A Little Humor for Your Day – The Frying Pan, lol!

The Frying Pan

A man was sitting quietly reading his paper one morning, peacefully enjoying himself, when his wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the back of his head with a huge frying pan.
Man: “What was that for?”
Wife: “What was that piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name Marylou written on it?”
Man: “Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the horse races? Marylou was the name of one of the horses I bet on.”
The wife looked all satisfied, apologizes, and goes off to do work around the house.
Three days later he is once again sitting in his chair reading and she repeats the frying pan swatting.
Man: “What was that for this time?”
Wife: “Your horse phoned.”



Today’s Quiz: Are You Energy-Sensitive?

Are You Energy-Sensitive? Quiz

If you have ever found yourself getting irritated or depressed for no apparent reason after spending time with certain people, the answer may be simple: you may be a sensitive, absorbing or reacting to energy from these individuals that isn’t healthy for you.

Answer these questions to see if this could be true for you, and then find out what to do about it so you don’t continue to feel depleted or irritable when you’re around these people.

1. Do you frequently feel angry, nervous, tense, or irritable around certain people?

2. Do you often feel sad, low-energy, drained, or lethargic when you are around some individuals?

3. Do you ever find yourself wanting to lie or cover-up around specific people?

4. Do you frequently find yourself folding your arms over your midsection when you are with certain people in your life?

5. Do you often feel ill-at-ease or uncomfortable with some individuals?

6. Does the mere sight of some people cause you to feel instantly defensive or angry?

7. Do you find yourself inwardly groaning when you hear a specific person’s voice on the phone?

The more questions you answered “yes” to, the more sensitive you probably are.

Most of us are unconsciously influenced by others’ energies. These energies are what they are, neither good nor bad–but some may be beneficial, and some detrimental to us. The extent to which you are affected is a sign of your sensitivity. Becoming aware of the energy-effects of interactions is a wonderful first step in becoming more conscious, and in undoing the negative effects of others’ energies on us.

If you think you are being adversely affected when you are in the company of certain people’s energy fields, here are some things you can do:

If you are around someone whose energy makes you feel drained:
1. Move away from the person.
2. Politely cut the interaction short.
3. Redirect the person’s attention.

If you find yourself feeling irritable around someone:
1. First, realize that you do not need to take this personally. Simply notice, “This is someone who makes me feel prickly.”
2. Ground yourself. This can be as simple as just placing your hands on the ground, or as complex as doing a brief relaxation and grounding exercise.

Daily Feng Shui News for March 27th – ‘Spring Forward’

We are now enjoying the season of fertility and growth. Feelings of hope and rejuvenation offer each of us a chance to attract more of the same into our own lives. On this day, take a green ink pen, magic marker or pencil and draw a green star on white paper. Color the star green and then outline it in black ink. Place the star in any space where you will see it at least several times throughout the day. Using sacred geometry in this visual and symbolic way activates both a positive psychological and physiological response. Green is the color of healing, health, fertility and maturity and the star is a universal symbol of hope. They now combine to make sure that something spectacular will now spring forward for you.

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com

Your Animal Spirit for March 27th is The Green Woman

Your Animal Spirit for Today

Green Woman

Green Woman has magically floated into your life to remind you of the energy of fertility–fertility for a project, a garden, a love affair or conception. If there is fertile ground, it WILL bear fruit. Green Woman encourages you to practice your own brand of magic, and to appreciate the talents you have that will, in the near future, give birth to a magical creation.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for March 27th is The Hand

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Hand

Although the exact meaning may vary, The Hand is a symbol of some form of personal power in many cultures and religions. The presence of The Hand is an indication that your personal powers are at or near their zenith. The Hand suggest a time when you should leave your mark on the world.

As a daily card, The Hand suggest that now is a time for you to leave your mark on the world. Your unique strengths are heightened to a point where you can not only expect to make substantial progress towards your goals, but enjoy recognition for your efforts as well.

Your Tarot Card for March 27th is The Hierophant

The Hierophant

Thursday, Mar 27th, 2014












Traditionally known as the Hierophant, this card refers to a Master and the learning of practical lessons from the study of Natural Law. This energy of this card points to some agent or resource that can reveal the secrets of life, the cycles of the moon and tides, the links between human beings and the heavens.

Because monasteries were the only places a person could learn to read and write in the middle ages, a Hierophant was one to whom a student would petition for entry. He was the one to set the curriculum for the neophyte’s course of study.

