Can You Keep A Secret?

Happy Birthday Images

The secret is Lady Abyss’s birthday is Wednesday, March 19th. She hate to let anyone know when her birthday is. She always tells everyone she was hatched instead of being born. Due to that fact, if she knew I was doing this she would crap. But she goes above and beyond any person I know of. You should be able to tell that just by looking at this site. We were talking while she was out the other day. We decided we would like to get her a beautiful black onyx pentagram that she has wanted. We wanted the pentagram to be from all of us. If you would like to be a part of providing Lady A with this wonderful gift, we would deeply appreciate.

All Lady A does for us, I don’t think it would hurt to give her a small token of our appreciation. She doesn’t know that I have made this post. She is out of town till Tuesday and I will have this post long gone before that. Below you will find a picture of the necklace. Under it, a donation button. This is just our way of letting her know she is appreciated.

Thank you for any amount because it all adds up.

I should also mention if you donate to this gift of appreciation for Lady A. We are going to give her a card with everyone who donated on it. Which I believe is only fair. Especially since this is our way of  saying, thank you for all your hard work, thank you for helping us with our problems and most of all being the best witch we know!

Thank you to….

Susan Randis

You know if each of you contributed just a $1.00, a dollar, we would be able to purchase this wonderful pentagram for our Lady.