November 16 Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard.

Knight of Chalices – A Court Card

Pages 220 – 221

This card is a proposals and invitations, of socializing, networking, and making new contacts. There may be an artistic or romantic proposal, or simply an enjoyment of good times, perhaps with an invitation to received to attend a propitious occasion. The invitation may allow for social advancement or provide a desired opportunity to make necessary contacts for emotional fulfillment and satisfaction in life. If representative of a person, this card is someone who has something beneficial to offer. One’s enthusiasm may prompt openings and opportunities, especially through casual mingling among people who prove helpful. Relaxation and good times are indicated, as well as holiday fun with others, and opportunities. Artistic expression is given direction  and finesse. There is also a possible opportunism with this card: someone being capricious with one’s emotions, vacillating and leading one on. Flattery or deception could come into p[lay, or a person could be misleading one either for his or her own gain or simply because of an inability to be emotionally consistent or make a sincere commitment.

Marigolds, flowers of well-being, affection, and relationships, make a wreath. A stork, a symbol of beginnings, devotion. and opportunities, stand by a tree.

Meaning: Artistic direction, romantic or social proposal, invitation, fun, relaxation, opportunity, advancement, emotional sensitivity, developing style, love, breakthrough.

Prompt Words: Proposals, socializing.


The Rune Site – Younger Futhork


Sound: “r”
Stands for: Riding (as well as the means – Horse, Cart, etc.)
Casting meaning: Since this rune stands for the act of riding its symbolic meaning is one of a journey. A trip or adventure that we must undertake in order to further ourselves down a path we have set out on.

Witches’ Rune

The Eye

Eye: third eye, seeing the truth, clairvoyance, someone’s watching, the evil eye and protection

This rune is my favorite. The all-seeing eye. It represents seeing things unseen, also seeing the beauty in things others don’t. Can also be a warning of the evil eye or someone watching.


From Ogham Symbol Gallery


D is for Duir, the Celtic tree of Oak. Like the mighty tree it represents, Duir is associated with strength, resilience and self-confidence. The Oak is strong and powerful, often dominating over its shorter neighbors. The Oak King rules over the summer months, and this tree was sacred to the Druids. Some scholars say the word Duir translates to “door,” the root word of “Druid”. The Oak is connected with spells for protection and strength, fertility, money and success, and good fortune.

In many pre-Christian societies, the Oak was often associated with the leaders of the gods–Zeus, Thor, Jupiter, and so forth. The strength and masculinity of the Oak was honored through the worship of these gods.

During the Tudor and Elizabethan eras, Oak was valued for its stength and durability, and was commonly used in construction of homes. The bark became valuable in the tanning industry, and many areas of Scotland were deforested in the rush to harvest Oak.

Duir Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Carry an acorn in your pocket when you go to an interview or business meeting; it will be bring you good luck. If you catch a falling Oak leaf before it hits the ground, you’ll stay healthy the following year. Remember that “Duir” means gate or door–watch for chances that may pop up unexpectedly, and take what is offered to you. After all, an unknown opportunity is better than a missed one.

Magical Aspects: Be strong and steady like the Oak, no matter how unpredictable things may become for you spiritually. Your strength will help you prevail.




If your life path number is 7, your life will be predominantly influenced by your mind. Whether it’s intellectual pursuits, philosophical discourses, or a deep spiritual/meditative life through your 7th chakra, you are made for it. You would make a great professor, philosopher or a guru. Because you are too much in the head, you may find yourself alien to matters of the heart. It isn’t easy – you just don’t get the clues, or don’t know how to give them out. You avoid emotions, and if your partner feels them naturally, you may blame them for being hysterical, when in fact they are being just natural. If the digits of a date add up to number 7, know that it’s a wonderful time to cook up ideas, to write a paper, to post on social media, or meditate.

Animal Spirit Guide and Helper

From Uni Guide

Cougar [+ Mountain Lion & Puma]

Cougar meanings and symbolism include protection, agility, adaptability, secrecy, beauty, and wealth. The cougar (also referred to as a mountain lion, puma, or panther) is native to the Americas, with a range that spans from the Yukon in Canada all the way to Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. As a result, these wild cats are subjects in the mythology of cultures throughout the Americas.

In this post, you’ll learn about cougar symbolism and meanings, the cougar spirit animal, and cougar mythology. This post will also include the symbolism and mythology of the mountain lion, panther, and puma (the alternative names for cougar) and I may use the words interchangeably throughout this post.