A Laugh With/At Me Today

So, for us today was supposed be sleep in than get stuff done around the house and laundry. Well, the sleeping in worked 😄 but I have been stuck fighting with my desk top computer just to find out it isn’t able to convert from Windows 10 to 11. Something about my system being incompatible 🤷‍♀️. Likely I a small laptop with Windows 11 👍. I am having to use it after dusting it off. The reasons for the drastic change in how I work is do to our scanner wouldn’t work to scan thing as a PDF and our printer kept arguing with the desk top 😂. The scanner and laptop like each other. As for the printer and laptop are still sizing each other up because it’ll print than go into its, what I call it, stubborn mode that doesn’t want to print. Hopefully 🤞🤞 they will work out their differences and I can get some work down for Big Dawgs job. I am starting on the tomorrow posts now as well as getting up the monthly post for Astronomy Events and Retrograde planets for this month.

Wish me calmness so I don’t pull or my hair out or go on a mini rampage throwing all my electronic devices out of the front door.

December 1 and 2, 2023 Current Moon Phase for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.

Source: MoonGiant.com

Current Moon Phase for the Northern Hemisphere

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Gibbous. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning.

Visit the November 2023 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waning Gibbous Phase

The Waning Gibbous on December 1 has an illumination of 83%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On December 1 the Moon is 18.78 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

Phase Details

Phase: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 83%
Moon Age: 18.78 days
Moon Angle: 0.50
Moon Distance: 400,401.65 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,501,547.03 km

Useful Moon Resources

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Current Moon Phase for the Southern Hemisphere

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Gibbous. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning.

Visit the November 2023 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waning Gibbous Phase

The Waning Gibbous on December 2 has an illumination of 75%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On December 2 the Moon is 19.7 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

Phase Details

Phase: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 75%
Moon Age: 19.70 days
Moon Angle: 0.49
Moon Distance: 403,024.93 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,478,085.07 km

Useful Moon Resources

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

December 1, 2023 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Daily or Monthly Horoscopes from thehoroscope.co

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope from tarot.com

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more from sunsigns.org

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or important decisions from 8 AM to 11:15 AM EST today (5 AM to 8:15 AM PST). After that, the Moon moves from Cancer into Leo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Grab your dancing shoes because it’s time to trip the light fantastic! Accept invitations to party. Enjoy social and romantic outings with your main squeeze. Fun times with children and sports events, the arts and the hospitality industry will be excellent choices. Enjoy your day!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a wonderful day to entertain at home because any kind of gathering will be upbeat and interesting. However, you might also enjoy a quiet, romantic, feel-good evening with someone as well. Relations with coworkers are positive. In fact, a work-related romance might blossom.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today you’re enthusiastic and ready to enjoy yourself, which is why you will reach out and make contact with others in social, fun-loving ways. Meet friends for coffee, or lunch or Happy Hour. Your mind is very sharp today, which is why you will delight in stimulating debates. Learn something new!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Even though this is a fun-loving, playful day for everyone, this is also an excellent day for business and commerce for your sign. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Look for ways to boost your income. Be smart and check with the Moon Alert restrictions – see above.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today the Moon is in your sign dancing with fiery Mars and lucky Jupiter. This will energize you and boost your sense of optimism. Small wonder you look good in the eyes of others. You might entertain at home or make home improvements today. Your call.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a feel-good day! You might choose to socialize with others; but more likely, you will be happy to play things low-key and keep a quiet profile. Nevertheless, you will enjoy lively conversations with someone because you have something to say!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A popular day! Enjoy schmoozing with others because your personal relationships as well as interactions with clubs and organizations will be rewarding. You might also be excited about moneymaking ideas. This is a good day to check out a loan or mortgage because doors will open for you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You’re high viz. today, which means other people notice you more than usual. In fact, they seem to know personal details about your private life. Nonetheless, you’re popular! Enjoy fun outings with close friends and partners. You might feel a tad competitive today.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is perfect day to blow town if you can swing this. If you can’t travel far, explore your own neighbourhood because you want some adventure and fun! With the Sun in your sign, you have energy; plus, you will attract people to you. Enjoy the company of artistic, creative types today.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a lovely day to wrap up your week. Relations with parents, teachers, bosses and authority figures are smooth and supportive. (Romance with a boss might percolate.) You will also enjoy competitive activity with groups and teams. Enjoy schmoozing with friends.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This continues to be a popular time for you. Today is a lovely day to enjoy the company of close friends, partners and spouses. Travel for pleasure will be an excellent choice. You will also enjoy philosophical, stimulating discussions, especially if they prompt you tweak your future goals.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You look wonderful to others now because the Sun is casting you in a flattering spotlight. This is a positive day at work. Your health feels vigourous. In particular, you will enjoy hanging out with people from different cultures or other countries.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress, singer Bette Midler (1945) shares your birthday today. You are generous, witty and charming. You’re also courageous and outspoken about what matters to you. This year is laid-back and slower paced so that you have an opportunity to rejuvenate your energy and your outlook on life. Focus on relationships that are beneficial to you. This is important.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You should offer yourself some time for a personal retreat this Friday as there might be tension that has build up.

Whether you are planning on going out with your friends or partner, stay away from alcohol or any food excesses because they will only put a greater strain on your body. Relax and try to forget your worries for a bit.

You can also check this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The current disposition is in someway trying to influence your activities and productivity at work and what is sure is that it is not trying to make your work harder.

Whether you are going to find it particularly difficult to interact with others or that you will not be able to be your convincing self. Be sure you will have to put extra effort to have it your way.

You can also check this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You are going to be the most kind and generous person today for your friends and any one of them will know that he or she can count on you at any time.

Whether you get the chance to do something important for one of your friends and show how caring you are or just because you will show everyone your support, be sure they will see you.

You can also check this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

There might be some sort of change announcing for you, most likely at your work place.

Unfortunately the current disposition can swing both ways for you at this time and you can even find yourself in a situation like you are ready to be promoted and you are then assigned to a lower position or similar and there isn’t much you can do.

You can also check this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You are advised to tend to your daily activities as efficiently as you can and then have the rest of the afternoon free to plan your weekend.

This is a great disposition for you to work on your personal development, from new skills to interacting with different kinds of people and finally getting out of your comfort zone.

You can also check this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You are going to try all kinds of things to get rid of the daily monotony and one of the directions you might resort to is trying to romance either your partner if you have one or someone you might have a crush on.

There might not be anything wrong with an innocent flirt but make sure you don’t bring it in the office as it might get complicated.

You can also check this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Although the current disposition might be drilling on your nerves for a bit and although there might be some sensible discussion in your couple at the moment, be patient as you will eventually understand why things had to be this way.

Today’s events will teach you a great lesson but you will only see it this way later.

You can also check this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You seem to be quite impatient today and also critical about yourself and you would probably want for things to be different in many aspects of your life. However, you need to work with what you have so don’t be pretentious.

As long as you are healthy and there isn’t anything really important bothering you, be sure everything will be all right.

You can also check this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are all about having fun today and you will probably search ways to entertain you no matter what, you might even get to the point you risk some previous work just to have it your way.

You need to have some sort of wake up call and understand that there should be some limits to your actions and you can’t be so immature now.

You can also check this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are quite a family person today and this will probably bring you closer to your dearest and you will all get the chance to reconnect and have a good time together.

On the other hand, there might be some things bothering each of you that you all prefer to keep to yourself and this will make things more difficult at the beginning.

You can also check this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are going to prove yourself very responsible today and although by the looks of it, there might seem you are going around promoting all kinds of idealisms, in the back you are really trying to fight for your opinions and bring a change in your field of activity.

Make sure you don’t let yourself influenced by what others have to say about your endeavors.

You can also check this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You need to learn from your old mistakes, no matter how old they are so if there’s any place in the past where you’ve done something wrong with your money be sure it is back and it will bite you a bit.

You need to make amends, even if only to yourself and to try and plan better and not resort to any impulse shopping any more.

You can also check this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.


May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to along with a little left for fun than the past year! Plus, a lot of positive energy for everything you need to do!

Being a Sagittarius born on December 1st, you have an inspirational personality and will enjoy, throughout your life, to discover new things. You are also keen about traveling and getting to understand new cultures.

Your motivations come from your family heritage and you are very strong on your life principles. Prepare to read an outstanding personality report below.

The zodiac sign for December 1 is Sagittarius.

Astrological symbol: Archer. This symbol suggests high purpose, creativity and ambition. It is characteristic for people born between November 22 and December 21 under the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

The Sagittarius Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, covering visible latitudes between +55° and -90°. It lies between Scorpius to the West and Capricornus to the East on an area of 867 square degrees. The brightest star belongs to an asterism called Teapot.

In Greece it is called Toxotis and in France goes by the name Sagittaire but the Latin origin of the December 1 zodiac sign, the Archer is in the name Sagittarius.

Opposite sign: Gemini. Partnerships between the Sagittarius and Gemini sun signs are considered auspicious and the opposite sign reflects upon the surrounding eccentricity and joyfulness.

