This is a candle you can make easily with household items. It’s good for clearing sinuses, and I’ve seen the aloe portion cure colds. This is an effective form of aromatherapy.

Take a small votive candle holder, enough green candles to melt into the holder, a large amount of fresh garlic, a spike from an aloe plant, (ask permission first,)and a handful of cloves. Melt all these into the candle carefully.

Leave overnight for the wax to dry. Then, burn.



–white candle red candle black candle

Imagine a blue ball of energy inside the candles. Caress the candles as you chant:

Goddess of Three, I call upon thee,
To protect from those who wish to harm me
Keep them from using the gift from thee
Keep them from using thy gift to harm me

When you finish chanting, imagine the blue ball exploding into lines of blue.
Imagine the lines surrounding you and wrapping you in warm blue energy. See the blue light as a shield. Know that it is unbreakable.

Think about how it is the Goddess’ Light protecting you. Then put the candles someplace where they can burn undisturbed and let them burn themselves out, sending all the energy into your shield. This spell is best performed during the full moon.

For longer effects you can make it a seven-day spell



Timing: During the waning moon.

Use a brown candle (an image candle, if you can) to represent the person who is harassing you.Write the person’s name on the front and back of the candle.

On a small piece of parchment paper, write:
‘From now on, (name) will say nothing but sweet words about me and to me.
By the power of Aradia, so mote it be!’

Put a drop of honey in the middle of the paper and roll it into a ball.
Heat a knife, pin or your athame, make a gash in the candle (in its mouth, if it’s an image candle)and stuff the paper ball into it.

Let the candle burn a little while every night for an odd number of nights, to a maximum of nine nights. Throw the remnants into flowing water, but save some candle drippings or ash to sprinkle in the path of your oppressor.



If you know who has put a crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the jinx onto them, burn a black candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath an overturned saucer under the candle) or carve their name on the candle.

If you don’t know the name of the person who did this trick to you, carve the words “My Enemy” on the candle. Any black candle will do, but if you use a black candle in the figure of the Devil, carve their name on it, and dress it with Cast Off Evil Oil, things will go harder with them.

Burn the black candle on the toilet tank, a little bit each night, pinching it out between burnings. Burn it while the moon is growing smaller — then, on the dark of the moon, the darkest night of the month, turn the burning black candle upside down and extinguish it in the toilet bowl, saying

“Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!”

Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads — or into the yard of the person who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.

Dragonfly Faery Magick

Dragonfly Faery Magick

Cast this spell in honor of Lorialet, the enchanted son of the Greek Goddess Selene and the Greek God Endymion. He is a poet, musician and sorcerer, who lives on mountain tops, wooded glens, and next to forest lakes, and constantly dreams of the moon. Cats love him and butterflies and dragonflies travel with him wherever he goes.

For this spell, you will need a body of water and a dragonfly sticker. Magick shops, the internet, New Age gift, and health food stores are places to find dragonfly stickers.

After dark when the moon has risen, go outdoors and sit next to a body of water such as a creek, river, pond, lake or ocean. Recite a special poem you have written for Lorialet and the dragonflies or you can recite one of the following: My favorite is a passage from the song “Dragonfly” by Clutch. Other are a-ha’s “Dragonfly” lyrices and Jimi Hendrix’s “Spanish Castle Magick.” Put a copy of the lyrics where you can read them before you go to sleep to encourage dragonfly dreams. Dragonflies are messengers of the Gods. Affix the sticker on your car, refrigerator, or bathroom mirror to remind you of the dragonfly magick all around you.

Kind Brownie Spell

Kind Brownie Spell

Brownies live in England and Scotland (Urisks), and are solitary faeries. They are one to two feet tall, with brown, wizened faces and hair that grows all over their body like teddy bears. They usually go naked but occasionally wear hooded brown cloaks. Brownies come out at night to do the chores when everyone is asleep and are gone by the first cock call. They take care of the household pets, do unfinished jobs such as mowing; threshing; milking; shearing; tending the pets; livestock and farm animals; shoe making; sewing and cleaning. Brownies can bring good fortune to your family provided you treat them well. GIve them food and drink such as milk and cookies to win their favors, but never give them gifts or wages. To encourage a helpful brownie to come to your home, cast this spell tonight.

You will need a broom, a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

Before you go to sleep, sweep your front doorway and back doorway clean. Also sweep your fireplace or woodstove hearth clean if you have one. Put the glass of milk and cookeis on the counter or table in your kitchen. Say:

I offer this milk and these cookies to the kind and helpful brownies who may grace my home tonight.

As you drift to sleep, repeat over and over:

May the kind and helpful brownies grace my dreams and my home tonight.

