June 20 and 21, 2024 Current Moon Phase for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Source: nineplanets.org

Northern Hemisphere

June 20, 2024

The current moon phase for today is the Waxing Gibbous phase.

On this day, the moon is 13.33 days old and 94.35% illuminated with a tilt of 130.633°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 389,913.44 km and the moon sign is Sagittarius.

The Moon phase for today is a Waxing Gibbous phase. This is the phase where the moon is more than 50% illuminated but has not yet reached 100% illumination (which would be a Full Moon).

In the Northern Hemisphere, the right side will be illuminated, and in the Southern hemisphere it’ll be the left side that is illuminated.

The Waxing Gibbous phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. During this Waxing Gibbous phase the moon will rise in the east in the mid- to late-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset.

Assuming it’s a clear night, the Waxing Gibbous moon will then be visible through most of the night before setting just before sunrise.

Fun fact: the word Gibbous was first used in the 14th century and comes from the latin word gibbosus which means humpbacked.

Phase Details

Phase: Waxing Gibbous

Moon age: 13.33 days

Moon illumination: 94.35%

Moon tilt: 130.633°

Moon angle: 0.51

Moon distance: 389,913.44 km

Moon sign: Sagittarius

Southern Hemisphere

21 June 2024

The current moon phase for June 21st, 2024 is the Waxing Gibbous phase.

On this day, the moon is 14.37 days old and 98.3% illuminated with a tilt of 115.368°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 385,297.81 km and the moon sign is Sagittarius.

The Moon phase for June 21st, 2024 is a Waxing Gibbous phase. This is the phase where the moon is more than 50% illuminated but has not yet reached 100% illumination (which would be a Full Moon).

In the Northern Hemisphere, the right side will be illuminated, and in the Southern hemisphere it’ll be the left side that is illuminated.

The Waxing Gibbous phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. During this Waxing Gibbous phase the moon will rise in the east in the mid- to late-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset.

Assuming it’s a clear night, the Waxing Gibbous moon will then be visible through most of the night before setting just before sunrise.

Fun fact: the word Gibbous was first used in the 14th century and comes from the latin word gibbosus which means humpbacked.

Phase Details

Phase: Waxing Gibbous

Moon age: 14.37 days

Moon illumination: 98.3%

Moon tilt: 115.368°

Moon angle: 0.52

Moon distance: 385,297.81 km

Moon sign: Sagittarius

June 20, 2024 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Monthly Horoscopes Source: thehoroscope.co