Modality: Mobile. The quality reveals the modest nature of those born on December 1 and their strength and warmth regarding most life events.

Ruling house: The ninth house. This means that Sagittarius is inclined to travel a lot, take life as a permanent adventure. This is the house of long distance journeys but also of higher philosophies and education.

Ruling body: Jupiter. This planetary ruler suggests wealth and eloquence. Jupiter is one of the seven classical planets that is visible to the naked eye. It is also relevant to mention about the amicability component.

Element: Fire. This element is considered to make people born on November 1 enthusiastic and warm but also offers them the confidence to pursue their endeavors.

Lucky day: Thursday. Under the governing of Jupiter, this day symbolizes experience and idealism. It is suggestive for the Sagittarius natives who are intellectual.

Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 14, 18, 24.

Motto: “I seek!”

More Information:

People born on December 1 can be defined as aspiring, inspired and refined. Just like a true Sagittarius they can be very romantic and charming. Maybe because they have such a great inspiration and can dance around words in the most enticing manner. They enjoy reading about philosophical and psychological ideas and journeying to discover other cultures. They hate routine and ignorance. The best setting for those born under this sign is somewhere then can fight for something but also motivate others.

Positive traits: Sociable but frank, these natives have a great sense of ethic and justice. Sagittarius people are usually affectionate, dependable and generous with the majority of people they know, unless someone disappoints them. That’s when they turn the cold shoulder and move on. Those born under this sign are also witty, humorous and lively, they never seem to get any time off and are the spirit of every social gathering.

Negative traits: Impractical, often too proud and conceit at times, these natives often act foolish without even realizing it. They prefer to put themselves on a high pedestal because of their fiery nature and don’t accept that others might be right and they might be wrong. They act hastily and lose all control when things don’t go as they anticipated they would. They are quick to accept any competition and battle but sure don’t know the meaning of fair play and can be extremely resentful when at loss.

Love and Compatibility

Lovers born on December 1 are romantic and passionate. As Sagittarius natives they aim high in all matters of life, therefore they are also very pretentious when it comes to love. For this ambitious native, love and commitment is placed somewhere second place and the one standing beside them should be prepared to understand and support them unconditionally. You can conquer the heart of Sagittarius if you check a lot of the items on their list of attributes their significant other should have.

They believe in love at first sight and don’t need much time to get attached to someone. They either like someone the moment they get in touch with him or her or they don’t. They are persons of extremes in love and sometimes this attitude will make them prone to disappointment. They are likely to fall in love at a young age as they are attractive and positive persons. Regarding their family life they will marry when they are completely ready and they will probably be a cool parent if they choose to have a one big family. They are most compatible with those born on 4th, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, and 31st.

December 1 Zodiac people seem to be most attracted to the other fire signs: Aries and Leo as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Sagittarius is in a permanent search for a lively, creative and communicative partner and the most suitable to offer them this is the native born under Gemini. The lover in Sagittarius is said to be least compatible with Scorpio. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Sagittarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color

The color considered to be representative for Sagittarius natives with December 1 is purple.

Purple, as a hue, combines peaceful and cool blue with fiery heated red in a mysterious hue. This zodiac color should be used for objects that are sitting in places where these natives spend most of their time.

People who have purple as sign color are wise persons, perfectionists and humanitarians. Their whole life is dedicated to the strive to become the best of what they think they should be. The rich and majestic purple empowers the ambitious native.

Other colors representative for Sagittarius are pink and blue.

Representative birthstone

The serene Turquoise is the representative Sagittarius birthstone for those born under the December 1.

Turquoise symbolizes achievement and glory. This zodiac birthstone should be used in pendants, bracelets and other accessories.

This is one of the birthstones openly recognized for its healing properties. It helps treat respiratory infections, asthma and even depression. Ancient Egyptians considered this a stone of life. This is one of the gemstones that is quite plentiful and available in a wide range of sizes.

Another gemstone considered influential for Sagittarius natives is Quartz. It suggests openness and cleanness.

Characteristic flower

Narcissus is the flower that is considered lucky for those Sagittarius natives with December 1.

This plant is known to symbolize honesty and wisdom. This zodiac flower could be used in gifts and accessories.

It is the flower of the wise and of those who love to learn and evolve. You can enjoy this flower during spring time.

Other flowers representative for Sagittarius are Geranium and Ginger.

Symbolic metal

The lucky metal for those born under the December 1 is represented by Tin.

Tin is one of those metals that denote knowledge and progress. This zodiac metal is advised to be used in pendants and earrings.

This metal is said to influence emotions and reactivity to external stimuli. Tin has been in use since ancient civilizations.

Another metal considered beneficial for Sagittarius natives is Silver.


December 1 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 2). This decan is under the supervision of the planet Jupiter. Those born in this period are ambitious achievers just like a true Sagittarius and humanitarians full of luck just as Jupiter makes them be. This period is also said to magnify all the positive and negative characteristics of the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

Being born on the 1st day of the month shows a lot of independence, loyalty and energy. The numerology for December 1 is 1. This number reveals revels leadership qualities, great will power and an original approach to life, all wrapped in a charming personality. Those Sagittarius can only be proud of this association as this is the number of achievers, of those who see the bigger picture and are set to follow their goals no matter what.

December is the last month of the year, bringing the Christmas celebrations. Those born in December are proud and attractive. December 1 Zodiac people are outgoing and trustworthy. December symbols that resonate with these people Turquoise and Zircon as gemstones and Narcissus as a plant. The name of this month comes from the Latin “decem”.

What statistics say

December 1 is the 335th day of the year, or the 336th day in leap years, in the Gregorian Calendar. This is the first day of winter and there are 31 days left until the end of the year. This is also World AIDS Day, a global public health campaign marked by the World Health Organization.

Sagittarius is the tenth most popular zodiac sign on the list of most common to least common astrology signs. Exuding positive meaning and a intuitive energy, this is an odd numbered sign with a masculine symbolism. This portrays extrovert natives who are energetic and indiscreet. The archetype used to describe this sign is the Free Spirit. Natives in Sagittarius are said to earn the most money.

Famous people born on December 1 under the Sagittarius zodiac sign: Woody Allen, Bette Midler, Sarah Silverman and Nestor Carbonell.

If you were born on December 1, you could light up any room! There’s a kindness to you that electrifies and warms those around you. You have a fun, bubbly sense of humor that can range from sharp and sarcastic to silly and slapstick. While you normally only show your sweet side, you’ll occasionally get a bad case of the blues. It’s very important for you to take care of yourself and prioritize your own health and needs before dishing out smiles to everyone else!

December 01 Sagittarius at Their Best: Vibrant, extroverted, caring

December 01 Sagittarius at Their Worst: Confused, depressed, frazzled

What to Wear: What to Wear: Something bright, cheery and washable. You could be drooled upon at this friendly gathering.

What to Eat: Foods from around the world. Chicken tikka masala, Beijing duck and moussaka — all on the same plate!

Who to Invite: Everyone you can plausibly think of, plus some international men and women of mystery.

Where to Go: If guests can’t make it to a far-off destination, any out-of-the-way space that allows for large groups and raucous behavior will do!

The December 1 birthday horoscope predicts that you are a person who is spontaneous, cheerful and humorous. Usually, with a flair for the dramatics, you are feisty perhaps when you should be. You make a good friend in need.

You dance by your beat, and this is a wonderful quality to have as long as it is not self-destructive behavior. Those of you born today have many associates and friends who are from all across the globe.

Can we talk about your love life? It would seem as if this December 1st birthday personality could not ever be serious about anyone. However, your love life is to be envied as someone who is incredibly attractive usually escorts you to all of the A-List parties and events. You want more than just good looks. As the December 1 zodiac sign is Sagittarius, you need someone who can make you laugh, think and be your best friend.

When you meet the right one, you will instinctively know it and be ready to commit. This person will be complimentary of your style and values. Accordingly, you will likely have an unusual relationship. The December 1st birthday horoscope predicts that those born on this day are sexually active or spontaneous. If you are dating this Sagittarian, you may need to keep an open mind about things and leave the stuffy behavior behind you.

The December 1 horoscope suggests that as an adult, you may not decide to become a parent. If you do, it may be later on in life. You would make a great father or mother, but you would rather be sure of a stable life before bringing another life into this world. You realize that being a parent could change a lot of things for you and could infringe on your ability to move about the country on a whim.

You have great weekends. If today December 1 is your birthday, you like to have a good time. You make everyone feel at ease with your witty nature. You, in the spotlight, are pleasurable people.

The December 1st astrology shows that you are exceptionally healthy. Looking good may come easy for you or at least that is the way you make it seem. You work just as hard on your body as you would a project. As a part of your regime, you tend to use herbal remedies for headaches or muscle aches. The December 1 birthday personality feels that a natural cure is better for what ails them. Stressful situations call for a night in the Jacuzzi as you know this could do wonders for the body and the mind.

The Sagittarius birthday horoscope shows that the career choice you make could be based on your huge imagination and creative qualities. You can be extremely resourceful and energetic when it comes to your job. You take pleasure in working with people but especially when it involves doing something for the community.

