Calendar of the Sun for November 15

Calendar of the Sun


15 Blutmonath

Nidhogg’s Blot

Color: Black
Element: Earth
Altar: On a black cloth set several bare tree branches in an earthenware vase, a horn of mead, and the figure of a dragon.
Offerings: Pieces of wood with the name of a missed duty scratched on them.
Daily Meal: Tree fruit such as apples or pears or cherries or peaches.

Invocation to Nidhogg

At the base of the great World Tree
Dwells a black dragon
Whose name is Nidhogg,
Whose sole task is gnawing
At the roots of Yggdrasil.
As quickly as it gnaws away,
New growth comes forth
In a never-ceasing spiral.
At the base of each soul
Dwells a black dragon
Whose name is Conscience,
Whose sole job is gnawing
On our blithe thoughtlessness.
As it gnaws and forces us
To do what should be done,
It clears away our disorder
And allows for new growth
In the tangle of our lives.
Teach us, gnawer at the roots,
How to listen and decide.


Roots of the Tree,
Hidden, mysterious,
Reveal them to me,
Dragon of Earth.

(Each person shall snap a twig from the branches on the altar and take it with them, laying it under their pillow to remember Nidhogg and their own consciences. The mead is passed around and shared, and the remainder poured out as a libation to Nidhogg.)


[Pagan Book of Hours]

The Wicca Book of Days for August 13 – Ansuz and Aesir

The Wicca Book of Days for August 13

Ansuz and Aesir


The runic half-month of Ansuz (or Os) begins on August 13, and will have run its course on August 28. Ansuz is said to symbolize an Aesir, a Norse deity, and most probably Odin (who corresponds to the Germanic Wotan or Woden), the chief god of the Scandinavian pantheon, as well as a fearless warrior and the source and seeker of great wisdom. It is told that Odin hung for days upon Yggdrasil, the world tree, in order to be rewarded with the magickal knowledge contained in the Runes. Ansuz is therefore considered a runic vehicle of divine inspiration, knowledge, and communication.


Mystical Myrrh


Today, at noon offer myrrh to Ra, the Egyptian Sun God. Use this day’s element of fire to ignite some stimulating myrrh incense as you salute one of the mightiest deities ever to be identified with the blazing “planet” that rules the zodiacal month of Leo.

Deity of the Day for August 6 – The Valkyries


by Micha F. Lindemans
The Valkyries (“Choosers of the Slain”) are beautiful young women, mounted upon winged horses and armed with helmets and spears. Odin needs many brave warriors for the oncoming battle of Ragnarok, and the Valkyries scout the battlefields to choose the bravest of those who have been slain. They escort these heroes, called the Einherjar to Valhalla, Odin’s hall.The Valkyries are also Odin’s messengers and when they ride forth on their errands, their armor causes the strange flickering light that is called “Aurora Borealis” (Northern Lights).

Some of the Valyries are Brynhildr, Göll, Göndul, Gudr, Gunn, Herfjoturr, Hildr, Hladgunnr, Hlokk, Hrist, Sigrdrifa, Sigrún, and Svafa.

Old Norse: Valkyrja. An 8th and 9th century term for them is Wælcyrge

Today Is: Saturn’s Day – Day of Seatere, Seater, and Saturn and of Loki, the Norse god of tricks and revelry

Days Of The Week Comments 

Today Is: Saturn’s Day – Day of Seatere, Seater, and Saturn and of Loki, the Norse god of tricks and revelry. Saturday is ruled by Saturn, whose Magickal influences are: longevity, endings, and homes. Saturday comes under the influence of Saturn. Saturn’s influence directs our attention toward routine chores, customs, and conventional traditions. Saturday is a good day for furthering our ambitions through perseverance, patience, responsible action, and a sense of purpose . Saturday is a good day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving spirit communication, meditation, psychic self-defense, binding, and locating lost things or missing persons.

Today’s Goddesses: Ops, Rhea, Tellus Mater, Gaia, Eartha, Ge, Tonantzin, Asherah, Anath, The Shekinah, The Matronit, Mary, Gala, Herodias, Oddudua, Demeter

Today’s Magickal Influences: Duties, Responsibilities, Finding Families, Works Of Magic, Buildings, Meditation, Life, Doctrines

Today’s Energies: Female – Rules obstacles, overcoming blockages – Use for magick involving overcoming limitations, the elderly, endings, deaths, blocks, constrictions, and those restricting you.

Incense: Pepperwort, Assodilious, Black Poppy Seeds, Henbane, Lodestone, Myrrh

Perfumes: Hyacinth, Pansy

Color of The Day: Black

Colors for Tomorrow: Orange, Gold and Yellow

Lucky Sign: Saturday Is The Lucky Day For Capricorn And Aquarius

Candle: Black




Magickal Graphics

Monday, April 24th – Necklaces & Nature

The Wicca Book of Days for April 24th

Necklaces and Nature

Necklaces are among the most important attributes of many fertility Goddesses, most notably Venus, the Roman Goddess for who today’s ruling planet was named and Freyja, the beautiful Vanir, or spirit of feminine fertility, of Norse mythology. It is told that Freyja was so entranced by the magickal necklace name the Brisingamen, which maximized the wearer’s sexual allure and powers of fertility, that when Loki stole it from her, she was beside herself with grief at its loss, causing all vegetation on earth to shrivel up and remain dead until it was returned to her possession.

