December 20, 2023 Birthday Horoscopes

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Bright birthday blessings from Lady Carla Beltane and the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May the next year of your life bring you everything you want if it supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

As a Sagittarius born on December 20th, you are sociable and direct and will not hesitate to ask things of people. You are very rational and guide yourself by a strict code of your own.

There will be moments in your life in which you will be more pessimistic but eventually, you will overcome this because you are very flexible. Prepare to read a comprehensive profile analysis in the following rows.

 The zodiac sign for December 20 is Sagittarius.

 Astrological symbol: Archer. The sign of the Archer influences people born between November 22 and December 21, when in tropical astrology the Sun is considered to be in Sagittarius. It refers the charisma, openness and ambition of these individuals.

 The Sagittarius Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. It is quite small spread on an area of 867 square degrees. It covers visible latitudes between +55° and -90°. It lies between Scorpius to the West and Capricornus to the East and the brightest star in an asterism called Teapot.

 In Greece it is named Toxotis while the Spanish call it Sagitario. However, the Latin origin of the Archer, the December 20 zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

 Opposite sign: Gemini. This suggests practicality and talkativeness and shows that cooperation between the Gemini and Sagittarius sun signs is thought to be beneficial for both sides.

 Modality: Mobile. This indicates the perfectionist nature of people born on December 20 and that they are evidence of timidity and clairvoyance.

 Ruling house: The ninth house. This zodiac placement suggests change that comes from education, travel and new experiences. This says a lot about the interests of Sagittarians and their life perspectives.

 Ruling body: Jupiter. This planetary ruler symbolizes anticipation and support and also reflects on directness. Jupiter is consistent with Zeus, the leader of the gods in Greek mythology.

 Element: Fire. This element makes things heat up in association with air, boils water and models earth. Fire signs connected to the December 20 zodiac are gifted, eager and affectionate intellectuals.

 Lucky day: Thursday. Sagittarius best identifies with the flow of the amicable Thursday while this is doubled by the connection between Thursday and its ruling by Jupiter.

 Lucky numbers: 4, 9, 10, 19, 26.

 Motto: “I seek!”

People born on December 20 are dignified and appear to be ready to tackle any kind of conversation on any subject. They show a great culture but also a lot of social intelligence and are able to get away with almost anything. At the same time they are very aspiring and tend to be persistent with those who they feel are not forceful enough. They enjoy finding themselves in mentorship like situations and have a lot to tell about being part in challenges and similar.

 Positive traits: Enthusiastic and friendly, these natives know when to relax and when to work and this allows them to keep a good balance in their lives. Although they are perceived as ambitious and fierce, they are actually warm hearted deep inside and are quick to help others when their own buttons are being pushed right.

 Negative traits: Boastful and overly optimistic at times, these natives risk getting stuck in endeavors that are way too big for them to handle. They have great expectations from those around them but at the same time they don’t really deliver what they promise. They need to learn that not everyone is at their service and that those who are, sure should be treated properly.

Love and Compatibility

 Lovers born on December 20 are passionate and persistent. They are very pretentious lovers who know exactly what they are looking for. Unfortunately they are not very aware of where they could find that person so they prefer to focus on other aspects of life and expect love to happen. However their love happens notion includes knowing a person thoroughly before they even start dating. So their love is quite a calculated and cerebral love.

 They are prudent and circumspect lovers and although not passionate their gentleness and honesty compensate. Their relationships are likely to grow on friendships as they need time to know the person that stays beside them. They offer everything they have to their loved one and ask for the same. Gentle and loving daydreamers now, but when time comes they will prove to be very dedicated to their family and they are likely to sacrifice many of their dreams for their loved one’s sake. They are most compatible with those born on the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 27th and 29th.

 December 20 Zodiac people are very attached to the other two fire signs: Aries and Leo as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Sagittarius is in a constant search for someone with whom they can relax and have fun with and the one to offer them this is the native in Gemini. The lover in Sagittarius is thought to be least compatible with Scorpio. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Sagittarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color

Purple is the color said to be representative for Sagittarius people born with December 20.

Purple, as a hue, combines peaceful and cool blue with fiery heated red in a mysterious hue. This zodiac color should be used for objects that are sitting in places where these natives spend most of their time.