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope Source: tarot.com

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more Source: sunsigns.org

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions on this Summer Solstice day. The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For the next few weeks, your attention will turn to home, family and your private life. You will have an increased focus on redecorating projects and home repairs. Very likely, family discussions will take place, perhaps about a parent.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The pace of your days will accelerate for the next few weeks. Get ready for this. Expect a busy schedule due to increased appointments, visits with siblings and relatives, shopping, errands, short trips plus reading, writing and studying. Busy you!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Starting today, your focus on money, cash flow and earnings will increase for the next four weeks. This will be an excellent time for you to get on top of your scene, especially with respect to taking care of your possessions. You might also ponder your values.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun enters your sign today to stay for the next four weeks, giving you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year! With Mercury and Venus also in your sign, you have a desire to talk to others. Take note that this is an excellent time to buy wardrobe items for yourself.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your personal year is ending, which is why you might want to be more reclusive in the next few weeks. Take time to ponder what you want for your new year ahead (birthday to birthday). Nevertheless, your ambition is aroused! You’re not going to sit at home getting dusty.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Get ready for a popular time ahead because today the Sun moves into your House of Friendships to stay for the next four weeks. Enjoy interactions with friends. Expect to be involved more with clubs, groups and associations as well. This is also a good time to think about future goals.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You create a marvellous impression on everyone in the next few weeks. Do be aware of this because with this advantage, you can go after what you want because doors will open for you. Now is the time to make your pitch. Ask for a raise. Ask for a promotion. Seek out opportunities.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your desire to travel will be stronger in the next few weeks because you need a change of scenery. Oh yeah, it’s time to get outta Dodge! If you can’t travel far, then explore your own city because you need to feel stimulated by learning new things and seeing new faces.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Many issues in your life will take on an increased intensity in the next four weeks, especially matters related to shared property, taxes, debt and inheritances. Someone might help you with these matters. Disputes in these areas will likely favour you. (Sweet.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You will need more rest in the next few weeks because the Sun is sitting opposite your sign and the Sun represents energy. You will also have the advantage of having more objectivity in viewing your closest relationships. You might see ways to improve them.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It’s time to hustle thy buns! In the next few weeks, you will work hard to be as productive as possible. Roll up your sleeves and get hands-on. Fortunately, coworkers will be helpful and supportive to you. (In fact, some of you might begin a work-related romance.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Beginning today, you enter a lovely window of four weeks filled with opportunities to socialize with others. Your creative vibes will shine! Therefore, look for ways to express your creativity. Enjoy museums, social outings, vacations, sports and fun times with kids.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Nicole Kidman (1967) shares your birthday today. You are warm, affectionate and spontaneous. You’re also charming and love to entertain others. This is a year reflection for you. It’s time to look inward and renew your spiritual or religious beliefs. Explore any discipline that gives you better self-awareness. It’s time to learn and teach.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If you are expecting some attractive offers today then maybe you might have to think again because this is not going to happen.

Your relationships seem to be under a no zone, with very little change and movement so don’t expect anything to show up all of a sudden. On the other side, it might come as a surprise but one of your friends might help you with that.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is going to be not only a very busy day but also a day spent on the road, with many errands to run, some personal, some for work and some others for people close to you.

The last will surely bring some frustration to your usual selfishness but you also need to remember that is good for you to sometimes help others.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Maybe this day won’t be as spectacular as you expect it to be and maybe it won’t bring any changes or shine in any way.

But it will be an important day because underneath all that, will allow you to think more about yourself and what you want to do with your life and even give you a different sense of reality for later on.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

There shouldn’t be any troubles in your life this Thursday but as you never know what is going to happen next for sure, we should allow some space.

Give it some time as well in your relationship and try not to pressure yours partner into anything you already feel they are not very comfortable doing or anything they said they will be doing later on.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is going to be a great day for you to spend in the company of your family. You also benefit from plenty of idea and they will only help you take that further.

At the same time you seem to try some new challenges as well and you are more than eager to see where that takes you. Don’t let other kidnap this motivation from you.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You need to accept help from those around you because otherwise this is going to be quite a difficult day.

You are trying to gain independence and freedom but at the same time, these two come with a price that you will have to pay. Make sure you are aware of that and you try and mix these two things into something doable.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You are trying to focus on your matters and even be more productive but there is something that is keeping you back.

And it isn’t even about work. Maybe you are trying to do too much in so little time or maybe you don’t have the available resources to do exactly what you planned on doing. You need to set an agreement with those around.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In order for you to maintain a degree of calm and harmony at home you will need to make some compromises and also accept to go in the direction your significant other wants, just because she or he is the one to please.

Try not to show your lack of support for her or him and to understand what drives them to behave like this.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your health is still a great subject for you, one that you like doing small talk about but also one that you dread taking too seriously.

Maybe you risk aggravating the small condition that is currently bothering you so you will need to go and do all the necessary investigations and be all serious about no more excesses and such.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You need to remember that even impossible things can sometimes be possible and even a road you long considered close might still have something to prove and might offer you some reasons to rejoice.

On the other hand you need to be very careful to the way you interact to people who are older than you because you need to adapt your speech, and then there will be some changes along the way coming with that.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You need to remember what humiliation is so you don’t live it once again and you need to learn from your mistakes.