Often pictured with the right hand raised in blessing, the Hierophant is linked with the ancient lineage of Melchezidek, initiator of the Hebrew priestly tradition, the one who passes on the teachings. All shamans of any tradition draw upon this archetype.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, March 27th

Our original thinking won’t necessarily enable us to convince anyone of the validity of our solutions today. Although the inventive Aquarius Moon can inspire us to find creative answers to complex problems, it’s no simple task to put our plans into motion. Thankfully, we still might accomplish more than we expect. Brilliant ideas fade as the day wears on; we’re ready to take it easy once the Moon shifts into dreamy Pisces at 8:10 pm EDT.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You don’t want to work alone now, even if you usually prefer to run ahead of the pack. The receptive Moon’s visit to your 11th House of Groups links your feelings to other members of your social network or the entire group, itself. However, you could end up feeling rejected if someone doesn’t want you to be part of the team. But there’s no reason to hold onto a grudge; you’ll feel better about things tomorrow if you keep a positive attitude today.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You possess an uncanny ability to know what to do at work now, even if your ideas seem to go against the prevailing opinions. Don’t waste energy attempting to prove that your way makes the most sense now. Your coworkers probably won’t believe you anyhow. Fortunately, you know your job better than anyone else, so quietly get busy putting your plan into place. You’ll gain respect and admiration once everyone realizes that you mean business. This is your opportunity to shine.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Although you’re not often at a loss for words, you’re willing to keep quiet and go along with the general consensus now — even if you disagree with it. You might consider putting up a fight at first, but will probably acquiesce to the majority for the sake of harmony. Fortunately, nothing is written in stone today, so allow external situations to determine your next step. You really don’t have to push so hard to prove your worth.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You might be in an odd state of confusion because you want to be emotionally closer to those you love but ironically, they could choose to put a little bit of distance between you now. Naturally, this imbalance is stressful, so it’s wise to reevaluate your feelings before it’s too late. Ultimately, it’s not just about maintaining the status quo; it’s about getting what your heart desires. Try not to take things too personally today since all relationships have their own ebb and flow; focus on pursuing your dreams, instead.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Ideas are popping up like flowers today and your senses are awakening to the smell of spring in the air. Nevertheless, knowing how far to take your unorthodox thoughts is challenging now, for saying too much might have negative consequences on your current lifestyle. Remember that you don’t need to share everything that crosses your mind. Consider your audience before you spill all of your secrets. If anyone asks a question, a mysterious smile might be all you need for an answer.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Letting off a little hot air doesn’t do a thing to further your ambitions today. However, you can use the current delays to your advantage. Instead of running off in search of a different job that meets your expectations, stay on the same track for a while longer. In the meantime, keep your options open by working several disparate threads into one complex master plan. Your chances for success are great as long as you keep your eye on the final prize.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Approaching your work with a fair-minded attitude and a healthy dose of logic is unusually challenging today. However, it may not pay to be overly practical, for it’s the most radical ideas that now produce the best solutions. Don’t waste time trying to maintain the balance as you decide your next move. Shaking everything up brings a wider variety of choices than cautiously staying on the straight and narrow path. Sometimes taking a leap of faith is the best way to create positive change.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You have a different strategy to managing minor problems at home today. Instead of practicing a hands-off policy, you are ready to jump in and take control of anything that’s out of whack. But exerting too much authority could backfire now, especially if you don’t have all the facts at your disposal. Step back and play the role of a researcher by listening carefully to everyone’s opinions. Luckily, you can save the day by putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You might feel like you’re putting out one to many fires today with the emotional Moon traveling through your 3rd House of Communication. It’s a struggle keeping up with so many separate interactions, yet you may not understand how one relationship pattern affects another. However, rest assured that nothing happens in a vacuum. Take the time to consciously connect with others and don’t worry if you can’t find all the answers just yet.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Reexamining your motives and adjusting your goals accordingly helps to make your path easier to navigate. But your intentions might not be as clear as you think now, so you need to start the process by making a vigilant effort to untangle your subconscious desires. Don’t be afraid to confide in someone; the advice you receive from a counselor, a life coach or a trustworthy friend can make all the difference in the world today as you prepare for your journey. It’s a sign of strength to know when to ask for help.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You may be overly sensitive to little things today as the high-strung Aquarius Moon brings your emotions right up to the surface and into full view. But don’t force anything because you might not have enough time to delve into a significant issue now. In the meantime, just observe your reactions, and open and close your heart when appropriate. You will do best in the long run if you can wait a while longer before attempting to sort out your feelings. In the meantime, demonstrate your love through your actions and not your words.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

It feels like you’re walking through a dreamworld and the surreal symbolism sticks with you throughout the day. The problem is that the lingering images don’t make sense to your rational mind; as soon as you try to explain your thoughts today, they vanish in an instant. Cultivate your dreams by giving yourself permission to wander down the rabbit hole now, even if you’re not sure where it leads.

