Wishing You And Yours A Very Beautiful & Blessed Thursday Morn’! May The Goddess Bless You This Day & Each Day To Come.


Why I Love The Dark

Tis the coldest place imaginable,
this void within the heart,
the place most adventurers wander,
expecting to be torn apart.

Some have walked there for eternity,
seeking to find some Light,
a small glimmer or a flicker,
to end the endless night.

The fowl wind howls insanity,
it passes through the body like a ghost,
the chill can freeze the very Soul,
survive if you are more skilled than most.

Despite the hideous experience,
which one encounters in the Dark,
the journey is very worth it,
make sure to leave your mark.

So listen up weary traveler,
strike with all your might,
but rejoice in the journey,
in the Dark you’ll find the Light.

—Gerald del Campo, Author
Published on Pagan Library


Before We Run Today, Two Reminders………

First reminder, we won’t be on the internet tomorrow. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I have leaved if I am not in the office watching over a couple of these witches like a hawk, all hell breaks loose. So we will off tomorrow.


Second, we will have a chat Saturday, August 11. If I thought enough of you would show up, we would have a new moon ritual but I am waiting till the turn out improves or at least people stop lurking and come out and chat. Details on the chat below…..


Third, got a minute, stop by Magickal Necessities to see all the new goodies we have just got in stock.  You will find the link to it below also.


So I guess I will see you Saturday morning, I hope. Till then my sweets……

Love ya,

Lady A



Saturday, August 11, 2018

Topic: Witchcraft

Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. central time

Where: The WOTC Chatroom



Get bored and miss us, then go shopping…..

Magickal Necessities

We are starting to mark down the prices on some of the merchandise at the store to make room for new.

Great time to get a bargain or two!

Astronomy Picture of the Day – Red Planet, Red Moon, and Mars 

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2018 August 9

Red Planet, Red Moon, and Mars 
Image Credit & Copyright: Alex Cherney (TerrastroTWAN)


Explanation: Mars is also known as The Red Planet, often seen with a reddish tinge in dark night skies. Mars shines brightly at the upper left of this gorgeous morning twilight view from Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia, but the Moon and planet Earth look redder still. Taken on July 27, the totally eclipsed Moon is setting. It looks reddened because the Earth’s umbral shadow isn’t completely dark. Instead Earth’s shadow is suffused with a faint red light from all the planet’s sunsets and sunrises seen from the perspective of an eclipsed Moon. The sunsets and sunrises are reddened because Earth’s atmosphere scatters blue light more strongly than red, creating the faint bluish twilight sky. Of course, craggy seaside rocks also take on the reddened colors of this Australian sunrise.

EarthSky News for August 9th: Top 10 tips for watching 2018’s Perseid meteors

Top 10 tips for watching 2018’s Perseid meteors

Marsha Kirschbaum used 27 photos – all captured on a single night – to create the composite image, above, of 2016’s Perseid meteor shower.

The 2018 Perseid meteor shower should be at its best this weekend, and people are already reporting meteors! This year, we’re in luck, as the new moon on August 11 guarantees dark nights. Perseid meteors tend to be bright; sometimes, brighter ones can even be seen in city or suburban skies. Which dates are best? We anticipate on the mornings of August 12 and 13, but try the next few mornings (August 10 and 11), too. The tips below can help you enjoy.

1. Try observing in the evening hours, on the nights of August 10, 11 or 12. You won’t see as many meteors in the evening as you will after midnight, but you still might catch an earthgrazer, which is a slow-moving and long-lasting meteor, traveling horizontally across your sky.

2. Or … watch between midnight and dawn. Most meteor showers are best after midnight, and the Perseids are no exception. After midnight, the part of Earth you’re standing on has turned into the meteor stream, which means the radiant point for the shower will be above your horizon. After the radiant rises, more meteors are flying … fortunately, in 2018, in a moonless sky.

3. Make yourself comfortable. Sprawl out upon a reclining lawn chair, with an open view of sky. Bring along a blanket or sleeping bag. Your eyes can take as long as 20 minutes to adapt to the dark, so give yourself at least an hour of observation time.

4. Avoid city lights. This should go without saying, but just a reminder. A wide open area – a field or a lonely country road – is best if you’re serious about watching meteors.

5. Watch with friend or friends, and try facing in different directions so that if someone sees a meteor, that person can call out – “meteor!” – to the rest.

6. Notice the speed and colors, if any, of the meteors. The Perseids are known to be colorful. The Perseids are swift-moving, entering Earth’s atmosphere at about 35 miles per second (60 km per second).

