June’s Strawberry Moon: Spiritual Meaning and Full Moon Ritual


June’s Strawberry Moon: Spiritual Meaning and Full Moon Ritual

It’s a great time for spells connected to love and abundance.

June’s Full Strawberry Moon will take place on June 21, 2024, the day following the Summer Solstice. When it comes to the Strawberry Moon’s spiritual meaning, it’s the time of the year to focus on love, abundance, and prosperity.

If that sounds similar to the Flower Moon, it’s because it is. Some of the themes that were just blooming then are coming into their peak now.

Full Moon spells, rituals, and correspondences for the Strawberry Moon are related to love and prosperity. In June 2024, the Full Moon is in Capricorn, so if there are some practical ways you can move forward on those goals, now is the time to put those ideas into place.

Why Is June’s Full Moon Called the Strawberry Moon?

We call it the Strawberry Moon because it is the name some Indigenous American tribes used to describe the time of the year when strawberries are ripe. Though, sometimes, the Moon itself looks slightly reddish.

June’s Moon may be the last Full Moon for spring, or in the case this year, the first Full Moon of summer. Many of its other names for this Moon are connected to the sense that everything is in flow and is coming to fruition.

June was named after the goddess Juno, the Roman Goddess of marriage and childbirth. And, according to NASA, “The tradition of calling the first month of marriage the “honeymoon” may be tied to this full Moon because of the custom of marrying in June or because the “Honey Moon” is the “sweetest” Moon of the year.” (Though, sometimes, the first full Moon following this would be in July.)

June’s Full Moon is also known as:

Gardening Moon (Ojibwe)

River Moon (Catawba)

Moon of Birthing (Inupiat)

Berries Ripen Moon (Haida)

Summer Moon (Tunica and Seneca)

Egg Laying Moon (Cree)

Honey Moon (Medieval Europe)

Mead Moon (Medieval Europe)

Rose Moon (Europe)

When is the Strawberry Moon in 2024?

The 2024 Strawberry Moon will be at peak fullness on June 21 at 9:07 PM ET and 6:07 PM PT. It will be in the sign of Capricorn.

If you are located in another time zone, it will be full on June 22 at 1:07 UTC. The next Strawberry Moon will be on June 11, 2025 in Sagittarius.

Click on the above link to read about these topics:

What Is the Strawberry Moon’s Spiritual Meaning?

The energy of the Strawberry Full Moon is:

June Correspondences

What Kind of Magic Should I Do In My Full Moon Ritual?

Journal Prompts for June’s Full Moon

Strawberry Moon Activities

Simple Full Moon Ritual for the Strawberry Moon

Meditate or take a ritual bath to center and focus your energy on your intention. As the energy is more Earth-based this month, if you can meditate safely outside, you might find it more rewarding.

Cleanse the space using smoke from your preferred cleansing herb. Move the smoke around your altar in a clockwise manner. You may also create a circle using salt, flowers, or herbs. Create the circle in a clockwise fashion.

If you wish to charge Moon water, place water on your altar or where it will be bathed in the Moon’s light. Place any crystals you want to charge on your altar or where they will be under the moonlight.

Light the candles on your altar.

Use the journal prompts above or begin to journal about what you wish to let go of this Full Moon on one page. Write about what you wish to bring in on another. Do not judge yourself, simply let your intuition and higher self guide you. If you feel scattered, take a break to bring your focus back to your breath. Breathe slowly and mindfully, then begin again.

If you feel compelled to do so, you may burn the page containing what you wish to release. Do so in a fireproof bowl.

Stay in the calm, focused energy as long as desire, then thank the Moon, any deities you’ve worked with. In doing so, you will close the circle. If you have created a physical circle, remove it slowly and with intention in a counterclockwise fashion.


Winter Solstice Rituals for Witches: Honor the Darkness and Embrace the Light – Article by Guest Author – Patti Negri, the “Good Witch”

As the frost settles and the days grow shorter, the veil between worlds starts to thin, inviting witches to honor the celestial dance of the Winter Solstice. This sacred juncture marks the longest night, inviting us to embrace the darkness and await the return of the sun’s warmth.

In witchcraft, the Winter Solstice holds profound significance. It’s a time of reflection, transformation and potent magic. During this period, rituals and traditions intertwine with the rhythms of nature, guiding practitioners to create sacred spaces adorned with symbols that resonate with the season’s energy.

