A Thought for Today and For Your Listening Pleasure

I am in such an uplifting, positive mood and not tired today I hardly recognize myself from a week ago. This is how I prefer to feel everyday. Plus no nightmares since last Friday helps to put me in this better mood. PTSD, which can be a total disability to function in everyday life, troubling dreams or nightmares can really ruin a person’s day. Those with have PTSD for what ever trauma or traumas that have caused it have a true disability but the average  person you come in contact with thinks you are just fine because this is a silent disability just like depression, bi-polar, anxiety things, etcetera. We do not get a special parking place or treatment from others with what I call silent disabilities. Why don’t we? Because to most people the world over if they do not see you using a wheelchair or crutches or other outward helpers to get around they think you are lying when you say you are disabled.

Here is a list of just a few things besides being in a war zone that can cause PTSD:

Domestic Violence or Abuse this goes for men as well as women.

Being in an Automobile Accident even if neither you or anyone else was hurt badly or died.

Being Molested as a child or young adult.

Being Raped at any age. YES, whether you want to believe it or not MEN can be raped though very few report it because4 of fear of being laughed at or ridiculed.

Being Held Captive by a spouse or parent or other care giver.

Being Homeless

And the list goes on and on.

So, the next time you see someone struggling but they have no outward signs of being disabled stop and think for a moment before you pass judgement on them.

I picked this song because to me it means at least one person cares about and loves me unconditionally and I love him back the same way. He stands by me when my PTSD or depression or an anxiety attack or a fibromyalgia flare or any or all of them combined is happening or just our everyday life can be to much for me physically or mentally or emotionally or all three combined.

My hope for each of you is that you have someone like this in your life too!!

All I Have To Do Is Dream – Everly Brothers