Your Daily Karmic Number for August 20 is Two

Your Daily Karmic Number


The number 2 vibrates positively for you today. This is a time to embrace group projects and ask others for help. There’s a hidden opportunity waiting for you in working this way, versus trying to go it alone in self-sufficiency. The benefit may not be enormous, but it is significant enough to cause a shift a key area of your life. Pay close attention to those who reach out to help you voluntarily. They hold the key to your advancement. You can also ask those who aren’t outwardly offering their assistance – maybe they just assume you’re good on your own.

Your Daily Ogham Reading for August 20

Your Daily Ogham Reading for August 20



The “World Tree” in Norse mythology was an ash tree; many cultures have looked to the ash tree as a source of power and order. Ash is a hardwood known for its use for weapons, sports, and musical instruments. This hardiness of ash denotes its symbolism for order, harmony, balance, and the status quo. Drawing the Nuin symbol can take on a variety of meanings, however it is most often associated with a life of peace and symmetry.

Fortune -When you find this Ogham, a great fate is at work. Take action now and let destiny carry you to the finish line!





Brooms tolerate poor soil and growing conditions, they are known for wasteland reclamation, a way of cleaning up hazardous sites. It is no surprise that this plant is also where the term broom arose as a cleaning tool. Over the centuries the Ngetal, or broom, as been associated with healing, cleaning, and restoring what once was. Drawing this letter shows some aspect in life has been cleaned and healed or is in great need of it.

Fortune – It is time to cleanup in life! This Ogham is a sign that you need to find the mess that has been made in your life or someone close to you and sweep it up!





The Celts believed that hazelnuts gave inspiration and wisdom, even in many other cultures the hazel tree and it’s branches and nuts are used for protection. In Celtic mythology one of the greatest leaders named Fionn Mac Cumhail magically gained wisdom after eating salmon that sustained themselves upon hazelnuts. The ogham letter coll denotes wisdom, divination, and inspiration. Drawing this letter will give you a deeper look into you questions and concerns.

Fortune – Look inward to your own wisdom to gain the answer you seek. Be creative, be perceptive, this Ogham shows you already have the answer!




Trusted Tarot

Your Daily Rune for August 20 is Nauthiz

Your Daily Rune for August 20


“Not-this” – Literally: “Need-fire” or “Necessity” – Esoteric: Constraint, Friction

Key Concepts: Need, resistance, constraint, conflict, drama, effort, necessity, urgency, hard work, need-fire, life lessons, creative friction, distress, force of growth, the consequence of past action, short term pain for long term gain

Psi: resistance, need, effort

Energy: necessity, coming forth into being, urgency

Mundane: doing what must be done, chores, hard work

Divinations: Resistance (leading to strength), recognition of örlög (ultimate law, primal truth), innovation, need-fire (self-reliance), personal development and life lessons, achievement through effort; or constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity, warnings, worry, guilt, moral cowardice, unfulfilled or unrecognized needs.


Your Influences for the Week of August 20

Your Influences for the Week of August 20


Element Influence



Earth reversed denotes a lack of positive connection with the life spirit–a lost soul. If you are not careful you may miss much of what life has to offer you








Astrological Influence

Pisces Reversed

Pisces reversed signifies a lack of positive thinking and creativity at this time











Element Influence

Earth Reversed

Earth reversed denotes a lack of positive connection with the life spirit–a lost soul. If you are not careful you may miss much of what life has to offer you










Your Erotic Tarot Card for August 20 is The Chariot

Erotic Tarot Card of the Day

The Chariot

The Chariot shows that you’re rolling toward a major sexual goal today, willing to forego just about anything and everything else to have that one big O! The thing is, who are you willing to trample over to get there? This card can be a sign to slow down just a bit, because while sex is fun, it shouldn’t be your number one focus right now. You don’t have to come to a complete stop, but pulling back on the reins just a bit will give you the clarity you need to make sure you’re making wise sexual decisions.

Your Love Tarot Card for August 20 is The Wheel of Fortune

Love Tarot Card of the Day

The Wheel of Fortune

Today, the truth is told and clears up a situation that has hung on and on. Take direct action now to clear up something that should have been handled long ago. The Wheel of Fortune selected you because you need to know that some parts of the conditions were out of your control. Some events are not the result of something you did. You do have control over how you deal with matters now.

