Today’s Tarot Card for December 3rd is The Sun

The Sun

Tuesday, Dec 3rd, 2013









What has traditionally been known as the Sun card is about the self — who you are and how you cultivate your personality and character. The earth revolves around the sun to make up one year of a person’s life, a fact we celebrate on our birthday.

The Sun card could also be titled “Back to Eden.” The Sun’s radiance is where one’s original nature or unconditioned Being can be encountered in health and safety. The limitations of time and space are stripped away; the soul is refreshed and temporarily protected from the chaos outside the garden walls.

Under the light of the Sun, Life reclaims its primordial goodness, truth and beauty. If one person is shown on this card, it is usually signifying a human incarnation of the Divine. When two humans are shown, the image is portraying a resolution of the tension between opposites at all levels. It’s as if this card is saying “You can do no wrong — it’s all to the good!”

Today’s Tarot Card for October 24th is The Sun

The Sun

Thursday, Oct 24th, 2013








What has traditionally been known as the Sun card is about the self — who you are and how you cultivate your personality and character. The earth revolves around the sun to make up one year of a person’s life, a fact we celebrate on our birthday.

The Sun card could also be titled “Back to Eden.” The Sun’s radiance is where one’s original nature or unconditioned Being can be encountered in health and safety. The limitations of time and space are stripped away; the soul is refreshed and temporarily protected from the chaos outside the garden walls.

Under the light of the Sun, Life reclaims its primordial goodness, truth and beauty. If one person is shown on this card, it is usually signifying a human incarnation of the Divine. When two humans are shown, the image is portraying a resolution of the tension between opposites at all levels. It’s as if this card is saying “You can do no wrong — it’s all to the good!”

Today’s Tarot Card for Friday, Oct. 4th is The Sun

The Sun

Friday, Oct 4th, 2013









What has traditionally been known as the Sun card is about the self — who you are and how you cultivate your personality and character. The earth revolves around the sun to make up one year of a person’s life, a fact we celebrate on our birthday.

The Sun card could also be titled “Back to Eden.” The Sun’s radiance is where one’s original nature or unconditioned Being can be encountered in health and safety. The limitations of time and space are stripped away; the soul is refreshed and temporarily protected from the chaos outside the garden walls.

Under the light of the Sun, Life reclaims its primordial goodness, truth and beauty. If one person is shown on this card, it is usually signifying a human incarnation of the Divine. When two humans are shown, the image is portraying a resolution of the tension between opposites at all levels. It’s as if this card is saying “You can do no wrong — it’s all to the good!”

The Astral Plane And Its Divisions

The Astral Plane And Its Divisions

by Abhishek Agarwal

      The Astral Plane is very real, seeming much more solid and vibrant than   the Physical world. It’s a world without any need for money, work or any of the other trappings of a physical existence.

Those who have visited the Astral planes find themselves in an environment where all senses seem greatly magnified. These senses are not our normal physical senses, but inner astral senses.

Thoughts can actually be seen to take shape instantly and anything desired can be instantly manifested by means of the powers of the imagination in the very process of creation. This is also why the Astral       worlds are known as the “desire worlds” and the Astral body known as the       “desire body”. This fact that Man creates with his thoughts and feelings in the Astral world shows the truth in the occult statement that Man is  a “god in the making”. It shows that we can be supremely creative.

Once you are out in the Astral plane, you will find that it vibrates at a much higher frequency than the Physical plane. There is no gravity on the Astral plane. Time and space are distorted as compared to the Physical. As a result, time can pass differently than in the physical.

Here, thought plays an integral part, and simply imagining something in the Astral can cause it to form. Since this is where all of our hopes, desires, and dreams can essentially become reality, the Astral plane is also known as the emotional plane.

In the Astral plane there is no need for food, clothing, shelter and sleep. We have true freedom. It is our will that sustains and heals us,and our will that creates the realm in our image. The Astral planes are made of focused mental energy. In the spirit world thoughts create reality, and we frequently create what we are familiar with.

Divisions Of The Astral Plane

The Astral Plane is divided into Lower, Middle, and Higher. Each division contains multiple divisions of varying vibratory rates.

The Lower Astral Planes

Are described as darker more primal realms. Some have described them as the place of Dante’s inferno while others think of them as purgatory.They are where the souls of the lost reside. Residing here are many beings including people who are out-of-body, both consciously and subconsciously people who are dreaming, the deceased, and even beings that never existed on the Physical Plane at all. Communication with all of the above is possible while Projected.

