Full Moon Dream Drop Wishing Well

Pleine luneFull Moon Dream Drop Wishing Well


What You’ll Need:

-A jar or bowl, preferably clear
-4-6 small rocks or pebbles
-A permanent marker (Sharpie works best)

How to Conjure:

★Using the marker, write an aspiration on each rock, preferably one or two words each. For example: Abundance, happiness, health, new job, healthy relationship, new home, etc.

★Fill the jar or bowl with water. Take the jar and your wishing stones outside or by a moonlit window.

★Sit quietly for a moment (preferably in the grass or soil) and center yourself.

★One by one, carefully drop each wishing stone into the jar as you envision the assigned word coming to fruition. For example, if you’re casting for happiness, picture all the simple pleasures that make you happy as you release the stone into the water. If you’re casting for health, imagine yourself in tip-top shape, stretching and moving without any pain or illness.

★Once each wishing stone has been released into the water, hold the jar or bowl in your hands and say:

Water, Moon, Earth, and Night,
Bring forth the visions I’ve conjured in sight.
Water by ocean, by snow, and by rain,
This spell has been cast, these wishes attained.

★Leave the jar outside overnight or on a moonlit windowsill. In the morning, pull the stones from the water and allow to dry. Return the water to the earth. If desired, you may keep your wishing stones with you until your spell manifests. Otherwise, place them in a safe place and know the Goddess has heard your moon wishes!


Published on The Penniless Pagan