Tarot Card of the Day for August 20th is Queen of Swords

Tarot Card of the Day











Representing the energy of a Queen, this feminine power was traditionally known as a widow, crone or divorcee. In modern times, she can be viewed as a model of self-sufficiency, independence and intelligence. She often has extremely high standards due to her subtle sensitivities, which can be perceived by those around her as being critical or hard to please. Her true motive is to refine the world, to upgrade peoples’ understanding — so that everyone can have the space they need to become fully themselves.

She is not interested in conforming. She is too intelligent to be confined to the role of housewife or nursemaid, although she is perfectly competent in those areas. She chooses her associations (or her solitude), and is seldom caught up in dependent relationships — at least not for long. Her intelligence is not always the most comfortable to be around, but she can be counted on to see through superficiality and point to the truth of a situation. is Part of the Daily Insight Group © 2018

This Week’s Tarot Card Reading: Seven of Pentacles Reversed

This Week’s Tarot Card Reading: Seven of Pentacles Reversed

Your weekly Tarot card advice for August 20-26, 2018


The reversed Seven of Pentacles expresses frustration over an apparent lack of results. You just want to be at the finish line already, and it is difficult to find motivation to continue when you are seeing no rewards yet for all the hard work you’ve put in. What does this apply to your life this week? Maybe the creative project you’ve been working on has more facets than you initially expected. Or that paper you’ve been researching for a class assignment seems like it will never amass the required ten pages and earn you that desired A. Maybe that promotion at work just hasn’t come yet despite what you think is a consistent and deserving performance. In light of this month’s theme of the reversed Emperor, you might be treating yourself more harshly and unreasonably than you should be…

Consider how you are measuring your success. Have you been comparing yourself to others, and then feeling lesser-than? If so, try to separate from that scale and find one that suits who you are and how you work. If you know you’re trying as hard as you can, be patient with yourself — some trees bear fruit late in the season. Don’t let this temporary discouragement stop you from watering them before they have the chance to finish growing. Switch to a micro view of the situation. Look more closely at the progress you’ve made and find evidence that your efforts actually are making a difference.
 is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018






If You Were Born Today, August 20


If You Were Born Today, August 20


You are a hard worker, yet you also enjoy the comforts of home and family. Striking a balance between these two passions is important for your all-around happiness. You don’t turn to others for advice or help very readily, simply because you find much satisfaction doing things on your own; yet you are also highly companionable. You enjoy conversation, friendly companionship, and a peaceful environment. You try to avoid discord as much as you can, and due to your graciousness and gentle manner, you usually succeed. You are excellent at strategy. You may cling to your lifestyle and don’t make changes as readily as others. An overall feeling of stability is important to you. You are a very ardent, charming lover, and you may be drawn to partners who are emotional and a tad dramatic. Famous people born today: Robert Plant, Fred Durst, Connie Chung, James Marsters, Andrew Garfield, Amy Adams, Demi Lovato, John Noble.

Your Birthday Year Forecast:

With the Sun and Moon in harmony in your Solar Return chart, the year ahead should be satisfying and balanced overall. You are in comfortable demand and personally popular, and you are able to achieve a decent balance between work and play; personal and professional life. For the most part, you are on top of your game this year, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there is less stress on both your mind and body. Your self-confidence and positive attitude will reward you!

There is increased charm in the way you present your ideas this year, certainly helping to smooth over differences in your personal relationships.

There’s much potential of achieving a good balance between work and play this year. You have a stronger focus on, and dedication to, work in the period ahead. You can make significant headway in specific areas this year, and you are likely to feel a strong sense of direction and purpose. Your timing is good, and you’re likely to make strong decisions related to work or long-term projects.

This can be a year in which you are building faith and confidence in your personality, skills, and talents. You can experience a stronger desire to seek out meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation in your life during this period. Others might frequently turn to you for guidance. In fact, they may see the wisdom in your ways more clearly.

Energy fluctuates this year, however. If you aren’t too rash or impulsive, you might be able to free yourself from restrictive circumstances. You could also have more courage than usual to do things that break the routine, and confrontations engaged in this year could clear the air and help you to move forward.

You might also watch for a tendency to overstate and to neglect important details when making plans. You may have so very many ideas that you end up implementing none if you’re not careful! You are likely to have increased opportunities for travel and/or new learning experiences.

Idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface this year. Making connections with others from different backgrounds may figure strongly. Widening your mind through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. You more easily make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the greater good this year.

