Write Your Own Spells: Healing Ribbons c. 2018

Simple Healing Spell

This goes out to all of us the suffer with different aliments that cause us pain and not being ale to do things we should and/or want to do. May this spell bring you some relief that you are needing.

Blessing of improve or continued good health.

Simple Healing Spell


Goddesses Sirona and Kwan Yin


Kwan Yin a.k.a Quan Yan is an oriental healing Goddess. Sirona is a Celtic healing Goddess. I wrote and have used this spell many times of the years with very good results from it. It is flexible enough for you to add whoever’s name and illness into the spell to make it personal for the person you are doing it for. It can also be used to charm a healing stone such as a Bloodstone to give to a person that needs something long-term to help their health improve.

Repeat spell three times always using the same wording. Where the () are is where you put in the person’s name and illness you are working the spell for. Also play around with the wording a little if you want to make the spell come more from your heart.

Kwan Yin, Sirona, Ancient powers of Air, Water, Fire and Earth;

Gather around (____) at their hearth.

Help heal the (____) that is keeping them down;

So they health returns and they feel up to moving around.

Copyright 2013 Lady Beltane

Crystal Healing Spell ~ Simple

Crystal Healing Spell ~ Simple

You Will Need:

3 candles- 2 light blue & 1 white

Allspice & Rosemary (equal parts each) or a Healing type incense

photo or paper with name of recipient

a small quartz crystal

The Spell:

Place the candles on your altar or workspace in a semi-circle with the white candle between the two blue ones. Place your incense burner above the white candle. Place the person’s name in the centre of the layout, with the quartz crystal on top.

Light the incense then the candles. Centre yourself and inhale the incense as you think of all ill health dispelling from the person and instead being replaced by healing energy, much as the air is filled with the smoke of the incense.

Gather your healing energy and when you feel ready, release the energy, directing it through the crystal and to the recipient who’s name or photo is beneath it.

Give the recipient the crystal to carry as a charm for continued good health.