Witches may also use candle magic to illuminate the shadows, offering a beacon of hope in the night. Additionally, they may use herbal enchantments to weave their potent spells with seasonal botanicals.

In this article, we’ll explore the depths of Winter Solstice practices. From crafting altars imbued with ancient symbolism to embracing the transition from darkness to light through intention-setting rituals, we’ll delve into the timeless traditions that honor the solstice, bridging the realms of the mystical and the mundane.

The Significance of the Winter Solstice in Witchcraft

The Winter Solstice holds pivotal significance in witchcraft, marking the year’s longest night and the rebirth of the sun. It symbolizes the eternal dance between light and darkness, mirroring life’s cyclical nature.

If you’re a practicing crystal witch, this celestial event is a time of introspection, honoring the unseen and embracing the shadows within. It’s a moment to honor your ancestors, reflect on the past year’s lessons, and set intentions for the coming cycle.

By aligning with nature’s rhythms, you can harness this potent energy, weaving spells that invite transformation and renewal. The solstice embodies the essence of transition, and it can guide you toward cosmic alignment and personal growth.

Creating a Sacred Space

Crafting a sacred space for the Winter Solstice means arranging altars adorned with potent symbols resonant with the season’s essence. You can use elements like evergreens to signify resilience, and crystals like quartz and obsidian to channel transformative energies.

Candles can help evoke warmth amid darkness, representing the returning sun’s light. Seasonal items like pinecones, mistletoe or holly can also infuse rituals with nature’s vitality. This is where placement and arrangement are important; you have to align the elements with cardinal directions or personal intention.

These altars will become portals where you commune with cosmic energies, facilitating connection and manifestation. Each symbol chosen has a deeper meaning, creating a sanctuary where your intentions will converge with elemental forces during this sacred celestial juncture.

Candle Magic for Illumination

Candle magic during the Winter Solstice serves as a beacon, illuminating the darkness of the longest night. Lit candles symbolize hope, inviting the returning sun’s warmth and guiding lost spirits towards renewal.

Moreover, colors like gold and silver embody the sun’s vitality, while blues and purples evoke tranquility and introspection. As flames flicker, you can infuse your intentions into the wax, manifesting your desires and dispelling negativity.

This ritual involves consecration, visualization and focused intent, harnessing the elemental power of fire. Through this ancient practice, you’ll embrace the transformative potential within the solstice’s shadows, kindling your inner light.

Herbal Enchantments

As a witch, the Winter Solstice is the ideal time to harness the enchanting power of seasonal botanicals in spellwork and rituals. For instance, sacred herbs like cinnamon, juniper and mistletoe infuse ceremonies with their potent energies, invoking protection, renewal and abundance.

By crafting herbal sachets, teas or incense blends, you can honor nature’s dormant yet vibrant essence, inviting its transformative forces. Each botanical holds unique properties—pine for purification, chamomile for inner peace—aligning intentions with nature’s wisdom.

Through these herbal enchantments, you can embrace the solstice’s essence. This will help you commune with the earth’s dormant energies to facilitate personal and cosmic metamorphosis.

Reflection and Intention

During the Winter Solstice, reflection and intention is a sacred ritual that facilitates the transition from darkness to light. As a practitioner, you can engage in introspective ceremonies, honoring lessons learned amid the year’s shadows.

Through meditation and journaling, you can reflect on personal growth and release that which no longer serves you. You can meticulously craft intentions, infusing them with newfound wisdom and aspirations for the returning light.

These rituals may involve symbolic actions like burning written reflections or lighting candles to signify newfound clarity. This marks a pivotal moment, guiding you from the depths of introspection into the dawning promise of renewal and illumination as the sun’s rebirth draws near.

To Wrap Up

By engaging in these profound rituals during the mystical Winter Solstice, you can honor the dance between darkness and light. This is the time to weave spells, kindle inner flames, and commune with nature’s wisdom.

The solstice reminds us of life’s cyclical nature—of endings that birth beginnings. As you step forward, carrying the solstice’s transformative energy within, may your intentions continue to blossom.

May you navigate the year ahead with the resilience of evergreens, the clarity of candlelight, and the wisdom gleaned from this sacred journey from darkness to light. May you continue to be connected to the celestial rhythms of our world.