Cooperation brings wonderful rewards this year. Your creativity is stimulated in addition to your excitability and your need for freedom in the period ahead, however. It is easier than ever to express your individuality in a manner that is true to you. In certain areas of your life, you’re inclined to rock the boat this year so that you can break free from a limiting situation. Be mindful when/if making sweeping changes. Your charm is tremendous and it’s easier than usual to connect with the right projects and people.

2018 is a Number Three year for you. Ruled by Jupiter. This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time when you find it natural and easy to enjoy life and other people. The focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure than you are in other years. It’s likely to be a rather lighthearted year when opportunities for “play” time are greater than usual. It’s also a favorable year for expressing your creativity. Advice – reach out and connect but avoid scattering your energies.

2019 will be a Number Four year for you. Ruled by Uranus. This is a year of work and development. It’s “nose to the grindstone” time. It’s a time to pay special attention to practical matters, and it’s not a time to be lazy or especially gregarious. Sometimes, it can be a year that feels hard, monotonous and routine, and/or lonely. Positive new relationships are often not formed in a Four personal year. However, it can be a wonderful year for building, development, and laying a solid foundation for future successes. Advice – get yourself organized, work to build your resources, keep busy.


Cafe Astrology

Angel Messages – August 19 – 25, 2018

This week, our focus is education. Education can mean lots of different things. It can be you educating + teaching others, it could be you receiving education, + reasons for that education. Let’s see what the angels have to say for us!

Invite your angels to guide you to either MESSAGE 1, 2, or 3.

Let me know how the messages speak to you in the comments below and please share and pass on the ANGEL’S LOVE to your friends by gifting them with a message too. Thank you!

You can move along to your choice:

MESSAGE 1 — 2:05
MESSAGE 2 — 6:07
MESSAGE 3 — 9:13

Your Weekly Karma Forecast: August 19 – 25, 2018

Weekly Forecast: August 19 – 25, 2018

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast:  August 19 – 25, 2018

8/19 ~ Jupiter (Belief System, Laws & Religion) ~trine~ Neptune (Faith, Mysticism & Spirituality):    (3 of 3:  12/2 ~ 5.25.2018 ~ 8/19)

These two getting together stimulates some pretty large concepts that are deeper and broader than most care to go. However, for my dreamers and faith-keepers, this one is for YOU! For you doubter-doom ‘n gloom-ers, this one is for you too because it can give you the much needed and overdue dose of *magic* you are not usually open & receptive to. These two like to expand our consciousness and what we believe to be possible for ourselves, each other and the planet. This is the activation to work with when you’re ready to deepen your dedication to a spiritual practice, and bring more *Magic & Spirit* into all that you do. It’s a great time to practice communing with your Angels, Ancestors & Animal Spirit Guides. I should add that this ease & grace that is being extended at this time (2017-2018) leads to 2019 when they will challenge each other (and the rest of us) and probably poke holes in some of the connections you make at this time. My advice is to stay present, when doing spiritual, mystical things, be fully conscious and present. When doing physical, reality things, be fully conscious and physically present. Don’t try to do both at the same time ; -) and be ready to question what you believe at that time. The only other thing is of course, illusion/delusion with these two. One can make people overly optimistic, over-inflated & full of hot air and the other can make people downright crazy, delusional & completely disconnected from reality. It’s okay to expect miracles, but it is also okay to follow your true inner guidance if it prompts you to question things that may seem too good to be true.

Now – 2017-18 in Scorpio/Pisces

Last – 7.17.2013 in Cancer/Pisces and before that 2004-05 in Libra/Aquarius

Next – 7.20.2026 in Leo/Aries

8/25 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):

This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination and taking action on your own behalf. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here? This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve what is useful and release that which is no longer relevant for you going forward. It’s also a good energy for organizing & clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with (or released altogether). You may be feeling very practical, possibly selfish, but it’s actually self-preservation.

8/25 ~ Sun (your core drives) ~trine~ Saturn (discipline & order):

This energy gives you the direction & discipline at the same time. Use it consciously to fuel your goals at this time, as you will be blessed by your past efforts. You are completely supported to structure your life in a whole new way. It’s time to take a personal inventory, organize your life, especially your home, office or immediate environment. Naturally, this kind of shift will also affect those you relate with in these close environments, so be mindful of others who are not necessarily as *clear* as you may be at this time. A new order is trying to take root, which scares some and excites others, and this activation supports you and your personal definition of stability & good boundaries. You have access to focus & dedication that can set the tone for the next season, as you clarify the connection between who you are and what you are truly responsible for in this life. Evaluate your daily routine and see what’s working and what’s not and move forward with some new choices.

