Divination Journal


Source: Tarotx.net

King of Pentacles – Court Card

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Source: zodiacsigns-horoscopes.com



The Possum Spirit Animal – A Complete Guide

Meaning of Possum Spirit Animal

The Messages of Possum Spirit Animal

Work in silence

Be a strategist


Taking up new opportunities

Trust your instincts

The Symbolism of Possum Spirit Animal



Super survival skills of Possum spirit animal


Drama in life

The sensitivity of Possum spirit animal

In dreams

Summary: Possum Spirit Animal


Source: The Rune Site


Sound: “o” as in “home”
Stands for: Mouth
Casting meaning: This rune, like Aesc, is a God rune. Os belongs to Odin in his aspects of a master communicator through language and writing. Os denotes the creative power of word in all its forms – in poetry, song, oral tales, and written literature.

Witches Rune

Source: thecarnutiannemeton.com


Rune of Communication

As the bird fly’s in and out of this realm and the other it carries with it a message of transforming urgency. As quick as the birds direction can change also is the news it brings.

communications, movement, travel, information, greater knowledge


Source: DruidOgham.wordpress.com


Regret, pride, shame, embarrassment, learning from experience, resolution

Tree: Elder (Sambucus spp.)

Letter: R

Shame isn’t all bad and does not deserve a uniformly awful reputation. Without shame and the fear of being shamed, every human child would be demonically bratty. Shame is a limit that informs us to keep our own ego in check. It is often about considering others. Having shame about one’s own past behavior is motivation to avoid shameful behaviors such as cheating and stealing.

Shame is an emotion that demands confrontation. All too often, people run away from what shames them, attempt to excuse themselves from wrongful or immoral behavior because they’re too cowardly to face what they have done or to admit their responsibility in causing their own misfortunes or the misfortune of others. Ruis indicates a willingness to face one’s own shame and to do with shame what it was meant for, and that is to use shame of the past to build oneself into a better person for the present and future. Ashamed of something you did? How can you make yourself into the type of person who would never even think of doing something like that? Overcome being the type of person who would engage in the shameful behavior and you become the master of it; you won’t have the remotest chance of repeating such a mistake. Did you become embarrassed because you did something you now understand to be greedy? Then learn to balance thriftiness with generosity. Adjust to the circumstance rather than overreacting to it. Are you ashamed about cheating on a boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse? Become a person who would never cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse regardless of conditions, which could mean an assortment of outcomes: sticking to a resolution of no cheating and staying together, admitting one’s sexual preferences and going with the flow, changing the person you are with, or being single for a long time.

Because humans tend to remember negative experiences more easily than positive ones, it’s important when you draw Ruis to acknowledge the things you are not ashamed of about yourself. For every bad or shameful thing you’ve done, remember there are a thousand shameful things you avoided. Maybe it is time to appreciate the places you could have gone horribly wrong and did not.

I Ching

Source: ichingonline.net

Hexagram Twenty – Five/25

Wu Wang / Remaining Blameless

Thunder rolls beneath Heaven, as is its nature and place:
Sage rulers aligned themselves with the changing seasons, nurturing and guiding their subjects to do the same.

Exceptional Progress if you are mindful to keep out of the way of the natural Flow.
It would be a fatal error to try to alter its course.
This is a time of Being, not Doing.


This is thoroughly a matter of the heart.
If everything you attempt, no matter how carefully planned, ends in disarray, then examine your motives.
They are the cause of your predicament.
It isn’t that your motives aren’t pure — even the best intentions will fail under these circumstances.
What stymies you in this situation is that you have a motive at all.
Free yourself of all expectations, release any tenuous grip you may have, and roll with it.
This is totally out of your control.
There are higher powers and more elements affecting the outcome of this situation than you can imagine.
Get out of their way.


Source: astrogle.com

Twenty – Five

It is spiritual leadership. It likes group endeavors. It can be too serious. It has great difficulty sharing feelings.

Angel Number

Source: Angel-Numbers.com

Twenty – Five

Believe that your life is changing for the better. You and people around you are in safety and under protection during these changes.

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