Your birthday characteristics analysis show that you are good at managing a budget and may have a fund set aside for life’s unexpected events. You have a way of making this look easy but it takes discipline.

Overall, you as a Sagittarius with a zodiac birthday on December 1 can be one independent and practical person. You do best with someone like you by your side. The future of the person who born on 1 December can be a challenging yet amazing journey.

It is typical of this Archer to have children, but no more than two and it will come preferably late in life. You like taking advantage of the world and the earth. It is natural for you to use holistic health measures instead of going to a physician for small issues and illnesses.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On December 1

This Day That Year – December 1 In History

1965 – Cuban refugees are transported to the US.
1994 – Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford get separated.
1997 – CBS merges as Westinghouse.
2012 – The USS Enterprise, after over five decades, is decommissioned.

December 1 Dhanu Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
December 1 Chinese Zodiac RAT

December 1 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is the Jupiter that symbolizes intelligence, spiritual inclinations and a constant need to explore.

December 1 Birthday Symbols

The Archer Is The Symbol For The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

December 1 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Magician. This card symbolizes excellent communication abilities and the will to take the right decision. The Minor Arcana cards are Eight of Wands and King of Wands

December 1 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aries: This can be an energetic and enthusiastic love match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Pisces: This is a relationship that will be difficult.

See Also:

December 1 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number stands for positivity, creativity, leniency and raw courage.
Number 4 – This number symbolizes solid foundations and a consistent, hardworking temperament.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For December 1 Birthday

Orange: This color signifies stimulation, rejuvenation, prosperity and good fortune.
Purple: This is a color that stands for imagination, dreams, psychic abilities, and high consciousness.

Lucky Days For December 1 Birthday

Sunday – This day ruled by the Sun helps you become confident and sure of your goals in life.
Thursday – This day ruled by Jupiter is a day of competition, learning and expanding your knowledge.

December 1 Birthstone Turquoise

Turquoise gemstone is symbolic of pure positive energy and helps in detoxifying your immune system.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On December 1

A vacation in the Australian outback for the Sagittarius man and take the woman out bungee jumping or skydiving. The December 1 birthday horoscope predicts that you are always ready for an adventure.

December 2023 Printable Moon Phase Calendar

December 2023 Moon Phase Calendar Source: en.tutiempo.net

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 New 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 Full 28 29 30 31

December 2023 Moon Details

December 2023 Moon Phase Information Source: moongoant.com

Full Moon and New Moon for December 2023

Last Quarter - Dec 2023
Last Quarter
December 5
05:49 UTC
New Moon - Dec 2023
New Moon
December 12
23:32 UTC
First Quarter - Dec 2023
First Quarter
December 19
18:39 UTC
Full Moon - Dec 2023

The Full Moon for this month will occur later in the month on Wednesday, December 27th. The New Moon is earlier in the month on Tuesday, December 12th.

About December’s Cold Full Moon

December full moon is commonly known in the Northern Hemisphere as the Full Long Nights Moon. It takes its name from the winter solstice, which has the longest night in the year. The Full Long Nights Moon cuts a soaring trajectory through the wintery skies, in direct opposition to the low-hanging sun. According to Pagan tradition, on years that the Full Moon falls before the winter solstice, it is referred to as the Mourning Moon. For our early Pagan ancestors this was a time of cleansing by stopping bad habits to make one stronger to service the cold winter ahead. The Algonquins called this full moon the Cold Moon, in reference to the cold light it casts upon long winter nights. Strangely enough, in certain other cultures, December’s full moon can actually be associated with warmth.

To the Deborean Clan, the Cold Moon is associated with staying in your cosy home beside a crackling fireplace, surrounded not just by physical warmth, but also the warmth of family and friends. Similarly, the Wishram tribe named December’s full moon the Winter Houses Moon. Given that it coincides with holidays like Yule, Pagans consider this the perfect time to open up your home and provide warmth to those you love, as well as to those who are most vulnerable to the cold of winter.

For those who are more inclined towards solitude, the Full Long Nights Moon provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy your cosy home in peace and quiet. Consider taking lots of restful naps under warm, fluffy comforters, or allowing yourself to lounge in bed in the mornings instead of rising immediately to work. Appropriately, the Native American Zuni tribe called December’s full moon the “Moon Where the Sun Comes Home to Rest”. This full moon is a great time for you to take a long overdue break and recharge, so that you may shine all the brighter when it comes time for you to rise again.

This period of slow restfulness is also very conducive to introspection. When you look inwards and take stock of your life during this time, try to focus on loose ends and the little things that you’ve left hanging throughout the year. As the last full moon that rises before the year draws to a close, the Full Long Nights Moon is a time of endings. Take advantage of this full moon’s energy and bring an end to tasks you’ve been meaning to do, clearing your mind so you can move forward with a clean slate.

As much as the Full Long Nights Moon may be about endings, it is also about beginnings and rebirth. The Sioux Indians’ name for December’s full moon is the “Moon When Deer Shed Their Horns”, thus beginning the process of growing new ones. The Celts, on the other hand, call it the Elder Moon. Elder is fragile and easily damaged, but it’s also full of vitality and recovers very quickly. As the Elder Moon shines upon you, allow yourself to rest and heal from everything that has hurt you over the year, and focus instead on new beginnings and promising areas of growth. This is an excellent time to start planning your New Year’s resolutions and set exciting new goals for the upcoming year.

Local Date and Time for December 2023 Full Moon in major cities around the world:

Los Angeles,
San Francisco,
December 26, 2023
4:33pm PST

Salt Lake City,
December 26, 2023
5:33pm MST

San Antonio
December 26, 2023
6:33pm CST

New York,
December 26, 2023
7:33pm EST

December 27, 2023
12:33am GMT

December 27, 2023
1:33am CET

December 27, 2023
2:33am EET

Abu Dhabi,
December 27, 2023
4:33am +04

New Delhi
December 27, 2023
6:03am IST

Kuala Lumpur
December 27, 2023
8:33am +08

Hong Kong,
December 27, 2023
8:33am AWST

December 27, 2023
11:33am AEDT

Gardening Moon Calendar – December 2023

Gardening Moon Calendar – December 2023

December 2023 – Gardening by the Moon, Biodynamic Planting Guide

Please read this first:

1) Moon Phase x Moon Zodiac Sign:

Please keep in mind, that Gardening by Moon Phase and Gardening by Moon Zodiac Sign are two different/independent biodynamic systems and they might give you different or contradictiory gardening recommendations.

  • a) Each Moon Phase (except Full Moon and New Moon) lasts about 1 week
  • b) Each Moon Zodiac Sign lasts about 2.5 days

Try to experiment with these two systems to find which recommendations suits you the most.

2) Tropical (Astrological) x Sidereal (Astronomical) Zodiac:
(1-2 days difference in Leaf, Fruit, Root and Flower days)

There are two different zodiacs for determining the Moon Sign:

  • a) Tropical zodiac (Astrological) is based on the seasons – Vernal Equinox is fixed as 0° Aries (The 1st Fruit day)
  • b) Sidereal zodiac (Astronomical) takes into account Precession of Equinoxes and shifts 0° Aries back by cca 1-2 days. Maria Thun who was an authority on biodynamics was using this Sidereal zodiac

Try to experiment also with these two zodiac systems to find which system suits you better.

Moon Phase Gardening by the
Moon Phase
Gardening by the
Moon Zodiac Sign

Tropical Zodiac (by Seasons)
Sidereal Zodiac (Maria Thun)

Dec 1
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days

until 04:42
leaf Days
from 04:42


Dec 2
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days
Dec 3
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days

until 16:05
fruit Days
from 16:05


Dec 4


Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

Spraying days: Moon Opposition Saturn

fruit Days
Dec 5
Last Quarter Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

fruit Days
Dec 6
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

fruit Days

until 04:51
root Days
from 04:51


Dec 7
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

root Days
Dec 8
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

root Days

until 16:23
flower Days
from 16:23


Dec 9
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days
Dec 10
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days
Dec 11
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days

until 00:41
leaf Days
from 00:41


Dec 12
at 23:31
Time to rest, celebrate and meditate
leaf Days
Dec 13
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

leaf Days

until 05:34
fruit Days
from 05:34


Dec 14
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days
Dec 15
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days

until 08:14
root Days
from 08:14


Dec 16
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days
Dec 17
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days

until 10:14
flower Days
from 10:14


Dec 18
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

flower Days
Dec 19
First Quarter Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

flower Days

until 12:50
leaf Days
from 12:50


Dec 20
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

leaf Days
Dec 21
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

leaf Days

until 16:38
fruit Days
from 16:38


Dec 22
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days
Dec 23
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days

until 21:47
root Days
from 21:47


Dec 24
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days
Dec 25
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers
Optimum planting day (2 days before the Full Moon)

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days
Dec 26
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers
Optimum planting day (2 days before the Full Moon)

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days

until 04:26
flower Days
from 04:26


Dec 27
at 00:32
Time to rest, celebrate and meditate

Pick medicinal herbs and plants

flower Days
Dec 28
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days

until 13:07
leaf Days
from 13:07


Dec 29
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days
Dec 30
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days
Dec 31


Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

Spraying days: Moon Opposition Saturn

leaf Days

until 00:11
fruit Days
from 00:11


Gardening by the Moon Zodiac Sign (Element) – Legend

Biodynamic Calendar – Icon Legend
Leaf Days Leaf days (Water Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant and cultivate plants from which the intention is to use Leaves and Stems.
  • Ex: Cabbage, Salads, Lettuce, Spinach, Green onions, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Celeriac.
  • Leaf plants should be harvested in Flower days (or Fruit days).
  • Harvesting in Leaf days is not recommended (products start decomposing in a shorter time).
  • Beekeeping: Working with the hive is not recommended in Leaf days.