7. Watch for meteor trains. A meteor train is a persistent glow in the air, left by some meteors after they have faded from view. Trains are caused by luminous ionized matter left in the wake of this incoming space debris. A good percentage of Perseids are known to leave persistent trains. They linger for a moment or two after the meteor has gone.

8. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere … watch! At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, the radiant of the Perseid meteor shower never gets very high in the sky. Therefore, the number of Perseid meteors seen from this part of the world isn’t as great as at more northerly latitudes. But if you’re game, look northward in the wee hours before dawn on August 11, 12 and 13, and you might still see a decent display of Perseids.

9. At the end of the Perseid shower, look for Orion. As dawn breaks, this bright constellation will be ascending in the east before dawn. Read more.

10. Embrace the night. We hear people bubble with excitement about seeing meteors in all sorts of conditions – moon or no moon – city lights or no city lights. The Perseids, in particular, tend to have a lot of fireballs. And so, camp out and make a night of it!


Bottom line: With no moonlight to ruin the show, the year 2018 is about as favorable as it can be for watching the annual Perseid meteor shower. Top 10 tips for watching the shower here.


Published on EarthSky

Your Celtic Ogham Reading for August 9 is The Rowan Tree

Your Celtic Ogham Reading for Today








The Rowan Tree


Ruling Planet

Ruling Animal

Inspiration, Creativity


The Dragon

Ogham Term

Lucky Color

Lucky Month




Lucky Letter

Lucky Gemstone

Lucky Flower




As per the Celtic belief, Rowan Trees are generally planted in order to waive off all evils. Progressive thinkers and idealism are the keywords of this sign. You are born as strong human beings who love changes and variations; tend to become impatient with restrictions and are artistic and creative by nature. As individuals you remain detached and aloof. Artistic and creativity are your bright sides. If you do not get the opportunity of expressing your creative nature, then you tend to become quarrelsome and irritated.Conformity is something which you hate from the very bottom of your heart. Though you are born as leaders, but as a result of certain unwise decisions and works the number of your followers never seems to increase. Kindness and helpfulness are something which comes to you naturally. You cannot tolerate any kind of conceit and are show a respectful attitude towards the decision taken by others. Though you are very sympathetic by nature but taking up responsibility for others is something which you will always avoid. Supportiveness is something within your nature. But being highly ambitious you people tend to marry late in life.

Your Rune for Thursday, August 9th is Thorn

Your Daily Rune for Today


Right way Up

Rune Thorn

Symbolizes: strength

Symbolically, Thurisaz heralds setbacks, delays and a period when stopping and taking a break are going to be essential. Having a rest will be productive in finding other strategies.


This rune symbolizes strength. It tells you that you have enough energy to do what you need to do and this will apply to all areas! In fact, you will be going through a very opportune time for realizing and trying out what you have achieved. It’s the same on the material front, where profits and benefits will be legal currency and improve your financial situation. All the same, that doesn’t mean that your path will be free of obstacles. However, you can feel reassured that you will find the help you need on the road ahead. Some good news could arise and clarify the situation. This is a rune that augurs well for a good outcome, as long as the negative influences of the second rune drawn don’t turn out to be unlucky or destructive. You will be quick to take up challenges from the outset and with a bit of common-sense, the outcome should be very good.

Your Egyptian Tarot Card for August 9th is The Lovers

Egyptian Tarot Card of the Day

The Lovers

August 9, 2018










The Lovers

The Lovers card symbolizes the beginning of humanity. We would not be here if in the beginning there were no Lovers, but the Earth still would, it exists with or without us. The Lovers can also represent cardinal desires, but that relates more to instinct then a higher love. Not to say the two can’t go together, but they can also each survive without the other. Today, think of ways you can bring things together to make something better.

Your Daily Love Tarot Card for August 9th is The Hanged Man

Daily Love Tarot

The Hanged Man

August 9, 2018










The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man says you can look forward to tomorrow with excitement. If single, a healthy and growing relationship energizes you physically, mentally, and emotionally. The card selected you today to let you know that you can find a true soul mate because you have the capacity for divine love that makes a lasting union. The Hanged Man heals hearts if a relationship has gone through a rough patch. You can transcend previous limitations today

Your Daily Tarot Card of the Day for Aug. 10th is Five of Swords

Tarot Card of the Day

Five of Swords

August 10, 2018











 Traditionally, the Five of this suit references the grim and sobering process of cleaning up the battlefield after a conflict. The war as a whole has not been won or lost yet, but in this skirmish there were grievous casualties. This card admonishes the loser to study carefully what went wrong, so that a new strategy can be devised and more setbacks forestalled. There is a need to regroup and rethink the game plan, discover your blind spots and weak links, and take corrective measures before getting back into the field for another round.

