An Herbal Grimoire – Honeysuckle and Lavender

Disclaimer: No herb should be used for medicinal use until you have checked with your health
care professional to ask if it is safe for you to use it for any reason., any
staff member of, and Lady Carla Beltane are not responsible for any
type of a negative reaction when using this herb for any reason.
The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT
substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions
or concerns you may have regarding your health., any staff member of, Lady Rhiannon, and Lady Carla Beltane are not responsible for any
type of a negative reaction when using this herb for any reason.

Believe it or not, most of the herbs in the B’s have Masculine connections.

Goddess Herb Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle has a feminine aspect. It is closely connected to Jupiter and with the element of Earth.
Honeysuckle is widely used in spellcasting for prosperity spells and love charms as well as memory,
healing and power. But there is an honesty aspect connected with this herb. Ensure you are pure and
honest about your intentions when working with this herb, to not insult it.
Honeysuckle can be very potent and lend significant strength to money spells. But remember, when
asking for personal gains, something we should not do, you must be very specific in your intentions. The
energies that this herb will create can be powerful enough to carry you years.

Spellcrafting hint: When working prosperity spells, please be specific and ensure that when requesting
anything from the Universe that you are not asking for personal gain. So, for example, instead of asking
for money to come to you to go on vacation, ask instead, for long lasting and focused prosperity to carry
you and those you love and care for successfully through the future. To lend energy to your efforts and
your strengths to prosper and keep working to fulfill your own destiny.

God Herb Lavender

Lavender has a masculine aspect. It is closely connected with Mercury and the element of Air. Lavender
is an essential herb to have in Spellcasting or Magickal working. Witches have used this particular herb
for centuries. Lavender lends its energies of protection, love, clarity, purification, peace, protection, as
well as visions, clairvoyance, clarity of thought and inner calming.
Lavender is a very powerful herb. Ask this herb to lend its energies, but be careful. This one simple herb
can have a powerful kick! The energies that come from this one plant can bounce through the Universe
and can touch millions to gain exponential strength as it comes back to you threefold.
Spellcasting with this herb to gain insight, or clarity can and will manifest itself as a quest for knowledge,
a quest for understanding. So, while you may be thinking that it will help you to understand something
that you are struggling with, it may not come that way, instead it may come in the form of pushing you
to educate yourself with research and reading. This will then help you to find that clarity as you are now
more knowledgeable.
Remember Witches, the energies that come back to us from the Universe, may not manifest the way we
intended or even the way we think. But please do understand, those energies will come back to you. If
your intentions are pure and honest and are not meant to harm anyone, you will be rewarded beyond
your imagining.

Blessed Be Brothers & Sisters!
Happy Spellcasting!

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