Over the Moon Spell

Over the Moon Spell

Most everyone is familiar with the nursery rhyme: “Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon; the little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon.” Cast this spell to empower your bond with your pet.

For this spell, you will need your cat or dog, lavender essential oil, and a few drops of lemon juice.

After dark sit with your pet so you can see the night sky. Say the nursery rhyme to your cat or dog. Sit quietly together for a few minutes. Rub behind his or her ears. Tell your pet how much she or he means to you, how much your pet is appreciated. Say three times:

Blessed be (say your pet’s name)

Thank you for your loving company.

Now, pour a few drops of lavender essential oil and a few drops of lemon juice into your hand and rub it onto your cat’s or dog’s fur. Don’t get this mixture near your pet’s head, mouth, nose or eyes. As you rub say quickly (because your pet will take off like a rocket once she or he gets scent of the lavender oil):

May the God and Goddess protect and bless you always!

The Witches Spell for February 18th – Communicate With Animals


Communicate With Animals


Items You Will Need:



The animal kingdom is very important to those who immerse themselves in natural magick. Sometimes you may want to communicate with animals or simply see the world through their eyes. A simple spell for merging your mind with animal is as follows:

Center yourself by sitting or lying upon the ground, closing your eyes, and imagine a whirlpool of energy surrounding you travelling in  clockwise motion from your head down to your feet, back up to your head, and back down to your feet. Continue this imagery until you feel grounded and centered, oblivious to daily distractions and cares. Once centered, allow your mind to wander to the animal you wish to merge with. Don’t force the imagery, rather allow it to happen.

Picture this animal clearly in your mind. Watch it, empathize with it, feel yourself merging with it. Imagine what it is like to be the animal. Imagine the sights it sees, the smells it senses, the motivations and ways of thinking it may have. Become those thoughts. Merge with the animal by dissolving the distinctions that make it separate.

Once you have fully merged with the animal, you can communicate with it. Ask it what you want to know. Tell it what you want it to know.

——By Ghost Writer

Lady Of The Abyss’ Magick Spell for Feb. 8th – Pet Protection Collar



Pet Protection Collar


We all love our fuzzy little family members. We want to keep them safe and sound. This is the perfect spell to protection your pet from all harm and bring them back to your loving arms. It is a Pet Protection Collar.

You will Need:

Tiny amber beads with holes through them

Jeweler’s elastic


Best time to cast:



The Spell:

Collect the ingredients listed. Cast a circle around the area were you will do your spell. Cut a piece of stretchy jeweler’s elastic long enough to fit over your pet’s head. It shouldn’t be so loose that your pet can slip out of it easily, nor so tight that it’s uncomfortable around his/her neck. Leave enough elastic to tie a knot when you’re finished.

String the beads on the elastic, one at a time. With each bead say the following affirmation also: “{Pet’s name} is safe and sound at all times and in all situations, now and always.” Visualize a ball of white light surround your pet, keeping him/her safe. When you’ve finished, tie a knot and repeat the affirmation a final time. Open te circle. Slip the protection collar over your pet’s head.


Note: Get a name tag for your pet with your name, address, and phone umber on it and attach it to the gemstone collar.

The Witches Magick for November 16th: Become Closer To Your Cat Spell

Witchy Comments
I am doing a little substitution here. Friday is ruled by Venus thus being a day which magick should be casted involving the heart. Love spells, in other words. I am not a huge fan of love spells. Instead of a love spell today, I would like to offer the following substitution.



Work with brown candles. Take the following herbs and empower each with its meaning and becoming closer to your pet/familiar in mind.

– Catnip – Helps create a bond between you

– Vervain – For Peace and Protection

– Gardenia – For Spirituality

– Saffron – For Strength

– Love Seed – For Friendship

– Passion Flower – For Friendship


Take 1/2 of the empowered herbs and wrap in a small square of brown cloth and tie it off with a brown cord or string. Take the other half and make a smaller sachet for your pet. Wear yours four days meditating with your pet at least once a day.

You can tie the pets sachet on while meditating. After those four days take all the herbs and burn as an incense while sharing a meal with your pet.

~Magickal Graphics~

To Create a Familiar

To Create a Familiar

Items You Will Need:

  • Your animal
  • a little ”you” time
  • a private, quiet place that is big enough for you to work


The Spell:

You should perform this spell at noon. Hold the animal by the belly. raise it above your head and say three times:

The angels grant thee
Power to work with me
To help me in my craft
And keep me safe from evil.

