Your Daily Divination Journal for Wednesday, August 15th

Your Daily Divination Journal for Wednesday, August 15th

Tarot Card of the Day

August 15, 2018











 Traditionally, The Magician is one who can demonstrate hands-on magic — as in healing, transformative rituals, alchemical transmutations, charging of talismans, and the like. A modern Magician is any person who completes the circuit between heaven and Earth; one who seeks to bring forth the divine gold within her or himself.

At the birth of Tarot, even a gifted healer who was not an ordained clergyman was considered to be in league with The Devil! For obvious reasons, the line between fooling the eye with sleight of hand and charging the world with magical will, was not clearly differentiated in the early Tarot cards.

Waite’s image of The Magician as the solitary ritualist communing with the spirits of the elements — with its formal arrangement of symbols — is a token of the freedom we have in modern times to declare our spiritual politics without fear of reprisal. The older cards were never so explicit about what The Magician was doing. It’s best to keep your imagination open with this card. Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by evolutionary forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. is Part of the Daily Insight Group © 2018


Fear of Tarot Readings

Experts explain why Tarot cards are nothing to fear

Have you ever been scared to get a Tarot reading? Most people find the insight we can get from Tarot cards thrilling, but there are some who find the process intimidating or frightening. If you’re one of those few, it’s time to face your fear of Tarot so you can move past it.

We spoke with Tarot expert Jewels Edwards, a psychic and contemporary mystic in Portland, Ore., who has been using Tarot as a tool of insight for more than 20 years, to help explain why Tarot is frightening for some — and why it shouldn’t be.

“Tarot is simply a tool for receiving messages from other dimensions,” Edwards said. “It is not evil, harmful or tainted in any way. It’s a method to bring the information through with clarity and integrity.”

Edwards is able to use Tarot to “hear” messages from the spirit, higher consciousness or universal consciousness (whatever you choose to label it).

“Some people have heard or developed a belief that Tarot comes from the devil or is likely to bring in dark energy, but none of this is true,” Edwards said. “Tarot is only a tool, like a hammer, for bringing through information for the benefit of the questioner.”


You can change your future

But what if the information that comes through is something terrible you don’t want to hear? That’s the biggest fear for most when it comes to Tarot readings.

“The fear comes from being afraid that something horrific is going to show up, like a fatal disease, the death of a loved one, a divorce or breakup of some kind, or the ending of a job,” Edwards said. “If people do receive this kind of information, what is truly fear-provoking is that they won’t be able to change it and that they are stuck with that particular outcome.”

However, that’s not true. The whole point of doing a Tarot reading is so you’ll have the insight and advice you need to change your life for the better. “People are afraid because they believe they are helpless to change some negative future outcomes, but nothing is farther from the truth, Edwards said. “While difficult potential futures do sometimes show up, Tarot is only to show the questioner what is most likely to happen so they have the opportunity to change it.” is Part of the Daily Insight Group © 2018


Love Tarot Card of the Day

The Wheel of Fortune

August 15, 2018
Today, the truth is told and clears up a situation that has hung on and on. Take direct action now to clear up something that should have been handled long ago. The Wheel of Fortune selected you because you need to know that some parts of the conditions were out of your control. Some events are not the result of something you did. You do have control over how you deal with matters now.

Erotic Tarot Card of the Day

The Chariot

August 15, 2018
The Chariot shows that you’re rolling toward a major sexual goal today, willing to forego just about anything and everything else to have that one big O! The thing is, who are you willing to trample over to get there? This card can be a sign to slow down just a bit, because while sex is fun, it shouldn’t be your number one focus right now. You don’t have to come to a complete stop, but pulling back on the reins just a bit will give you the clarity you need to make sure you’re making wise sexual decisions.

Your Influences for Wednesday, August 15

Element Influence

Earth Reversed

Earth reversed denotes a lack of positive connection with the life spirit–a lost soul. If you are not careful you may miss much of what life has to offer you










Astrological Influence

Pisces Reversed

Pisces reversed signifies a lack of positive thinking and creativity at this time











Element Influence

Earth Reversed

Earth reversed denotes a lack of positive connection with the life spirit–a lost soul. If you are not careful you may miss much of what life has to offer you









Your Daily Rune for


“Not-this” – Literally: “Need-fire” or “Necessity” – Esoteric: Constraint, Friction

Key Concepts: Need, resistance, constraint, conflict, drama, effort, necessity, urgency, hard work, need-fire, life lessons, creative friction, distress, force of growth, the consequence of past action, short term pain for long term gain

Psi: resistance, need, effort

Energy: necessity, coming forth into being, urgency

Mundane: doing what must be done, chores, hard work

Divinations: Resistance (leading to strength), recognition of örlög (ultimate law, primal truth), innovation, need-fire (self-reliance), personal development and life lessons, achievement through effort; or constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity, warnings, worry, guilt, moral cowardice, unfulfilled or unrecognized needs.