People having purple as sign color are sensitive and compassionate persons that tend to initiate humanitarian projects to help others and also find their purpose in life. At times they can be very arrogant, but with good reason, as they are artistic, innovative and unique personalities and not all of their many friends see this.

Other colors indicated for Sagittarius are pink and blue.

Representative birthstone

The attractive Turquoise is the representative Sagittarius birthstone for those born under the December 20.

Turquoise symbolizes achievement and glory. The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

It is thought to open the channels of power, communication and wealth. Ancient Egyptians considered this a stone of life. Its name comes from the French expression Pierre tourques.

Another birthstone considered beneficial for Sagittarius natives is Quartz. It symbolizes purity and openness.

Characteristic flower

The flower considered to be representative for Sagittarius natives with December 20 is Narcissus.

Narcissus suggests loyalty and trustworthiness. This zodiac flower could be used in gifts and accessories.

Narcissus is said to influence individuals to reveal their true intentions. This flower can be enjoyed during early spring time.

Other plants indicated for Sagittarius are Geranium and Ginger.

Symbolic metal

The metal for Sagittarius natives born with the December 20 is Tin.

This is a metal that symbolizes wisdom and progress. This zodiac metal should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

Tin is said to influence emotions and instinctual reactions. This is called the metal of sages and scholars.

Another metal considered beneficial for Sagittarius natives is Silver.


 December 20 Zodiac belongs to the third decan of SAGITTARIUS (December 13-December 21). This decan is strongly influenced by the Sun. This is representative for people who are ambitious and hard working just like Sagittarius and elegant but a little vain just like the Sun. This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of the Sagittarius zodiac sign, slightly enhancing the negative ones.

 Being born on the 20th day of the month shows a person who is patient, task oriented but also imaginative and emotional. The numerology for December 20 is 2. This number reveals balance and partnerships. It is the representative number for the desire of harmony and peace. Those Sagittarius associated with this numerology can become great mediators and with age they will only turn wiser, gentler and incredibly more considerate to other people.

 December is the first winter month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the first snow of the year and the Christmas celebrations. Those born in December are humorous and sociable. December 20 Zodiac people are attractive but impatient. The symbols for December include Turquoise and Zircon as gemstones and Narcissus as a plant. The name of this month comes from the Latin “decem”.

What statistics say

 December 20 is the 354th day of the year, or the 355th day in leap years, in the Gregorian Calendar and there are 11 days left until the end of the year. The twentieth day of winter, this is also the International Human Solidarity Day.

 Sagittarius as popularity, is placed the tenth on the list of most common birth signs. Positive meaning and spiritual energy, this is an odd numbered sign with a predominantly masculine symbolism. This is representative for extrovert people who are kind and unreserved. The archetype used to characterize this sign is the Guide. They make great medical professionals, especially dentists.

 Famous people born on December 20 under the Sagittarius zodiac sign: Harvey Firestone, Irene Dunne, David Cook and JoJo.

If you were born on December 20, you are a firecracker! Nothing can slow you down! There’s a pep in your step and your to-do list is usually so long it can touch the floor. You love to be on the go and in a productive state of mind. While you’re likely to accomplish many things in your lifetime, you don’t want to become someone who life passes by! If you’re zipping around too quickly, you’ll miss all the wonderful things the world has to offer. Learn to walk a little slower, look up from your massive checklist, and enjoy the day.

December 20 Sagittarius at Their Best: Quick, successful, excitable

December 20 Sagittarius at Their Worst: Hasty, combative, irritable

What to Wear: What to Wear: Something bright, cheery and washable. You could be drooled upon at this friendly gathering.

What to Eat: Foods from around the world. Chicken tikka masala, Beijing duck and moussaka — all on the same plate!

Who to Invite: Everyone you can plausibly think of, plus some international men and women of mystery.

Where to Go: If guests can’t make it to a far-off destination, any out-of-the-way space that allows for large groups and raucous behavior will do!

DECEMBER 20 birthday horoscope predicts that you are the person everyone wants to be. This Sagittarius born today knows how to blend in according to the situation at hand. This quality could be closely related to your psychic abilities. You can be exceptionally successful. You always know in advance what will work for you and what won’t.

The December 20 birthday personality bring in the sunshine when they walk into a room. It’s hard being you, but nobody does it better. You’re a supportive and caring friend. These Sagittarius birthday people are fun-loving who want to live a youthful life. You may feel that laughter is one the keys to a healthier life.