Your Daily Cosmic Calendar for August 20th

Your Daily Cosmic Calendar for August 20th


Don’t take some of the recent good tidings from the universe for granted. While overall celestial seasonings have been primarily favorable during the last week that trend doesn’t necessarily continue in force for the remainder of August. Turn your gaze toward investment planning, insurance rates and coverage as well as safety and security matters during the monthly lunar union with Vesta in Sagittarius (8:04am). This heavenly tie can also double as a support for sisterhood and fellowship gatherings. Another positive development ensues later on as the moon in Sagittarius trines the sun in Leo (4:48pm). In the several hours preceding this fortuitous aspect, let your genius roam the intellectual and intuitive halls of higher learning. Once this solar-lunar rapport becomes exact, pull in the reins somewhat as a void lunar cycle begins and continues until earthy Capricorn moon enters the scene (9:02pm). Focus attention on building up your career aims on Tuesday and Wednesday.

[Note to readers: All times are now calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]


Copyright 2018 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.

7 Basic Psychic Self Defense and Energy Protection Techniques

7 Basic Psychic Self Defense and Energy Protection Techniques

By Psychic Hayden

Protect Yourself From People Who Drain You

I’m sure this topic has been covered many times before. Despite this, it’s always good to have a refresher course. This is especially true considering in our world now more than ever there is so much energy draining and “vampirism” going on.


For those who don’t know, energy vampirism is when a person uses any fear based emotion to emotionally impact us and thereby gain access to our personal energy whereas they are then capable of claiming it as their own. Some of these fear based emotions include intimidation, guilt, embarrassment, pity, anger, and depression.


It becomes important for people that find themselves constantly around energy vampires and their negativity to consistently remind themselves that they are in control of their own energy and where it goes.


That, of course, isn’t always easy and in some cases is much easier said than done. Thankfully, there are many very basic and easy techniques that a person can learn, experiment with, and practice to protect their own energy and themselves from the negativity of others.


Psychic Defense Technique One – White Light


Perhaps the most well known technique in the new age and metaphysical realms is that which involves white light or just light energy. The concept of surrounding ourselves with the white light of eternal love and protection is not really new to many. Still, many have trouble figuring out exactly how to do this. May I suggest the following visualizations:


a) Picture yourself in the center of a light bulb, then imagine it is turned on.
b) While standing under a shower of water (real or imagined), see/feel the water turn into the light.
c) Visualize an angel hovering over you and the light radiating from all around it and around you.


White light is important as being in it raises our own vibrations thus making it less likely that we’ll even encounter those who are choosing to follow the path of a lower vibration (hence negativity). Additionally, it helps to neutralize the negative vibrations that do manage to make their way to our aura.


Psychic Defense Technique Two – Blue Bubble or Blue Shield


Not as well known as the white light technique, the Bubble and Shield technique uses the idea that we can surround ourselves mentally with either a bubble or a shield that will reflect and absorb negativity so that we don’t have to feel the full effects of it. The color blue, associated with the throat chakra, represents will power and when combined with the visualization of the bubble or shield strengthens it.


We can layer the bubble or shield with the white light, so both can be in effect at one time. In truth, in dire situations, all of these methods can be layered to provide additional levels of protection to the psyche and auric energy field.


If you are one of those people that hates being around large crowds because you are so sensitive to energy, this is an important technique which can in essence give your social freedom back to you. Go out to a mall or shopping area where a lot of people are and enter and take note of what it feels like. Exit or excuse yourself to the restroom. Put the blue bubble or shield around yourself before going back. See if you notice a difference.


Going with the idea, one could put a bubble around the person that is being negative too, thereby creating a form of operant conditioning around the individual. When they choose to throw negative energy or use negative emotions to their advantage, this energy can’t escape the bubble and thus they feel the full effects of it. I.E., a person learns that they have to be nice when around you or they get zapped by their own negative energy.