Fruit Days Fruit days (Fire Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant and cultivate plants that produce Fruits and Seeds.
  • Ex: Cherry, Strawberry, Tomato, Pea, Bean, Corn, Pumpkin, Nut, Cereal, Courgette.
  • Harvesting in Fruit days allows fruits and seeds to have a better storage quality.
  • Leaf plants should be harvested in Flower days (or Fruit days).
  • Beekeeping: Fruit days stimulate the collection of nectar. Bees are also supposed to be more gentle these days.

Root Days Root days (Earth Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant and cultivate Root plants and Root vegetables.
  • Ex: Carrot, Turnip, but also Potato, Beet-root, Garlic, Onion, Leek.
  • Crop should be stored in Root days.
  • Beekeeping: Bees should be encouraged to build more comb.

Flower Days Flower days (Air Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant, cultivate and harvest Flower plants or herbs used for medicinal purposes.
  • Flowers, if cut in these days, have a more intense scent and endure longer.
  • Leaf plants should be harvested in these Flower days.
  • Beekeeping: Flower days stimulate brood activity and colony development. Bees are also supposed to be more gentle these days.
Gardening by the Moon Phase – Legend

  • Time to rest, celebrate and meditate.


New Moon -» First Quarter (Waxing Crescent)

– Moonlight is increasing

– Strongest gravitational pull

– Soil releases / Earth exhales / Energy draws UP into upper planets

  • Sow/Plant: Above ground Leaf plants, Cereals, Grains, Lawns, Herbs, Cucumbers.
  • Jobs: Graft, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to increase growth).


First Quarter -» Full Moon (Waxing Gibbous)

– Moonlight becomes stronger

– Gravitational pull is a little less now

– Soil releases / Earth exhales / Energy draws UP into upper planets

  • Sow/Plant: Above ground Fruit plants (with “inside seeds” such as Tomatoes, Peppers, Peas and Bean), Cereals, Grains, Lawns and Flowers.
  • Jobs: Graft, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to increase growth).
  • Planting and Grafting take best if done two days just before the Full Moon.

  • Time to rest, celebrate and meditate.
  • Pick medicinal herbs and plants.


Full Moon -» Last Quarter (Waning Gibbous)

– Moonlight is decreasing

– Gravitational pull is decreasing

– Soil absorbs / Earth inhales / Energy draws DOWN into the Roots

  • Sow/Plant: Below ground Root plants such as Potatoes, Carrots & Onions.
    Plant trees, shrubs, biennials & perennials.
  • Jobs: Harvest all crops, Fertilize, Transplant, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to reduce growth).


Last Quarter -» New Moon (Waning Crescent)

– Moonlight has decreased

– Gravitational pull has decreased

– Soil absorbs / Earth inhales / Energy draws DOWN into the Roots

  • Barren phase: Time to rest and prepare for the next New Moon.
  • Jobs: Avoid seed sowing.
  • Jobs: Harvest and store crops, Fertilize, Transplant, Destroy weed, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to reduce growth).
Moon Opposition Saturn
MoonOppositionSaturn SPRAYING DAYS

  • Spraying Biodynamic preparations out during Moon opposition Saturn increases soil activity.
  • The MoonMoon represents fertility and germination, while SaturnSaturn represents form and strong structure.
  • It is also a perfect time to plant seeds out.

Moon Phase Gardening by the
Moon Phase
Gardening by the
Moon Zodiac Sign

Tropical Zodiac (by Seasons)
Sidereal Zodiac (Maria Thun)

Dec 1
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days

until 16:01
fruit Days
from 16:01


Dec 2
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

fruit Days
Dec 3
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

fruit Days
Dec 4


Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

Spraying days: Moon Opposition Saturn

fruit Days

until 03:51
root Days
from 03:51


Dec 5
Last Quarter Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

root Days
Dec 6
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

root Days

until 16:35
flower Days
from 16:35


Dec 7
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days
Dec 8
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days
Dec 9
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

flower Days

until 03:35
leaf Days
from 03:35


Dec 10
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days
Dec 11
Waning Crescent Barren phase:
Time to rest. Avoid seed sowing

– Harvest and store crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Destroy weed
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days

until 11:11
fruit Days
from 11:11


Dec 12
at 23:31
Time to rest, celebrate and meditate
fruit Days
Dec 13
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days

until 15:32
root Days
from 15:32


Dec 14
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days
Dec 15
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days

until 17:56
flower Days
from 17:56


Dec 16
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

flower Days
Dec 17
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

flower Days

until 19:59
leaf Days
from 19:59


Dec 18
Waxing Crescent Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

leaf Days
Dec 19
First Quarter Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Leaf plants
also Cereals, Herbs, Cucumbers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

leaf Days

until 22:47
fruit Days
from 22:47


Dec 20
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days
Dec 21
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days
Dec 22
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

fruit Days

until 02:50
root Days
from 02:50


Dec 23
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days
Dec 24
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

root Days

until 08:15
flower Days
from 08:15


Dec 25
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers
Optimum planting day (2 days before the Full Moon)

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

flower Days
Dec 26
Waxing Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Above ground annuals, especially Fruit plants
also Cereals and Flowers
Optimum planting day (2 days before the Full Moon)

– Mow lawns (to increase growth)
– Graft & Prune (to increase growth)

flower Days

until 15:15
leaf Days
from 15:15


Dec 27
at 00:32
Time to rest, celebrate and meditate

Pick medicinal herbs and plants

leaf Days
Dec 28
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days
Dec 29
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

leaf Days

until 00:23
fruit Days
from 00:23


Dec 30
Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

fruit Days
Dec 31


Waning Gibbous Sow/Plant:
Below ground plants, especially Root plants
Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

– Harvest all crops
– Fertilize, Transplant
– Mow lawns & Prune (to reduce growth)

Spraying days: Moon Opposition Saturn

fruit Days

until 11:54
root Days
from 11:54


Gardening by the Moon Zodiac Sign (Element) – Legend

Biodynamic Calendar – Icon Legend
Leaf Days Leaf days (Water Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant and cultivate plants from which the intention is to use Leaves and Stems.
  • Ex: Cabbage, Salads, Lettuce, Spinach, Green onions, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Celeriac.
  • Leaf plants should be harvested in Flower days (or Fruit days).
  • Harvesting in Leaf days is not recommended (products start decomposing in a shorter time).
  • Beekeeping: Working with the hive is not recommended in Leaf days.

Fruit Days Fruit days (Fire Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant and cultivate plants that produce Fruits and Seeds.
  • Ex: Cherry, Strawberry, Tomato, Pea, Bean, Corn, Pumpkin, Nut, Cereal, Courgette.
  • Harvesting in Fruit days allows fruits and seeds to have a better storage quality.
  • Leaf plants should be harvested in Flower days (or Fruit days).
  • Beekeeping: Fruit days stimulate the collection of nectar. Bees are also supposed to be more gentle these days.

Root Days Root days (Earth Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant and cultivate Root plants and Root vegetables.
  • Ex: Carrot, Turnip, but also Potato, Beet-root, Garlic, Onion, Leek.
  • Crop should be stored in Root days.
  • Beekeeping: Bees should be encouraged to build more comb.

Flower Days Flower days (Air Element)

  • It is the appropriate time to sow, transplant, cultivate and harvest Flower plants or herbs used for medicinal purposes.
  • Flowers, if cut in these days, have a more intense scent and endure longer.
  • Leaf plants should be harvested in these Flower days.
  • Beekeeping: Flower days stimulate brood activity and colony development. Bees are also supposed to be more gentle these days.
Gardening by the Moon Phase – Legend

  • Time to rest, celebrate and meditate.


New Moon -» First Quarter (Waxing Crescent)

– Moonlight is increasing

– Strongest gravitational pull

– Soil releases / Earth exhales / Energy draws UP into upper planets

  • Sow/Plant: Above ground Leaf plants, Cereals, Grains, Lawns, Herbs, Cucumbers.
  • Jobs: Graft, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to increase growth).


First Quarter -» Full Moon (Waxing Gibbous)

– Moonlight becomes stronger

– Gravitational pull is a little less now

– Soil releases / Earth exhales / Energy draws UP into upper planets

  • Sow/Plant: Above ground Fruit plants (with “inside seeds” such as Tomatoes, Peppers, Peas and Bean), Cereals, Grains, Lawns and Flowers.
  • Jobs: Graft, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to increase growth).
  • Planting and Grafting take best if done two days just before the Full Moon.

