
Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA

Explanation: In Greek myth Prometheus was a Titan, known for bringing fire from Mount Olympus. But in modern times the name is given to a small moon of Saturn, orbiting just inside Saturn’s F ring. In a complex interaction, the tiny potato-shaped moon interacts with the icy ring particles creating structures along the F ring still not fully understood. One of the highest resolution views of Prometheus, this image of its pocked surface posing with the thin F ring in the background was taken during the Cassini spacecraft’s close approach on December 6, 2015. Prometheus is about 86 kilometers (50 miles) across.

Earth Sky News for January 8th: Venus-Saturn conjunction January 9

Venus-Saturn conjunction January 9

Tomorrow morning – January 9, 2016 – Venus and Saturn will all but kiss one another in the predawn/dawn sky. Imagine, if you can, one-sixth of the moon’s diameter. That’s about how far apart these two worlds will be from one another on the great dome of sky, featuring the closest conjunction of two planets since March 22, 2013. Get up early and look eastward for these two lovebirds flitting next to each other in the ballroom of early morn.

Venus is by far the brighter of these two planets. Venus, the third-brightest celestial body after the sun and moon, outshines Saturn by nearly 70 times. That’s in spite of the fact that Saturn beams as brilliantly as a 1st-magnitude star.

You should be able to see Saturn in Venus’ glare, but – if for some reason you have difficulty – try viewing these two worlds through binoculars or a low-powered telescope.

Think photo opportunity, as well!

After their conjunction, watch for Saturn (and the star Antares) to climb upward in the January 2016 morning sky while Venus falls downward. Starting around January 20, as darkness first begins to give way to morning dawn, draw an imaginary line from Saturn through Venus to spot Mercury, the solar system’s innermost planet, near the horizon.

At that juncture you’ll have the opportunity to view all five visible planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – in the same sky together. That hasn’t happened since 2005.

Bottom line: Enjoy the close conjunction of Venus and Saturn on the morning of January 9, 2016. It serves as a fitting prelude to the five-planet morning spectacle from January 20 to February 20, 2016!



Bruce McClure


The Wisdom of Buddha

The Wisdom of Buddha

There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.

Your Daily Influence for January 8th

Your Daily Influence

January 8th, 2016



The Devil Reversed
The reversed Devil signifies a spiritual rebirth, freedom from the preoccupation with the secular and the overcoming of pride and selfishness.










Berkano reversed may foretell family problems and dissatisfaction. Your life path my not be clear to you at this time. Be careful to protect that which is yours.





The Tortoise
The tortoise represents the dome of the sky, the universe. It tells you to take slow, deliberate steps and you can acheive everything you desire.




Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for January 8th is Death

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


Death is definitely not a card to shy away from. It does not foretell your impending doom. However it does suggest a period of change and the turbulence that often comes with it are on the horizon. We may not always welcome change, but invariably we must change to grow. Sometimes we have to shed some of the comfortability of who we are today to embrace the adventure of who we will be tomorrow. Death is the prophecy of such times.

As a daily card, Death tells you that changes need to be made in order for you to move smoothly along your life’s journey. When seen as a daily card, it is likely the changes indicated are on the order of “minor adjustments” in your day to day routine.

Your Daily Witches Rune for Friday, Jan. 8th is The Eye


Today’s Witches Rune

The Eye

Meaning: The eye has always been a powerful symbol for different cultures. Some believe that the soul resides in them, while others think it’s possible to curse a person merely by looking at them. Through our eyes we connect and express emotions and thoughts. Thus, this is one of the most powerful runes in the set, emphasizing the importance of any rune close to it. The Eye symbol is also related to “vision” is all senses, including the physical. This rune can represent our eyes and optic nerves. It can also represent activities such as research, analysis, photography and creative visualization. When it appears, there’s an urge to observe, to explore, to understand deeply what is before you. This rune is usually related to sudden realizations. Not necessarily a ‘shock’ (unless some violent rune is close it, like the Scythe and the Man), but more related to the lifting of veils. Your eyes are suddenly open, and you see things that were unknown to you before. A change of perception and focus in life is to be expected when this rune appears… whatever the situation is, the way you see it will be transformed.

The Eye rune also says that now it’s time for you to go after what you want. Your focus is powerful right now, and everything you concentrate on can become successful.This rune often represents a lonely journey towards a goal… it suggests a calling and a connection to something bigger, a sense of purpose. Your path is clear to you now; you know which way to go, even if you don’t know where exactly it’ll take you. In a spiritual level, This rune can represent a development of one’s psychic skills, or an advancement in one’s spiritual path. As you connect yourself to a deeper source, and learn to trust, you gain wisdom and your eyes see far. A higher power seems to be guiding you in times when the Eye appears. Like the Sun rune, this rune can mean that right now all eyes are on you. But unlike the former symbol, when the Eye appears there’s some discomfort related to such attention. It may be excessive and even unwelcome. In fact, this is one of this rune’s most negative facets: it may show an invasion of privacy, when someone (or even you) pry into another’s life and scrutinize their every move. Beware of flatterers and stalkers. The Eye cautions against obsession and the tendency to spy on other people’s affairs. In a relationship reading, the Eye can symbolize a predestined bond to another person.

Note that this does not promise a happy ending, but simply says that this connection is powerful and will be very important in your life. In fact, because the Eye rune is a solitary one, it is possible that the people in the relationship cannot be together due to difficult circumstances. Still, your bond that person will transform you. In a negative way, this rune can cautions against invading your partner’s personal space or stalking them.


Additional information about Today’s Witches Rune courtesy of Your Spiritual Journey Australia

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for January 8th is The Star

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Star

The Star represents a strong connection to the Cosmos, an open gateway to understanding “the big picture.” It is an optimistic card that promises peace, harmony, and hope realized. For the full power of the forces behind The Star to be realized one must have faith and accept that in cosmic terms all things balance out; that disturbances are sometimes necessary to ensure overall harmony. The reward for such faith is vision on a Cosmic scale, and sense of well-being that may well radiate to those around you through your warm, untroubled heart.

Your Rune For Friday, January 8th is Dagaz


bw-dagazYour Rune For Today

Dagaz represents the fresh light of a new day. You are close to making a breakthrough. You have the will to change whatever you deem necessary. You may see the world with absolute clarity at this time.

Additional information about Today’s Rune

ðagaz : day

Phonetic equivalent: d (pronounced as ‘th’, as in ‘this’)

happiness, success, activity, a fulfilling lifestyle, satisfaction
to bring a positive outcome
Sunna, Baldr, Nerthus, Yggdrasil
This rune effectively marks the end of the third aett, leaving only oþila to complete the cycle. As in the previous two aetts, ðagaz concludes the third with light and hope. However, while wunjo represented earthly glories and the sun, heavenly power, the day brings these two realms together, bringing the more abstract light and power of sowulo ‘down to earth’ and applying it to our everyday lives.The shape of the rune itself denotes this kind of interconnection. It is reminiscent of gebo, with its balance of masculine, feminine and the four elements, but ðagaz makes further connections to the celestial and the realm of nature.
Like inguz, it symbolizes harmony with one’s environment. but again takes it a step further, implying a harmonious relationship with the spiritual environment as well. It is a bringing together of all six cardinal points – the four compass directions, the celestial realm above us where the Gods are thought to dwell; and that which is below – all the spirits of the earth and of nature. All of these things are balanced and integrated through ðagaz and brought into our daily lives.