Spell For Binding Spell For a Toxic Or Harmful Person


Source: modwitchofthewest.wordpress.com

The Last-Quarter Moon is when the Moon is three-quarters through its orbit around Earth. This is when the Moon is Waning (going from Full back to the New Moon).

Just as the moon is “shedding” its illumination, this is a time think about what you need to shed from yourself. What do you need to release? What is no longer serving you? Is it a negative thought pattern? A relationship? A feeling? This is the perfect time to banish, cast away, bind, scream, and yell in hopes to lighten our load as we approach the New Moon and Her fresh energies.

There may be some months where you have nothing you think you need to get rid of or release from your life…and this is okay! It isn’t completely necessary to remove something during this time. It’s not a requirement that you do. But it is one of the best times to do this if you do have something needing of release. Maybe you’re still working on releasing yourself of something from the month before, this is okay, too! Keep working on that thing, you don’t want to overload yourself with things needing to be banished. Don’t overwhelm yourself. This is a time to release things to better yourself, and taking on more than you can handle will, more than likely, bring you down rather than lift you up.

A Binding Spell for a Toxic Or Harmful Person

-This is a spell that can be used for when someone isn’t respecting boundaries or not listening to you when you feel they are abusing your energy or help. THIS DOES NOT CURSE OR HEX THEM; rather it works on a subtle level to bind their negative energy up so they can’t influence you or be a burden on you.

What you’ll need:

A picture of the person or one of their belongings (lock of hair, sample of handwriting, piece of clothing, etc.);

A black candle

A lighter or matches

Red thread

A pen and paper



Onyx or Tourmaline.


  1. Ground yourself & Cast a Circle – breath deeply into the base of your spine as you connect to the Earth. Imagine energy rising up your spine into your heart. Imagine the Universe beaming a light into the crown of your head, moving through your heart, and mingling with your personal energy. Keep breathing deeply and acknowledge this power. Use a wand, athame, or your finger and walk clockwise as you cast your circle.
  2. Call in the Elements – Do this however you normally do it, walking clockwise from North around to West.
  3. Focus on Your Intention and Bind That Shit Up – Keep breathing. Find your connection to the Earth. Have a clear intention about who or what you are trying to bind. Take the photo and write: “I bind [their name]” and then what it is you are binding them from. If you are using their belongings, write this on a piece of paper. Then, read that petition out loud. It can be something like this, or unique to yourself: “I [your own name] bind [their name]. I bind [their name] in the name of the Universe. I bind [their name] from harming me in the name of the Elements. I bind [their name] by my name. So it is (Or any other closing you normally do).” Once you are finished with the petition, fold up the piece of paper while imaging the person being caught in the folds like a golden lasso; strong enough that they can never escape (unless you choose to reverse this). Keep focusing as you wrap up the piece of paper with the red string. Repeat the petition: “I bind [their name]” thirteen times while wrapping the string.
  4. Light the Candle – Place the Onyx or Tourmaline around the black candle. Now place the petition in front of this, making sure any items belonging to the person are next to it. Light the candle and repeat what you said before, about binding them by your name and the name of the Universe and Elements. Once this is said, take a few breaths to connect with your intention. Let the candle burn all the way down, placing it into a sink or fire-safe bowl if you have to (birthday candles are a great way to do spells that require candles to burn down, as it takes minutes as opposed to hours for a larger candle).
  5. Dismiss the Elements – However you choose to do it, but walking counterclockwise now, from West to North.
  6. Close the Circle & Ground Yourself – Close the circle with whichever tool you used to cast it. Walk in a counterclockwise direction, feeling the energy moving back into your hand, up your arm, through your body, and back into the Earth. Once you get back to the front of the circle, press you forehead into the ground and imagine any excess energy returning to the Earth.
  7. Disposal – One the New Moon, bury the wax and the petition at a crossroads, or burn it and flush it down the toilet (if you do this, make sure the materials are not harmful to the environment), or dispose of it at an intersection.

*This spell was taken from Inner Witch by Gabriela Herstik (told y’all, it’s my favorite book). And, again, I am under the assumption that, if you are doing spells, you already have a way of calling on the Elements, dismissing them, and casting/closing a circle.

I hope this helps Witches and non-Witches to think about ways to get rid of things or people that are toxic in their lives. This is, obviously, a practice that is not specific to Witchcraft, as all people need to rid their lives of toxicity. Maybe you don’t use spells to do it, but it is important to do it regardless. This is the perfect time to do it!