13 Fascinating Winter Solstice Traditions Around the World

Winter solstice traditions from around the globe

Just when you think December has enough to celebrate between ChristmasHanukkahKwanzaa, and the impending New Year, there’s yet another reason to gather with your loved ones and celebrate: the winter solstice. You might be more familiar with the winter solstice as the day with the shortest amount of sunlight. But around the world, many cultures still celebrate the longest night of the year with unique winter solstice traditions. Read on to find out what they are. Then learn when the winter solstice is this year and what the 2021 winter solstice means for your zodiac.

Winter solstice traditions: Saint Lucia Day, Scandinavia

As with many modern celebrations, ancient festivals observing the winter solstice merged with newer traditions to create the holiday season as we know it today. In Scandinavia…

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