In these modern times, when the battle is more often being waged with words, laws and contracts instead of weapons, we have even more reason to examine our approach, our style, strengths and weaknesses. If we have underdeveloped communication skills or lose our objectivity in tense moments, our ability to reach our goals and dreams will decline. But, if we avoid letting ourselves be haunted by the misfortunes and detours that inevitably befall us, we will go on to achieve those goals. Do not obsess. Try to learn something.


Tarot.com is Part of the Daily Insight Group © 2018

Tarot Card of the Day for August 9 is Seven of Swords:

Tarot Card of the Day

Seven of Swords:

August 9, 2018











The Seven of this suit typically refers to mental preparedness, acquired through the use of imagination, including the rehearsing and visualizing of desired results. This card represents the positive mental habits of a natural winner. The image most often associated with this card is that of a canny warrior who has infiltrated into the enemy camp on the eve of a fateful battle, checking out their preparations and stealing their swords. Such a move is guaranteed to demoralize the enemy and undermine their performance in the upcoming confrontation.

Putting it in modern terms, one who draws this card needs to work smarter, not harder. Think long and deep, study all the angles and put yourself in the shoes of your competition. As a result, you will have such a thorough grasp of the whole situation that there will be no surprises — and no excuses for anything but success. Skillful preparation justifies the optimism of the natural winner.


Tarot.com is Part of the Daily Insight Group © 2018

If You Were Born Today, August 9:

Happy birthday, dear August!

If You Were Born Today, August 9

Although your personality is restless, you are at your best when meeting your responsibilities and filling commitments. Self-esteem plummets otherwise. You are hard-working, likable, dependable, and achievement-oriented. Some of you are overachievers. You might often find yourself in the position of managing and taking care of others. You have a very responsible streak and might stay in difficult situations longer than most as a result – watch for over-committing yourself. Because pride and protectiveness can keep you from sharing your worries and concerns with people closest to you, it can be very important for you to find a confidante so that you can share some of your burdens. Making more time for pleasure is also essential to your success. In close relationships, control or imbalance can be issues, but relationships get much better later in life. You are deeply loving and have strong personal magnetism. Famous people born today: Whitney Houston, Gillian Anderson, Melanie Griffith, Audrey Tautou, Anna Kendrick, Eric Bana, Sam Elliott.

Your Birthday Year Forecast

The Moon is in its Balsamic phase in your Solar Return chart, marking this year the end of an important cycle, or stage of growth, in your life. You take more down time than usual, and this is natural, even good for you. This is a year when you are likely closing important projects or “chapters” in your life. This is an important year for reorienting yourself – discovering what you want, and identifying what you need to do in order to move forward more positively.

The year ahead is likely to be especially busy. At times, you may feel like the pace of your life is running ahead of you! You can be especially productive, however, in all types of communications–writing, speaking, learning, teaching, and so forth. There can be a stronger focus on past performance.

You have Jupiter transiting in harmony to your Sun from January forward. Under this influence, you have a stronger than usual desire to improve, grow, and learn. This is a fortunate aspect that helps boost optimism and confidence, and you are able to attract fortunate circumstances into your life as a result. Problems are easier to resolve. Matters related to universities, higher education, organized religion, publishing, legal affairs, and foreign interests can be especially strong. It’s a favorable time to further your education, travel, or otherwise expand your personal horizons. You are likely to enjoy a larger perspective on matters that keeps you from getting lost in details or overly frustrated by everyday stresses.

This can be a year in which you are building faith and confidence in your personality, skills, and talents. You can experience a stronger desire to seek out meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation in your life during this period. Others might frequently turn to you for guidance. In fact, they may see the wisdom in your ways more clearly.

You are especially creative and expressive during this period, and you succeed most in fields or areas that allow you to make something beautiful, attractive, and/or entertaining. Personal magnetism is excellent at this time. This is a good period for creative projects and joining with others in the pursuit of a common goal.

Energy fluctuates this year, however. If you aren’t too rash or impulsive, you might be able to free yourself from restrictive circumstances. You could also have more courage than usual to do things that break the routine, and confrontations engaged in this year could clear the air and help you to move forward.

As well, getting serious about love or money (or both) can be a theme this year. Money may be tight, or the need to buckle down with your finances may be necessary. You may have an increased awareness of your limits. The responsibilities of partnership are magnified this year. You are likely to be more earnest on a romantic level. An existing relationship may become more serious, or you may form a new partnership with a serious or older person.

