Hematite Healing Spell


Hold a Hematite stone, feel it’s vibrations and channel healing energy into the stone. Chant:

Stone of Hematite
Stone so black
Give me the healing energy
That I lack
Stone of Hematite
Stone of Hematite
Heal me now
With the speed of light!




–3 candles- 2 light blue & 1 white
–Allspice & Rosemary (equal parts each) or a Healing type incense
–photo or paper with name of recipient a small quartz crystal

Place the candles on your altar or workspace in a semi-circle with the white candle between the two blue ones. Place your incense burner above the white candle. Place the person’s name in the center of the layout, with the quartz crystal on top. Light the incense then the candles. Center yourself and inhale the incense as you think of all ill health dispelling from the person and instead being replaced by healing energy, much as the air is filled with the smoke of the incense. Gather your healing energy and when you feel ready, release the energy, directing itthrough the crystal and to the recipient who’s name or photo is beneath it. Give the recipient the crystal to carry as a charm for continued good health.

Long Term Healing Spell

Long Term Healing Spell


a feather
rosemary oil
a shell
a stone
an onion
a horseshoe


This spell is good for slowly healing long-term illnesses.

Write the name of the person you wish to heal on the onion. (You can either use your athame to inscribe it or use a pen; it’s fine either way…)

Plant the onion in a pot or garden. Put a stone to the north, 3 drops of rosemary oil to the south, a shell to the west, and a feather to the east. Cover the objects with soil.

Place the pot on the horseshoe, or place the horseshoe close by if the onion is planted in the garden.

Poppet Healing Spell

Poppet Healing Spell

You need:

A yellow candle

Herbs of marigold/calendula, lavender and rosemary

Clear quartz gemstone

Photo/person’s part etc.

Perform on a Sunday. Stuff the doll with the herbs and add the gem about where the heart would be in the doll. Sew up the doll and do the naming ritual (above). Light the candle, and see the person healthy and happy in your mind. Say six times:

Lavender, marigold and rosemary
The body, soul and mind are free
Stone of quartz, take the pain away
Whole and healed and free today
With harm to none
My will is done

Bury the doll in the ground before sunset the same day.

Modern Witchs Healing Spell

Modern Witchs Healing Spell

To help speed recovery from an illness, write the sick person’s name on a white human shaped candle of the correct gender.

As you anoint it with 3 drops of myrrh or mint oil, visualize healing energy in the form of white light flowing from your hands and into the candle. Recite:

“In the divine name of the goddess,
Who breathes life into us all
I consecrate and charge this candle’
As a magickal tool for healing”

Place the candle on top of a photograph of the sick person and then light the wick.

As the candle burns down, focus on the person in the photography, willing him/her to be well again.

Then recite:

“Magick Mend, and candle burn,
Sickness End, good health return”

Continue to focus and recite until the candle burns out on it’s own.

(At this point I suggest taking the remains of the candle, wrapping it in clean white cotton and burying it outside therefore burying the sickness)

Healing A Friend Or Relative

Healing A Friend Or Relative

This spell is for healing a friend or a family member, and it is best done when the moon is full, but you can do it when you feel it necessary.

You Will Need:

Purple Paper

White Yarn or String

A Pair of Scissors

Fresh Violets (whole, with stems)

A Black Pen

A Purple Candle

A Small vase or holder (for the flowers)

The spell:

Light the candle and fill the small vase with water, place the freshly cut violets in the vase and say a chant, focusing on the well being of the person and the healing of their ailment.

Cut a heart shape out of the purple paper and write the name of the person one side, and a short but heartfelt “get well” message on the other side, then poke a small hole in the top right side of the heart and tread the white yarn or string through it, tie it and attach it to the vase.

Give the little vase of violets to the target person (the one who is unwell) and await their recovery.


Healing Flames

Healing Flames

This spell is for healing an illness, disease, boo-boo or whatever is physically wrong with you.

You Will Need:

a red candle

paper and pencil

a heat proof container

Optional: healing oil/herbs

The Spell:

Draw a picture of yourself with the illness, disease etc.

Illustrate the problem …if you have a headache draw a hammer on your head or a nail in your forehead, worms for a virus etc.

Charge your red candle with healing energy (don’t forget to cast a small circle first)

Take your picture and light the edge on fire. as you see it starting to burn, imagine the pain (disease etc) leaving your body.

