Today’s Quiz: Are You Energy-Sensitive?

Are You Energy-Sensitive? Quiz

If you have ever found yourself getting irritated or depressed for no  apparent reason after spending time with certain people, the answer may be  simple: you may be a sensitive, absorbing or reacting to energy from these  individuals that isn’t healthy for you.

Answer these questions to see if this could be true for you, and then find  out what to do about it so you don’t continue to feel depleted or irritable when  you’re around these people.

1. Do you frequently feel angry, nervous, tense, or irritable around certain  people?

2. Do you often feel sad, low-energy, drained, or lethargic when you are  around some individuals?

3. Do you ever find yourself wanting to lie or cover-up around specific  people?

4. Do you frequently find yourself folding your arms over your midsection  when you are with certain people in your life?

5. Do you often feel ill-at-ease or uncomfortable with some individuals?

6. Does the mere sight of some people cause you to feel instantly defensive  or angry?

7. Do you find yourself inwardly groaning when you hear a specific person’s  voice on the phone?

The more questions you answered “yes” to, the more sensitive you probably  are.

Most of us are unconsciously influenced by others’ energies. These energies  are what they are, neither good nor bad–but some may be beneficial, and some  detrimental to us. The extent to which you are affected is a sign of your  sensitivity. Becoming aware of the energy-effects of interactions is a  wonderful first step in becoming more conscious, and in undoing the negative  effects of others’ energies on us.

If you think you are being adversely affected when you are in the company of  certain people’s energy fields, here are some things you can do:

If you are around someone whose energy makes you feel drained:

1.  Move away from the person.

2. Politely cut the interaction short.

3.  Redirect the person’s attention.

If you find yourself feeling irritable around someone:

1. First,  realize that you do not need to take this personally. Simply notice, “This is  someone who makes me feel prickly.”

2. Ground yourself. This can be as  simple as just placing your hands on the ground, or as complex as doing a brief relaxation and grounding exercise.

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Gemstone of the Day for November 24th is Tourmaline

Gemstone of the Day




Causes the wearer to be more flexible, more understanding and more objective in purpose and reason. Calming. Each person has a different response to this stone. Causes a reaction in the intestinal tract. Black and Crystal- removes negativity and cleanses. Some say it should not be worn as jewelry. Electric and magnetic properties

Monday Morning Motivating Splash

Monday Morning Motivating Splash

Use this body splash on Monday morning, or any other time you need an extra bit of motivation. Simply splash it on after your bath or shower and let it dry. Meditate on having the motivation to make it through the day or to get through any kind of problem you are having.

1 cup yarrow flowers

1 cup heather flowers

1 cup rose flowers

1 cup bergamot leaves

¼ cup chicory root

¼ cup lemon peel

¼ cup lime peel

¼ cup orange peel

¼ cup peppermint leaves

4 cloves

Pain, Spasm, and Cramp Tonic

Drink this tonic to abate headaches, tension, muscle spasms, and intestinal cramps. Ginger and cinnamon should be omitted if any inflammatory bowel or gastritis is involved. This tonic may also be used as a compress.

4    tablespoons cramp bark or blackhaw

1    (1/4 inch) slice fresh ginger root or 1/2 cinnamon stick

1    ounce chamomile flowers

Simmer cramp bark or blackhaw and ginger or cinnamon in 2 cups of water for 20 minutes, covered. Turn off the heat and add chamomile flowers. Cover. Allow to cool 15 minutes. Strain and sip a half cup every half hour as needed to abate symptoms.