Venus in Scorpio (September 11 to October 7, 2013)

Venus in Scorpio

The love planet sizzles in scorching Scorpio

Tarotcom Staff     Tarotcom Staff on the topics of venus, scorpio, love, astrology

It’s getting hot in here! Why? After a lovely time in Libra, love planet Venus moves into sizzling Scorpio from September 11 to October 7, 2013.

While Venus in Libra was all about making relationships peaceful and balanced, Venus in Scorpio will heat things back up to a boiling point. That’s because intense Scorpio wants to dig deep and reveal the truth about everything — including relationships.

This is a time when you and your partner will start getting to the root of your relationship, and issues of suspicion and jealousy could arise. If you want some advice on how to proceed during this time, get a Love Celtic Cross Tarot reading to help you stay cool if it gets too hot.

And realize, you won’t just be questioning each other during this time — you may also begin to question yourself and what you really want.

Scorpio shines a light into the shadows, so those nagging thoughts you tend to push aside are impossible to ignore with Venus in Scorpio. If a relationship issue has been bothering you, but you’ve been putting it aside to make peace — no more. Now it will come into focus and force you to act.

Venus in Scorpio is pretty heavy, but it can be truly amazing, too. All this intensity leads to more intimacy, so if you’re up for the challenge both emotionally and physically you could find this a deeply moving and sexy time that brings you and your partner much closer together.

Your Animal Spirit for August 15th is the Lizard

Your Animal Spirit for Today
    August 15, 2013 



Are you dreaming a dream that’s big enough? If Lizard has appeared before you today, the gauntlet has been thrown down, the challenge made. Stop hiding your light beneath a rock—be willing to be bigger than life, to dream bigger than your imagination, to throw caution to the wind, and aim for the target you’ve spent a lifetime avoiding.

Wishing You A Very Blessed Day On This Last Monday Of 2012!


Good Morning my dear friends & family! Well can you believe it this year is almost over. In a few hours, it will be 2013.  As I sit here I pondered is it a good idea to even look back on 2012? We have witnessed terrible events, even events that have absolutely horrified us. War, violence, killings will this be the legacy of 2012? There had to be moments of happiness and peace sometime during the year. But those moments don’t stand out in our mind. Perhaps it is because with the violence and killings a part of our hearts are ripped out. Some of the violence rips us to our very souls.

I will be the first to admit the violence the world has experienced this year has cut all the way to my soul.  Am I a better person for it? I don’t know. I know I am much more somber than I use to be. I know I don’t take any minute in the day for granted. I grab a hold of those minutes and squeeze them for everything I can get out of them. I believe I lost my innocence this year. Sounds funny coming for an older person, I am not really that old. But it still sounds strange. I believe I have emerged a new individual, a new Witch. I have a new determination. I want to fight back. I no longer want to stand on the sidelines and idly watch, I want to fight. I want to fight for peace, for all the wars to end, for all the violence to stop, I want to fight for a world that is fit for my grandchildren to live in. I believe the most of you do too.

It is time we all get off our brooms and do what we are suppose to do, help & better mankind and this world. This year we are going to make an effort to actually make a change in this world of ours. I have thought about it and thought about it, here is what I have come up with but I need your help for it to work. It is nothing complicated, in fact it is what we do best, chanting and releasing energy. Is that so hard? Here’s the plan, if you are with me:

Every month (starting in January 2013) at the time of the Full Moon, we will gather as one. How’s that you say? Our spirits can unite no matter where we are. They can come together as one. I will set a time, probably around midnight. I know quite a few work so it might be earlier, the more that participate the better this will work. So stay tune for the time. But at the allotted time, we will stop whatever we are doing. Go to our sacred space, light a white candle and begin to chant, as we chant we will build up energy. When our energy is at full capacity, we will release it into the World. The energy we release will be the energy of the Goddess. Her pure love, pure goodness and pure kindness will be released into our world. Can you imagine that?

Sound crazy? But it’s not. We unite our spirits in one chant, calling for all the violence, hatred, killings and murdering in the world to cease. Instead releasing the Goddess’ goodness, kindness and love to every man’s, woman’s and child’s heart on this planet. We can do it. We have the power to make this world a better place. It is our calling to do so. I can’t do it without you. Together we can accomplish great things. This year we will accomplish great things.

I hope you will join me in this huge undertaking. I believe the Goddess is calling us to do this. I believe our Goddess has shed as many tears as we have. Now it is our turn to fill the world with Her Love. If you are willing to help, please remember to look for the time of the ritual each month. Till then….

Love, Happiness and Much Joy for the New Year Ahead,

Lady A


More New Year Quotes Comments

Wishing You A Very Blessed Week To Come, My Dear Friends!

Days Of The Week Comments Good Monday Morning, my dear friends! I am sorry about the weekend. But as you know, my youngest child has moved back in with me. All I can say is, “Drama, Drama, Drama!” And I have talked till I am blue in the face. Still I cannot talk any sense at all into him. I know he is confused but he could listen to someone who has his best interest at heart. I keep hearing, “I am a grown man!” I am about ready to say, “Well, then damn it act like it.” But I am biting my tongue. You know I am seriously beginning to wonder if I got the right kid in the hospital, lol!


I ask of you, dear friends, to keep us in your prayers.


I picked out the following prayer for all of us parents. I am sure at sometime in our lives, we will find it useful.


Prayer Of A Parent

 My Lord and Lady, you are my eternal

parents, and I have a special need to ask

of you. Please make me a better parent. Help me

to understand my children. Help me to be

a parent when a parent is needed, and a

friend when a friend is needed. Help me

to set a good example so I may be a good

teacher for my children, and give me the

patience and wisdom I will need in raising


So Mote It Be.

I hope you have a fantastic week. Don’t work to hard and remember to take time and smell the roses (watch out for the thorns, though). 

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A  

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