Your Animal Spirit for Today

Pray to the Hummingbird Spirit Guide

Characteristics of the Hummingbird as a Spirit Guide


Crack the Cookie

The Wisdom of Buddha

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

For all your magickal needs in 2018, think Magickal Necessities


Your Daily Horoscope Journal for Wednesday, August 15th

Your Daily Horoscope Journal for Wednesday, August 15th

Your Daily Love Horoscopes for Wednesday, August 15th


Pisces Daily Love Horoscope

Trying to strengthen your closeness with others or one special person could prove tricky as your attention is drawn to matters outside your emotional sphere. Rather than wait for a sign from someone close that they feel excluded or ignored, try to nip any potential tension in the bud now. If you have obligations elsewhere that need attention, then that’s the way life works. A new level of understanding that saves hassle or tension in the future isn’t impossible to reach now.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope

Your logical approach to a personal matter might feel right to you, and you might feel certain it won’t be met with resistance from someone close. However, pursuing something your way could cause you to appear too impetuous or presumptive. Your sweetheart could soon make clear their displeasure at not having as much of a say or input as they wanted. As long as you ensure two-way communication happens and you resist taking action based on any assumptions, then all will be fine.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope

A connection has the potential to deepen or be strengthened, but you might need to step back and create some space or distance briefly for this to happen. Some very encouraging developments are trying to manifest in your emotional life, but you could benefit from looking closely at where these could take you. Your heart needs to be in it to win it, and if any doubts or uncertainty exist, then now’s the time to address them.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope

The cosmos is keen to boost your confidence or optimism levels, but you could be focused instead on doubts that create a mental imbalance. If these involve feelings of guilt or love life situations from your past that have never been resolved properly, then you have a chance to address and release yourself from what’s holding you back. The sky promises some delightful and potentially magical developments once you allow positivity to override any negativity.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope

A loved one or someone close could look to you for an answer or decision. Although this affects both of you but puts pressure on you, you could find you’re better placed to decide something on your and a loved one’s behalf. This could be a time when progress relies on you taking the lead but ensuring someone close is kept up to speed with your thought processes or decisions.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope

You might be doing a wonderful job of summoning patience and showing restraint in some way, but these admirable traits could be misinterpreted by a loved one as a lack of interest in them. If you’re an attached Virgo, then your partner might see no reason why a shared plan can’t commence immediately while you feel more time is needed to allow things to develop gradually. Keeping lines of communication open will save so much stress or remove scope for misunderstandings.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope

Combining your imagination and creativity can bring a positive shift or even transformation to your emotional world or a close partnership. If artistic or musical talents are your Leonine specialty, then a loved one could be delighted with however you channel your powerful self-expression at this time. Has it been years or decades since you last wrote a love letter, on paper or not sent by a phone? Now’s your chance!

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope

A tense or awkward exchange between you and someone close could need nipping in the bud swiftly if it’s to be resolved amicably. It needn’t be allowed to permeate your emotional world or a love partnership negatively. Neither should it affect or influence any decisions made recently or plans agreed. With willingness and sensitivity on both sides, this snafu can be short-lived.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope

Be prepared for something to change in your emotional world in a way you’re unlikely to ignore. However, preparing yourself shouldn’t involve priming yourself because what’s unfolding now is something to welcome, not be fearful of. Some Geminis will take long-overdue, decisive action. Others could be released from a relationship that has run its course. Either way, there can be no more fence-sitting. It all points to a new level of commitment or release.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope

You and the object of your affections might be aware of a need to start something over or redoing something that worked in the past. If an arrangement doesn’t offer as much potential for growth or progression as you wish it did, then that’s good news. Going back to basics in some way helps with getting essential understanding in place about what both of you need mentally and physically from a love connection. If you’re single, then someone you’re attracted to could alter your attitude toward love and intimacy.

Aries Daily Love Horoscope

Look closely at a self-imposed boundary because it is probably the culprit with keeping things stagnant in an area of your emotional world. Whether this is mental or physical, it’s restricting your heart from enjoying a deeper level of connection with a special person or taking brave steps to find one. It might have suited you in the past, but that was then, this is now. Permit yourself to be released from it.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope

If the winds of change are more noticeable in your emotional world, then they could encourage you to become more reflective or detached as you focus on what you want the coming chapter in your love life to bring. For some Aquarians, you might lose a particular freedom you’ve enjoyed until now. In any case, the dynamic in your personal life is shifting and the new era commencing needs you to be aware of what you want it to bring from the outset.


Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, August 15th




Cooperative energy is with you again today, dear Aries. You’re more focused than you were yesterday, however, and you tend to home in on something you love doing and then really have a go at it. This may be a project you left on a shelf that you’re now coming at with new energy. Applying yourself to a creative project can be very satisfying, and you’re entirely deadset on resolving problems. People are likely to be helpful, and this makes you feel supported and secure. You could be excited about what you’re learning, or through the process of solving a problem, you learn some new tricks. Indeed, there’s a stronger focus on the past these days, but you’re also reworking it, and this moves you forward.





This is a good day for grounding yourself through focusing on a pet project or constructive activity, dear Taurus. Organizing or putting effort into a home or family activity can be particularly rewarding now. Showing your devotion or constancy in a relationship improves a bond. In fact, people appreciate dedication more than usual with the energies of today. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, turning your attention to your daily affairs, and also placing you in the right frame of mind for solving problems. All around, this should be a quiet day but one in which you’re subtly making nice progress.





