February 21 – Daily Feast

February 21 – Daily Feast

A young Indian boy named Slow was so brave in battle when he was fourteen that he was renamed Sitting Bull. He had a great love for birds and imitated their songs – finally writing songs of his own and chanting them. How many of us have been called slow? If not in one category, then in another. The change comes when we study something we love, doing what comes so naturally that we succeed in an area that was totally unexpected. Never underestimate the power of small beginnings. Sufficiency in all things more often than not begins in small ways. Little ideas and tiny steps evolve into greater accomplishment. Someone said it takes twenty years to become an overnight success, but it only takes seconds to recognize the beginning of one.

~ Let us look forward to the pleasing landscape of the future. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

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February 19 – Daily Feast

February 19 – Daily Feast

We all discover at some time or other that it is painful to love. Caring about something, about someone, about some place is a great joy. It does make us vulnerable, easy to get to, easy to touch, and hard-pressed to hide our emotions. Some bit of us wants desperately to hide what we feel for fear that it will be taken the wrong way. But even more, we are afraid of revealing more than we are willing to share. A reserve of our own thoughts and feelings keeps us from depleting all that we are, keeps us from giving away that part of us which generates life. It keeps us able to love and care deeply. Despite all the pain that goes with caring, we would not have it any other way.

~ The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

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January 13 – Daily Feast

January 13 – Daily Feast


If we are not happy, it is because no one has given us permission to be. The hardships and stresses of those who went before us make us wonder if we have a right to do better. Do we have permission to outlive, outdo, outwork all those who went before us? Have we given our children permission to be stronger, better, and more intelligent than we are? The Cherokees have a word for it, adahenhdi, meaning the gift. Or have we told them to adhere to their roots instead of respecting them? Have we made them caretakers, or have we set them free to be strong builders on firm foundations? Permission is hard to come by when we wait and wait for someone to tell us we have done well, that we have earned the right to be mature, respected adults. No, we give ourselves permission to grow, to live long and well, to prosper and be in good health.

~ I can tell my children that the way to get honor is to go to work and be good men and women. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

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Let’s Talk A Look At The Totem/Power Animal – Coyote


The Coyote holds a most unique place in the legends and folklore of North American tribes. Although intimately associated with the Great Mystery in the very act of creation, his wily descendants are both pests and relentless competitors in the serious business of survival on the Earth Mother.

One of the tribes of Old California believed that the coyotes were the first humans who ever existed. In the beginning, of course, they walked on all fours. Then, gradually, they began to grow certain human body parts-a finger here, a toe there, an ear here. Over the course of generations, they eventually became perfect humans with beautiful tails. Although the tails were handsome, they slowly wore away through the human habit of sitting upright.

To another southwestern tribe, the coyote became an early, god-like savior of humankind. Originally, so goes the old legend, the Great Sun Chief had nine brothers, all flaming hot like himself. The native people down on Mother Earth were about to wither and die under the terrible heat of ten suns burning down on them. Brother Coyote, quickly assessing the situation and immediately perceiving the answer, leaped into the sky and slew the Sun Chief’s fiery brothers, thus saving the tribespeople from baking to a crisp.

However, this problem had no sooner been solved when Sister Moon’s nine sisters, each as cold as she, began to turn the night into a freezing torment. Once again, the tribespeople were helpless, for they had no way to keep warm, and they appealed to Brother Coyote to help them lest they perish.

Coyote had to have time to think, so he retreated to the far eastern edge of the world. After a time, the Great Mystery sent him an idea. Coyote picked up his flint knife and struck it against a rock. Sparks flew into some leaves, and almost before he knew it, he had created a fire. He took a few moments to warm his paws over the flames, then leaped into the sky and slew each of Sister Moon’s frigid sisters, thus saving humankind from freezing to death. But as an aid to their keeping warm on cold winter nights, Coyote gave the tribes the gift of fire.

So it was the coyote who gave humankind the knowledge of how to make fire, how to grind flour, and how to find the herbs that would bring about the quickest cures. But Brother Coyote has a very strange temperament-or maybe he didn’t think he received enough thanks for his gifts-for he is also a Trickster. True, he brought fire and food and healing herbs to humankind, but he also brought death. The tribespeople soon learned that when you ask such a creature to grant you a wish, you had better hope that there will not be some twist attached to it.