Your Daily Cosmic Calendar for March 27th

The cosmos has been distributing a lot of mixed-up combination days at humanity this month — composed of a couple of sweet, nurturing alignments and a sprinkling of discordant connections. That trend continues today as the coast appears very clear and opportunistic with the Moon joining forces with Venus in Aquarius (12:53AM). Love vibrations are definitely increasing in wavelength. The Moon moves on to form a parallel with Neptune (2:34AM) — providing a chance to reinforce your spiritual studies or experiment with a video or digital camera. Meanwhile, a Moon-Mars trine in air signs (6:14AM) can be a catalyst energizing your athletic prowess, but it also begins an 11-hour void lunar cycle that lasts until 5:12PM. Hold down the fort during this limbo time-span and zero in on finishing old projects with a flourish. Once the clock strikes 5:12PM, the Moon sails on to the hopefully calm seas of Pisces for a two-day journey. However, emotional tensions may be brewing tonight due to a Moon-Mars parallel (9:43PM) intertwined with Juno square to Pluto (11:37PM). Be the picture of human kindness with dear ones to avoid a raging storm that arrives previously unannounced. You may be able to lean on a mentally-strong, 60-degree rapport between Mercury and Pluto (10:33PM) to keep you out of the relationship doghouse. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Current Moon Phase for March 27th – Waning Crescent

Crescent Moon

(waning /17% of illumination)

This is a time to rest, reevaluate and reflect, pulling back into yourself to reconnect with inner sources of strength. Now is not a time to initiate anything new. It’s a phase suited to spending time with friends and getting in touch with the “big picture.” A window of opportunity exists for seeing your life objectively and becoming aware of what is important to you. At this point, what are your dreams and aspirations? What larger goals can you aspire to that will bring vitality and excitement into your life? This is a time for resting and gaining inner strength to prepare for a new cycle.

The Witches Spell for March 27th – Green and Gold Money Spell

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Green and Gold Money Spell


Material needed:

A square piece of green cloth ( natural fiber, 6″ x 6″ )

Green glitter and gold sequins

A 7″ long string of green yarn

3 shiny, new pennies

Lay the square, of green cloth out flat before you. Place the three pennies in the middle and concentrate on the amount of money you desire. ( Be realistic not greedy ). As you think of the amount of cash you need, sprinkle a couple teaspoons of green glitter and gold sequins over the pennies and say:

” Green and Gold
Let my wish take hold,
For money I need,
I do this deed. “

Gather all four corners of the cloth so that it forms a small pouch around the coins.

Grasp the four corners of the cloth together and wrap the green yarn around it, tying it tightly together. Keep this wherever you normally put your money, or inside a purse.


Author: Crick

Website: The Whispering Woods


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1. Be Yourself… if you worry about what others think, then you won’t think for yourself… and if you don’t think for yourself, you may as well be dead!

2. Allow all others to be themselves… just because Joe Blow from kokomo has blue candles on his altar and you use only white ones, that doesn’t mean he is the son of Satan. We must each one be allowed our own Pagan path in freedom, for if we cannot do that, then we have no freedom!

3. Let’s stop all the silliness of who is and is not a Witch, and what one must do to be a witch.

4. Don’t ask for someone’s opinions unless you really want it! More Witch wars are started because someone asked for another’s views and didn’t like the answer they got!

5. Add a dose of good humor (the worst Witches are the ones that take everything so S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y!)

Let’s Talk Witch – Everyday Lessons

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                                    Let’s Talk Witch – Everyday Lessons 

There are times in everyone’s life when a simple look around can teach more than all the knowledge in an encyclopedia.

What do I mean by that? Many people think learning can only be accomplished in a classroom. Valuable lessons are learned there. Just as many lessons are also available walking down the street. Some people do not think that daily life has lessons to offer. There is a need for classrooms, but many of our most painful lessons will happen far from institutions of higher learning.

Granted, it is simpler to learn from a person who knows the answers. Teachers usually have the knowledge that we are trying to learn, without paying the cost in sweat and struggle. Just wrap the answers you need into a neat little package and present it with a bow. Ultimately, though, isn’t that a cheat? Our teachers have been through the process of learning that we now want handed to us. That devalues the information and deprives us of the work.

Many more things can be learned by the attempt to learn, even if we fail, than can ever be learned by suddenly “knowing” the answer.

Most lessons are learned through trial and error. This is true of the sciences, art, music, and the lessons that shape our personalities. Would you believe that a stove could be hot if you had never seen one before? If you had never seen it cook food? Would you know that you could get burnt unless you hurt yourself on the stove?

One must look upon everything as a potential lesson. The birds, the person who insulted you, your child, and everything else on this Earth should be seen as a lesson waiting to happen. Even the most crushing defeats can be turned into a tool to help you improve yourself for the next time.

While obvious sources of learning are easy to spot, many ignore the more subtle sources of experience we have available to us.

