Daily Cosmic Calendar for December 14th

Easy does it! This could turn into one of those days when you regret quick decisions that turn out to be foolish or based on false information.  First of all, this is a good point in the calendar to remember that solar and planetary alignments or events from a previous day can still have repercussions now. Therefore, even though Thursday’s Sagittarius New Moon and Uranus station in Aries appear to be in the past, they both can still pack a wallop within the psychic atmosphere.  In addition, this 24-hour time-period provides a barrage of favorable and challenging sky patterns. For example, Mercury trine Uranus (3:25AM PST), the Moon parallel Venus (2:52PM PST) and the Sun forming an inspirational, 72-degree link with Chiron (4:11PM PST) can expand your consciousness, strengthen romantic bonds, and help you learn more about holistic healing and advances in the fields of alternative medicine.  Discordant aspects are also numerous as Venus makes an off-kilter, 150-degree tie with Ceres (1:46AM PST), the Moon makes its monthly union with Pluto in Capricorn (3:32AM PST), Mercury parallels Pluto (4:22AM PST), the Sun makes a frictional, 45-degree tie with Saturn (6:39AM PST), and Mercury squares Chiron (5:21PM PST). If these five difficult celestial seasonings seem to be exacerbating foul moods all around, don’t be shocked. Any time five challenging aspects are present when three auspicious aspects attempt to lift your spirits, you don’t know what the final outcome will be.  It is certainly wise to take some setbacks in stride and to pick yourself up after frustrations or delays knock you off-course. Watch out for late-night, emotional fireworks — possibly in the form of familial or partnership arguments and snafus — as the red planet Mars unites with the Moon in Capricorn (12:18AM PST tomorrow). Use words to heal — not harm.