Your ruler, Mercury, is nearing the end of its retrograde, dear Gemini, and will turn direct in just four days. It’s heading into harmony with Venus as it moves into a direct station, effectively easing what often can be a somewhat rocky transition. As a result, you can feel exceptionally comfortable in your own skin this week. There are small challenges to deal with, and there’s a stronger focus on the past, but as you smooth over problems, you’re making progress and moving forward. The Moon spends the day in your creative sector, further boosting your mood and calling your inner child out to play. Look for interesting ways to express your creative side today.





The Moon spends the day in your soulful fourth house, dear Cancer, and you’re seeking out nourishment from familiar places or faces. It’s a fine time to indulge this need for security and predictability, even if there are some distractions or conflicts stirred as you do. Busier days are to come, and centering yourself in advance can benefit you greatly. There is a tendency to enjoy projects or activities that require some extra effort or responsibility today, and you may want to take advantage of it by applying yourself to something that could use an extra dose of concentration. Activities that involve organization, tidying, and editing are particularly suitable today, primarily related to work, health, and money.





Mercury is nearing the end of its retrograde in your sign, dear Leo, with only a few more days to go before turning direct. If you’ve been counting the days, then you should be happy to know that a Mercury-Venus aspect eases this week’s transition period. You’re likely to feel good about the changes you’ve made or the problems you’ve solved, although you may need to wait a while longer for some information that’s yet to arrive. The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, in fact, and harmonizes with the Sun in your sign, boosting your pleasure with learning and connecting. As well today, a Sun-Vesta aspect encourages a focused, dedicated approach to a project or relationship that really pays off. You are putting problems behind you, and it feels good!




You’re feeling considerably less divided or scattered now, dear Virgo, and you’re ready to apply yourself to a problem that you may have put off. Fortunately, you’re more determined than ever to make it work. You’re particularly focused on strengthening areas of your life that aren’t as visible, including relationships with loved ones and your own attitude or outlook. Getting a section of your home organized may be part of this, but it can also extend to any long-term project that you’ve put on a shelf or didn’t have time for in the past. Support might arrive from behind the scenes, and you can be feeling especially on top of family or home-related challenges. Your ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde for a few more days, but even so, it’s connecting beautifully with Venus this week before making the transition to direct motion. This influence can smooth things over, or at least, it feels that way!




The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Libra, and you’re once again in an excellent position to take the lead, although you may be following your emotions more often than not right now. While some spontaneity helps with this transit, a Sun-Vesta aspect today suggests that pouring some of your energy into a worthwhile task can be well worth the effort. A project or predicament may deserve a second look now, and this time around, you’re determined to bring it to the finishing line. Your ruler, Venus, is heading into a lovely aspect with retrograde Mercury this week, and this can bring an old friend back into your life.





You’re inclined to keep to yourself or content to operate in the background today, dear Scorpio, with the Moon in the sign just behind yours. You may very well enjoy the anonymity as it gives you a break. You’re also inclined to benefit from time alone. There will be plenty of opportunities to turn heads in the coming weeks. For now, life is quiet, and you like it that way. A Sun-Vesta aspect today encourages a dedicated focus on business or money-related pursuits, though, and you can very well resolve a long-standing problem, or work towards its resolution, with this committed energy. Even though you may be feeling as if you’re backstepping these days, there is also a sense that your efforts to fix problems are strengthening your life in crucial ways.




The week can have its share of small problems with key planets retrograde, dear Sagittarius, but you’re likely to sail through with a great attitude. Vesta in your sign is connecting well with the Sun today, and this suggests you’re easily finding endeavors that absorb you. This can be a winning time for getting over a hump or solving a problem that previously left you stumped or frustrated. In fact, you may decide to have a go at a complicated matter, and you stick with it until you’ve put it behind you. The Moon supports you again today, and friends either lend a hand or step out of your way and let you do your own thing. Either way, they’re helpful!





The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Capricorn, and while you may struggle a little with others’ demands of you now, the attention you’re receiving is positive, and it feels good. With Mars retrograde in your sign these days, your energy levels can be up and down, but easy interactions in your social or professional life can boost your mood. In your close relationships, demonstrating your dedication and loyalty can be especially rewarding today. You may be going out of your way to help someone out, and they’re very likely to appreciate your efforts. It’s an excellent time to strengthen a bond, and also for putting extra energy into resolving a complex problem.





The Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, dear Aquarius, and you’re likely to feel freer to express your emotions, or you easily find healthy channels through which to release your feelings. There’s also good energy with you for working with someone towards resolving a problem. Teaming up can be especially worthwhile now, or supporting a friend can strengthen a relationship. The day favors structure, commitment, and planning more than anything. People in your life are more supportive of your goals or integral in helping you see your priorities. Mercury retrograde in your partnership sector heading towards a sextile to Venus in your solar ninth house can bring a former friend or project/line of study back into your life this week.