And surely this day might be rough on you but will allow you to learn these exact things. It will remind you what you stand for, what you appreciate in people around you and what you are trying to stay away from.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You are not going to have the best reaction to criticism today but this doesn’t mean however that you will be over the line.

You might not be able to accept certain things but at the same time you will be quite patient with those around you. Ensuring that they don’t exaggerate but at the same time being all diplomatic.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being a Gemini born on June 20th, you have a sympathetic and protective nature. You are mindful of those around you and although you have your own rhythm you try to be acceptant of everyone else’s.

When something or someone has caught your attention, you have no rest until you do something about it. Get ready to better understand your astrological profile in the following rows.

 The zodiac sign for June 20 is Gemini.

 Astrological symbol: Twins. This zodiac symbol is considered to influence those born May 21 – June 20, under the Gemini zodiac sign. This represents communication, expressivity, socializing and ideals.

 The Gemini Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, with the brightest star being Pollux. It lies between Taurus to the West and Cancer to the East, covering an area of only 514 square degrees between visible latitudes of +90° and -60°.

 In Greece it is called Dioscuri and in France goes by the name Gémeaux but the Latin origin of the June 20 zodiac sign, the Twins is in the name Gemini.

 Opposite sign: Sagittarius. This suggests realism and eccentricity and shows that cooperation between the Sagittarius and Gemini sun signs is thought to be beneficial for both sides.

 Modality: Mobile. This modality suggests the energetic nature of those born on June 20 and their sincerity and analytic sense in most life aspects.

 Ruling house: The third house. This house governs over travel related activities and communications from simple ones to difficult understandings. This explains why Geminis are so inclined towards human interactions and why they are always ready for adventure.

 Ruling body: Mercury. This planet reflects bravery and open mind. It also suggests the communicational component. Mercury takes 88 days to orbit the Sun entirely, having the fastest orbit.

 Element: Air. This is the element of those born under June 20 zodiac, the mindful ones who live their lives full of eagerness and in a bending manner. In association to water, it vaporizes it while with fire it makes things heat up.

 Lucky day: Wednesday. As many consider Wednesdays as the middle day of the week, it identifies with the versatile and eloquent nature of Gemini and the fact this day is ruled by Mercury only strengthens this connection.

 Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 10, 16, 26.

 Motto: “I think!”

 People born on June 20 are rapid and curious learners and try to discover as much of the world as possible. They sure get bored easily so this has transformed them in self made amusers and they seem to use this charm to keep themselves and those around them in a good mood. They are great story tellers but sometimes they suffer of a tendency to fix things around and even try to convince others to adopt their own beliefs and this can sometimes get on people’s heads. Although they seem so light headed and distracted, they can be quite serious when they agree to something for sure.

 Positive traits: These natives are always searching for new experiences and trying to expand their horizons in all kind of ways. This is what keeps them vivacious and positive. However, they are also emotional and empathic and require the attention and support of their peers in order to have their own sentimental and social needs covered. They are both polite and direct at times and seem to adapt between these two quite easily but not always in the way that is expected of them or a way to keep them out of conflict.

 Negative traits: When things don’t go the way they want them to, these natives are not the ones to stay and watch and are quick to react. Unfortunately, they most often lose their temper and forget that they are not the only ones in the world. They begin way too many projects than they can support and have no remorse in dropping them when they feel like it regardless if this involves disappointing other people.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on June 20 are versatile and ingenious. They do know how to conquer someone they get passionate, not only they know how to charm their way through words but also with gestures. They are attracted to active and unpredictable person who can keep them guessing but also keep up with their energy. For the sociable Gemini, love comes fast and goes even faster. You can conquer the heart of Gemini if you have an interesting personality and you know how to reveal it step by step and you are able to accept their eccentricities.

 They are prudent and circumspect lovers and although not passionate their gentleness and honesty compensate. Their relationships are likely to grow on friendships as they need time to know the person that stays beside them. They offer everything they have to their loved one and ask for the same. Gentle and loving daydreamers now, but when time comes they will prove to be very dedicated to their family and they are likely to sacrifice many of their dreams for their loved one’s sake. They are most compatible with those born on the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 27th and 29th.