In the morning, write everything you recall from your dreams in your journal. Return any remaining milk and cookies to the earth as an offering to the brownines. As you do, say:

Thank you, kind brownies. May you always be blessed!

Over the Moon Spell

Over the Moon Spell

Most everyone is familiar with the nursery rhyme: “Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon; the little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon.” Cast this spell to empower your bond with your pet.

For this spell, you will need your cat or dog, lavender essential oil, and a few drops of lemon juice.

After dark sit with your pet so you can see the night sky. Say the nursery rhyme to your cat or dog. Sit quietly together for a few minutes. Rub behind his or her ears. Tell your pet how much she or he means to you, how much your pet is appreciated. Say three times:

Blessed be (say your pet’s name)

Thank you for your loving company.

Now, pour a few drops of lavender essential oil and a few drops of lemon juice into your hand and rub it onto your cat’s or dog’s fur. Don’t get this mixture near your pet’s head, mouth, nose or eyes. As you rub say quickly (because your pet will take off like a rocket once she or he gets scent of the lavender oil):

May the God and Goddess protect and bless you always!

Star Guide Meditation

Star Guide Meditation

Reconnect with your own stellar heritage with this meditation. Your stellar self acts as a source of energy, love, creativity and enlightenment.

After dark, recline outdoors on the grass or a lounge chair, somewhere safe, where you will not be disturbed and where you can clearly see the stars. If it’s not possible to go outdoors, do this next to a window or door indoors where you can see the stars.

Draw a circle and call in the elements. Ask a favorite deity to enter your circle for guidance and protection. Think of one question

that is pressing upon you right now, a question you really want to know the answer to. Take three deep breaths by breathing in to the count of three, holding your breath for three counts, and then exhaling completely. In your mind’s eye, imagine ascending a beautiful ladder of white light to the stars. With each step you take, you fell more and more comfortably relaxed and in tune with your surroundings. Select a star to focus on. Flow ever upward, higher and higher to the star you have selected. Imagine walking toward the star, closer and closer. Before you is what looks to be a holographic gate made entirely of energy. You find yourself walking through the gate, and as you do so, you sense a subtle popping feeling.

Once you move through the stargate, there is a being of light waiting for you. This being is your star guide and will answer your question. Ask your questions, then listen for the thought-form reply. As you listen to your star guide, you can see the stars all around you. They are alive with energy, living being who are on their own path of evolution. Once you have received your answer, thank your star guide and descend the ladder of white light.

When you are finished, pull up the circle, bid farewell to the elements, and clap your hands three times soundly. Go back inside and lie down in bed. As you drift to sleep, imagine yourself drifting up toward the stars. In the morning write down your dreams in your journal.

Phyllorhodomancy Spell

Phyllorhodomancy Spell

In ancient Greece, rose leaves were used for divination. This is called phyllorhodomancy.

After dark, go outside and pick a rose leaf. Thank the bush for the leaf. Now, take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and center your awareness. Think of a question regarding love that you have. Keep it simple. Focus your attention on the question for a couple of minutes. Next, slap the rose leaf on your hand by holding it in your power hand and slapping it onto the flat palm of your receiving hand firmly. A good clear sound is positive “Yes” answer. A muffled sound is a “No” answer.

Shooting Star Divination

Shooting Star Divination    

Tonight, think of a question you have regarding your relationships or your  profession. Now, gaze at the night sky: go outdoors, look out an open door or an open window. Say aloud:  

May this star divination be clear and true.

So be it! Blessed stars! Blessed Be!


Continue gazing at the night sky and ask your question aloud, addressing it to the  stars in the sky. If a shooting star streaks across the night sky, or if the star seems to shine brighter in the next thirty minutes, the answer to your  question is “Yes.” If clouds move across your view in the next thirty minutes, then the answer is “No.” If nothing happens, ask again,  until you receive an indication either “Yes” or “No” from the stars. Make a note of your question and the answer you received from the  stars in your journal.