  • Time to rest, celebrate and meditate.
  • Pick medicinal herbs and plants.


Full Moon -» Last Quarter (Waning Gibbous)

– Moonlight is decreasing

– Gravitational pull is decreasing

– Soil absorbs / Earth inhales / Energy draws DOWN into the Roots

  • Sow/Plant: Below ground Root plants such as Potatoes, Carrots & Onions.
    Plant trees, shrubs, biennials & perennials.
  • Jobs: Harvest all crops, Fertilize, Transplant, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to reduce growth).


Last Quarter -» New Moon (Waning Crescent)

– Moonlight has decreased

– Gravitational pull has decreased

– Soil absorbs / Earth inhales / Energy draws DOWN into the Roots

  • Barren phase: Time to rest and prepare for the next New Moon.
  • Jobs: Avoid seed sowing.
  • Jobs: Harvest and store crops, Fertilize, Transplant, Destroy weed, Mow lawns & Prune foliage (to reduce growth).
Moon Opposition Saturn
MoonOppositionSaturn SPRAYING DAYS

  • Spraying Biodynamic preparations out during Moon opposition Saturn increases soil activity.
  • The MoonMoon represents fertility and germination, while SaturnSaturn represents form and strong structure.
  • It is also a perfect time to plant seeds out.


December 2023 Pagan Calendar of Observance Source: wiccanfamilytemple.org

DEC. 1: – Greek / Roman Day of Pallas Athena / Minerva.
– Day for Meditation on Tantric Bodhisattva Goddess Red Tara – Protector against evil and harm.

DEC. 3: – Roman Day of Cybele / Rhea – The Great Mother.

DEC. 4: – Feast of Shango – Orisha who defends against evil.

DEC. 6: – Mindfulness Day – Zen Buddhist day for mindfully seeing and acting with compassion for the poor and oppressed.

DEC. 7: – Haloia of Demeter.

DEC. 7 – 9: Feast of the Immanent Feminine Divine Spirit – Honoring Goddess as Maha Devi Shakti (Hindu), Holy Spirit Wisdom (Christian).

DEC. 8: Rohatsu – Zen Buddhist celebration of the Buddha’s enlightenment.

DEC. 11: – Sacred to Arianrhod.

DEC. 12: – Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe – Mother of God and Mother of the Oppressed.

DEC. 13: – Feast of the Light-bringer – Honoring Goddess as Juno Lucina (Old Roman).

DEC. 14 – 28: Halcyon Days: time of tranquility.

DEC. 17: – Yoruba / Santeria feast of Orisha Babalu Aye – Healer of deadly diseases.
– Roman/Greek: Saturnalia begins festival to Saturn/Kronos as Harvest and Father Time with His scythe

DEC. 18: – Sacred to Epona.

DEC. 19: – Modresnact: Norse Mothers Night Festival.

DEC. 21: – thru 25 – Old Egyptian festival of Isis, the Magna Mater (Mother of God and Mother of All) giving birth to God Horus.
– YULE SABBAT: Winter Solstice; Return of the Sun God.

DEC. 23: – Sacred to Hathor.

DEC. 24: – Celtic Tree Month – Month of Reed ends, Tree Month of Elder begins.
– Celtic / German Nodlaig Eve/Modresnach: Night of the Great Mother

DEC. 25: – European Feasts of Herne, Frey, Dionysus – Birth of the God, the Light of the World.

DEC. 25: thru Jan 5: Old Norse festival honoring Saturn, Dionysus, Frey and Freya (Deities of Fertility) and the birth of the new-born Baldur (God of Light) with evergreens, fires, and feasting.

DEC. 28: – Sacred to Freya.

DEC. 31: Hogmanay—New Year’s Eve; Crone preparing to depart, winter at its height; Crone, old and withered year changes at midnight into young and fresh New Year. Hag’s Eve.
– Egyptian Lucky Day of Sekmet – Sekmet, the ravaging lioness, with her burning solar eye, is the destroyer/devourer aspect of the goddess.