 June 20 Zodiac people are very attached to the other two air signs: Libra and Aquarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Gemini is in a constant search for a person that can truly understand their need to be listened to and the best to do this is the native in Sagittarius. The lover in Gemini is thought to be least compatible with Taurus. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Gemini, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The color for Gemini natives born with the June 20 is yellow.

This hue denotes happiness and energy. This is a color of sheer joy and communication. The zodiac color should be used in items of clothing or objects in the house.

People having yellow as sign color are endowed with clarity and awareness, are able to concentrate easily and are always considering all points of view. They are vulnerable people under stress and consider they should hide their emotions. They don’t like to share their feelings or any sign of weakness.

Other colors that suit Gemini natives are green and purple.

Representative Birthstone: The lucky Gemini birthstone for those born under the June 20 is Agate.

Agate is a precious material that denotes softness, cleanness and comfort. This zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and bracelets.

This birthstone sooths and calms the energetic Gemini and helps them orient their energy in making themselves and their ideas understood by other people. This stone can be found in Southern Brazil and Uruguay.

Another gemstone considered lucky for Gemini natives is Pearl. It is the symbol of purity and sensitivity.

Characteristic Flower: The flower for Gemini natives born with the June 20 is Lavender.

This plant is known to symbolize creativity and aesthetics. This zodiac flower should be used in decorative items in the places these natives spend time.

This aromatic plant spreads quickly and adds scent and color to a landscape just as the ideas of an active mind can change all perspectives. This flower can be enjoyed during midsummer to late summer.

Other flowers representative for Gemini are Poppy and Lily of the Valley.

Symbolic Metal: The metal for Gemini natives born with the June 20 is Bronze.

Bronze is a metal that suggests wisdom and never ending power. The zodiac metal could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

Bronze relates to monetary wealth, artistic creations and warfare as it is the metal or artist and of warriors. It was thought to influence human civilization and progress.

Another metal considered lucky for Gemini natives is Gold.

Characteristics: June 20 Zodiac belongs to the third decan of GEMINI (June 11-June 20). This decan is under the supervision of the planet Uranus. Those born in this period are optimistic and dreamy just like a true Gemini and curious and enthusiastic just as Uranus makes them be. This period is said to temper the characteristics of the Gemini zodiac sign.

 Being born on the 20th day of the month shows a person who is patient, task oriented but also imaginative and emotional. The numerology for June 20 is 2. This number reveals balance and partnerships. It is the representative number for the desire of harmony and peace. Those Gemini associated with this numerology can become great mediators and with age they will only turn wiser, gentler and incredibly more considerate to other people.

 June is the first summer month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing sunny time and childlike enthusiasm. Those born in June are active and emotional. June 20 Zodiac people are idealistic daydreamers. The symbols for June include Ruby, Alexandrite and Moonstone as gemstones, Rose and Oak as plants and the goddess of family.

What Statistics Say: June 20 is counted in the Gregorian Calendar as the 171st day of the year or the 172nd day in leap years, while until the end of the year there are 194 days left. The twentieth day of summer, this is also the World Refugee Day as recognized by the United Nations.

 Gemini as occurrence in birth signs is considered to be the third most popular. This is representative for extrovert people who are good-humored and enthusiastic. The archetype used when talking about this sign is the Teacher. People born during the springs months are rated as nine per cent less physically active or interested in sports.

 Famous people born on June 20 under the Gemini zodiac sign: Errol Flynn, Lionel Richie, John Goodman and Nicole Kidman.

If you were born on June 20, you’re known to stir the emotional pot and get a rise out of those around you. You have strong connections with others. They’re drawn to you, trust you, and sometimes experience a heightened state because of you. There’s a certain emotional mojo you give off and it’s infectious! You’re persuasive and alluring in a slightly chaotic way. It’s not always apparent the effect you have on others, so make sure to be aware, especially if it’s having a negative result.