As the December 20 zodiac sign is Sagittarius, you value traditions and have strong family connections. However, there are a few things that you would like to get rid of from your past like your nickname for instance. The name carries a certain image that you most certainly have overcome.

As an adult, you are appreciative of people who are earnest and respectful. You have grown to be an exceptional individual who is willing to make sacrifices for those you love. As a drawback, the people born on this zodiac birthday are impetuous. When you see an opportunity to show off, you do! You love an audience. The future of person who born on 20 December will always be promising.

The fact that you are sincere and outspoken could hurt someone’s feelings. However, you want to see the good in everybody. Your friends have high regard for you. The biggest form of flattery is imitation. If you look around, you’ll find that you have some fans.

The December 20 horoscope predicts that finding a lover has never been a problem for you. You are the romantic type who is perhaps idealistic. You’re emotional and somewhat uncertain about love. Generally, you look for someone who shares the same ideas as you regarding the important issues such as marital affairs and obligations. It’s not surprising that you would put your lover’s needs first.

As a December 20 birthday personality, likely you are genetically inclined to be a certain weight. You eat when and what you want. You hardly exercise, but you stay active. Could your attitude have anything to do with your health? Well, some experts agree that our thoughts are indeed related to how we feel. You believe you have the power to choose your emotions as well. You can either choose to be depressed or at least make a genuine effort to move on from the situation.

The December 20th  astrology shows that you are career-minded. You want more than just a job. Every one of us has some degree of psychic ability. You have more than most. This is not a bad profession as the industry is as strong as ever. It could be profitable if only done part-time. Because you are intelligent and nosy, you may want to check out a career in travel or sales.

A combination of the two would make this December 20 Sagittarius a happy-being. However, you are a business-minded person who is not afraid of a challenge. You have a choice of careers. Sticking to one job is your weakness. Sacrificing is second nature to you. If it provides you with the right stimulation and freedom, the chances are good that you see it through.

The December 20 horoscope suggests that you are likely the talk of the town. You’re also the person who intimidates most people’s significant others. You’re too friendly sometimes for your good. However, your ability to transform yourself can quickly change someone’s mind about you and have them eating out your hands.

Once you have moved on from your past, you can have the relationship you so desire. Typically, this December 20 Sagittarius birthday person wants a mirroring partnership. Someone who shares your ideas and values will be the lucky one in your life. As your career progresses, you’ll find that money isn’t everything. It’s having a position in life that makes you feel appreciated and free.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On December 20

This Day That Year – December 20 In History

1975 – Joe Walsh made an incredible deal with the Eagles.
1983 – Yasser Arafat and 4,000 others abandon Lebanon.
1993 – Marla Maples and Donald Trump exchange wedding vows.
2011 – Female demonstrators stand against Cairo’s military police abuse of women.

December 20  Dhanu Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
December 20 Chinese Zodiac RAT

December 20 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Jupiter that symbolizes your impulsiveness, morality, desire to help others and aspirations.

December 20 Birthday Symbols

The Archer Is The Symbol For The Sagittarius Sun Sign

December 20 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is Judgment. This card shows that you should listen to your inner calling and make judgments based on it. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Wands and Queen of Pentacles

December 20 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign LeoThis relationship will be sexually stimulating.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aquarius: This relationship will be impulsive and emotionally painful.

See Also:

December 20 Lucky Numbers

Number 2 – This number stands for peace, endurance, co-operation, and faithfulness.
Number 5 – This is a number that stands for intellect, curiosity, new experiences, and freedom.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For December 20 Birthday

Silver: This is a sophisticated color that symbolizes psychic powers, innocence, liberal thinking and industrious nature.
Purple: This is a calming color that symbolizes dreams, richness, magic, and wisdom.

Lucky Days For December 20 Birthday

Monday – This is the day of the Moon that helps you make decisions based on analysis of your feelings and emotions.
Thursday – This day ruled by Jupiter is symbolic of your generous personality and hardworking temperament.

December 20 Birthstone Turquoise

Turquoise gemstone promotes serenity, love, optimism and, self-esteem.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On December 20

A yearly subscription to a travel magazine for the man and a cookbook on World cuisine for the woman. The December 20 birthday horoscope foretells that your telepathic powers will help you in the long run.