January 19, 2023 Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

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For Your Local Time and Date

Northwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Los Angeles, California, USA – PT time zone

January 19, 2023
11:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM PST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:29 Capricorn 36
Moon:02 Capricorn 23
Mercury:08 Capricorn 16
Venus:21 Aquarius 05
Mars:08 Gemini 27
Jupiter:03 Aries 55
Saturn:24 Aquarius 27
Uranus:14 Taurus 57 Rx
Neptune:23 Pisces 16
Pluto:28 Capricorn 16

True Lunar Node:09 Taurus 51 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:09 Taurus 12 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):01 Leo 17

Chiron:12 Aries 17
Ceres:06 Libra 12
Pallas:14 Cancer 39 Rx
Juno:03 Aries 09
Vesta:21 Pisces 44

Eris:23 Aries 56


Northern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, USA – CT time zone

January 19, 2023
09:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM CST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:29 Capricorn 31
Moon:01 Capricorn 08
Mercury:08 Capricorn 15
Venus:20 Aquarius 59
Mars:08 Gemini 26
Jupiter:03 Aries 54
Saturn:24 Aquarius 26
Uranus:14 Taurus 57 Rx
Neptune:23 Pisces 16
Pluto:28 Capricorn 16

True Lunar Node:09 Taurus 52 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:09 Taurus 12 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):01 Leo 16

Chiron:12 Aries 17
Ceres:06 Libra 11
Pallas:14 Cancer 40 Rx
Juno:03 Aries 06
Vesta:21 Pisces 42

Eris:23 Aries 56


Northeastern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Frankfurt, Germany, Europe – CET time zone

19 January 2023
02:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM CET
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:29 Capricorn 13
Moon:26 Sagittarius 47
Mercury:08 Capricorn 13
Venus:20 Aquarius 37
Mars:08 Gemini 25
Jupiter:03 Aries 52
Saturn:24 Aquarius 25
Uranus:14 Taurus 57 Rx
Neptune:23 Pisces 15
Pluto:28 Capricorn 16

True Lunar Node:09 Taurus 54 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:09 Taurus 13 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):01 Leo 14

Chiron:12 Aries 16
Ceres:06 Libra 09
Pallas:14 Cancer 45 Rx
Juno:02 Aries 58
Vesta:21 Pisces 34

Eris:23 Aries 56


January 19, 2023 Moon Goddess Current Phase

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.

From MoonGiant.com

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Crescent phase. This phase is best viewed just before the sunrise in the western sky. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this part of the Moon cycle, the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.

Visit the January 2023 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waning Crescent Phase

The Waning Crescent on January 19 has an illumination of 8%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On January 19 the Moon is 26.78 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

Phase Details

Phase: Waning Crescent
Illumination: 8%
Moon Age: 26.78 days
Moon Angle: 0.54
Moon Distance: 366,727.58 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,198,077.35 km

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Useful Moon Resources

January 19th Divination Journal

Tarot Card

From tarotx.net

La Mort (Death) – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. Overview of the Death – La Mort Tarot

II. Keywords of the Death – La Mort Tarot

III. Interpretation of the Death – La Mort Tarot

IV. When the Death – La Mort Tarot speaks up

V. Traditional interpretations of the Death – La Mort Tarot

More The Death Cards from Famous Tarot Decks


From TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “b”, “p”, “v”, “mb”, “mp”
Stands for: Birch Twig
Casting meaning: The birch twig represents rebirth and purification as does the rune Bjarkan. It is also a woman’s rune symbolizing gestation and birth.

Witch’s Rune

From psychic-revelation.com

Ear Of Corn

Keywords: Good luck, success.

Meanings: This rune represents abundance, success and happiness. This is considered a lucky rune and if leading it is very positive about your query, whether the query is about finance, business, friendship, partnership or spirituality. In conjunction with the Rings it indicates a happy and prosperous marriage. With the Sun it means success in your career, and with Waves, success abroad.


From LearnReligions.com


R is Ruis, the Elder tree, which is connected to the time of the Winter Solstice. The Elder represents endings, maturity, and the awareness that comes with experience. Pronounced roo-esh, Ruis is a sign that things may be ending, but will yet begin again some day. Although the Elder is easily damaged, it recovers and is rejuvenated easily.

The Elder is also strongly connected with Goddess spirituality, and the workings of the Fae. The soft wood has a lightweight core that can be pushed out to create a hollow tube–perfect for a Faerie flute! Elder was also planted near dairy barns, in the belief that its presence would keep the cows in milk, and prevent collected milk from spoiling. Elder flowers and berries are often brewed to fight fever, cough, and sore throats.

Ruis Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: This is a time of transition; while one phase of life ends, another begins. With maturity and experience comes wisdom and knowledge. Remember that it’s fine to be childlike, but not childish.

Magical Aspects: New experiences and new phases of growth are continual, and these will all lead to spiritual renewal, and finally rebirth. Remember that the things we experience are all part of the formation of who we eventually become.

I Ching

From ichingonline.net

Hexagram Fifteen/15

Ch’ien / Modesty

The Mountain does not overshadow the Plain surrounding it:
Such modest consideration in a Superior Person creates a channel through which excess flows to the needy.

Success if you carry things through.


The Cosmos is moving toward equilibrium.
Extremes are being tempered, excess is beginning to shift toward the empty.
You can use these moderating influences to strike a balance in the world around you.
Remember, though, that this Leveling will not come about through an arrogant confiscation of excess, but through subtler persuasions.
Modesty and moderation are the keys.


From astrogle.com


It is loving, forgiving, and extremely tolerant. It is responsible, successful, dynamic, and strong. It represents travel, adventure, and experimentation. This number can bring self-indulgence.

Angel Number

From Angel-Numbers.com


Change and uplift your thoughts. Use positive affirmations and prayers to help you rise above negativity in your thoughts and feelings.

Animal Spirit Guide or Animal Spirit Helper

A Thought for Today

Dear sisters, brothers, and honored guests may of the Great Mother and Father, the Lord and Lady, Goddesses and Gods, bless you and your family with all things positive!