You’re inclined to go deep in whatever you take on today, dear Pisces, for a couple of astrological reasons. For one, the Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, and with this transit, you’re only satisfied with those things you’ve really sunk your teeth into. You want to challenge yourself now. For another, a Sun-Vesta aspect occurs today that encourages a committed, focused approach, and it’s happening in your sectors of work, health, and career. Tackling an old problem with new commitment and energy can figure strongly today and can be rewarding, as well. Others may be noticing all of your efforts, and showing their appreciation.





Happy Birthday Irene! BBB338

If You Were Born Today, August 15

You possess both cleverness and versatility that allow you to understand just about anything. Yours is a youthful spirit, with a mischievous streak, not only in youth but throughout life! As intelligent as you are, you see so many possible paths to take that it can be challenging focusing on just one. You share your fun-loving spirit through your sense of humor and unique ideas. You love to solve problems, and you may have marked writing or speaking ability. Your ability to solve problems is next to none. With your need to find wisdom in whatever you do and see, you are inclined to build up a strong personal philosophy. You are quite idealistic about people and about love, so you should watch for expecting too much from a partner. You can be quite sensitive to the mood swings of a partner.  Famous people born today: Ben Affleck, Julia Child, Princess Anne, Jennifer Lawrence, Natasha Henstridge, Tess Harper, Joe Jonas.

Your Birthday Year Forecast

The Sun in a waxing sextile to the Moon in your Solar Return chart has a fortunate influence on your year ahead. You can be especially productive this year, as in many ways you are starting fresh, but you have a rather clear vision of what you want to accomplish. Your inner needs tend to be mirrored by external events, and vice versa, which helps to boost your confidence and happiness levels. You more readily accept that challenges are part of the natural cycle in life, which in turn helps you to meet them with confidence and to worry less. You are likely to be on top of your game this year for the most part, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. A comfortable level of personal popularity helps keep conflict to a minimum. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there will be less stress on both your mind and body.

You have Jupiter transiting in harmony to your Sun from March 2019 forward. Under this influence, you have a stronger than usual desire to improve, grow, and learn. This is a fortunate aspect that helps boost optimism and confidence, and you are able to attract fortunate circumstances into your life as a result. Problems are easier to resolve. Matters related to universities, higher education, organized religion, publishing, legal affairs, and foreign interests can be especially strong. It’s a favorable time to further your education, travel, or otherwise expand your personal horizons. You are likely to enjoy a larger perspective on matters that keeps you from getting lost in details or overly frustrated by everyday stresses.

You are very likely to attract loving relationships and/or new warm social contacts into your life. Your popularity increases and efforts to smooth over challenges in partnerships are more likely to succeed. This is an excellent influence for negotiations, marriage, and business partnership.

This can be a year in which you are building faith and confidence in your personality, skills, and talents. You can experience a stronger desire to seek out meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation in your life during this period. Others might frequently turn to you for guidance. In fact, they may see the wisdom in your ways more clearly.

You are especially creative and expressive during this period, and you succeed most in fields or areas that allow you to make something beautiful, attractive, and/or entertaining. Personal magnetism is excellent at this time. This is a good period for creative projects and joining with others in the pursuit of a common goal.

Energy fluctuates this year, however. If you aren’t too rash or impulsive, you might be able to free yourself from restrictive circumstances. You could also have more courage than usual to do things that break the routine, and confrontations engaged in this year could clear the air and help you to move forward.

You might also watch for a tendency to overstate and to neglect important details when making plans. You may have so very many ideas that you end up implementing none if you’re not careful! You are likely to have increased opportunities for travel and/or new learning experiences.

Idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface this year. Making connections with others from different backgrounds may figure strongly. Widening your mind through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. You more easily make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the greater good this year.

You’re feeling pleasantly competitive this year, and it can be a time of important launches or new directions. Your creativity is stimulated in addition to your excitability and your need for freedom. It is easier than ever to express your individuality in a manner that is true to you. In certain areas of your life, you’re inclined to rock the boat this year so that you can break free from a limiting situation. Be mindful when/if making sweeping changes. Personal magnetism is strong, although there can be some feelings of restriction in a key relationship or with money matters at times.


2018 is a Number Seven year for you. Ruled by Neptune. This is a year of preparation, chance, and refinement. It is not a time of dramatic changes. Instead, it’s a year when reflection on the past is helpful, and when refinements to your life path should be made. It’s a good year to study and analyze. Unexpected twists to your life story and “chance” meetings are probable. Advice – take stock of your life in order to prepare for more exciting years to come, examine the past and plan for the future, get in touch with your deepest needs and uncover your personal power, don’t strain yourself or actively try to expand.

2019 will be a Number Eight year for you. Ruled by Saturn. This is a year of power and accomplishment. Actively seeking to expand, taking educated risks, and moving forward are highlighted. This is a year of opportunity, particularly in the material and business world, and opportunities need to be seized. It’s generally not a year to find a new love partner, simply because the focus is on the material world and your place in the world. This is a problem-solving year in which you can expect real, tangible results. Advice – take action, plan ahead, seize opportunities.


Get A Jump on Tomorrow…..