Amber and Jet

Pay tribute to the Goddess’s gift of fecundity by wearing a necklace today. If possible, wear bear or a pendant fashioned from amber or jet both organic materials sacred to the goddess through these long entombment in the Earth.

The Wicca Book of Days for Feb. 20th – The World Tree

The Wicca Book of Days for February 20th

The World Tree

According to Norse cosmic myth, the universe was sheltered and sustained by the world tree. Yggdrasil, an Ash. Yggdrasil both absorbed and gave out the power of life by tapping into and drawing from the Spring called Urd. Another of its tap-roots extended into the frosty Niflheim, and a third, into the land of the giants. Nine realms in all were supported by Yggdrasil, including Asgard, the home of the Gods; Midgard, the world of human beings; and the province of Hel, where the dead lived. An eagle inhabited the upper branches of the tree, while a dragon lived at the bottom, as did four stags, each of which embodied a cardinal direction.


“Get a Handle”

If your besom breaks and it is necessary to replace it, make sure that you either buy or whittle a handle that is made of Ash. For not only does today fall during the Celtic tree month of the Ash, but the Ash tree’s wood both symbolizes Yggdrasil and is exceptionally durable.

Spell Of The Day for Jan. 26th – A Matter of Fate Spell (Wolf Moon)

A Matter Of Fate

The three most notable and powerful giant maidens in Norse mythology are the Norns, with their shape-shifting wolf companions called the Hounds of the Norns. These giant goddesses of fate are named Urd, who represents the past, Verdandi, who symbolizes the present, and Skuld, who signifies the future. Even gods cannot undo what the Norns weave into the fabric of fate.

As you drift off to sleep, give yourself the suggestion that you will meet the three Norns in your dreams. Repeat to yourself:

“I will meet the Norns in my dreams and remember the answer to my question when I wake up.”

If you have something specific you want to ask the, then feel free to ask it. Otherwise, leave it up to the Norns to tell you what you need to know. When you meet the Norns in your dreams, don’t be afraid to confront them and ask them what you want to know. When you awaken, be sure to make a note of any answers or information you receive in your journal.

Earth Spirits: Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves and Leprechauns

Earth Spirits: Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves and Leprechauns


It is recommended approaching earth spirits with caution. They are of the elemental race and inhabit a completely different realm, so it is hard to impossible for a human to understand how their minds truly work.


Gnome statues in the garden add a touch of whimsy to the décor, but the legend behind their popularity is quite intriguing. It was said that a single ray of sunshine would turn a dwarf to stone. Somehow, this myth crossed with information about gnomes, and the trendy garden gnomes statues came to be. Since gnomes are consider helpful to one’s garden, placing gnome statues there is tradition in a well-tended garden.


Gnomes are actually a dwarfish race of earth spirits. They are the guardians of the hidden treasure of the Earth. Some legends maintain that they can be playful and mischievous and love to pull pranks on unsuspecting humans.


Elves were originally considered to be of a small stature as well. They were thought to be fairly playful and helpful. The legends of elves run the gamut from Santa’s toy-making helpers to the more romantic portrayal popularized by the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Dwarves are said to be the possessors of two types of magical stones: one that will make the owner invisible and one that will grant the owner great strength. Dwarves were well-known in Norse myths for their wisdom. On a least one occasion the gods themselves went to the dwarves for aid, due to their cleverness.


Leprechauns are known to be tricksters, because greedy humans are always trying to get their legendary pots of gold. Leprechauns are Irish in origin and are thought to be cobblers.

1 Day To Go! Yahoo! 1 Day To Go! Sorry, I Mean Happy Wednesday All!



I don’t know, do we really want to mess with this guy above, lol! 

Happy Wednesday All!


Wednesday Is Ruled By Mercury 

The day of Woden, whose name is also pronounced Odin, a Norse God of poetry, resourcefulness and all things mystical. Attune with these energies this day and you find Odin’s power will be with you. Other correspondences for Wednesday are:

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Rituals: Career

Element: Air

Colour: Orange

Number: 0

Samhain God – Odin

Odin is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard. Homologous with the Anglo-Saxon “Wōden” and the Old High German “Wotan”, the name is descended from Proto-Germanic “Wodanaz” or “Wōđanaz”. “Odin” is generally accepted as the modern English form of the name, although, in some cases, older forms may be used or preferred. In the compound Wednesday, the first member is cognate to the genitive Odin’s. His name is related to ōðr, meaning “fury, excitation,” besides “mind,” or “poetry.” His role, like that of many of the Norse gods, is complex. Odin is a principal member of the Æsir (the major group of the Norse pantheon) and is associated with war, battle, victory and death, but also wisdom, magic, poetry, prophecy, and the hunt. Odin has many sons, the most famous of whom is Thor.

