Witches Are Real And Here’s What They Look Like

Enchanted Circle of Witches®

Photographer Katarzyna Majakdiscovered a whole new side of Poland when she set out to explore her own spirituality.

It turns out there are lots of modern-day witches, who practice a collection of non-traditional religious and spiritual practices including spiritual healing, shamanism, Wicca, Druidism, and other revivals of Pagan traditions. (Witches are found in the U.S. too, with an estimated 1.2 million people following Pagan beliefs.)

Majak shared a few of these “women of power” with us. Check out more of her work at the Porter Contemporary Gallery.

Over 90% of Poland is Catholic. Because of the country’s conservative values, many women pursue witchcraft and other pagan traditions as an outlet for an alternative spirituality.

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History of the Ogham Language

Enchanted Circle of Witches®

ogham alphabetogham stoneThe ancient Ogham script (pronounced ‘oh-am’) is most often found on Ogham stones that date back to the third century. Most examples of the writing is found on Ogham stones of which there are over 350 found mostly in southern Ireland as well as in Scotland, the Isle of Man, Cornwall and Wales.

The transition to the use of the Roman alphabet took place about the sixth century. Most examples of Ogham writing confer the name of person that they represent, thus the stones are often memorial symbols.

To read the rest of this article please click on the following link: History Ogham Langage

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