Medicine teachers Star-Spider Woman and Rattling Bear caution that if you must be foolish enough to ask Coyote a favor, at least be very precise in what you request.

The Navajo regard the coyote as the very essence, sign, and symbol of Dark Side witchcraft. If a Navajo were to set out on a journey and spot a coyote crossing his path, he would go home and wait for three days before setting out again. Borrowing the devil from the Christian missionaries, the Navajo believe that Satan uses the coyote as his steed on evil nocturnal missions.

If you have received the coyote as your totem animal, you must first remove all negative connotations from your mind about the creature being a representative of the Dark Side of spirit. The coyote is an exceedingly resourceful animal with amazing powers of adaptability. Listen carefully to your coyote totem guide, for it will teach you the fine line between wisdom and folly.

The coyote totem spirit may well have come to you because you, too, are a survivor, a person who knows how to adapt to any situation, good or bad. Ancient wisdom lies within the vibration of this spirit helper, but to gain its greatest spiritual treasures, you must truly pay very careful attention to the essence of each and every message that your guide relays to you. This totem animal will teach you discernment, one of the most valuable of all survival lessons on the earthplane.


Your spirit helper may be preparing you for a death, a serious illness, or a dramatic change in your



The Transformative Power Of Your Personal Animal Totem

Brad Steiger

ISBN 0-06-251425-3


The Coyote

For a long time humans have been attempting to shoot, poison and trap coyote into non-exsistence. Instead, birds like the Condor have been nearly wiped out with poisoned meat, and the clever coyote may be more numerous today than ever. Despite humanities encroachment and aggression, coyote has found a way to walk its walk and survive.

Coyotes usually mate for life. They live in the sides of hills or in underground dens where the family unit is well protected. They prefer open grassland and thinly wooded brush, but can adapt to almost any environment. Because of this they have been able to survive and grow in numbers.

I once heard a story about a female Coyote who got caught in a trap and gnawed off her own paw—twice. At last report she was doing fine, hobbling around on her two front stumps, and she had borne a healthy litter. Coyotes hunt small game not with speed, but by pouncing and snapping with their jaws. She was able to do this quite well and was fulfilling her role as a mother. Those with this medicine will go to extreme measures to protect and nurture family members. Words that rip and tear another to shreds should be avoided. Sporadic bursts of energy are common and balanced action is required for ones overall well being. Excellent caretakers coyote medicine people put other peoples needs before their own. Care is advised however to give to yourself equally.

In some native tribes the coyote is referred to as the trickster. I prefer to see the coyote as cunning and clever. There are many stories about the coyote. He is known as the great one and the foolish one. Coyote does not consciously try to trick us, he mirrors our own human capacity for displaying cleverness and stupidity.

Like the coyote we can work with others to get what we want in life, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can send troubles away or invite them carelessly. When coyote wanders into your life you are being asked to look at something you have been avoiding. Coyote is our mirror for the lessons we need to learn in order to walk a good sacred road. It will hold up the mirror relentlessly until we finally get the picture.

Call on coyote as an ally for negotiating a difficult situation. Or thank him for coming and showing you a trap that you are caught in, or a way that you are fooling yourself. Coyote is an especially powerful teacher with regard to relationships because it is when we are in a relationship that we can fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out there to get us, but to teach us, whether we want to learn or not.

December 9 – Daily Feast

December 9 – Daily Feast

When the first snowflakes catch on leafless trees and crisp cold wind sweeps our faces, we know winter is in earnest. It turns the bright green canes of the wild rose to gray and sprinkles hickory nuts and walnuts on the path to the woods. The entire landscape seems to be one color – but the variation is so subtle and low-key that it takes a little while to see the green lichen and the misty blue haze that hangs over the tiny stream. Life sometimes appears to be at a standstill, and nothing is beautiful – no color, no shape, no hope. But if we refocus, if we are sincere and we use wisdom, we will move toward a new spring, just as does the season.

~ Whatever the fate of other Indians, the Iroquois might still have been a nations. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II’ by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 10

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 10

“The battle for Indian children will be won in the classroom, not on the streets or on horses. The students of today are our warriors of tomorrow.”