The Middle Astral Planes

Are the realms of divine inspiration free of earthly desires and conflict. The beings in these dimensions cause many of the artistic and technical breakthroughs on Earth by sending silent messages to its inhabitants. This is the place where many of us journey for guidance and       healing. These realms are frequently a reflection of the world we live in now. They contain the same vegetation, animals, and even our own created structures.

The Middle Astral is a plane full of rainbows of vivid colors and exquisite beauty. It would be an impossible task to try and rationalize this place. This plane is full of thoughts, dreams, and ideas, which are manifested as real objects. Everything including inanimate objects has auras of energy emanating from them in vivid and bright colors. Time here is very distorted and it is possible to see future or past events.

People who have successfully consciously projected to Middle Astral Planes have described unseen colors and sounds, breathtaking landscapes and scenery, and even some things beyond our comprehension. This place is purer in its formation. The needs and the strife associated with the Physical world have been left behind. It is a place of peace and utter       bliss – one might go as far as to compare it to the Garden of Eden.

The Higher Astral Planes

Are the realms called Heaven by Christians, the Summerland by spiritualists. This place is beyond the comprehension of most people, as they are said to be the home of the Christian God, the Buddha, and other great beings.

The higher astral planes are where we begin to reach toward self-godhood, becoming fully aware and acknowledging that all life is symbiotic and connected for the “good” of all. We realize that each individual is an essential link in the chain of life and existence in the physical world affects all of the other realities we do not perceive.

This awareness often leads people into pantheism, the belief that all life is sacred and should be protected from the lowliest worm to the greatest killer. In other instances the traveler will not turn toward pantheism but in either case will become truly aware of this fact on a constant conscious level.

The Middle and the Higher Planes are where the true path to spiritual and physical healing lies. This is where our perceptions of life grow and expand by leaps and bounds freeing us from many of the stigmas of society and its imposed morality.

When we begin traveling through the Astral realms, we generally first enter the Lower planes where the Physical world is still visible, though  distorted by our emerging perception. But as we move into the Middle planes we will notice that the Physical world becomes less and less noticeable until finally we move completely away from it into the Higher planes.

Adam and Eve Roots (Uses in Gris Gris Bags)

Adam and Eve Roots

Power: Love, fidelity

These are usually sold in pairs. The long, pointed one is called the Adam root and the round one, Eve for obvious reasons. They are like many more exotic roots from the orchid family.

Use them in Gris Gris Bags  to attract love or a marriage proposal. Sometimes they are made into twin love bags, and after commitment, the man carries the Eve root in his charm bag and his partner the Adam root. The two bags re empowered together for fidelity.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Oct. 11 is 11:Harmony

11: Harmony

The trigram earth is above that of heaven, and heaven seems to be on earth. The gravity of matter merges with the upward radiation of light to merge in deep harmony. This juxtaposition denotes a time of peace and blessings for all living things. In the affairs of humans, tranquility comes when the good, strong and powerful show favor to those of lower status, and those of more modes means are well disposed towards those who are currently blessed. This condition marks an end to feuding. In such a state, it is best to let the energy ride high. The way is cleared, and the prospects for great success are outstanding.

Chaotic forces still abide in nature, but man, by carefully responding to the rhythms and cycles of the world around him, can find peace in the natural world. By planting the right crop in the right place in the right season, the farmer brings harmony to the cultivation of plants, and prosperity to his family. Similarly, any business must adjust to the natural cycles of the season; only through flexibility and adaptation can order and growth be maintained. Peaceful times produce a time of flowering and prosperity; the wise person channels positive energy to all quarters, to each in proper proportion, just as a farmer waters his field. But be vigilant. Otherwise, peaceful conditions will foster the growth of weeds as well as flowers.

Grapevine Legends and Lore

Grapevine Legends and Lore

The Magic of the Grape

By Patti Wigington

Grapevine are often associated with abundance and fertility.

Much like the apple, the grape is one of those fruits that has a significant amount of magic associated with it. First and foremost, the grape harvest — and the wine that it produces — has been associated with fertility deities like Egypt’s Hathor, the lusty Roman Bacchus and his Greek counterpart, Dionysus. By the time of Mabon, grape arbors are flourishing. Vines, leaves and fruit are all usable items — the leaves are often used in Mediterranean cooking, the vines for craft projects, and the grapes themselves are extremely versatile.