June 20 Gemini at Their Best: Mystical, powerful, empathetic

June 20 Gemini at Their Worst: Chaotic, intimidating, aggressive

What to Wear: Business casual clothes. Gemini doesn’t like anything stuffy or buttoned-up, but gets annoyed when guests don’t make the effort to look good.

What to Eat: Anything that packs a crunch — start with crudité and move on to finger foods and cute surprises like fried zucchini or egg rolls.

Who to Invite: Gemini knows everybody. So that’s who you’ll have to invite.

Where to Go: If the local football stadium isn’t available, consider a rather large restaurant or outside space.

JUNE 20 birthday horoscope shows that people born explicitly on this day are said to be funny, kindhearted and lively. Like most other people of this sun sign, you know how to throw a good party. You have a soft heart, and people believe you to be generous and empathetic. You love helping people in need.

Nonetheless, you are particularly sentimental and intuitive. This quality makes you exceptionally good at manipulating people. You are sharp and like the attention that it can bring to you. You love to talk, and people adore you.

Usually, they have a new outlook on a conversation with you. Those born on this day can be emotionally dependent twins although you may hide your true feelings. The image is important to you, but you can be overly sensitive to some issues.

As a tender and nice Gemini as predicted by the June 20 horoscope, you can be plagued with an impressive stubborn streak. With this quality though, you possess a heart of gold and the courage of a lion. This way of thinking and acting will take you places you never dream of.

June 20 birthday personality have faith when nobody does. Normally, you keep your goals a secret. A romantic involvement can be important to you and do know that Gemini has your back. You can trust a Gemini to put in everything where a love interest is concerned.

The June 20th Gemini birthday person is a mix of charismatic variables that lead to a blend of suppleness and razor-sharp perception. These positive birthday personality traits along with an overflow of compassion and generosity help you to understand society one person at a time better. However, your negative traits could be your ability to be irritable and high strung.

According to the June 20 birthday meanings, you may be enticing. You generally take an idealist approach to love but have a busy social calendar. You are open to new relationships as you are constantly searching for the right one. The 20th June birthday love astrology predictions show that you like being coupled up, as you like to share.

Also, you need emotional security when it comes to a long-term relationship. It is typical of the Gemini born on this day to want a picturesque commitment complete with a son, daughter and a dog. The only catch to this dream is that you are reluctant to give up your freedom to pursue your goals.

In the bedroom, you will find a Gemini who loves to take time to make sure that special someone is physically pleased. The sexual astrology analysis predicts that usually, you are a faithful and dependable lover.

The June 20 astrology analysis predicts that you will set goals but will make sacrifices in the name of love. You a person with modest taste and can save a dollar or two as you are sensible and down to earth.

You are not a materialistic person, but you realize that money pays the bills. According to the June 20th birthday analysis, you have a natural time clock in sync with your insightful abilities. Your timing seems to be on point when it comes to pulling out of an investment.

Obtaining a proper position as a career should not be a problem as you are very capable of learning new skills but managing financial investments seem to be at the top of the list of your abilities and this could be done from home.

You are an enterprising person and a self-starter. This could be done with some support from your business associates. Keep in mind that the more money you have, you are likely to spend more. It is important to keep an eye on the checkbook. It is suggested that you implement a savings program just for those emergencies.

According to the June 20th zodiac meanings, your health conditions could be attributed to your lack of interest in taking care of yourself. Although you are seemingly fine, a checkup would be a necessary part of your yearly routine. Do not neglect your well-being.

Also, try eating meals that are more nutritious and get a balance of exercise and relaxation. When you eat right, you should have more energy. It could be because you are a meticulous eater that you stick to one particular kind of food. When you neglect your body, you tend to suffer from anxiety and sleeplessness.

