From wiccanfamilytemple.org

FEB. 2: IMBOLC SABBAT: Cleansing, Purification, Quickening. Imbolc/St.Brigid’s Day – Old Celtic/Irish feast of Goddess Brigid; merged with the Christian feast of St. Brigid. Fires were lit to welcome Her as She traveled about blessing fields, animals, and people.

FEB. 7: Greek Day of Selene: Moon Goddess

FEB. 14: Norse Family Festival – Celebrated as Valentine’s Day

FEB. 1-14 Greek festival of God Dionysus – in which vines were pruned and sprinkled with wine, accompanied by ritual singing and dancing.
FEB. 15: Lupercalia (Festival of the Wolf): Pan’s Day—Honoring the Lord of the Wilderness, Animals, and Fertility. Coming of Spring.

FEB. 23: Egyptian Day of Nut: Goddess of Healing and Fertility

FEB. 28: Cake Day – Offering little cakes to the God and the Goddess; Remembering the ancestors with cakes and flowers.