All December Holidays in 2023

December Holidays in 2023 Source: holidayscalendar.com

Date Name Location / Topic
Friday,DEC 1
World AIDS Day World AIDS Day
Friday,DEC 1
Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Friday,DEC 1
National holiday National holiday
Friday,DEC 1
Republic Day Republic Day
Friday,DEC 1
Restoration of Independence Restoration of Independence
Friday,DEC 1
National Eat a Red Apple Day National Eat a Red Apple Day
Friday,DEC 1
Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day
Friday,DEC 1
Day With(out) Art Day Day With(out) Art Day
Friday,DEC 1
Faux Fur Friday Faux Fur Friday
Friday,DEC 1
Rosa Parks Day
United States(Ohio, Oregon)
Rosa Parks Day
Friday,DEC 1
Gospel Day Gospel Day
Friday,DEC 1
Sovereignty Day Sovereignty Day
Friday,DEC 1
Freedom and Democracy Day Freedom and Democracy Day
Friday,DEC 1
Farmer’s Day Farmer's Day
Friday,DEC 1
National Cookie Cutter Day National Cookie Cutter Day
Friday,DEC 1
National Cookie Cutter Week National Cookie Cutter Week
Friday,DEC 1
National Bartender Day National Bartender Day
Friday,DEC 1
Operation Santa Paws Operation Santa Paws
Friday,DEC 1
Gift Of Sight Month Gift Of Sight Month
Friday,DEC 1
National Tie Month National Tie Month
Friday,DEC 1
National Pear Month National Pear Month
Friday,DEC 1
Bingo’s Birthday Month Bingo’s Birthday Month
Saturday,DEC 2
National Day National Day
Saturday,DEC 2
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
Saturday,DEC 2
National Mutt Day National Mutt Day
Saturday,DEC 2
National Fritters Day National Fritters Day
Saturday,DEC 2
Special Education Day Special Education Day
Saturday,DEC 2
National Rhubarb Vodka Day National Rhubarb Vodka Day
Saturday,DEC 2
Skywarn Recognition Day Skywarn Recognition Day
Saturday,DEC 2
Play Basketball Day Play Basketball Day
Saturday,DEC 2
Global Fat Bike Day Global Fat Bike Day
Saturday,DEC 2
Candle Day Candle Day
Sunday,DEC 3
Make a Gift Day Make a Gift Day
Sunday,DEC 3
Day of Navarre
Day of Navarre
Sunday,DEC 3
International Day of Persons with Disabilities International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Sunday,DEC 3
National Roof Over Your Head Day National Roof Over Your Head Day
Sunday,DEC 3
First Sunday of Advent First Sunday of Advent
Sunday,DEC 3
Good Neighborliness Day Good Neighborliness Day
Sunday,DEC 3
First Advent Sunday First Advent Sunday
Sunday,DEC 3
Let’s Hug Day Let’s Hug Day
Monday,DEC 4
Wear Brown Shoes Day Wear Brown Shoes Day
Monday,DEC 4
National Cookie Day National Cookie Day
Monday,DEC 4
National Dice Day National Dice Day
Monday,DEC 4
National Sock Day National Sock Day
Monday,DEC 4
Westland Anniversary Day
New Zealand(West Coast*)
Westland Anniversary Day
Monday,DEC 4
Anniversary of the Coronation of King Tupou I Anniversary of the Coronation of King Tupou I
Monday,DEC 4
Santa’s List Day Santa's List Day
Monday,DEC 4
International Cheetah Day International Cheetah Day
Monday,DEC 4
Cabernet Franc Day Cabernet Franc Day
Monday,DEC 4
World Wildlife Conservation Day World Wildlife Conservation Day
Monday,DEC 4
Walt Disney Day Walt Disney Day
Monday,DEC 4
International Day Of Banks International Day Of Banks
Tuesday,DEC 5
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
Tuesday,DEC 5
World Soil Day World Soil Day
Tuesday,DEC 5
St Nicholas’ Eve/Sinterklaas St Nicholas' Eve/Sinterklaas
Tuesday,DEC 5
National Sacher Torte Day National Sacher Torte Day
Tuesday,DEC 5
Tuesday,DEC 5
Bathtub Party Day Bathtub Party Day
Tuesday,DEC 5
International Ninja Day International Ninja Day
Tuesday,DEC 5
World Trick Shot Day World Trick Shot Day
Tuesday,DEC 5
King Bhumibol’s Birthday King Bhumibol's Birthday
Tuesday,DEC 5
National Repeal Day National Repeal Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
St. Nicholas’ Day St. Nicholas' Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
Army Day Army Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
Independence Day Independence Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
Put On Your Own Shoes Day Put On Your Own Shoes Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
Foundation of Quito Foundation of Quito
Wednesday,DEC 6
National Pawnbrokers Day National Pawnbrokers Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
National Microwave Oven Day National Microwave Oven Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
National Gazpacho Day National Gazpacho Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
Miners’ Day Miners’ Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
Constitution Day Constitution Day
Wednesday,DEC 6
Mitten Tree Day Mitten Tree Day
Thursday,DEC 7
Spitak Remembrance Day Spitak Remembrance Day
Thursday,DEC 7
International Civil Aviation Day International Civil Aviation Day
Thursday,DEC 7
National Heroes Day National Heroes Day
Thursday,DEC 7
Eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception Eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Thursday,DEC 7
The Feast of St. Ambrose (Milan) The Feast of St. Ambrose (Milan)
Thursday,DEC 7
Western Province Day Western Province Day
Thursday,DEC 7
Letter Writing Day Letter Writing Day
Thursday,DEC 7
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Thursday,DEC 7
National Cotton Candy Day National Cotton Candy Day
Friday,DEC 8
Bodhi Day Bodhi Day
Friday,DEC 8
Virgin of Caacupé Day Virgin of Caacupé Day
Friday,DEC 8
Battle Day Battle Day
Friday,DEC 8
Constitution Day Constitution Day
Friday,DEC 8
National Youth Day National Youth Day
Friday,DEC 8
National Brownie Day National Brownie Day
Friday,DEC 8
Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day
Friday,DEC 8
National Salesperson Day National Salesperson Day
Friday,DEC 8
Feast of the Immaculate Conception Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Friday,DEC 8
Hanukkah Starts Hanukkah Starts
Friday,DEC 8
Mother’s Day Mother's Day
Friday,DEC 8
Santa Marian Kamalen Day Santa Marian Kamalen Day
Friday,DEC 8
Saint Kliment Ohridski’s Day Saint Kliment Ohridski's Day
Friday,DEC 8
Official Lost and Found Day Official Lost and Found Day
Friday,DEC 8
National Lard Day National Lard Day
Saturday,DEC 9
National Heroes Day National Heroes Day
Saturday,DEC 9
International Anti-Corruption Day International Anti-Corruption Day
Saturday,DEC 9
Christmas Card Day Christmas Card Day
Saturday,DEC 9
Republic Day Republic Day
Saturday,DEC 9
National Pastry Day National Pastry Day
Saturday,DEC 9
Weary Willie Day Weary Willie Day
Saturday,DEC 9
National Wreaths Across America Day National Wreaths Across America Day
Saturday,DEC 9
World Genocide Commemoration Day World Genocide Commemoration Day
Saturday,DEC 9
Hanukkah II Hanukkah II
Saturday,DEC 9
National Llama Day National Llama Day
Saturday,DEC 9
World Techno Day World Techno Day
Saturday,DEC 9
International Day Of Veterinary Medicine International Day Of Veterinary Medicine
Saturday,DEC 9
Gingerbread Decorating Day Gingerbread Decorating Day
Saturday,DEC 9
International Shareware Day International Shareware Day
Sunday,DEC 10
Human Rights Day Human Rights Day
Sunday,DEC 10
Constitution Day Constitution Day
Sunday,DEC 10
Dewey Decimal System Day Dewey Decimal System Day
Sunday,DEC 10
Jane Addams Day Jane Addams Day
Sunday,DEC 10
National Lager Day National Lager Day
Sunday,DEC 10
Nobel Prize Day Nobel Prize Day
Sunday,DEC 10
Anniversary of Victory over ISIS Anniversary of Victory over ISIS
Sunday,DEC 10
Hanukkah III Hanukkah III
Sunday,DEC 10
Second Advent Sunday Second Advent Sunday
Sunday,DEC 10
International Animal Rights Day International Animal Rights Day
Sunday,DEC 10
Worldwide Candle Lighting Day Worldwide Candle Lighting Day
Sunday,DEC 10
World Choral Day World Choral Day
Monday,DEC 11
Human Rights and Peace Day Human Rights and Peace Day
Monday,DEC 11
International Mountain Day International Mountain Day
Monday,DEC 11
Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster
Monday,DEC 11
Republic Day Republic Day
Monday,DEC 11
National App Day National App Day
Monday,DEC 11
National Noodle Ring Day National Noodle Ring Day
Monday,DEC 11
Green Monday Green Monday
Monday,DEC 11
Hanukkah IV Hanukkah IV
Monday,DEC 11
Birthday of the Sultan of Selangor
Birthday of the Sultan of Selangor
Monday,DEC 11
Independence Day Independence Day
Monday,DEC 11
National Have A Bagel Day National Have A Bagel Day
Tuesday,DEC 12
Day of Neutrality Day of Neutrality
Tuesday,DEC 12
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tuesday,DEC 12
Jamhuri Day Jamhuri Day
Tuesday,DEC 12
National Ambrosia Day National Ambrosia Day
Tuesday,DEC 12
National Ding-a-Ling Day National Ding-a-Ling Day
Tuesday,DEC 12
Gingerbread House Day Gingerbread House Day
Tuesday,DEC 12
Poinsettia Day Poinsettia Day
Tuesday,DEC 12
Hanukkah V Hanukkah V
Tuesday,DEC 12
International Day Of Neutrality International Day Of Neutrality
Wednesday,DEC 13
National Day National Day
Wednesday,DEC 13
Republic Day Republic Day
Wednesday,DEC 13
National Guard Birthday National Guard Birthday
Wednesday,DEC 13
National Cocoa Day National Cocoa Day
Wednesday,DEC 13
National Violin Day National Violin Day
Wednesday,DEC 13
Pick A Pathologist Pal Day Pick A Pathologist Pal Day
Wednesday,DEC 13
Hanukkah VI / Rosh Chodesh Tevet Hanukkah VI / Rosh Chodesh Tevet
Wednesday,DEC 13
Day Of The Horse Day Of The Horse
Thursday,DEC 14
National Bouillabaisse Day National Bouillabaisse Day
Thursday,DEC 14
Monkey Day Monkey Day
Thursday,DEC 14
Hanukkah VII Hanukkah VII
Thursday,DEC 14
Free Shipping Day Free Shipping Day
Thursday,DEC 14
Roast Chestnuts Day Roast Chestnuts Day
Friday,DEC 15
National Cupcake Day National Cupcake Day
Friday,DEC 15
Cat Herders Day Cat Herders Day
Friday,DEC 15
National Wear Your Pearls Day National Wear Your Pearls Day
Friday,DEC 15
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Friday,DEC 15
Underdog Day Underdog Day
Friday,DEC 15
Hanukkah Ends Hanukkah Ends
Friday,DEC 15
Bill of Rights Day Bill of Rights Day
Friday,DEC 15
Hanukkah VIII Hanukkah VIII
Friday,DEC 15
Homecoming Day (only Alderney) Homecoming Day (only Alderney)
Saturday,DEC 16
National Day National Day
Saturday,DEC 16
Independence Day Independence Day
Saturday,DEC 16
National Chocolate Covered Anything Day National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
Saturday,DEC 16
Day of Reconciliation Day of Reconciliation
Saturday,DEC 16
Barbie and Barney Backlash Day Barbie and Barney Backlash Day
Saturday,DEC 16
Martyrdom of Fatima Martyrdom of Fatima
Saturday,DEC 16
Dhanu Sankranti Dhanu Sankranti
Saturday,DEC 16
Las Posadas Las Posadas
Saturday,DEC 16
Stupid Toy Day Stupid Toy Day
Sunday,DEC 17
National Day (2nd day) National Day (2nd day)
Sunday,DEC 17
Independence Day (Day 2) Independence Day (Day 2)
Sunday,DEC 17
Pan American Aviation Day Pan American Aviation Day
Sunday,DEC 17
Wright Brothers Day Wright Brothers Day
Sunday,DEC 17
National Maple Syrup Day National Maple Syrup Day
Sunday,DEC 17
Third Advent Sunday Third Advent Sunday
Sunday,DEC 17
Saturnalia December Saturnalia December
Monday,DEC 18
Arabic Language Day Arabic Language Day
Monday,DEC 18
National Day National Day
Monday,DEC 18
Nigerien Republic Day Nigerien Republic Day
Monday,DEC 18
International Migrants Day International Migrants Day
Monday,DEC 18
National Roast Suckling Pig Day National Roast Suckling Pig Day
Monday,DEC 18
Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day
Monday,DEC 18
Bake Cookies Day Bake Cookies Day
Monday,DEC 18
Gluten-Free Baking Week Gluten-Free Baking Week
Tuesday,DEC 19
Remembrance Day for Roma and Sinti killed by Genocide Remembrance Day for Roma and Sinti killed by Genocide
Tuesday,DEC 19
National Hard Candy Day National Hard Candy Day
Tuesday,DEC 19
National Oatmeal Muffin Day National Oatmeal Muffin Day
Tuesday,DEC 19
National Heroes and Heroines Day National Heroes and Heroines Day
Tuesday,DEC 19
Orthodox St. Nicholas Day Orthodox St. Nicholas Day
Tuesday,DEC 19
National Emo Day National Emo Day
Wednesday,DEC 20
Macau S.A.R. Establishment Day Macau S.A.R. Establishment Day
Wednesday,DEC 20
International Human Solidarity Day International Human Solidarity Day
Wednesday,DEC 20
Abolition of Slavery Abolition of Slavery
Wednesday,DEC 20
National Sangria Day National Sangria Day
Wednesday,DEC 20
Mudd Day Mudd Day
Wednesday,DEC 20
Games Day Games Day
Wednesday,DEC 20
Go Caroling Day Go Caroling Day
Thursday,DEC 21
International Dalek Remembrance Day International Dalek Remembrance Day
Thursday,DEC 21
National French Fried Shrimp Day National French Fried Shrimp Day
Thursday,DEC 21
Crossword Puzzle Day Crossword Puzzle Day
Thursday,DEC 21
Humbug Day Humbug Day
Thursday,DEC 21
Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day
Thursday,DEC 21
National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day
Thursday,DEC 21
National Re-Gifting Day National Re-Gifting Day
Thursday,DEC 21
National Flashlight Day National Flashlight Day
Thursday,DEC 21
Yule Yule
Thursday,DEC 21
December Solstice December Solstice
Thursday,DEC 21
Turkish Language Day (Turkish community) Turkish Language Day (Turkish community)
Thursday,DEC 21
National Short Story Day National Short Story Day
Thursday,DEC 21
Don’t Make Your Bed Day Don’t Make Your Bed Day
Thursday,DEC 21
National Coquito Day National Coquito Day
Thursday,DEC 21
Ribbon Candy Day Ribbon Candy Day
Thursday,DEC 21
Look On The Bright Side Day Look On The Bright Side Day
Thursday,DEC 21
National Short Girl Appreciation Day National Short Girl Appreciation Day
Friday,DEC 22
Unity Day Unity Day
Friday,DEC 22
National Date Nut Bread Day National Date Nut Bread Day
Friday,DEC 22
Forefathers Day Forefathers Day
Friday,DEC 22
December Solstice December Solstice
Friday,DEC 22
Dongzhi Festival Dongzhi Festival
Friday,DEC 22
Asarah B’Tevet Asarah B'Tevet
Friday,DEC 22
Sambisa Memorial Day Sambisa Memorial Day
Friday,DEC 22
Gita Jayanti Gita Jayanti
Friday,DEC 22
Mathematics Day Mathematics Day
Friday,DEC 22
National Cookie Exchange Day National Cookie Exchange Day
Friday,DEC 22
National Short Person Day National Short Person Day
Saturday,DEC 23
National Pfeffernusse Day National Pfeffernusse Day
Saturday,DEC 23
National Roots Day National Roots Day
Saturday,DEC 23
Festivus Festivus
Saturday,DEC 23
Emperor’s Birthday Emperor\'s Birthday
Sunday,DEC 24
Christmas Eve Christmas Eve
Sunday,DEC 24
Independence Day Independence Day
Sunday,DEC 24
Yap Constitution Day Yap Constitution Day
Sunday,DEC 24
National Eggnog Day National Eggnog Day
Sunday,DEC 24
Christmas Eve (from 2pm) Christmas Eve (from 2pm)
Sunday,DEC 24
Christmas Eve (Half Day) Christmas Eve (Half Day)
Sunday,DEC 24
Fourth Advent Sunday Fourth Advent Sunday
Sunday,DEC 24
Christmas Eve (from noon) Christmas Eve (from noon)
Monday,DEC 25
Christmas Christmas
Monday,DEC 25
Constitution Day Constitution Day
Monday,DEC 25
Christmas Day Christmas Day
Monday,DEC 25
Grav Mass Day Grav Mass Day
Monday,DEC 25
A’phabet Day or No “L” Day A'phabet Day or No "L" Day
Monday,DEC 25
National Pumpkin Pie Day National Pumpkin Pie Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
Boxing Day Boxing Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
Family Day Family Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
Synaxis of the Mother of God Synaxis of the Mother of God
Tuesday,DEC 26
Independence and Unity Day Independence and Unity Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
Day of Goodwill Day of Goodwill
Tuesday,DEC 26
National Day of Thanksgiving National Day of Thanksgiving
Tuesday,DEC 26
Proclamation Day
Australia(South Australia)
Proclamation Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
National Candy Cane Day National Candy Cane Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
National Thank You Note Day National Thank You Note Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
National Whiner’s Day National Whiner’s Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
Kwanzaa (1st Day) Kwanzaa (1st Day)
Tuesday,DEC 26
Day After Christmas Day
United States(KS, NC, SC, TX)
Day After Christmas Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
St. Stephen’s Day St. Stephen's Day
Tuesday,DEC 26
Second Day of Christmas Second Day of Christmas
Wednesday,DEC 27
Constitution Day Constitution Day
Wednesday,DEC 27
National Fruitcake Day National Fruitcake Day
Wednesday,DEC 27
Christmas Holiday Christmas Holiday
Wednesday,DEC 27
Visit The Zoo Day Visit The Zoo Day
Wednesday,DEC 27
Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day
Wednesday,DEC 27
International Day Of Epidemic Preparedness International Day Of Epidemic Preparedness
Thursday,DEC 28
Holy Innocents Holy Innocents
Thursday,DEC 28
Day of the Holy Innocents Day of the Holy Innocents
Thursday,DEC 28
Republic Day Republic Day
Thursday,DEC 28
National Short Film Day National Short Film Day
Thursday,DEC 28
National Chocolate Candy Day National Chocolate Candy Day
Thursday,DEC 28
National Card Playing Day National Card Playing Day
Thursday,DEC 28
Pledge of Allegiance Day Pledge of Allegiance Day
Thursday,DEC 28
Incwala Day Incwala Day
Thursday,DEC 28
National Call A Friend Day National Call A Friend Day
Friday,DEC 29
Independence Day Independence Day
Friday,DEC 29
National Pepper Pot Day National Pepper Pot Day
Friday,DEC 29
Tick Tock Day Tick Tock Day
Friday,DEC 29
No Interruptions Day No Interruptions Day
Saturday,DEC 30
Day of the Declaration of Slovakia as an Independent Ecclesiastic Province Day of the Declaration of Slovakia as an Independent Ecclesiastic Province
Saturday,DEC 30
National Bacon Day National Bacon Day
Saturday,DEC 30
National Bicarbonate of Soda Day National Bicarbonate of Soda Day
Saturday,DEC 30
Falling Needles Family Fest Day Falling Needles Family Fest Day
Saturday,DEC 30
Rizal Day Rizal Day
Sunday,DEC 31
Watch Night Watch Night
Sunday,DEC 31
Festival Day Festival Day
Sunday,DEC 31
December 31 Bank Holiday December 31 Bank Holiday
Sunday,DEC 31
National Champagne Day National Champagne Day
Sunday,DEC 31
Make Up Your Mind Day Make Up Your Mind Day
Sunday,DEC 31
Feast of the Holy Family Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday,DEC 31
New Year’s Eve New Year's Eve
Sunday,DEC 31
Restoration Day
Restoration Day
Sunday,DEC 31
Unlucky Day Unlucky Day