Your Horoscopes for Thursday, August 16th




There is continued good energy for resourcefulness today, dear Aries, and you can do some satisfying and meaningful work, whether this is related to a job or a personal endeavor. You may be solving a complex problem or uncovering a resource that helps you tremendously. The Moon moves into your intimacy sector today, connecting with Saturn will there, and you are a little more serious than usual (in a good way). Focusing on emotional and practical priorities figures strongly now. There can be a nice feeling of equilibrium as your emotional needs seem to be in balance with the demands of the outside world. You’re interested in making things run more smoothly, and you’re looking at the important details that need attention. There is a stronger sense of what is good for you rather than merely what you want or think you need.




With the Moon’s move into your partnership sector today, dear Taurus, you’re focusing on your social life or relationships, or you’re less inclined to want to go things alone. Nevertheless, you do know the value of getting practical things done today as the Moon interacts with Saturn. You simply want to pair up with someone to do so. You can be doing your best reflecting with a partner or good friend today. The focus may be on the more positive and useful or practical side of your connections, and energy is steady. You have a good sense of what to expect from yourself and others right now, and this helps keep things reasonable and fair. You benefit from the involvement or company of others, even if you are pursuing your own goals.




You can be especially interested in doing your best today, dear Gemini, with the Moon’s move into your solar sixth house and its harmony with Saturn. Your performance matters more to you than usual, but it’s not anxious energy — in fact, you are quite happy to make improvements. There are solutions to problems to be found today, and they’re very practical ones. You could benefit significantly from investigation or research. Looking into health and wellness programs or ideas, and exploring what you might do to make the most of these things and your work can be successful. Improving your habits and health should be the goal now, and thankfully, you’re beginning to feel in the right frame of mind for it. Efforts to organize and minimize debt get powerful support now.




Today’s energies can be fun, dear Cancer, with the Moon entering your sector of pleasure and joy, but it’s even better if you can apply structure and assign meaning to your pleasures, such as to a creative pursuit. This is due to Saturn’s influence as the Moon and Saturn form a pleasant alliance, encouraging you to make the most of your time. You’re beginning to come out of your shell, and you can feel a growing need to mingle, reach out, share, and express your affections. You may be seeking activities in which you can create, compete, or play. Constructive conversations or activities with a partner or friend can figure strongly now. A relationship may be motivating you to better yourself or do your best today, and this is a pleasant motivator rather than something that would make you feel anxious. You may gain some helpful insight into a friend’s situation now.




You can be feeling a strong desire to be productive on the home front or with family today, dear Leo, with the Moon moving into your solar fourth house and harmonizing with Saturn. You are especially aware of the details required to get a job done, and this helps you to make a dent in your “to do” list or whatever you’re pursuing today. You’re inclined to follow the rules and stick with traditional or tried-and-true methods. You have been enjoying some extra attention to the world of connections, communications, and learning, but now you feel a need to settle down or settle in. Focus turns to matters of security and familiarity now. You need some time to recenter yourself, and you’re likely to get it! Your practical cleverness draws others to you today. You’re also in a wonderful position to gain an advantage in your work.




The Moon moves into your communications sector today, dear Virgo, and you’re feeling out your needs for connecting, getting around, and pursuing your mental interests. With the Moon’s interaction with Saturn, you are speaking with authority and may arrive at some meaningful conclusions. It’s a fine time to teach or guide others, and to learn something constructive, yourself. Saturn’s current transit is a stabilizing force in your life, as you’re more aware of your responsibilities and feel more able to meet them. Today, you have both practicality and intuition working for you. This is a strong time for really applying yourself to creative projects, or for adding an artistic touch to your routines. Today’s energies are also favorable for learning something that gives you an edge in your craft, hobbies, or work.




The Moon moves into your resources sector today, dear Libra, and harmonizes with Saturn, prompting you to get a nice handle on your money, valuables, or resources. Another influence active today supports these efforts as well, and you may have a special edge related to family, home, or finances — an ace in your pocket or a new understanding of a matter that benefits you now and down the road. You’re set to solve problems, and while you are perfectly capable of getting things done on your own, enlisting the help of loved ones can be beneficial now. You could be working at making your home life more secure. There may be some “spring cleaning” to do, no matter the season, with Saturn and Pluto currently moving through your sector of home and family. Today, you’re especially aware of those things that ground you, make you feel secure, and keep you focused on the moment.




With the Moon’s move into your sign today, dear Scorpio, you can feel a surge of emotional energy, and you may want to take the lead. You could be feeling a little competitive with yourself, wanting to improve and advance. The need to connect with others can emerge. Constructive conversations are likely now as the Moon harmonizes with Saturn. Your personal impact is strong, and you’re coming across authoritatively or responsibly. You’re also quite prepared to take care of business, and you may be working hard and enjoying the process. With an eclipse in your career sector just behind you, you are in a roll-up-your-sleeves frame of mind, and in an excellent position to take charge. Of course, both Mercury and Mars are still retrograde, and brand new beginnings should probably wait, but today’s energies are excellent for laying some groundwork for future success. As well today, you’re in a powerful position to bond with a partner or friend.