What your birthday June 20 says about you is that Geminis born today are insightful and spirited. This fun-loving person can be moody but is generally friendly and outgoing. Those born on this day are Gemini that desire a long-term partnership. Good health is a process that does not happen overnight. You may have to work for the body that you want.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On June 20

Chet Atkins, Ebi, Errol Flynn, John Goodman, Nicole Kidman, Lionel Richie

See: Famous Celebrities Born On July 20

This Day That Year – June 20th In History

1567 – Brazil orders Jews out
1756 – Imprisoned in India-Black Hole of Calcutta, 146 people seized
1840 – The Telegraph receives copyright (Samuel Morse invention)
1936 – Setting the 100-meter record, Jesse Owens, comes in with a 10.2 stat

June 20 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 20 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 20 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury & Moon.

Mercury: Symbolizes making the most of opportunities and using it to your advantage.
Moon: Symbolizes how we react to situations, how we feel and how we care for others.

June 20 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Are The Symbol For The Gemini Zodiac Sign

June 20 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is Judgment. This card asks you to keep your eyes open for opportunities and not miss out. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups.

June 20 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign AriesThis relationship has unlimited scope and can be extremely compatible.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Sagittarius: This relationship can be traumatic and heartbreaking.

See Also:

June 20 Lucky Numbers

Number 2 – This number stands for cooperation with others and ability to be flexible.
Number 8 – This is a number seeking stability, power, accomplishments and material pursuits.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 20 Birthday

Orange: This is a healing color that symbolizes positive attitude, general well-being and happiness.
White: This is a pure color that symbolizes peace, simplicity, completeness, and totality.

Lucky Days For June 20 Birthday

Wednesday – This day ruled by Mercury and stands for excellent management and coordination of everyday tasks.
Monday – This day ruled by Moon and symbolizes our inner self, habits, needs, nurturing and intuition.

June 20 Birthstone Agate

Agate gemstone helps you overcome stress, get over resentments and live a long life.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 20th

Annual magazine subscriptions for the man and bath accessories for the woman. The June 20 birthday horoscope predicts that you love to get books as gifts.

The Holly King and The Oak King

The legend of the Holly King and the Oak King is oft referred to as we approach Yule and start decking the halls with boughs of holly, but what is it all about and where does the story come from?

There are two main versions of the story, each with slightly different characters. In one, the Oak King is a figure similar to the Green Man; a summer God of warm smiles and broad green leaves, while the Holly King is a similarly benign and jolly chap dressed in red and with holly tangled in his long white beard (sound familiar?), associated with winter. He even rides a sleigh pulled by deer. This version has its roots in Wiccan belief, and tells of two battling kings; the Holly King reigns the waning year and is defeated at the Winter Solstice by the Oak King, who then reigns the waxing year in turn until he is defeated at the Summer Solstice by the Holly King, and so on ad infinitum.

The second version of the story has older roots in European witchcraft traditions, and as with so much goes back …

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13 Fascinating Winter Solstice Traditions Around the World

Just when you think December has enough to celebrate between ChristmasHanukkahKwanzaa, and the impending New Year, there’s yet another reason to gather with your loved ones and celebrate: the winter solstice. You might be more familiar with the winter solstice as the day with the shortest amount of sunlight. But around the world, many cultures still celebrate the longest night of the year with unique winter solstice traditions. Read on to find out what they are. Then learn when the winter solstice is this year and what the 2021 winter solstice means for your zodiac.

Winter solstice traditions: Saint Lucia Day, Scandinavia

As with many modern celebrations, ancient festivals observing the winter solstice merged with newer traditions to create the holiday season as we know it today. In Scandinavia…

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The Magical History Of Yule, The Pagan Winter Solstice Celebration

On December 21 (or 22nd some years) we encounter the longest night of the year and the shortest day of the year. After that, the days grow longer until the Summer solstice. In various spiritual and pagan traditions, this seasonal cross-quarter is also known as Yule and is celebrated as a holiday.