Psychic Defense Technique Three – Physical Body Positions


Crossing your arms and legs can also be very protective. These body positions act to close off the human energy circuits and also protect various chakra (energy) points – depending on where the arms are crossed. The next time you are around someone that seems to be pulling at your energy or spewing a bunch of negativity, sit down calmly, cross your arms and legs, and listen. Their energy won’t be affecting you and eventually they’ll get tired or drained (as they aren’t getting any of your energy and they are using up their own supply) and then just leave you alone for the rest of the day.


Psychic Defense Technique Four – Mirrors


Visualizing mirrors surrounding the self has been used almost as long as the white light and blue energy. The idea here is that your visualization should have the mirrors facing outwards so that energy is reflected away from you. Like the bubble, you can put them around someone else to act as a form of operant conditioning, but this time the mirror’s reflective surface should face inward toward the person you are putting them around.


Psychic Defense Technique Five – Salt


We are speaking of a pure salt here, such as Kosher Salt or Sea Salt. These pure salts absorb negative energy and will ground or take it away from you if you have picked up any. There are many ways to use this technique.


a) Put some salt into a small glass and leave the glass on your work desk or in the room where people are most often found. This will absorb negative vibes. Make sure to flush it and change it out every month or after every fight/argument.


b) Add a sprinkle to some bath water and soak in it. This will pull negativity off and away from you as you soak. Add a touch of baking soda also to revitalize or help regain the lost energy.


c) Dilute some salt into a spray bottle of spring or mineral water. Spray a mist in the air of any room which has been overloaded with negativity or in which recent fights/arguments have occurred. This has the effect of making the environment feel light, pure, and airy again. Many combine this with the burning of sage (often called smudging) to cleanse and clear areas.


Psychic Defense Technique Six – Protection Symbols


Protection symbols come in many forms. It’s the belief in the symbol that will be the most important. However, the symbol itself can act to strengthen the subconscious mind and as a result be an added measure of defense and protection.


Holy symbols tend to be the most popular symbols of protection (cross/crucifix for Catholics/Christians, pentagram for Pagans, cow, Buddha, the list literally could go on) however any symbol can be used as a symbol of protection as long as it is meaningful to you. Thus, don’t make fun of someone who talks about their lucky whatever. It may truly be an important symbol for them and because of their belief and what that symbol invokes; it very well may truly be “lucky” and helpful for them.


Psychic Defense Technique Seven – Prayer and Affirmations


Prayer and affirmations have long been used to build positive energy, amplify other protections, and add layers of defense to the human energy system. In the case of prayer, any prayer which is said immediately following the use of one of these methods will act to strengthen it. In the case of affirmations, affirmations such as “I allow only love around me,” “People adore me,” and “My vibration is stronger and faster each day” can improve your energy and defense techniques. When writing an affirmation, always remember to put it in the present, write it from the first person perspective, and do not include negatives (not, don’t, won’t, can’t, etc) in it.


Likewise, invoking or asking angels for help also falls here. A common conception of the angelic realm is that angels can’t intervene or help humans unless a human has asked and given them permission to do so. The exception being if a person’s life is in danger, then many times that rule can be broken. The point is, always be willing to ask for extra help if you need it. Your angels, guides, and the powers to be will always respond and help out.


California Psychics

Psychic Protection – Shielding

Psychic Protection – Shielding


One of the most important skills we will learn on our path is psychic protection. Shielding is a very important component of that. I really encourage you to take the time to learn this skill as best as you can. This, honestly; has been the most important thing I have learned to control my gift. It’s what makes it so that I can go through a funeral if I need to, or watch a movie with friends without spouting waterfalls. It also allows me to keep my cool if I am in the presence of someone who is less then pleasant. What? Everyone in the world isn’t happy? Giggles. You know how essential something like this can be.


Right now, if you’re not familiar with shielding you probably have a visual in your head of a knight in armor carrying a shield in front of him. That’s not a bad visual. The purpose of that shield for the knight is to stop anyone from hurting him. While it doesn’t always work perfectly, it will help protect him from incoming attacks. If you think about it, I’m quite sure, just knowing that shield was there helped to bolster his confidence and calmness when going into battle or stressful situations. A psychic shield works much the same.


A psychic shield is a collection of energy that we place around ourselves and program to do what we wish it to do. There is so much you can do with psychic shields. It can take a lot of time for you to find the shield that is right for you. You may wish to have many types of shields that you work with. I could literally write a book just on shielding techniques…perhaps one day I will. For now though, I want to get you use to a basic shield, and talk about a couple variations on it that I believe will help you.