–Wilma P. Mankiller, CHEROKEE

The world is constantly changing. One of the strengths of Indian people has been our adaptability. In today’s world, education is what we need to survive. We need doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientists. We can become these things and still live in a cultural way. We need to live in two worlds; the educated world and the Indian cultural world. Education will help protect our land, our people’s health, and provide knowledge for our people. We must teach reading, writing and arithmetic. Also, we must teach the language, the culture, the ceremony and the tradition of our people.

Creator, let me remember You are my teacher.

October 31 – Daily Feast

October 31 – Daily Feast

Few things are mind-and-spirit-adjusting like putting our hand to a job that has been waiting too long. The bigger the job, the better our concentration. Work keeps the hands busy and frees the mind from raw nerves and injured feelings. A time to talk will come – if it is needed at all. Sometimes busy hands like walking feet can do away with things thought to be unsolvable. Decide to do a thing that no one else can do – a specific move away from pain. It can set the wheel to turn – maybe slowly at first – but soon you’ll be on top again.

~ If white man wants to live in peace with Indian he can live in peace. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II’ by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

October 22 – Daily Feast

October 22 – Daily Feast

Life is a decision, a personal decision. We can stand on drifting sand and believe that whatever will be, will be, or we can stand firmly on principle that if something is wrong we can change it. Instead of nursing pulse-taking tendencies and listening to every commercial on what is available for medical treatment, remember our instructions: Let the weak say, “I am strong.” We can become victims of temporary relief or we can separate ourselves from the hype and discover renewal that is not temporary – but eternal. Relief by the Spirit is a reality – and totally free.

~ This house, the home of the English, is a medicine house, and you come here to tell us lies. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II’ by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Today's Quiz: Which Spirit Keeper do You Need?

Quiz: Which Spirit Keeper do You Need?

Native American traditions speak of four powers, or Spirit Keepers,  associated with the four directions, animals, colors, and qualities, that may be  honored and invoked, celebrated and worked with in order to bring ourselves into  better balance with What Is.

Take this simple quiz to see which Native American Spirit Keeper would be  most helpful to you now:

Look at the following sets of three statements. Which set of three is most  true for you?


1. I long for a sense of renewal and quickening in my life.

2. I desire more clarity.

3. I feel that increased intelligence, intensity, and purity would be helpful  to me now.


1. I long for transformation in my life.

2. I desire to be more grounded.

3. I feel that increased endurance, stability, and introspection would be  helpful to me now.


1. I long for illumination.

2. I desire a sense of awakening and newness.

3. I feel that increased Light, spirituality, and far-sightedness would be  helpful to me now.


1. I long for discovery in my life.

2. I desire a sense of unfolding and organic growth.

3. I feel that increased vitality, intuition and awareness of feelings would  be helpful to me now.

If you chose A, you need the Power of the North. Animal: Buffalo Color: White The Power of the North clarifies the mind and purifies our  mental being.

If you chose B, you need the Power of the West. Animal: Grizzly Bear Color: Black The Power of the West activates the intelligence of the  physical body and enables it to work with the material substances that  constitute our flesh, blood and bones.

If you chose C, you need the Power of the East. Animal: Eagle Color:  Yellow The Power of the East enables us to be enlightened with sudden  flashes of inspiration and understanding through our innermost “self,” which is  the noblest aspect of our total being.

If you chose D, you need the Power of the South. Animal: Mouse Color:  Red The Power of the South empowers and strengthens the intuitive “self.”

Spend some time facing or contemplating the direction you chose. Connect with  those qualities within you. You may want to petition the power animal of that  direction to help and guide you.


Daily Feng Shui Tip for September 25 – ‘Wisdom Secrets’

One of the first traditions that I studied when I started my energetic explorations were those of the Native Americans. So today I’d like to share some of the wisdom secrets that I was taught by my wise elder teachers. For example, I learned that there are magical ways in the Native American traditions to assist a woman who is wishing for a child. They say that the mother-to-be should prepare a sacred medicine bundle that will help bring a bundle of joy into her life. She should put a lock of her hair, a blue corn kernel, a red stone and herbs such as black walnut and red raspberry into a square of black or yellow cloth. The bundle should then be wrapped in red string and tied to a bush with a feather so it’s easily located by the Higher Powers. This bundle should only be constructed at the time of the New Moon in order to successfully birth a bright light into this world.

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com