Obviously it’s going to get pretty hot, then drop it into the heat proof container (your cauldron should work nicely) now draw another picture of yourself, healed, better, happy.

Place this picture under the candle and let the candle burn down.

If you’re like me and you hate to let candles burn down, simply leave it lit long enough to meditate on your purpose.

Crystal Healing Spell ~ Simple

Crystal Healing Spell ~ Simple

You Will Need:

3 candles- 2 light blue & 1 white

Allspice & Rosemary (equal parts each) or a Healing type incense

photo or paper with name of recipient

a small quartz crystal

The Spell:

Place the candles on your altar or workspace in a semi-circle with the white candle between the two blue ones. Place your incense burner above the white candle. Place the person’s name in the centre of the layout, with the quartz crystal on top.

Light the incense then the candles. Centre yourself and inhale the incense as you think of all ill health dispelling from the person and instead being replaced by healing energy, much as the air is filled with the smoke of the incense.

Gather your healing energy and when you feel ready, release the energy, directing it through the crystal and to the recipient who’s name or photo is beneath it.

Give the recipient the crystal to carry as a charm for continued good health.

Candle Healing Spell

Candle Healing Spell

You Will Need:

1 blue candle

1 oz. powdered ginger

5 drops eucalyptus oil

The Spell:

Run a hot bath. Add the ginger and the eucalyptus oil.

Light the blue candle and turn out the lights. Enter the bathtub, and soak in the bath water.

Feel the waters cleansing you of the toxins in your body, and say:


“Isis, Goddess who heals all
Release this ____ (cold, flu, etc.) From me make me well again.”


Chant this as you feel the toxins leaving your body.

When you feel slightly shaky (this will happen!), drain the tub and visualize the toxins washing down the drain.

Rinse your body and your tub with cool water, visualizing all of the toxins washing off of your body, and your body becoming free of what you were sick with.

Bring the candle to your room and immediately go to bed, keeping the candle light for a few minutes as you visualize yourself waking up feeling much better.

*Note: If you need to, put a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a cotton pad and put it by your pillow. This helps a lot! *

To Reunite Parted Lovers

To Reunite Parted Lovers

Components Required – Sterilized pin or needleThis spell is best done when the moon is in the waxing phase.    

Prick the tip of your left index finger with a sterilized pin or needle. Squeeze out a bit of blood.

Visualize being back together with your lover while using your blood to write your initials on a smooth white stone.

Write you lover initials next to yours.

Draw three circles (still with your blood) around both initials.

Wrap the stone in a pink or red cloth tied with a pink ribbon.

Bury it in the ground or a spot where a Venus-ruled herb or flower is growing.

If this spell is done correctly you should be reunited with your lover in 3 days.

Cash Back Spell

Cash Back

Use to make a few quick bucks

The following ingredients are needed:

everything is in the spell instructions

1) Cash Back.

You will need, New Moon, purse full of small change, salt (any kind will do) and a white candle.

2) Scatter the coins making them into a circle. Inside the circle sprinkle a handful of salt to cleanse the space. Light a white candle, then hold it in you LEFT hand, look up to the sky and say 9 times;

“Wealth is great, This is my fate, Luck will grow, with this I know”.

3) When you have finished, blow the candle out. Leave the coins outside all night. The next day put them back in your purse and dont spend them for 1 week. Cash will start to arrive within a few weeks.

Candle spell for money

Candle spell for money

The following ingredients are needed:

2 black or orange candles
Anointing Oil

Best Day To Cast:

  Sunday – Thursday or Friday
Use this spell, get more money.

Etch your name and the words money, wealth, riches and any other words of power along the sides of the candles. Oil the candles and light them. Grasp them firmly in your hands until you feel your pulse throbbing beneath your fingers. Project  what you want, repeating :


“These candles bring me wealth and richness”

When done, extinguish with a snuffer. Re-light the candles every night until they are completely burned down.

– From – Phantom120

A Simple Money Spell

A Simple Money Spell

The following ingredients are needed:
Any time
Inside your house
One or two green candles, I suggest one though

This spell will NOT make money fly out of nowhere. You’ll probably find money on the ground, somebody could give it to you, you could win a contest, etc. It might not work, so try not to overdo it by doing this spell 50 times.

Stare at the green candle. Think of gold, think of money, think of coins. Anything that has to do with money.