With the Moon’s move into your privacy sector today, dear Sagittarius, you may feel as if the cosmos want you to keep a low profile. Listen to any instincts you may have to take it easy, as this is a natural period in the lunar cycle for you to slow down and catch your breath. Moon-house transits last just over two days. Even so, there is fine energy with you for doing some sorting, particularly on practical levels. You may be taking care of loose ends on a financial or business matter. Aim to keep challenging or demanding people and situations at bay so that you can do some catch-up work or have a bit of a break. You may need to withdraw a little from the mainstream in order to recenter yourself. Rather than becoming lost in a sea of emotions, you can connect with your feelings and stay very much anchored in the present thanks to a Moon-Saturn connection. You’re not inclined to play around or to see what you want to see today. In fact, you’d much rather be proactive, dealing with problems before they get a chance to grow.



The Moon moves into your social sector today, connecting with Saturn in your sign while there, dear Capricorn. It can be a great time for teaming up with others to get something important done or for pursuing a cause or personal interest that’s dear to your heart. You want to be useful and productive, but you also need to have a bit of fun! Today’s aspects are excellent for giving you a keen sense for your capabilities so that you’re neither over or under-estimating them and making good judgments as a result. Someone may be leaning on you for support or strength, and you are especially obliging. Your goals are strong and realistic. There is grounding energy with you now, and today is good for homing in on those things that truly could use your attention. It’s also a fine time for romantic bonds or creative work.




You have the chance to take care of outstanding problems and loose emotional ends today, dear Aquarius, and you’re likely to find some empowering support from loved ones or a sense that you’re on top of things with the influences of the day. Today’s energy is strong for work, organization, and practical solutions to problems. With the Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart, you’re focusing more on practical application than learning new things or enjoying new experiences. You may be drawing upon your wisdom and using it in the “real world” with happy results now. You can find it natural and comfortable to drum up support if you need it. You might try out a new way of handling emotions or family life that succeeds beyond your expectations. Taking on a project that you once thought was not up your alley may serve to surprise you now, as it can be far more rewarding than you had imagined.




The Moon moves into your adventure sector today, dear Pisces, and harmonizes with Saturn. Saturn’s current transit of your sector of friendships, networking, business income, and goal-setting demands some simplifying and perhaps some pruning work, and you’re in an excellent position to focus on these priorities now. Today is strong for feeling motivated and organized. In fact, you may not even need a real direction to inspire you – you simply want to do something constructive. Relationships feel a little stronger now. You may have a sense that you’re on solid ground. You also benefit from an influence that can bring a positive learning experience into your life. In fact, you may learn something that gives you a competitive edge or that helps you move a project or studies forward.






The Witches Astronomy Journal for Wednesday, August 15th

The Witches Astronomy Journal for Wednesday, August 15th

On every full moon, rituals … take place on hilltops, beaches, in open fields and in ordinary houses. Writers, teachers, nurses, computer programmers, artists, lawyers, poets, plumbers, and auto mechanics — women and men from many backgrounds come together to celebrate the mysteries of the Triple Goddess of the Dance of Life. The religion they practice is called Witchcraft.


Custom Planetary Positions

August 15, 2018
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)


Sun: 22 Leo 27
Moon: 15 Libra 53
Mercury: 12 Leo 23 Rx
Venus: 08 Libra 21
Mars: 29 Capricorn 37 Rx
Jupiter: 15 Scorpio 11
Saturn: 02 Capricorn 56 Rx
Uranus: 02 Taurus 32 Rx
Neptune: 15 Pisces 42 Rx
Pluto: 19 Capricorn 15 Rx

Your Daily Sun & Moon Data for Wednesday, August 15

The Sun
Sun Direction: ↑ 36.40° NE
Sun Altitude: -31.30°
Sun Distance: 94.150 million mi
Next Equinox: Sep 22, 2018 8:54 pm (Autumnal)
Sunrise Today: 6:10 am↑ 72° East
Sunset Today: 7:44 pm↑ 288° West
Length of Daylight: 13 hours, 33 minutes


The Moon
Moon Direction: ↑ 327.62° NNW
Moon Altitude: -51.14°
Moon Distance: 233007 mi
Next Full Moon: Aug 26, 20186:56 am
Next New Moon: Sep 9, 20181:01 pm
Next Moonrise: Today10:50 am
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
Illumination: 20.5%


Lunar Calendar
Moon Phase Tonight: Waxing Crescent
First Quarter: Aug 18, 2018 at 2:48 am
(Next Phase)
New Moon: Aug 11, 2018 at 4:57 am
(Previous Phase)


Astrology of Today – Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Today’s Moon:
The Moon is in Libra.
The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
We are in between a New Moon/Solar Eclipse which occurred on the 11th, and a First Quarter Moon which will happen on August 18th.

Mercury is retrograde for four more days (Mercury is retrograde from July 26-August 19).
Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from June 26th to August 27th)—there are less than two weeks left of the Mars retrograde cycle.
Also retrograde: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

Moon in Libra

Creating order is the focus, not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo, but rather through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment. We tend to solve problems through diplomacy, and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace we crave. The tendency now is to avoid direct confrontations. Decisions do not come easily. Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation. Fear of losing others’ approval is another.


The Moon in Libra generally favors the following activities: Relationship and partnership issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.

