January 27 – Daily Feast

January 27 – Daily Feast

Habit has its beginnings in thought. Whatever becomes second nature to us has first caught on in our thinking – only to operate, in time, without thinking at all. Breaking with deeply ingrained addictions is something else again. Since we were old enough to understand we have been bent to a certain thought, molded to act and react until we follow through habitually. If what we did gave us comfort or made us feel good, we did it again. We have to fight habit with habit, deliberately changing one thought, one action, for another. If we simply try to remove a habit without filling the vacuum, we are opening the door for more and worse to come in. It is harder when we let thought drift back to remember how we were comforted. There is more than one comfort, more than one joy in forming a new habit.

~ We bury them from sight forever and plant again the Tree. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

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October 29 – Daily Feast

October 29 – Daily Feast

Something new is always an exciting prospect. It can be anything that changes the face of daily life and brings it into a new pattern that makes us feel better. Drudgery can take over our thinking and then our actions. Sticking too close to one routine and never having a change is an obvious sign we are heading for drudgery. If renewal is to come there must be change – even if it is to walk a short distance, talk to someone out of the ordinary, and do something for someone. These things sound simplistic but if they turn our thinking to more creativity or more relaxation, it is worth doing.

~ I felt that I was leaving all that I had but I did not cry. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II’ by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – October 15

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – October 15

“All of us begin to rethink what is good about ourselves – put the past where it belongs – and get on with the possibilities of the present!”


There is a saying, you move toward and become that which you think about. So the question for today is, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking bad things about yourself or are you thinking good things about yourself? Are you thinking about a worldly life? Are you thinking good things about people or are you gossiping about people? Are you focusing on past things or are you living in the future? We need to bring our thoughts into the NOW, right here.

Great Spirit, let me experience living in the present moment.

Your Animal Spirit for February 17th is Sasquatch

Your Animal Spirit for Today
    February 17, 2013 



Is Big Foot real or a hoax? It doesn’t really matter, because he has ambled into your reading to remind you of life’s mysteries. Not everything can be explained, not everything can be touched—but that doesn’t mean it don’t exist. Suspend your logic for a bit, and be open to the mystery.

Daily Motivator for February 7th – Get up and do

Get up and do

There are a thousand ways you can talk yourself out of taking action. Yet  there is just one  way to truly move forward, and that is to go ahead and take  action.

It’s great to be smart, informed, and thoughtful. It’s not that great to  think things through so much and to second-guess yourself so much that you never  get anything done.

You can find plenty of ways to justify your procrastination. Yet even if it’s  perfectly reasonable and understandable, it’s still procrastination.

The secret to moving forward is not found in some clever technique. The  secret to moving forward is to get up and go, get up and do, get up and create  value.

Be smart, but don’t be so focused on being smart that you fail to put your  wisdom and intelligence to good, productive use. Be smart, and then act smart,  and follow through on your brilliant thinking.

Instead of just thinking about it and eventually letting the thought die, get  up and do it. Put your thoughts into action and transform them into solid,  lasting value.

— Ralph Marston


The Daily Motivator


Elder’s Meditation of the Day – October 15

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – October 15

“All of us begin to rethink what is good about ourselves – put the past where it belongs – and get on with the possibilities of the present!”


There is a saying, you move toward and become that which you think about. So the question for today is, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking bad things about yourself or are you thinking good things about yourself? Are you thinking about a worldly life? Are you thinking good things about people or are you gossiping about people? Are you focusing on past things or are you living in the future? We need to bring our thoughts into the NOW, right here.

Great Spirit, let me experience living in the present moment.

Daily Motivator for July 24 – Focus on results

Focus on results

Progress comes when you focus on results. Progress happens when you visualize  the results you desire, when you expect those results, and then work to make  them happen.

Focus on results, and you can figure out how to bring them about. Focus on  results, and you have a way to know, in each and every step, whether or not  you’re making progress.

Good intentions are nice, and sophisticated methods are impressive. What  really count, though, are the end results.

Any effort you undertake will use your precious time and resources. Make sure  you get the most value in return by staying focused on the results.

Don’t allow yourself to remain stuck in mediocrity. Don’t fool yourself into  thinking you’re doing great when you’re really doing not much at all.

Clearly and specifically define the results you seek, measure your progress,  and weigh each action, each effort, accordingly. Focus on results and you’ll get  the very best ones.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

Today’s Affirmation, Thought & Meditation for March 7th

Fantasy Images, Pics, Comments, Photos, Graphics
Today’s Affirmation for March 7th

I pray for spirit to revive my heart, to spark it with a relish for service. I hope that my desire to be a flame of love will spark other stalled souls to come alive, aflame with love themselves.


Thought for March 7th

The days are of most profit to him who acts in love.

Traditional Jainist saying


Today’s Meditation for March 7th

The Blueprint for Life

DNA is a complex molecule containing the genetic information needed to build, control and maintain a living organism. It is found in all living cells and is the blueprint of life DNA forms a double helix – a shape like a twisted ladder. Imagine standing at the bottom of your DNA ladder. In your mind begin to climb. On the first rung sense your connection with your parents, each of whom bequeathed to you copies of half of their DNA. On the next rung sense your connection with your grandparents, and on the next your great-grandparents. In this way trace your roots back through generations of ancestors to the very first human. Feel a sense of continuity through the ages and your connection to everybody on Earth.

Happy Thursday to you, my dear friends!

Ok, I confess I like the fairy, lol! I am stopping by and staying for a while. I have written an intro for today once. Dummy saw were she hadn’t authorized Facebook today. I clicked the button. Then I remember I had written this post and hadn’t published it yet. So guess what? It disappeared on me. And it was so good too. One of the best intros I had ever written, lmao!

One of the points, I want to re-write is what I have been thinking about. I want your opinion and comments about it too. I have been thinking about opening a new blog. It won’t be anything like this one. It will be geared to a specific subject. I was thinking about crystals. I was looking through my papers and books and I have enough info on them. So much in fact, I can’t do them justice here. Now what do you think? Is there another subject that needs to be addressed specifically? Would you visit a new crystal blog? Do we need it? Hey, your my family, I like to run my new ideas by ya’.

Come on, I want to hear your comments and opinions,

With marbles loose,

Lady A