Odin had three residences in Asgard. First was Gladsheim, a vast hall where he presided over the twelve Diar or Judges, whom he had appointed to regulate the affairs of Asgard. Second, Valaskjálf, built of solid silver, in which there was an elevated place, Hlidskjalf, from his throne on which he could perceive all that passed throughout the whole earth. Third was Valhalla (the hall of the fallen), where Odin received the souls of the warriors killed in battle, called the Einherjar. The souls of women warriors, and those strong and beautiful women whom Odin favored, became Valkyries, who gather the souls of warriors fallen in battle (the Einherjar), as these would be needed to fight for him in the battle of Ragnarök. They took the souls of the warriors to Valhalla. Valhalla has five hundred and forty gates, and a vast hall of gold, hung around with golden shields, and spears and coats of mail.

Odin has a number of magical artifacts associated with him: the spear Gungnir, which never misses its target; a magical gold ring (Draupnir), from which every ninth night eight new rings appear; and two ravens Huginn and Muninn (Thought and Memory), who fly around Earth daily and report the happenings of the world to Odin in Valhalla at night. He also owned Sleipnir, an octopedal horse, who was given to Odin by Loki, and the severed head of Mímir, which foretold the future. He also commands a pair of wolves named Geri and Freki, to whom he gives his food in Valhalla since he consumes nothing but mead or wine. From his throne, Hlidskjalf (located in Valaskjalf), Odin could see everything that occurred in the universe. The Valknut (slain warrior’s knot) is a symbol associated with Odin. It consists of three interlaced triangles.

Odin is an ambivalent deity. Old Norse (Viking Age) connotations of Odin lie with “poetry, inspiration” as well as with “fury, madness and the wanderer.” Odin sacrificed his eye (which eye he sacrificed is unclear) at Mímir’s spring in order to gain the Wisdom of Ages. Odin gives to worthy poets the mead of inspiration, made by the dwarfs, from the vessel Óð-rœrir.

Odin is associated with the concept of the Wild Hunt, a noisy, bellowing movement across the sky, leading a host of slain warriors.

Consistent with this, Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda depicts Odin as welcoming the great, dead warriors who have died in battle into his hall, Valhalla, which, when literally interpreted, signifies the hall of the slain. The fallen, the einherjar, are assembled and entertained by Odin in order that they in return might fight for, and support, the gods in the final battle of the end of Earth, Ragnarök. Snorri also wrote that Freyja receives half of the fallen in her hall Folkvang.

He is also a god of war, appearing throughout Norse myth as the bringer of victory. In the Norse sagas, Odin sometimes acts as the instigator of wars, and is said to have been able to start wars by simply throwing down his spear Gungnir, and/or sending his valkyries, to influence the battle toward the end that he desires. The Valkyries are Odin’s beautiful battle maidens that went out to the fields of war to select and collect the worthy men who died in battle to come and sit at Odin’s table in Valhalla, feasting and battling until they had to fight in the final battle, Ragnarök. Odin would also appear on the battle-field, sitting upon his eight-legged horse Sleipnir, with his two ravens, one on each shoulder, Hugin (Thought) and Munin (Memory), and two wolves (Geri and Freki) on each side of him.

Odin is also associated with trickery, cunning, and deception. Most sagas have tales of Odin using his cunning to overcome adversaries and achieve his goals, such as swindling the blood of Kvasir from the dwarves.

On September 2, 2009 an amateur archaeologist found a small silver figurine at Lejre in Denmark. It has been dated to around AD 900. The figurine is only 2 centimeters tall and shows a person sitting on a throne adorned with two beast heads and flanked by two birds on the arm-rests. The excavator interpreted the piece as a representation of Odin, Hugin and Munin. Scholars specialising in Viking Period dress and gender representations, however, pointed out that the person is dressed entirely in female attire, making it more probably a goddess such as Freya or Frigga.

Deity of the Day for June 24 is FORSETI (Norse)

Deity of the Day



Patron god of the Frisians and giver of their laws. Silence had to be kept while drinking from the spring on his holy island, which he had brought forth from the rock with his axe, and beasts on the island could not be harmed. In the Old Norse sources, he appears as the son of Balder, whose hall Glitnir, “Glistening”, is pillared with gold and thatched with silver; he is also a settler of lawsuits and quarrels. Frisian: Fosite, Foseti.

Today’s Rune for Monday, June 13 is Blank/the Unknowable

Odin/ the Unknowable


Blank is the beginning and the end. Surrender and total trust are the only aids when phoenix is burning and rising from the ashes. The circle of life is valid for humans as it is for all of nature. Accept your fate, the work of self-change is progressing in your life.
The empty rune is a challenge for your faith.