Books are a wonderful source of information. The “gold mine” of information and lessons that I found sitting in my library is invaluable. The characters of fiction stories go through trials and tribulations during the course of their adventures, and if I read closely enough, I should find the keys to avoiding their mistakes.

Music can hold lessons. The songs that touch your heart can teach something to you. One of the most powerful lessons I learned was from a song by Rod Stewart. His song “Forever Young” taught me that I cannot ever forget to tell those I love how much I love them. It’s something I thank him for.

In order to prosper from learning our lesson everyday, we must do several things. First we must have total faith in our ability to learn. It is frightening to discover how many adults think that they are unable to learn. We must be willing and able to recognize the lessons and learning experiences as we are presented them. We must then be able to apply our learning into our lives. Without these three things, nothing that we experience will be of value.

The point of this article is to show you how you may not need a teacher or “Master” to learn something. The most valuable lesson is the one you learn for yourself. It is sad but true that the most painful lessons are the ones we remember the best.

Everything in our lives can teach us something. Everyone has something to share and teach. Each living plant and animal can show us how to improve our lives.

Consider the mushroom. An unassuming little fungus, but it can teach a valuable lesson. Looking at him, growing next to his cousins and children after a rainstorm, teaches us about recycling. It is there to break down organic material into its component parts, then to die to help the process along. It creates the dirt that allows the next generation of plants to grow. The animals eat the plants, then die to be changed into dirt again by the mushroom.

Nothing is ever wasted by the mushroom, but it is up to us to realize that lesson when we see it.

This can be applied to anything, from the most esoteric question, to basic survival lessons. Looking at everything around us and asking what it has to teach us about our lives can be an illuminating experience. Teaching ourselves by observation makes the lessons we learn more personal. Many sages have told us the most valuable lesson is the one you learn for yourself.

We are here to learn. We learn by experiencing life. If we don’t experience life, we do not learn and we will not get the lessons we need to grow. If we do not grow, we may have to come back to another life and do all this over again.

Not all lessons are explosions and fireworks. The Lord and Lady have chosen to make a game out of the lessons we need to learn to capture our interest and hold our attention. Like all good teachers, they make learning fun. They’re most powerful lessons are as quiet as a zephyr and as easy to ignore as a mote of dust.

Look around you for a week. Treat everything and everyone as something to learn from. If at the end of that week, you do not feel different and a bit more enlightened, tell me, but at try it first.

Stars light your path.


Author: DavenContributed by Red Wolf”Copyright Daven, 2000, All rights reserved.  The original can be found at
http://davensjournal.com/EL.xhtml  Email the author at daven@davensjournal.com

Celebrating Spirituality 365 Days A Year – Smell the Breeze Day

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Celebrating Spirituality 365 Days A Year – Smell the Breeze Day

March 27th

Smell the Breeze Day

In Egypt, the little-known festival of Smell the Breeze Day commemorates the Easter holiday and Spring with festive outings. It is believed that if one smells a fesh-cut onion at dawn he or she will be blessed with good luck and good health.

Old Farmers’ Almanac for Thursday, March 27th

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Old Farmers’ Almanac for Thursday, March 27th


Current Moon Phase for March 27th – Waning Crescent, 11% of Full

Moon’s Astrological Place & Sign It Is In the Body

March 27th – Aquarius – Waterman – Sign in the Legs

Fishing Calendar for March 27th – Fishing is Forecasted for Good in the Morning

Gardening Calendar for March 27th – A barren period, best suited for killing pests. Do plowing and cultivating.

March 27th is best for cutting hair to retard growth, mowing to retard growth, castrating farm animals, digging post holes, harvesting, weaning, quit smoking, potty training, preserving jams/jellies, washing wooden floors, painting, start dieting to lose weight, hosting a party. killing plant pests.

Thursday Is Ruled By Jupiter

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Thursday Is Ruled By Jupiter

Archangel: Sachiel

Candle colours: Blue

Incenses: Sandalwood or sage

Crystals: Lapis lazuli or turquoise

Use Thursdays for spells for career, justice, prosperity, leadership, creativity, marriage and all partnerships, whether love or business, and for male potency.

Where possible work on a hillside, moorland or near a natural sacred site.

The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, March 27th

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The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, March 27th

Magickal Intentions: Luck, Happiness, Health, Legal Matters, Male Fertility, Treasure and Wealth, Honor, Riches, Clothing Desires, Leadership, Public Activity, Power and Success Incense: Cinnamon, Must, Nutmeg and Sage
Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
Angel: Sachiel
Colors: Purple, Royal Blue and Indigo
Herbs/Plants: Cinnamon, Beech, Buttercup, Coltsfoot, Oak
Stones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire
Oil: (Jupiter) Clove, Lemon Balm, Oak moss, Star Anise

Jupiter presides over Thursday. The vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity.