Spell for Tuesday – Powerful Egg Shell Protection


Powerful Egg Shell Protection Spell

(SIDE NOTE from Lady Carla Beltane: To clean eggshells of that film that stays after you use the egg for whatever run the eggshell under as hot of water that is comfortable for you while gently moving a finger around the inside the shell. Then place the eggshells open side up into an empty egg carton to dry thoroughly. After they are thoroughly dry, I place them on my pastry sheet and use a rolling pin to crush them.)

Waste not want not applies to more than just meals! We believe that all ingredients and, what some would call trash, contain powerful symbolic magic.

And today, we’re going to harness the symbolism of the strong, powerful egg shell in our newest protection spell.

This spell leverages the potent symbolism of the egg, representing life, potential, and protection. As always, while spell ingredients provide energy to propel our manifestation, the power lies within your intention, the faith you have in the process, and the energy you infuse into it.

As you cast this spell, focus on the symbolism of the egg as a container of life and potential, as well as its shell as a protective barrier.

Egg Shell Protection Spell

Prep Time1minute 
Spell Time10minutes 
Total Time11minutes 


White Candles



Permanent Marker optional

Whole Pasteurized Egg Shell


  • Cleanse: Begin by creating a safe and sacred space. If desired, cleanse the space with smoke from sage or your favorite cleansing herbs. Light the white candles and place them on your altar or sacred space.
  • Consecrate: If you wish, you can use the marker to draw symbols on the egg that are meaningful to you and represent protection. These could be runes, sigils, or other symbols associated with protection in your personal practice.
  • Visualize: Hold the egg in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize yourself or what you want to be protected is living inside of the eggshell. Imagine that the eggshell is keeping you safe from negative energies or influences that may be affecting you.
  • Protect: Pour salt into the bowl, and place the egg int the center. As you do this, recite the following incantation (or one of your own creation):

    “Shell of life, pure and round, Ward off harm, guard my ground. By the power of earth and sea, As I will it, so mote it be.”

  • Manifest: Leave the egg within the salt circle on your altar or sacred space for as long as you feel is necessary. Some people might choose to leave it overnight, while others might choose to leave it for several days.
  • Close: End the ritual by closing your sacred space in your chosen manner. You might choose to do this by extinguishing your candles, thanking any spirits or deities you invoked, or simply stating your intention to close the space.
  • Clean Up: Once you feel the spell is complete, take the egg outside and return it to the earth. You can do this by burying it in the ground or breaking it and scattering it in a garden or forest. As you do so, thank the egg and release any negative energies it has absorbed.

4 thoughts on “Spell for Tuesday – Powerful Egg Shell Protection

  1. Great one. I love working with eggshells! I always have at least 6 cartons turned upside down in my fridge (that’s how I know which ones are eggs and which are eggshells LOL) and every easter (not my holiday) I make easter eggs for the neighborhood children, asking that they bring the shells back to me. When they do, I give them a cup of my shells from the fridge and the recipe to make sidewalk chalk – I tell them this is how the chickens help us make magick! Needless to say, I am quite a hit with the children in my building and beyond! I tell each of them How to add the magick to their chalk (I give them a little mantra to repeat when they are stirring) and then I have someone tell me what they have drawn on the patio – so I can add their “spells” to my candle altar 🙂

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      1. Oh, I wash them and then store them in the refrigerator. I have to keep my countertops as empty as possible LOL being blind I tend to knock things over! And that would mean eggshells everywhere (ouch, my poor feet!LOL)
        I have a recipe – I’ll have my assistant locate it for me and get it to you the next time he is here and I remember 🙂 Definitely before Easter hahaha

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