Today's Quiz: Which Spirit Keeper do You Need?

Quiz: Which Spirit Keeper do You Need?

Native American traditions speak of four powers, or Spirit Keepers,  associated with the four directions, animals, colors, and qualities, that may be  honored and invoked, celebrated and worked with in order to bring ourselves into  better balance with What Is.

Take this simple quiz to see which Native American Spirit Keeper would be  most helpful to you now:

Look at the following sets of three statements. Which set of three is most  true for you?


1. I long for a sense of renewal and quickening in my life.

2. I desire more clarity.

3. I feel that increased intelligence, intensity, and purity would be helpful  to me now.


1. I long for transformation in my life.

2. I desire to be more grounded.

3. I feel that increased endurance, stability, and introspection would be  helpful to me now.


1. I long for illumination.

2. I desire a sense of awakening and newness.

3. I feel that increased Light, spirituality, and far-sightedness would be  helpful to me now.


1. I long for discovery in my life.

2. I desire a sense of unfolding and organic growth.

3. I feel that increased vitality, intuition and awareness of feelings would  be helpful to me now.

If you chose A, you need the Power of the North. Animal: Buffalo Color: White The Power of the North clarifies the mind and purifies our  mental being.

If you chose B, you need the Power of the West. Animal: Grizzly Bear Color: Black The Power of the West activates the intelligence of the  physical body and enables it to work with the material substances that  constitute our flesh, blood and bones.

If you chose C, you need the Power of the East. Animal: Eagle Color:  Yellow The Power of the East enables us to be enlightened with sudden  flashes of inspiration and understanding through our innermost “self,” which is  the noblest aspect of our total being.

If you chose D, you need the Power of the South. Animal: Mouse Color:  Red The Power of the South empowers and strengthens the intuitive “self.”

Spend some time facing or contemplating the direction you chose. Connect with  those qualities within you. You may want to petition the power animal of that  direction to help and guide you.


Is it Friday, YET??? Please let it be Friday! Oh, It’s Just Thursday! Happy Thursday World!

How would you like about 5 of these nasty dudes wake you up at 3:30 in the morning? I pulled this pic off the net. I didn’t have my camera, I had a shotgun instead, lol! But 5 coyotes scratching, chattering and trying to get in were my alarm clock this morning. Oh, by the way, no one got shot during the making of this posting, lol!

Love you, guys!

L. A.



Cut an apple in half and carve your initials on the inside of one half, and theirs on the inside of the other.
Close them back together with a sewing needle in each, loosely threaded together by red thread.
Hang this from the tree it came from with a pink ribbon, and
chant: Apple of love, leaf of tree, find him, bind him, now to me.”