All Sun Signs Zodiac Horoscopes for December 2023

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Daily or Monthly Horoscopes from thehoroscope.co

Aires (March 21 – April 19)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

December 2023 Chinese Monthly Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs

December 2023 Chinese Monthly Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs Source: sunsigns.org

December 2023 Chinese Horoscope will give the predictions for the different aspects of a person’s life in that zodiac. These forecasts include all the Chinese zodiac signs, from Rat to Pig, for the year of the Black Water Rabbit.

The Chinese Lunar Calendar 2023 begins on January 22, 2023, and ends on February 09, 2024. December (Month 12) commences on January 11, 2024, and ends on February 9, 2024.


Rats will be able to find solutions for the existing problems during this month. Career growth may face difficulties. It is essential to face challenges with a calm mind and maintain your balance. Finances should be strictly controlled, and money should be saved as far as possible.

Singles will not be lucky in forming love relations. There will be happiness and joy in marital relationships with the scope for pregnancy. Stress may affect the health condition of Rats. Physical health will require regular diet and exercise plans. Relaxation will maintain mental health.


Ox people can expect good fortune in all facets of life. The career will progress smoothly. All the problems will be resolved with the necessary effort. There will be financial rewards to increase income.

Finances will look up during the month. There will be good money flow from the existing savings instruments. Married couples can look forward to increased happiness in their love life. Health should be maintained through regular medical checkups and care.


Tigers will have good luck during the last month of the year. Career progress will be smooth, and they can complete their projects successfully. Financial investments may prove to be risky. Avoid all speculations.

Singles will be very much fortunate in love. They will get the right partners and should take every opportunity to improve the relationship. Health fortune is not very good. Take care of the ailments promptly. The health of family members also will require immediate attention.


Rabbits will have good fortune in many aspects of life during December 2023. Their career advancement will see them overcome difficulties in their jobs. Their persistence will get the approval of the management. They will be rewarded sufficiently through monetary benefits.


Good luck will be smiling on the Dragons during December. The career will see tremendous growth. The company will appreciate your performance, and you will be rewarded with promotions and financial benefits.

Business people will prosper in their ventures. There will be opportunities to expand the current projects and start new ones. Health will not pose any serious problems. Minor ailments can be taken care of by regular medical intervention.


There will be a steady fortune for the Snakes during December. The career will face quite a few problems. Harmonious relationships with colleagues will help you tide over the crisis.

