Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for the Last Quarter Moon


Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon; best effects between these times

Moon is 7-10 1/2 days after the full moon.

Workings: Addictions, divorce, endings, health and healing (banishing), stress, protection, and ancestors.

Purpose: Absolute destruction

Pagan Holiday: Fall Equinox

Goddess Name: The Morrigan’s Moon

Goddess Energy: harvest goddesses

Offering: Incense

Theme: Banishing

Tarot Trump: Judgement

Binding Oil – needed for the following spell from

Materials Required

  • 1 oz glass bottle
  • 15 drops dill oil 
  • 30 drops arinse 
  • 60 drops galangal 
  • 15 drops hyssop 
  • 60 drops myrrh

Be sure to mix the ingredients well so that they are properly blended. As you are mixing, think of things being bound from your life.

Removing an Obstacle from

Materials Required 

  • Binding oil
  • String
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil or pen
  • Black candle 
  • Match or lighter 
  • Fire-proof bowl

The first step you will need to complete for this is to cast a circle (how you normally would when preparing for your workings) and to ensure that all of your materials are within reach.

You will light your candle first, black is generally used because it symbolizes the removal of something from your life.

Next, you will write the obstacle that you wish to see removed from your life on the piece of paper. After which, you will spend a few moments visualizing how you will work to remove this obstacle from your life. It is important to remember that spells can assist a great deal, but you also have to put in the necessary time, effort, and energy towards what you are looking to accomplish. When you are finished, you will then take the piece of paper and fold it so that it is smaller in size, and begin to wrap your string around it. As you are wrapping the string around the piece of paper, you can recite the following incantation:

 As I wrap this cord, ________ will be no one.
_______ shall no longer be a part of my life.
This shall come to be. 

When you have finished wrapping, you will then take a small amount of the binding oil, and put it on the obstacle you have wrapped in the string. After which, you will take it, and place it in the fireproof bowl, and set it aflame. As it burns, the following incantation, or something similar should be recited:

As this obstacle burns, so shall the power it has over me.
This obstacle shall hold no power over me.
As it burns, it shall be released release from my life. 

After it has been burned to ash, you may close your circle. Once the ashes from your obstacle are cool to the touch, you may bury them somewhere away from your home so that they can cause no more harm.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the articles published in the Moon Magick series thus far, and that you have found them informative and inspiring. Stay tuned for the next article in this series! And as always, brightest blessings to you while on your magickal journey.