What’s in Store by the Stars:

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Moon spends the day in relationship-focused Libra, and we’re emotionally geared to seek out balance and harmony. We aim to be fair and compromising now, and we get help in the cooperation department through the Moon’s sextile to the Sun. Under this influence, it’s easier than usual to focus as we feel more purposeful and less divided. The Sun forms a trine to Vesta today, boosting our commitment to making improvements. We can find satisfying channels for directing our energies now, and we might enjoy increased focus or dedication to a pet project. Narrowing our focus makes sense now. The Sun forms a parallel to Mercury today, encouraging us to talk through and analyze problems, as well as sort our thoughts.

The sky this week for August 15 to 19

The Perseid meteor shower will be a sight to behold as it peaks this week under perfect conditions.
By Richard Talcott

Wednesday, August 15

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is living up to expectations, currently glowing between 8th and 9th magnitude among the background stars of Cassiopeia the Queen. To see it well, you’ll need to observe from a dark-sky site through a 4-inch or larger telescope. Although this region never sets from north of 30° north latitude, it climbs highest before dawn. Astroimagers should be sure to target the comet from now until Saturday morning as it passes slightly north of the photogenic Heart and Soul nebulae (IC 1805 and IC 1848, respectively).

Thursday, August 16

Mars reached its peak during the last week of July, but it remains a glorious sight this week. The Red Planet appears low in the southeast as darkness falls and grows more prominent as the evening wears on and it climbs higher. By 11 p.m. local daylight time, it stands about 25° high in the south against the backdrop of stars in southwestern Capricornus. The world shines at magnitude –2.5, making it the second-brightest point of light in the night sky after Venus. When viewed through a telescope, the planet’s ocher-colored disk spans 23″. The global dust storm that marred views at opposition appears to be waning, and patient observers should be able to spot some surface details.


Friday, August 17

Venus lies 46° east of the Sun today, its greatest elongation for this evening apparition. You might think the planet would likewise reach peak altitude today, but you’d be wrong — Venus stands only 7° high an hour after sunset. The problem is the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the sky that the planets follow closely, makes a shallow angle to the western horizon after the Sun goes down in late summer. How much difference does this make? Venus stood more than twice as high in early June when it was only 35° from the Sun. Still, the planet shows some distinct advantages over its late spring appearance. Not only is it brighter now, at magnitude –4.5, but it also looks more pleasing through a telescope. This evening, Venus’ disk spans 24″ and appears half-lit.

A nearly half-lit Moon lies just 7° to Jupiter’s upper left this evening. The two make an attractive pair from evening twilight until the planet sets shortly after 11 p.m. local daylight time.

Saturday, August 18

First Quarter Moon arrives at 3:49 a.m. EDT. Our satellite won’t rise until around 2 p.m. local daylight time, however, so observers in the Americas won’t see it precisely half-lit. As darkness falls this evening, the Moon appears 58 percent illuminated and resides some 10° to the upper right of the 1st-magnitude star Antares.

Sunday, August 19

Saturn reached its peak more than a month ago, when it appeared opposite the Sun in the sky, and our view of the ringed planet remains magnificent. It appears against the backdrop of northern Sagittarius, a region that climbs highest in the south around 9 p.m. local daylight time. Saturn continues to shine brightly, too, at magnitude 0.3. When viewed through a telescope, the planet’s 18″-diameter disk is surrounded by a dramatic ring system that spans 40″ and tilts 27° to our line of sight.


The Astronomy Magazine

In the Sky This Month for August 15 – August 21


The Moon rolls past one bright light after another this month, including the brilliant planets Venus, Jupiter, and Mars. At the same time, two of the signature star patterns of summer, Scorpius and Sagittarius, roll low across the south. Scorpius really does look like a scorpion, while the brightest stars of Sagittarius, which represents a centaur holding a bow and arrow, form a wide teapot.

August 15: Moon and Spica

Spica, the brightest star of Virgo, stands below the Moon this evening. They’re flanked by two bright planets. Jupiter, the giant of the solar system, is to the upper left, with Venus, the “evening star,” to the lower right.

August 16: Moon and Jupiter

Jupiter appears near the Moon tonight. The giant planet looks like a brilliant star to the lower left of the Moon. Zubenelgenubi, one of the brightest stars of Libra, is just a fraction of a degree below Jupiter.

August 17: More Moon and Jupiter

The bright star-like point of light to the lower right of the Moon tonight is Jupiter, the solar system’s largest planet. It is about 11 times Earth’s diameter, and more massive than all the other planets, moons, asteroids, and comets combined.

August 18: Moon and Antares

Look for bright orange Antares, the star at the heart of Scorpius, to the lower left of the Moon as darkness falls tonight. It will be to the lower right of the Moon tomorrow night.

August 19: North vs. South

Most of the action in the evening sky right now is in the south. The four brightest lights in the entire night sky are there — the Moon and the planets Venus, Jupiter, and Mars. So are the planet Saturn, and the bright stars Antares and Spica.

August 20: Moon and Saturn

The Moon slides past Saturn the next couple of nights. The giant planet looks like a bright star. It’s close to the lower left of the Moon tonight, and farther to the right of the Moon tomorrow night.