Grapevines are believed to have originated around Mesopotamia, and were cultivated as long as six thousand years before the Romans got around to introducing the plant to the British Isles. The National Grape Cooperative says that grapes were probably one of the earliest cultivated fruits. Although the Greeks gave winemaking a shot, their success was mediocre at best. Historians say that Greek wine was thick and syrupy and the flavor was not exactly good. It wasn’t until the Romans got into the act that winemaking became a truly refined art, thanks to specialized cultivation, and proper fermentation and storage.

In Jewish mysticism, there are references to grapes in the Torah. Some believe that it was actually a grape, not an apple, that Eve munched on in the Garden of Eden, leading to all kinds of trouble. Later, Moses sent a dozen spies into Canaan, and they came back holding a cluster of grapes so huge that it took two men to lift it. Because of this, grapes are once again associated with bounty and abundance.

When it came to winemaking, vineyards were commonly found on both noble estates and in monasteries during the Middle Ages. Many European medieval communities thrived because of their excellent winemaking skills. The Tacuinum Sanitatis, a medieval handbook on wellness, recommends grapes for their nutritional value, and suggests that wine is a good remedy for just about any illness.

Grapes have traditionally symbolized fertility. Those who had a healthy, hearty grape harvest were practically guaranteed to be prosperous. Today, many Wiccans and Pagans use the symbolism of the grape in ritual. Here are some simple ways you can incorporate the bounty of the grapevine into your fall harvest celebrations.

  • Decorate your altar with grapes and vines.
  • Make a Grapevine Pentacle to hang on your wall.
  • Paint or stencil grapes on the walls of your kitchen or garden – according to traditional folklore, this will make your crops bountiful!
  • Use grape leaves as an ingredient in a spell to bring abundance. For a simple talisman, fold a grape leaf around a silver coin, and tie with green string. Carry this in your pocket to bring you prosperity.
  • Plant grapes in pots on either side of your front door. As the vines grow, train them up around the doorframe. This will help ensure that abundance enters your home.
  • Use wine to asperge the ground before you cast a circle, or as an offering to the deity of your tradition, if appropriate.

13 Trivial Facts About Friday the 13th

13 Trivial Facts About Friday the 13th

Updated: Friday, 13 Jan 2012, 11:26 AM EST
Published : Friday, 13 Jan 2012, 11:26 AM EST

(EndPlay Staff Reports) – It’s Friday the 13th. If you’re superstitious, you’re likely under the impression that this is the most unlucky day on the calendar. Here are 13 facts about Friday the 13th to help keep your mind off all bad things that could happen today:

1. This is the first of three Friday the 13ths on the calendar in 2012: January, April and July all start on Sunday, which means the 13th day falls on a Friday.

2. The 1980 film “Friday the 13th” grossed nearly $40 million during its initial cinema run, according to information from the Internet Movie Database .

3. Fear of the number 13 is known as triskaidekaphobia, while fear of Friday the 13th is known as paraskavedekatriaphobia.

4. According to information from Time , the mini crash of Friday, Oct. 13, 1989 was the second largest drop of the Dow history. Even scarier? Today the crash doesn’t even rank in the top 10.

5. One psychotherapist, who specializes in the treatment of phobias, asserts that 21 million Americans fear Friday the 13th, according to information from .

6. People in Spanish-speaking nations fear Tuesday the 13th, according to information from The Huffington Post .

7. NASA was almost tragically unlucky with its Apollo 13 mission. The capsule was launched at 13:13 on April 11, 1970. The explosion that ultimately destroyed the craft took place on April 13, which was a Monday.

8. The ancient Chinese regarded the number 13 as lucky, according to The ancient Egyptians also thought 13 brought good luck.

9. Looking to get inked? Tattoo parlors around the country offer specials for those who chose to commemorate the day permanently, traditionally offering tats of the number 13 for only $13. According Tattoo Artist Magazine , Dallas tattoo artist Oliver Peck started the tradition.

10. President Franklin D. Roosevelt apparently suffered from triskaidekaphobia: According to The Huffington Post, he refused to travel on the 13th day of any month and would not host a dinner party with 13 guests.

11. Worried about being in an accident on Friday the 13th? According to a recent Washington Post report, the risk of being in a car crash on any Friday is higher than other days of the week. Police attribute this fact to alcohol consumption.

12. Some people believe the fear of Friday the 13th goes back to the Garden of Eden. Supposedly Eve offered Adam the forbidden fruit on a Friday, and they were then ejected from Paradise.

13. Want to avoid bad luck on Friday the 13th? There are a number of things you can do to ward off ill fate, according to superstition: Touch wood, cross your fingers, avoid black cats, don’t look at the full moon through a pane of glass, and throw salt over each shoulder.

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