The Basic Bubble Shield


When working with energy, you will find that I mention white light fairly often. The white light is the light that comes from the divine. It is the energy that is warm, loving, and peaceful. The light that we are graced with on the other side. However you can have it’s benefits while you are here. All right, it’s time to get comfy again!


How many of you are familiar with your aura? Your aura is the energy that is made by you and surrounds you as you go through your day to day life. Depending on your mood, is what color it will be. For now, you just need to know that it’s there. It’s extension from your body varies depending on several things. For right now though I want you to envision it being about six inches to a foot away from your body. Have it?


Now, I want you to work on forming that ball of energy in your hands like we did before. However now, we want to make that ball of light surround us completely and protect us. Work on surrounding yourself with a ball of white light. Think of it like the bubbles you blew with soap when you were a child. It’s a layer of protection around you to stop energy from getting to you. So as you form this ball of light around you, I want you to envision it protecting you from any negative energy. This bubble will only allow positive emotions to come to you. Anything that will hurt, or harm you in any way is not allowed through it. When you are done, finish it by saying, “Only loving, positive energy may come to me.” This programs your shield and lets your intentions be known to the universe.


Each morning when you wake up, you want to shield yourself before going out for your day. You may need to take a few minutes throughout the day to redo it if you feel it’s not working anymore. Try to make it a part of your daily routine. Allow yourself an extra five to ten minutes each morning to protect yourself. It will make a difference as you go through your day.


Now how do you tell if your shield is working? I mentioned before that some of us can “see” better then others. I am one that can feel things better. If you are an empath, it is quite likely that you will be able to feel the energy of your shield before you can see it. Sometimes feeling your shield can be difficult too. So what are some other ways to tell if it’s working or not? Take a look at how you are going throughout your day. Do you feel confident and protected? How are you feeling emotionally? Do you feel in control of your emotions? These are all ways to tell if your shield is working properly. If it’s not, see if you can grab a restroom break for a few minutes. While in there, breathe deeply and reapply your shield. This should help you.


We also need to cleanse our shield. This is done by manipulating energy primarily through visualization as well. I usually do mine at night. As I’m falling asleep I will mentally scan my shield and try to feel it. I use my energy to cleanse any negative energy from it and tend to any places that may need it.


Variations on the Bubble Shield


There are so many things you can do to modify your shield. From textures, to layers, to shapes, to colors. The basic bubble shield is a great way to get started. I urge you to work on mastering it. When you are comfortable with it you can start experimenting with the aspects of your shield to customize it to you. The other area of shields I want to go into with you a little bit is basic colors of your shields. You can do a lot by changing the color of your shield to what is appropriate.


It is also perfectly acceptable to have more then one type of shield. I have a complex bubble shield that I use almost all the time and I customize it to what I need in the situation I’m in. I can change it at a moments notice now. Though it took me quite some time and practice to get there. Along with my bubble shield I also use a cloak. I visualize my cloak as being a dark navy blue on the outside, and a beautiful snow white on the inside. The inside is really silky and quite comfortable around me. It helps me to feel protected. When I wish to become more invisible I will pull the hood up on my cloak and retreat into it. It works really well in stores. Almost too well as do find I get stepped on quite a bit when I use it which always makes me laugh. Because I have such a hard time seeing it, I love having tangible proof for myself like that to help let me know it’s working as it should.


Colors of Shields


I wanted to give you a basic background on colors of shields for you to use with your bubble shield. You may want to experiment with these. It can be helpful to keep notes on what colors you use and what you have noticed when you use them.


White Light – White light is the main color I use. It is the color of the divine. For those of you who work with angels it will help keep you surrounded with their love and protection.


Rose Light – Rose is a warm loving color. It works hard to keep all energy received very loving. It is especially helpful in protecting you against negative people.


Yellow – Like sunshine, yellow is a very uplifting color. You can use this in situations where you think you may need extra help staying in a positive mood.


Green Light – Green is a healing color. Use this when you, or someone around you is feeling ill.


Blue Light – Blue is a very calming color. You can use this color shield when you want to stay extra calm in any situation.


Purple – Purple is a psychic color. You want to use a purple shield when you are doing any type of intuitive work.



Jasmeine Moonsong, Author
Published on the website, Jasmeine Moonsong