Money flow will be steady and will cover all the expenses. Investments should be made only in reliable instruments. Avoid giving loans to friends.

Health will pose quite a few problems. Diet and exercise plans may require changes to improve health. A good relationship with a spouse will help to reduce the problems. Any confrontation with your partner can affect your mental health.


Horse people will be subject to swinging moods during the month. This may affect their overall fortunes. Hence, it is necessary to have control over their emotions.

Career progress will be subject to their excellent performance. Keep your mood under control and try to accomplish your tasks. This will result in promotions and salary benefits.

Singles will have excellent prospects of meeting the love partners of their choice. Marital happiness will improve by maintaining cordial relationships with spouses.

Health will be affected by both physical and mental stress. Keep a check on your activities and relax enough to maintain your health.


December promises to be a lucky month for Sheep individuals. Career development will be smooth. There will not be any problems in executing your projects. Appreciation and rewards are expected from the management.

Finances will improve, and there will be good money flow from previous investments. Singles can look forward to getting married to their love mates. All the problems existing in marital life will disappear, and harmony will return to the union. It can be further improved by couples’ holiday travel and more interaction between the partners.

Health for Goats will face minor problems from time to time. These can be taken care of through immediate medical assistance.


Monkeys can look forward to a great month in December. The career will progress well with increased responsibilities and challenges. Your performance will attract the seniors and get promotions and monetary benefits.

Finances will see an uptrend due to the professional income and bonuses increase. All types of speculative investments should be avoided. They will end up in losses.

Single people will find their partners in love in social circles and get-togethers. There will be plenty of opportunities, and they will be lucky in love. Married life will be very cordial, and the partners will understand well.

Health will pose quite a few problems. Maintaining your physical fitness through a good diet and fitness programs is necessary. Otherwise, it may affect progress in other areas of life.


The month of December will prove to be very lucky for Roosters. Career professionals will excel in their careers because of their experience and expertise. The company will be able to make good profits because of your performance. Hence, there will be promotions and financial bonuses.

With plenty of money in your kitty, you will have enough money to splurge on luxuries. Single Roosters will be successful in making good partnerships in love. They will get the partners of their liking. Marital happiness will be excellent and complete understanding exists between partners. Health prospects will be expected. You should avoid too much stress and take enough time to relax.


Dogs can look forward to increasing fortunes during the month. Career Dogs will do commendable work in their professions. Naturally, there will be a commensurate rise in financial incomes.

Finances will require good planning. It is essential to save as much money as possible. Avoid all types of borrowing and lending. The life of married couples will continue to be sweet, and the friendship will continue to add to the happiness of the marriage.

Health will require much more attention. Old diseases tend to reappear and will require immediate medical attention. Diet and exercise programs should be taken up as a priority to maintain good health.


Pigs can expect an auspicious month to end the year on a happy note.

Career people will get opportunities to improve their knowledge through advanced courses. The unemployed will do well in their ambition to get into good jobs. Money flow will be copious, and surplus money should be invested in secure investments.

Singles will be lucky to get the right partners in love. Married couples can go on a pleasure trip to increase the happiness and harmony in their union. Health will be fabulous, and hardly any problems will come up.

December Birthstone Color and Flower and More

Source: monthlybirthstones.com

The December Birthstone is Turquoise

The traditional birthstone for December is brilliant blue Turquoise and the December birthstone color is blue.  There are in fact three official December birthstones – Turquoise, Tanzanite and Blue Zircon, with Blue Topaz as the alternative December gemstone.

Topaz is the main Zodiac birthstone for Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21) and Turquoise is one of the secondary stones. Ruby is the primary birthstone for Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20). Other birthday symbols include the birth flowers for December which are the Narcissus (Daffodil) and the Poinsettia.

Besides being meaningful December birthday gifts, Turquoise jewelry is the gift to celebrate an 11th wedding anniversary and Tanzanite jewelry for a 24th anniversary.

The name Turquoise comes from ‘pierre turquoise’ which means ‘stone of Turkey’ so called when the stone was brought to Europe from Turkish bazaars.

According to legends the Turquoise stone symbolizes success, happiness and prosperity.

Watch the short, informative videos below highlighting the history, symbolism and properties of all three of December’s gemstones. (Clink on the link above to watch the video.)

The December Birthstone Color is Blue

Blue is the birthstone color for December and comes from the three official December gemstones – Turquoise, Tanzanite and Blue Zircon, which all occur in shades of blue.


Turquoise is formed by groundwater containing copper that has seeped into the bedrock. Reactions with other minerals over time form an opaque stone of stunning shades of blues and greens. The dark lines and shapes seen in turquoise are derived from the surrounding rock, known as matrix. Beautiful blue-green Turquoise is one of  the earliest gemstones to be cast in jewelry since ancient times.

Rare violet-blue Tanzanite was recently discovered in the 1960’s and the only known deposit is in northern Tanzania.

Sparkling Zircon has been used in jewelry for over 2000 years and is available in many colors, the most popular being blue Zircon.

Blue Topaz is the alternative birthstone for December and also a very popular gemstone in jewelry. Topaz occurs in variety of natural colors and its color range has been extended by chemical or heat treatments of colorless Topaz.

December birthstone jewelry set with any of the blue birthstones of December, or with blue crystals or beads, makes a lovely gift for a December birthday. Turquoise earrings continue to be very popular all year round.

Discover more about turquoise properties and turquoise symbolism.


The Second December Birthstone is Tanzanite

Tanzanite is the second of the three official December gemstones – Turquoise, Tanzanite and Blue Zircon. The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) added Tanzanite to the official birthstone list in 2002, the first change to the list since 1912.

Tanzanite is a beautiful blue-violet variety of zoisite and is only found in northern Tanzania in Africa. It was formed about 585 million years ago during great upheavals in the earth’s crust that later formed Mount Kilimanjaro. It is thought that the intense heat generated caused chemical changes in deposits of brown zoisite to form the unusual blue-violet colored zoisite.

These rare deposits were discovered in 1967 and later given the trade name of ‘Tanzanite’ by Tiffany & Co. Tanzanite crystals can actually display three colors – blue, violet and burgundy depending on the angle of the crystals and lighting conditions.

Due to its rarity Tanzanite jewelry tends to be more expensive than other semi-precious gemstones, however the amazing purple-blue hues definitely make it worthwhile. Tanzanite engagement rings are becoming popular and are more affordable than rings set with traditional precious gemstones.

Discover more about the discovery and mining of tanzanite.

Blue Zircon

Blue Topaz

(Side Note from LCB -There will be a post dedicated to each of December birthstones this month)

December Birthday Symbols and Zodiac Signs

Birthstone: Turquoise

Official birthstones: Turquoise, Tanzanite & Blue Zircon

Alternative birthstone: Blue Topaz

Birthstone color: blue

Birth flower: Narcissus (daffodil)

Zodiac star sign: Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21)

Zodiac star sign: Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20)

11th wedding anniversary: Turquoise

24th wedding anniversary: Tanzanite

December Zodiac Signs and Crystals

The two November birthday zodiac signs are Sagittarius and Capricorn. The Sagittarius sign is from November 22 to December 21 and the Capricorn sign from December 22 to January 20. (The start and end dates can vary by a day or so each year).

New Moon Beginnings offer Zodiac crystal sets (rough or tumbled) to enhance each sign’s positive qualities and to calm negative energies.

Snowflake obsidian, sodalite, clear quartz, citrine and tigers eye are included in the Sagittarius crystal set to enhance their optimistic and adventurous nature. Discover how these stones amplify the qualities of the Sagittarius sign.

In the Capricorn crystal set – garnet, fluorite, smoky quartz, onyx and azurite compliment the self-sufficient and ambitious Capricorns. Find out how these stones can help strengthen the Capricorn sign characteristics.

Sagittarius Crystals (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Capricorn Crystals (Dec 22 – Jan 20)

Discover facts about your DECEMBER Birthday

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December Birth Flowers are Narcissus and Poinsettia

The birth flowers for December are the pretty Narcissus and the vibrant Poinsettia, which both flower during the month of December.


The primary birthday flower for December is the Narcissus which blooms in late winter to spring (Northern Hemisphere).

Narcissus is a group of plants in the amaryllis family, also known as Daffodil or Jonquil, and the flowers are white, yellow or orange.

Narcissus are native to woodlands and meadows of southern Europe and North Africa, with the center of diversity in the western Mediterranean.

The name Narcissus is linked to the Greek word for ‘narcotic’ and the Greek myth of a youth that fell in love with his own reflection (narcissism).

The Narcissus is a national flower of both Wales and Iran and the Daffodil is the flower given to celebrate a tenth wedding anniversary.


The vibrant red Poinsettia is the second birthday flower for December and is widely used in Christmas decorations.

The Poinsettia is indigenous to Mexico but has been introduced world wide and there are a number of cultivated varieties. It is the national flower of the Caribbean island country of Trinidad and Tobago.

The  Poinsettia was named after a US ambassador to Mexico, J.R Poinsett, who is thought to have informed botanists about this attractive plant.

The language of flowers introduced in Victorian times says that Poinsettias symbolize good cheer and success.