August 21: Sirius Rising

Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, is low in the east-southeast before sunrise. Also known as the Dog Star for its location in Canis Major, the big dog, it will climb into better view as the month progresses.


Your Daily Cosmic Calendar for August 15th

The cosmos may be requesting that you adjust problem-solving skills and strategic thinking in a very practical way as Pallas forms a potentially frictional, 150-degree liaison with distant Pluto (12:55am). The moon’s presence in Libra square to Pluto several hours later (6:52am) reinforces the need for honesty and clarity in primary partnerships. Golden opportunities for forward progress abound for many hours as two lunar and two solar alignments reveal the universe’s temporary positive mood-swing. Tune into the euphoria created as the sun trines investment-savvy Vesta (1:07pm), the moon makes a supportive, 60-degree rapport with the sun (1:23pm) and parallels Venus (4:49pm), and the sun parallels Mercury (8:08pm). Take advantage of what good fortune places in your path!


[Note to readers: All times are now calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]


Copyright 2018 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.

Current Moon Phase for Wednesday, August 15th

Waxing Crescent

Illumination: 22%

Tomorow the Moon will be in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the wester sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination.


Phase: Waxing Crescent
Illumination: 22%
Moon Age: 4.57 days
Moon Angle: 0.53
Moon Distance: 378,517.51 km
Sun Angle: 0.53
Sun Distance: 151,496,487.73 km


Is the moon toxic to humans?

By EarthSky Voices

When the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon, the dust that clung to their spacesuits made their throats sore and their eyes water. Lunar dust is made of sharp, abrasive particles, but how toxic is it for humans?

When the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon, the dust that clung to their spacesuits made their throats sore and their eyes water. Lunar dust is made of sharp, abrasive and nasty particles, but how toxic is it for humans?

The “lunar hay fever,” as NASA astronaut Harrison Schmitt described it during 1972’s Apollo 17 mission, created symptoms in all 12 people who have stepped on the moon. From sneezing to nasal congestion, in some cases it took days for the reactions to fade. Inside the spacecraft, the dust smelled like burnt gunpowder.

The moon missions left an unanswered question of lunar exploration – one that could affect humanity’s next steps in the solar system: can lunar dust jeopardize human health?

An ambitious European Space Agency (ESA) research program with experts from around the planet is now addressing the issues related to lunar dust.

Kim Prisk, a pulmonary physiologist from the University of California with over 20 years of experience in human spaceflight, is one of the 12 scientists taking part in ESA’s research. Prisk said:

We don’t know how bad this dust is. It all comes down to an effort to estimate the degree of risk involved.

Lunar dust has silicate in it, a material commonly found on planetary bodies with volcanic activity. Miners on Earth suffer from inflamed and scarred lungs from inhaling silicate. On the moon, the dust is so abrasive that it ate away layers of spacesuit boots and destroyed the vacuum seals of Apollo sample containers.
Fine like powder, but sharp like glass. The low gravity of the moon, one sixth of what we have on Earth, allows tiny particles to stay suspended for longer and penetrate more deeply into the lung. Prisk explained:

Particles 50 times smaller than a human hair can hang around for months inside your lungs. The longer the particle stays, the greater the chance for toxic effects.

The potential damage from inhaling this dust is unknown but research shows that lunar soil simulants can destroy lung and brain cells after long-term exposure.

Down to the particle

On Earth, fine particles tend to smoothen over years of erosion by wind and water; lunar dust, however, is not round, but sharp and spiky.

In addition, the moon has no atmosphere and is constantly bombarded by radiation from the sun that causes the soil to become electrostatically charged.
This charge can be so strong that the dust levitates above the lunar surface, making it even more likely to get inside equipment and people’s lungs.

Dusty workplace

To test equipment and the behavior of lunar dust, ESA will be working with simulated moon dust mined from a volcanic region in Germany.

Working with the simulant is no easy feat. Erin Tranfield, biologist and expert in dust toxicity, said:

The rarity of the lunar glass-like material makes it a special kind of dust. We need to grind the source material but that means removing the sharp edges.

The lunar soil does have a bright side, explained science advisor Aidan Cowley.

You can heat it to produce bricks that can offer shelter for astronauts. Oxygen can be extracted from the soil to sustain human missions on the moon.

Bottom line: Can lunar dust jeopardize human health?



Members of the EarthSky community – including scientists, as well as science and nature writers from across the globe – weigh in on what’s important to them.

Published on EarthSky


My Circle

Fire Tree

My Circle

The women in my life
sing my song
on days when I
have forgotten
who I am
they remind me
of the love and glory
that flows steadfast
through my veins

I neglect
to reach out to them
at times
when anxiety
overwhelms and I’m not
sure who I truly am

They hear me
even when I am not
calling out to them
they know
get out the rose quartz
hold it at your side
bathe yourself in the
river’s energy
go and lean on the
old gnarled tree

And just like that
I am back
fully present to my self
Where would I be?
Who would I be
if not for the glory
of belonging
to the circle of women?

beyond measure
They are who I am.


~ Joss Burnel ~
From the Book, Wild Woman: Poetry Inspired By Three Wise Women
Joss Burnel, Priestess Mystic