In modern times, we typically celebrate Christmas, but long, long ago, Yule was celebrated by the Ancient Celts and various other Pagan religions. Perhaps one of the oldest winter celebrations in the entire world, ancient hunters and gatherers would mark their years based on the different seasons. And each seasonal cross-quarter, including the equinoxes and solstices, was thought to have spiritual significance.

According to Almanac.com, Yule comes from the old English word ‘Geol’ which is the equivalent of the old Norse word, jol. Both of which referred to the winter festivals that took place in celebration of the halfway point of winter.

Long before Christianity, the Ancient Celts and ancient British pagans would celebrate Yule, but when Christianity and…

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Difference Between the Winter and Summer Solstices?

To understand the difference between summer and winter solstices, we need to have a clear understanding of the word solstice. We know that earth revolves around sun in an elliptical orbit, but it also spins around its own axis. This is an imaginary line going right across the planet from North Pole to South Pole. Fortunately for our planet, this axis is not perpendicular but tilted about 23.5 degrees and it is this tilt that gives us seasons on earth. This tilt makes one half of earth receive more direct rays from sun than the other half which remains away from earth.

The axis, when it tilts towards the sun, it makes northern hemisphere receive more direct rays from the sun than southern hemisphere. This phenomenon occurs between June and September and thus this is the period when it is summer season in the northern hemisphere. Again, this axis tilts away from the sun between December and March which is why we have winter season in the northern hemisphere during this period. While it is summers in northern hemisphere as it receives more direct rays from the sun, it is winter in the southern hemisphere, and vice versa in winters.

To read the rest of this article from differencebetween.com

Summer Solstice: The Meaning and History Behind the First Day of Summer

The summer solstice sets off the official start of summer as the Northern Hemisphere angles itself at the point in its orbit closest to the sun, causing the longest day and shortest night of the calendar year.

Many cultures, both ancient and modern, celebrate the sunlight with rituals and holidays.

What is the summer solstice?

The term solstice comes from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still or stopped). It is used to describe the exact moment when the poles are tilted at their maximum toward or away from the sun.

The summer solstice occurs when the sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer, which is the circle marking the latitude 23.5 degrees north, and which runs through …

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5,400-year-old Tomb Discovered in Spain Perfectly Captures the Summer Solstice

Archaeologists have discovered a 5,400-year-old stone tomb beside a prominent lone mountain in southern Spain, indicating it was a local focus for the prehistoric people of the region.

The area, in the countryside near the city of Antequera, is renowned for its megaliths — prehistoric monuments made from large stones — and the newly found tomb seems to solve one of the mysteries of their alignment.

The tomb was designed to funnel light from the rising midsummer sun into a chamber deep within — much like the contemporary megalithic tomb built more than 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) away at Newgrange in Ireland, suggesting both places shared similar beliefs about the afterlife more than 5,000 years ago.

“Newgrange is much bigger and more complex than the tomb we have discovered [in Spain], but they have something in common — the interest of the builders to use sunlight at a specific time of the year, to produce a symbolic — possibly magic — effect,” Leonardo García Sanjuán, an archaeologist at the University of Seville, told Live Science. 

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Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and More for the Summer Solstice/Litha

Summer Solstice/Litha from thepeculiarbrunette.com

Each season and celebration has its vibe and energy, and Litha and the Summer Solstice are no different! It’s got a punch of power and symbolism, and all we need to do is slow down and observe what Nature is showing us.

Please note that I make every effort to ensure this information is correct and accurate through my own experiences and referencing sources throughout AND at the bottom of this article.

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Many Pagans, Witches, and those interested in Nature Spirituality celebrate the seasonal cycles. Sometimes referred to as the Wheel of the Year, and consisting of eight celebrations. Four of these festivals (ImbolcBeltaneLughnasadh, and Samhain) are rooted in Celtic history and origins.

The other four (Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice) represent the sun’s location. I created a complete guide to each season, including history, traditions, symbols, correspondences, ritual ideas, and how you can celebrate.