This is a Banishment of negativity spell, but a 7 day candle spell can be used for other workings, like prosperity, health, love etc. (on different days of the week)
This should be undertaken on Saturday (Saturn), and if you want to be more precise, the use Saturn’s hour. You can either choose 12-1 (from midnight) 7-8 am or (from noon) 2-3 PM and 8-9 PM. It doesn’t matter what time you finish, just start at the proper time.
Do this spell during the waning Moon towards the last quarter. Banishment spells are done during the Waning Moon because you want to stifle the negativity.
You will need:
1. Two regular white stick alter candles
2. A glass enclosed candle that will burn for approx. one week. If your local occult store carries the reverse candle with black wax on top and white or red at the bottom, this would be great, otherwise a black, brown, blue or purple is good since these are some of Saturn’s  colors.
3. Banishment or Uncrossing oil – or you can make it by taking the herb of rosemary, black cohosh, basil, eucalyptus, Vervain and sage (some or all) and putting them in some vegetable or olive oil and cooking them lightly for 5-10 minutes (don’t burn), strain into a bottle or  jar.
4. Salt and water for sprinkling (consecration)
5. Incense, a good quality
6. Some parchment paper, but nice stationary will do (approx. 3×3 piece)
Before you start your ritual you may want to air out your space with sage.
Make sure you air out the room with open windows and doors so negative
spirits can depart. This is optional, but a good idea. Be bathed and wear some uncrossing oil.
Wear your ritual clothes or clean garments. Your altar and ritual area should be tidy but have your personal touch on it, with the things that represent you.
Begin by lighting your incense and sprinkle water and salt in the 4 directions, move deosil, or clockwise (dispel). Offer a short prayer in your own words to the elements earth air fire and water to come to your space to purify it. You can include your favorite wights or protectors.
Make this as personal as possible. What matters is what ‘you’ identify with, not trying to identify with some entity you’ve never heard of. Just be sincere, and visualize your space being protected. If you want to draw an imaginary circle moving clockwise, that’s fine too, as long as you indicate the purification of your working space.
After the consecration, light the two white alter candles (protectors) and offer an  invocation/prayer to your main deity and in your own words ask him/her for protection and the banishment of all negative entities that are troubling you, ask him/her to send them back to their origin.
They have no place in your life. Ask for all harm to be turned away from you, leaving behind only prosperity, happiness, courage, acceptance of transitions without doubt and fear, and control over your life.
State that your external forces have no power over you. Again, just be sincere, and whether you do this in a poem form or just simply state it doesn’t matter, just say it with  conviction.
After your invocation, take some banishment oil and “charge” the top of your glass  encased candle with your finger tips, moving deosil, and offer a few words to remove and expel all the negativity around you. Now light the candle.
The parchment paper is your seal. It serves as an amulet, talisman and charm, it will do the work for you. There are many kinds of seals, but it can simply be something you create.
Write your intent or wish on the paper, in this case the banishment of ill-forces and your protection. Then put a few dabs of banishment oil on it and put it under your candle and leave it there until it burns out.
When you’ve finished with your seal, thank your deity and helpful spirits and ask them to depart and do your bidding.
Close the ritual by extinguishing your two main alter candles (never blow on the fire element). Your 7 day candle will stay lit until it burns out, so you may want to have it in an extra glass or metal bowl for safety’s sake, and out of reach for anyone to touch (including Freyja).
This is the end of you ritual. Now evening until the candle burns out, pick a certain time and stick to it, to sit down with your candle anywhere from 15 -30 minutes and seriously and intently focus or meditate on your wish or expectation. It’s always good to start with a prayer or chant, this depends on you particular spiritual practice and whatever suits you.
Never miss a single day. If more than one of you is doing this ritual, you must all sit together each evening for the candle visualization and stick to it.
When the candle finally burns out (7 days, sooner or later), take the seal and burn it, and sprinkle the ashes outside your front door and forget about it



To be rid of diseases, unhealthy habits, hurt feelings and any other disturbing manifestations of life, hold any stone in your projective hand and visualize the problem in detail.

Visualize the part of you that is to be banished as entering the stone. See the problem and its causes leaving you and infusing the stone.

When you can send no more energy into it, throw the stone onto a hot fire, throwing with it the causes and manifestations of your problem. Stand back the stone may explode. If you have no fire or don’t wish to have rocks exploding, throw the stone into the air or into water, thereby releasing the problem causing energy from your body.

It is done.

Abonde (A Deity of the Witches)


Intrinsically linked with the classical goddess Diana, Abonde also went by the names Abundia, Perchta, and Satia.  Abonde led nocturnal hordes of witches through homes and cellars, eating and drinking all they could find.  If food and drink were left as offerings, Abonde would bestow prosperity upon the occupants of the home.  If nothing was left out for her and her followers, she would deny the denizens of her blessings and protection.

The Thesaurus pauperum of 1468 condemned “the idolatrous superstition of those who left food and drink at night in open view for Abundia and Satia, or, as the people said, Fraw Percht and her retinue, hoping thereby to gain abundance and riches.”  The same practice of offering drink, salt, and food to Perchta, “alias domine Habundie,” on certain days had been taken note of and subsequently condemned in 1439 by Thomas Ebendorfer von Haselbach in De decem praeceptis.

According to Roman de la Rose, written at the end of the thirteenth century,
third born children were obligated to travel with Abonde three times a week to the homes of neighbors.  Nothing could stop these people, as they became
incorporeal in the company of Abonde.  Only their souls would travel as their
bodies remained behind immobile.  There was a downside to this astral
projection:  if the body was turned over while the soul was elsewhere, the soul would never return.