Now imagine that money coming to you, like your body is sucking it in. Imagine your body gleam that color. Replay this a few times in your head, then say:

“Money is powerful, Money is mine. Money for me, None for thee. On the ground, In the sky. Money will be all mine. Money is everywhere. Now make me take it from there.”

This may or may not work, depending on how hard you’re trying. But don’t overdo this, if it doesn’t work, obviously… it doesn’t work. Try this one time, if that doesn’t work, try it one more time, if it doesn’t work then, stop. You’re wasting valuable time, or you’re probably just stressed. Be relaxed when saying this, I have heard of no backfires recently, but this spell isn’t highly suggested.

Short Term Protection


This summoning is used for short-term goals and needs such as protecting an object being leant, or anything for a brief period, such as a car ride or elevator trip. Mark the object to be protected with the sign of the guardian and repeat the incantation below:

“Gentle Guardian wise and strong
keeps it (me, him/her) as it (I, he/she) doth belong.
Safe within thy charge and care,
the current problem to fare.
No harm to come or ill to befall
Guarded and safe through it all!”

Long Term Need (Protection)


This form of summoning is closer to permanent as we would perceive it. Yet in this for you must still work with a time frame in mind, however distant it may be. Guardian Dragons maybe summoned in this fashion for protection of people places and things needing or deserving long term care (such as children, houses, spouses, etc). Multiple objects can be protected with but a change in grammar, but they must be together for a single dragon to protect(the objects become a mini-horde).

“Dragon brave and Dragon wise, let nothing escape your eyes.
I summon your from your hidden lair, (name object here) is
entrusted to your care. Permit no harm to come to (named object)
within your sight, in your presence let all evils take flight.
No baneful creature born of flesh or spirit, may touch (name object)
nor even come near it. Let those that would bring harm,
be filled with fright and alarm.”

Sudden Need Summoning


This summoning is short and to the point. Usually used to protect the caster or another in a
sudden crisis. Here are several incantations for just such moments:

“By Dragon wing and Dragon claw,
My (his/her) Defense is without flaw.
Shrouded by Dragon might
Remove me (him/her) from their (his/her) sight.
Fly before me (him/her)
Dragon bright, And blind my (his/her) foe with
Thy light
Full of rage and terrible ire,
Burn them (him/her) with
Thy Dragon Fire!
Dark and terrible be
Thy wrath, Dragon, protect me (him/her)
on my (his/her) path!

Make the Sign of the Guardian (either in the air or on your brow) In the Air; Pull thumb and pinkie fingers into the palm and with middle, index and ring fingers draw three lines at once. Then bending the ring and middle into the palm, draw one line down the right side of the other three. On a surface simply draw it as you would in the air.

Sign Of The Guardian

Once the task is completed say:
Guardian Dragon thanks be to you, my friend both steadfast and true!”

If there is confusion on how to make the Sign of the Guardian, you can use the Dragon’s Eye of Protection (image below). It is just as effective and easier to make. It is called the Dragon’s Eye of Protection Talisman Symbol.

Dragon Eye Talisman of Protection

Spell To Lock Out Anything Nasty


You need to start by meditating before hand on the effect of the spell for at least 15 minutes. Then, to cast, you sprinkle holy (consecrated to the Lord and Lady) water mixed with salt and powdered iron; (try potteries to get this) Stand in front of the door that you want to lock…or in the case of a person the 3rd eye point which is between the eyebrows just above their level.

Then place your hands on the 3rd chakra point or door and concentrate your energy your left arm.Then you start chanting over and over:

“Portal be controlled and mine, Become as one with my mind,
I hold thee fast, To make this last,
open you not, as I weave the knot, of my power from within.”

Keep chanting this as you build up power, and imagine the circle of energy (right arm through door back into left arm) getting faster and faster. Then upon release, visualize a green field of energy coming up in front of the door or the 3rd eye chakra.

To Keep A Spell from Backfiring


If a Witch is sick and needs to cast a spell, he/she can bind it. This will keep the spell from backfiring and causing harm to anyone else, most importantly to his/herself. The Witch must procure a thread with a color as dark as the nightly sky. Light an incense of Sandalwood and Lavender, and as the incense fills the air, he/she must make three knots on the ribbon as he/she intones the words that follow:

By the Karmic Power of Three
This spell tied and knotted be
To cause no harm nor return to me
As I will it, so must it be

The ribbon must be carried when casting the spell as a talisman to keep it from backfiring.