You might also watch for a tendency to overstate and to neglect important details when making plans. You may have so very many ideas that you end up implementing none if you’re not careful! You are likely to have increased opportunities for travel and/or new learning experiences.

Idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface this year. Making connections with others from different backgrounds may figure strongly. Widening your mind through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. You more easily make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the greater good this year.

There can be a pleasant sense that you’re moving forward and growing this year, but you’re also likely to be putting a major project behind you. Your creativity is stimulated in addition to your excitability and your need for freedom. It is easier than ever to express your individuality in a manner that is true to you. In certain areas of your life, you’re inclined to rock the boat this year so that you can break free from a limiting situation. Be mindful when/if making sweeping changes. Personal magnetism is strong, although there can be some feelings of restriction in a key relationship or with money matters at times.


2018 is a Number One year for you. Ruled by the Sun. This is a year of action. The seeds you plant now, you will reap later. Others might find you less sociable, as you are busier than ever and you focus on your activities and your needs. Still, you are outgoing and your initiative is stronger than ever. Advice – Stand alone, take action, start fresh, express independence.

2019 will be a Number Two year for you. Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship. It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is less active than other years. Instead, you are more responsive to the needs of others. If you are patient and open yourself up in a gentle manner, you will attract both things and people. This is an excellent year in which to build and develop for the future. Advice – be patient, be receptive, enjoy the peace, collect.



Cafe Astrology


Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses

Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses

What’s the difference between a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse?

Eclipses are pretty major events, especially in Astrology. But not everyone understands the difference between a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse — not to mention how they affect your life! So let’s start with the basic science: A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and a Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun.


Solar Eclipses

With a Solar Eclipse, which can only happen at the New Moon, the Moon moves between Earth and the Sun, either fully or partially blocking the Sun from our view on Earth, for a matter of minutes. In Astrology, the darkness associated with a Solar Eclipse also casts a shadow on our lives. Solar Eclipses — because they happen at the New Moon — are about taking care of unfinished personal business, getting honest with yourself, and planting seeds for the future.


Lunar Eclipses

With a Lunar Eclipse, which can only occur at a Full Moon, the shadow of the Earth is cast on the Moon. This happens when the Sun and the Moon are opposite each other, with the Earth passing between, blocking the light of the Sun from reaching the Moon. During a Lunar Eclipse, which can last a few hours, the Moon will appear slightly orange or red. Just like its softer visual appearance, the Lunar Eclipse has a softer astrological effect on us, too. A Lunar Eclipse is a bit less intense. It’s about letting go of the past — old fears, habits, situations, and feelings — so you can feel light enough to move forward.

Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses are potent events that can spur major personal growth. Every year, there will be at least four eclipses — two Solar and two Lunar — but, while very rare, there can be as many as seven eclipses in a single year!


Tarot.com is a Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018


Your Daily Cosmic Calendar for Thursday, August 9

Your Cosmic Calendar for August 9


After a 72-hour blitzkrieg of universal temper tantrums directed at Spaceship Earth, the skies are still not ready to return to a semblance of normalcy. Unsettled conditions outweigh a path to serenity as a 16 hour void lunar zone in Cancer begins at 4:22am during the monthly moon-Pluto polarity and continues until Leo moon begins at 9:19pm. A quartet of planetary-pair outlaws forms a nemesis gang composed of Venus-Uranus (4:58am), sun-Chiron (6:00am), Mercury-Neptune (2:30pm), and Venus-Saturn (6:35pm). While you are scrambling to maintain a good outlook on life, a hopeful light shines a beacon of self-confidence as Mercury unites with knowledge-wisdom keeper Pallas at 17 degrees of Leo (6:28am). Whether this isolated favorable alignment can neutralize the disagreeable sky cycles is up to your spiritual awareness and ingenuity.

[Note to readers: All times are now calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Copyright 2018 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.


Astrology of Today – Thursday, August 9, 2018

Astrology of Today – Thursday, August 9, 2018


Today’s Moon:

  • The Moon is in Cancer.
  • The Moon is void from 7:20 AM forward (until the Moon enters Leo tomorrow at 12:17 AM).
  • The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
  • We are in between the Last Quarter Moon (which occurred on the 4th) and the New Moon Solar Eclipse (which will happen on August 11th in the sign of Leo).


  • Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from July 26-August 19).
  • Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from June 26th to August 27th)—there are less than three weeks left of the Mars retrograde cycle.
  • Also retrograde: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer


The Moon is traveling through Cancer today. Beware of mood swings. Cook some soul food. Cuddle up with someone.

The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. Feelings of belonging and safety are what motivate us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us.

The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.