Whispering Woods Faery Lore Course

I had a member ask me yesterday for some information on the Fae and some of their names. I didn’t want him to think I had forgotten him just my lunar activities had messed up my day time activities. I apologize for this and I remember Crick having an excellent course on the Fae. I use his information quite often and have permission to use his lessons. Some of his material is starting to disappear on Homestead and that is a terrible shame. He has done some wonderful research and is a valuable asset to the Pagan community.

I hope this gives those interested in the Fae some insight into them. Crick has several other courses that others might find of interest, you can check them out at Crick’s Free Pagan oriented courses.


Whispering Woods Faery Lore Course

This course is dedicated to Faeries, Gnomes, Sprites, Dryads and all of the mystical beings that make up the special fabric of our world. I personally grew up in an Irish family that held a solid belief in such wonderful creatures. And such memories will remain with me throughout my life. And so it is our hope that you will come away with a belief and indeed a respect for the denizens of other worldly realms. They are there waiting for us to shed centuries old and misguided beliefs about their existence.

We are truly blessed to have such gifted and magickal beings living amongst us. They have many lessons just waiting to be imparted to those who are open to such communication.

This course can’t possibly cover all of the numerous and various types of faeries and such creatures in the world. But we hope to give you a broad exposure to the many types of such mystical beings that share this world with us humans…

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