Bring the animal down and look into its eyes. You will know if it worked because the animals eyes will flash golden white.

Feline Communication Spell

Feline Communication Spell

Items You Will Need:

  • Cat
  • Voice
  • Patience
  • Faith

The Spell:

First get your cat to sit in front of you, completely still. Next tap it three times between the ears to make extra sure the spell works. Then chant:

”Tail of Rat,  Wing of Bat,  Allow this Cat to Chit Chat.”

You might need to repeat this a couple of times if your cat does not remain completely still.

Your Magickal Spell for July 19th – Protective Turquoise Spell for All Pets


A Traditional Protective Turquoise Spell for All Pets, from horses to hamsters.

If you choose only one protection crystal, make it turquoise. Down the ages and in different lands, turquoise has been tied to animals’ collars to prevent them from straying or being stolen. It is also traditionally plaited into a horse’s bridle or mane to guard it against stumbling. You can keep a small turquoise attached to a small animal or bird cage.

Items You Will Need:

A small turquoise of any quality



The Spell:

Empower the turquoise by leaving it outdoors for 24 hours at any time from the Full Moon to the end of the moon cycle to absorb protective sun-moon- and starlight.

Attach the turquoise to the animal’s collar, cage or hutch.

Wash and re-empower the turquoise crystal monthly.

Animal Candle Protection Spell

  1. Find or create a candle shaped to resemble your companion animal.

  2. Carve the animal’s identifying information, protective runes or other symbols onto it.

  3. Anoint the candle with Protection Oil and burn

If the candle is too cute to burn, get two. Maintain one permanently, while burning the second.

Natural Baby Ritual

Preparations begin before the birth of the child:

  1. The expectant couple obtains some special wood and burns it down to ash. Traditionally, the desired wood leaves white ash, because it will make the rest of the spell easier, however this may be adapted to suit specific desires. Any traditional magick wood, such as birch, ceiba, hazel or rowan would be appropriate, too.

  2. These ashes are reserved until the birth.

  3. After  birth, the placenta is carried to a strategic area, traditionally a mountain crossroads, and placed on the ground.

  4. The ashes are sprinkled onto the placenta.

  5. The first animal to leave prints either in or with the ash is the child’s protector or represents the species.

Of course, this spell obviously derives from a rural area, with little traffic but a lot of wildlife. Adapt to your needs.

Animal Ally Invitation Spell

  1. Choose a local image for your altar, something that represents your ally for you. Use a toy, a photograph or an image. It is more crucial that it resonates strongly for you than that it be a literal depiction.

  2. Surround it with objects or images that would normally be used to lure this creature. A dish of honey, for instance, summons a bear. Make the invitation as strong as possible.

  3. If you can find candles in the shape of your desired ally or its food, add them to the altar.

  4. Grind cinnamon and frankincense together and burn them as a spirit-summoning incense.

  5. In addition to Step 2. offer literal food (a dish of milk for a snake, for instance). Alternately, burn images of appropriate food.

  6. Relax. Let your eyes go slightly out of focus and await visitations.

  7. Try this for up to thirty minutes a day, until you receive results.

Although this spell requests a waking vision, realistically your response may still occur during your dreams have paper and pen by your bedside to record any significant dreams.


Familiar Consecration Spell

To cement and/or formalize the psychic bonds between you and your familiar:

  1. Cast a circle large enough to hold you, your familiar and any magickal tools that you wish to consecrate (these may include leashes, collars or similar pet paraphernalia, as well as spell components or ritual tools).

  2. Burn frankincense on the periphery of the circle.

  3. Sit within the circle, with your familiar, until you feel that it’s time to come out.

  4. Repeat as needed.

Live dangerously! If your familiar is a cat, cast your circle with dried catnip and instead of frankincense, burn diviner’s sage to enhance your powers of prophesy. Let the cat play, while you allow yourself sudden bursts of inspiration.

Animal communication Spell: Eve Oil

Eve Oil may be used to assist and enhance communication with animals.

  1. Place apple blossoms, dried pomegranate seeds and snake root in a bottle.

  2. Cover with sweet almond and jojoba oil

  3. Dress candles with this oil to accompany visualization as well as actual physical communication.